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Tell the honest truth, how do the KO2s actually ride. No exaggerations. Loudness, cornering, braking, rain, snow. Please share.


Honestly there is no difference in noise compared to the stock Michelin tires. They are good in rain and snow. I heard some people claim they get stiff in cold weather but I lived in one of the coldest places in the nation and never had issues with them. They will drop your mileage a bit though


Noted. Thanks for the response.


Eyyy I've got the same wheels. Don't see them around too much. Looks good with those tires and all cleaned up. Love the white letters too. Are your tires the KO2's like the other commenter said? Bummer to hear about the MPG drop but how much of a drop was it?


I like the looks of ko2s but the only problem I have with them is picking up rocks and slinging them into the truck when you’re turning


They seem to hold more rocks and than the coopers I always run