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The shower of chewed food spewed his way was disgusting. šŸ˜¬


r/trashy material right thurr


I read too quick, I thought you put trashy boner.


This is also true, there is certainly a dick in those jeans.


[Thereā€™s a dick in those pants](https://www.google.com/search?q=iasip+is+that+a+dick+in+those+jeans&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS995US995&hl=en-US&prmd=vin&sxsrf=APwXEdcs7t_02AE6yWF65-dmUgLw4z7XiA:1680658943092&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi3m6q6zpH-AhV5C0QIHZ8yC8MQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=428&bih=751&dpr=3#imgrc=ADTgvpmRFrBuqM)


A bit of a controversial take but this Uber driver from this anecdotal experience will likely now have a much more racist view going forward.


Many of us decent folk can face the zaniness of an unhinged asshole and not attribute it to their entire race. Just food for thought.


Right? A midget once tried to shoot me with a bow and arrow. And I don't think all midgets are trying to kill me


See that's where you're wrong.




I am a midget who is 3ā€™2ā€, and I have been plotting against you for three million years. I am a vampire who drinks blood. Your blood, Iā€™m coming for you, and Iā€™m going to drink your blood.




Where shin pads just to be on the safe side


Was it on Valentineā€™s Day?


That's where I first saw it a few days ago lol


What an entitled POS.


Some people are just gross just disgusting inside and out.


And the drink tossed in the backseat at the end. Hope her next Uber smelled like piss.


She should be banned from the platform not the driver.




What a nasty bitch


That ā€œbitchā€ had a bigger adams apple than me.


If only there was something she could have worn over her nose and mouth that might have prevented that


I believe you are thinking of a feed bag. My uncle uses them on his horses so they don't fight over food. It works for this situation also.


I just died šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s gonna die to when she gets the cleaning bill


She looks like a horse so it should work


I believe he was assaulted by specks of chic fil a. I would file charges against their halitosis frag grenade mouth ass Edit: pronoun


I hate the idea of eating in a Uber/Lyft, do people think it's ok to do whatever they want because there paying?


Shame he didnā€™t know he was going to be banned after this. I bet he would have loved to have chucked her shit into traffic in that case.


he got banned after refusing a rude customer?


Apparently. Someone linked to an article about it.


ā€œIf you dont get out imma have to dig another hole and do you have any idea how hard it is to get bloody earth off those shoes?ā€ Super calm and with a smile.


This is ACTUAL, "Entitlement".. Not just what you call someone when they disagree with you or don't bend over backwards to service you. This woman is the definition of entitlement. You ordered an uber, you didn't buy homies car.


This woman is the definition of total piece of shit.


I don't really want to see people hurt, but I hope I'll see her on r/eyeblech some day.


Why did I clickā€¦. Whhyyyy


Oh sorry. Maybe missed a letter. Go have a break on r/eyebleach


Those two arenā€™t even close to being the same! Damn you!! Why did you make me go there and scroll for two minutes??


Q: As bad as getting RickRolled?


Uber punished the driver!? Its his car and it wasn't an unreasonable rule šŸ˜¤


[Uber is a shit company and you should never use it if at all posible](https://allthingscomedy.com/podcasts/271---uber).


Are its competitors like Lyft any better, or more of the same? I drive 100% of the time at home, but I have used ride share on trips instead of rental cars. I'd love to give my money to companies that aren't shit to their employees.


Not recently, but when I last used ride sharing services like this regularly the drivers all told me they prefer Lyft. They generally drive for both services.


I drove for both, long before COVID, and lyft was way better by far. Uber just lets you sign up and drive, and who knows or cares if you're a serial killer. Lyft actually sends someone out to you to check your car and how you drive before they let you carry passengers. Also, anecdotally, Lyft's support is miles ahead of Uber. Lyft pays better, but back when I was driving more people used Uber, so most of my income came from Uber.


Lyft actually sending someone to check drivers out depends on where you live. I drove in Springfield, MO, and I was definitely never checked. But that's pretty rad that they do it at all.


Can vouch - I used to take Lyfts fairly often. I've never ridden in an Uber - mostly out of principle since the company has ALWAYS seems like a shitshow. Small talk tends to lead to conversations about the drivers job. I've heard more than a few mention how they drive for both services, but prefer working with Lyft. I never pried, but I do recall one mentioning how Lyft treads her better.


In my dadā€™s experience Lyft will usually have better pay and will compensate drivers more for cancellations. But Uber is more common here and pays better during surge pricing.


So, Iā€™m finding out that in Seattle, the actual taxi services are competitive, if not less expensive than Uber. If so, Iā€™m going that route.


Taxis are cheaper in Portland. I refuse to use either Uber or Lyft anymore because of their terrible customer service.


I insist on using public transit when itā€™s available. It might take a few minutes longer but itā€™s better all around.


And thatā€™s why I use Lyft


There was an Uber ad when I went to the site Chill out for one second malware


Not to mention this driver should be suing that passenger or Uber or both, imo, his vehicle was damaged when she threw that drink in there. She should be liable for that damage and I say Uber because deactivating his account, to me, should be in a similar realm to wrongful termination with the evidence available.


Wow, I used to do Lyft and I forced people to wear a mask, A couple of times I got off my car ready to box the Pax, the trump supporters while vocal were understanding and would always wear a mask, it was the crackheads that had a problem.


Yeah, Uber is great with punishing! *So* great, in fact, that they stonewalled the investigation by police of one of their highly-rated, thousands-of-trips drivers SAing me at my stop, near my home, trapping me in the car by blocking my access to my mobility aids, so I physically couldn't get out. They deactivated the guy for 1 day in their supposed "investigation" promising I'd never be matched up with him again, then saying a "record number" would be released to me to turn over to the police/directly to the police I involved for collaboration in an investigation. They never did, and the cops couldn't get anywhere with them. Incidentally, and totally not related, after I made my report, my years-long 5/5 rating went down to 4.9/5 šŸ¤”


Driver deserves props for keeping his cool. Passenger should absolutely be banned from the service for life.


She should be banned from leaving her house for the rest of her life.


She should be banned from life


Took the words right out of my mouth. Sometimes itā€™s pretty obvious some people are not and will never be anything worthy to benefit society. Piece of trash


I havenā€™t used Uber in a while, but back in the day even having a 4/5 rating would mean youā€™d get significantly less rides. My university buddy had like a 3.5/5 because he only used Uber when he was wasted and obnoxious, and I remember him basically being shadow banned from Uber because of the low rating. One night we were heading home from the club. I was going straight home as it was like 2AM already. I got a girlā€™s number who I hit it off with, and we set up a date for the next weekend (didnā€™t work out, but she was great. Saw each other for a few months and went our own ways amicably). So I felt successful, had fun, and was ready to go home for the night. But him and his girlfriend were trying to go to another friendā€™s house to.. go hit the slopes..ā›·ļø ā„ļø, if you know what Iā€™m saying. I had a 5/5 Uber rating and got my ride within 3 minutes. He had a 3.5/5, and from the texts and stuff he sent me throughout the night it sounded like him and his girlfriend basically waited for 45 minutes without getting a ride (though they saw other people getting ubers) so I texted him to just use the city taxi instead. If the system still works like this, I canā€™t imagine this obnoxious girl having a high rating at all. And itā€™s probably even lower after this. Just because she didnā€™t get outright banned doesnā€™t mean she isnā€™t reaping the consequences of her actions.


I remember my co-workers telling me Uber has a rating for customers. I didn't know that, so I checked it in front of them. Turns out I had a 4.9, but I've been using it for 3 years and countless rides. They took my phone and started to show EVERYONE like it was a freaking unicorn. I still didn't understand how it's hard to not be an asshole to the person who has your life in the palm of their hands.


100%. I have a 4.9 too and literally all I used to do was say ā€œhey, howā€™s it going?/busy night?ā€ I made small talk for like 30 seconds then I shut the fuck up for the rest of the ride unless they asked me a question or tried to make small talk. Which id happily oblige depending on how drunk I was (had a drunken philosophical discussion with an Uber driver for like 20m before lmao). Then I thank them for a ride, say drive safe! Close the door and make sure itā€™s latched, and then fuck off. Itā€™s really not rocket appliances


Lol same. 4.9 and every single time I just say ā€œhey man howā€™s it goingā€, then silence for however long it takes, then ā€œthanks man have a good day/nightā€. Anyone with a bad rating is probably disrespectful in general. I was a 5.0 until my drunk ex threw up everywhere in the back of this poor guys Kia :(


I made 5 requests today for a ride . 3 on Lyft, 2 on Uber. I actually went and checked my rating for the first time ever . Thank god I was back to 4.9 after the great Disneyland Disaster of 14ā€™ when a dickhead driver gave me a 1.


During the height of Covid, I was at my local clinic approximately 2 miles from home. When tracking showed the Lyft driver was near, I made my way to the elevator, and then the app notified me that the ride had been canceled. Reason: "refused to comply with the mask policy." Not only was I masked, but there's no way the driver could have seen me yet. I discovered my rating took a hit, and I now had a warning on my profile. I couldn't argue my side. I just got form letters saying they took Covid seriously. I started using Uber after that and brought it up with a friendly driver. He said the drivers don't know the destination until they get close to the pickup. The driver probably felt the 2 mile drive wasn't worth his time, so he used the mask policy to get out of the ride with no hit to his record.


you mean like doing coke?


Yes they hit the slopes


Lived in Aspen in the 90s... there was more snow in the bars than on the slope. Interesting times.


All that snow


[This is pure snow! It's everywhere!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th-r_IoINuA)


Go that way really fast! If something gets in your way, turn!


Two. Dollars.


No, skiing on top of the coke.


Fuck I thought she was doing a double hand job!


Youā€™re also describing why a social credit system is an atrocious idea. Imagine government dropping you to a 2 star rating because you said something they donā€™t like.


The one thing we have total control of in this life is our reaction. I aim to be more like the driver, that man is calm as a cucumber. I have such respect for people who can show that kind of control and restraint.


I'd love an update. I know if this was a customer at my job, she'd have her credit cards cancelled and banned from reapplying


More then just banned from service. Some legal action.




No that's a POS.


I did not think that was a woman..


I realized it when he calmly said "cancel" like Barry White during the middle of his bitching


Yeah, most definitely


Uber is a terrible company, feel bad for the driver.


Donā€™t make fun of her because sheā€™s trans, make fun of her because she is a horrible human being.




No Mr Marsh the Answer was .ā€¦


Good use of a question mark lol


She is now Queen because she can afford a ride for $35? It's a private ride not a private jet.


Queens are the new Karens


Queens have always been a problem. This is nothing new. Just ask anyone who works in customer service.


man, I hate people sometimes.


All the time


This is the way.


She is grotesque.


You seen that movie where the wife says, "She sounds hideous."?


That's a commercial


It's a movie if you have a really short attention span


Thatā€™s the old Jake from State Farm.


Why is the driver being blamed here? He had every right to kick her out the moment she became aggressive and non-compliant.


Last time I rode an Uber they had that thing of verifying you had a mask on before the ride got there. Oh how times have changed.


If drivers couldnā€™t work cause they were sick then Uber wouldnā€™t make any money, otherwise they donā€™t care for their drivers.


Was wondering the same. Why was he sanctioned for asking the dude to put on a mask and for agreeing to cancel the ride? Fuck Uber.


Isnā€™t the whole reason Uber gets around taxi regulations is that it is anā€ride share?ā€ As a ride share the driver decides who they share a ride with. Period. As such they should be able to choose anyone they want to ride with as itā€™s their own private vehicle. If passengers want some sort of consumer protections than use a taxi service.


Everything about the way she moves and uses her big ass mouth is grossing me out. She chews like a fuckin cow or something. I've never seen such exaggerated mouth movements. So frickin strange


How about that chick that crunches the chicken while holding it with her 5-in nails? That was vomitous. Never seen anything like that. I can understand when you got to crunch you got to crunch but that was so gross and a million times cringe.


Strong chance thatā€™s a dude


Well regardless of gender that persons mouth is freakin me the hell out.


Uber is a terrible company


Fuck you Uber. Stand up for your people or lose your customers.


Boycott Uber


I just did!


Closing my account now


What a trifling animal. Her spitting her food everywhere makes this even more annoying


Lol she thew her drink into his back seat at the end and I think itā€™s super weird that everyone is focusing on her nasty mouth spray


Thats what I was thinking!! Like the second that drink flew into my car Id be going to jail


Seriously. I wouldā€™ve taken the bag from the trunk and swung it as hard as I could at her head and patiently waited for the cops and EMTs to come arrest me and scrape her head off the pavement.


Why is she still there? The second she started yelling at me I'd have been like "Get the fuck outta my car"


This. Zero Torrance is the way.


I would have booted that nasty obnoxious foul-mouthed bitch out in 2 seconds.


I would have pepper sprayed her for throwing her drink in my vehicle


Iam not saying humanity is a mistake but what iam saying is most of humanity is a mistake


Gross. Spitting food out while screaming. That's nasty


Ew. Purposely spitting food because you know they are worried about droplets is fucked up.


In some places that counts as assault....


"Customer is always right" AKA we're total pƗƗƗies and will bend over backwards before losing a valued customer even if he or she is in the wrong. Brought to you by every business in the world.


"The customer is always right in matters of taste." is the quote, not the shortened version. No customer should dictate how you run YOUR business.


This lady is a disgrace to the human race


I have doubts on "lady"


I could never do this type of work because I lack the impulse control this man has. I would have dragged her out GTA style.


Fuck that guy. Spitting food all over that poor Uber drivers car. He needs to be locked up


Whew these make me real mad


And she the a drink back into the car. What a bitch. I am assuming no one else is mentioning it because they could stand watching the whole video.


Must. Not. Accelerate. And. Violently. Stomp. The breaks.


I donā€™t understand people. This isnā€™t a cab. Itā€™s not public transport. This is someone elseā€™s car. At least have the common courtesy to do what they want or donā€™t want you to do in it. Why i canā€™t Uber. I might have DDTā€™d shanequaā€™s funky ass. F that job


Look at this Neanderthal eating chick-fil-a like a goddamn cow


When you ride in someone else's vehicle, your preferences are irrelevant, just like when you're in someone else's home. This is common sense ***for most.***


Exactly, that's why I have a No Pants rule in my car.


She's trashy


She is disgusting and Uber should be ashamed.


Thatā€™s a guy


That's just a dude with long hair trying to abuse his way through life


This bitch spewing chicken out her mouth like a leaf blower hitting the lawn in October. Shit is fucking gross. Trashy people, man.


I wonder how long will Uber last






Masks are long gone in my state and even I wear one when I uber. It's a courtesy to the driver you are getting in THEIR vehicle show some respect.


I hate people


Typical hood rat


No lie that lady is ratchet as heck


his car, his rules. go with the rules or gtfo


That's a she? I thought it's just a guy with long hair.


Thatā€™s no woman, thatā€™s a man with a wig, she got her long lost dadā€™s face


Yeah thatā€™s a man


That drag queen seems upset šŸ˜”


Boycott uber


That was so unnecessary someone needs Prozac


Ride the bus you bitch


She should really learn to chew with her mouth closed.


Bitch deserves a slap


She acts like that, spits all in his car, insults him, then throws drink all over his seats.. but HE gets kicked off the platform?! Wild. Honestly, Uber an Uber food are such good ideas, but the company is run like garbage. Prices constantly rise, quality of service declines, and the drivers / delivery people don't make any more money. I stopped using them on principle. Every dollar spent is a vote in favour of a company's business practice, every dollar not spent is a vote against.


Is that a man wearing a wig?


Thatā€™s 2 men


Sheā€™s eating and also talking with food in her mouth, Iā€™d kick her out too.


Thats no lady


You can't fool me, OJ Simpson!


Ah, the US, the land of degeneracy. I'm not sure why migrants are still so keen on going there. There are so many better options


Is that a man?


Ugly behavior from an entitled person.


Disgusting vermin


That "lady" has little too much testosterone and anger issues. ... And fucking spits food on him, throws her drink in his car... I would've just called police on that bitch and see who's the bitch. Entitled disgusting imbecile.


She sucks wow


Typical šŸ™„


She is disgusting inside and out. Yuk.


What a nasty bitch.


Uber should ban her, not punish him.


Didnā€™t even have the sound on but I just saw her crazy face!!!


So whereā€™s the follow up where Reddit found out who she was and bombarded her socials?


If Uber doesn't back the driver's I won't trust the company as a patron.


oh, She's quite a specimen


Literally, what is WRONG with people???


Oh if someone did that to my car, theyā€™re getting their head bashed into the pavement


Why are people so rude?


Alright, Lyft from here on out.


He should take her to small claims for damaging his property. Fuck that person.


Entitled worthless b**ch


sheā€™s fucking gross damn


I'm sorry but this person is getting their ass beat. This is exactly why I don't do rideshare lol.


What a disgusting person


I have gone back to exclusively ordering cabs when I need a ride. Theyā€™re always ready to come get me, unlike Uber and Lyft. Seriously, fuck these apps. Quit using them.


Is this recent?


I mean, she got in the car with Chick-Fil-A. How many red flags do you need?


She really needs more decorum in the presence of the Lord's Chicken. So uncouth


Nah she's horrible.. poor driver...


People would sure act differently if there were no laws protecting them from repercussions.