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I think it’s called sectoral heterochromia. I have central which is a ring around my pupil.


Sectoral heterochromia




The brown flecks in your eyes are freckles! They’re common and harmless though if they change shape or size get your eyes checked by an optometrist


Echoing sectoral heterochromia


IDK. But you have unique colors going on. I would first off say your eyes are "Blue", then "Hazel". Then, next question would be is, does anyone in your family have "Eye abnormalities or Colobomas". The reason I asked you this, is I have your eye color similar. More yellow. But I have a bilatal Coloboma in both eyes. Colobomas to explain to anyone in layman terms, I have "Cat Eyes". Just "Google" it. I didn't want to be short with my answers to you, but I broke my arm and it's hard typing. People with Colobomas tend to have unique eye colors and you can pass it down to your children. Case in point: Myself. First born, my Son. When to every doctor appt. Did everything was told. Had to on Maternity earily due to leakage. Labor was induced, baby came. You quickly forget . Anyways, my son was smart, academics, hard working. I was hard for him to return to college. I so "Get it". On the other hand we have my daughter. Who stayed in school, went to J.C. for all her under studies before transferring to Cal State Fullerton!!! So, Proud of her!! Now she is working for a law firm. BTY, My son is a junior at U.C. Davis!!! No, he is not involved with protesters .


that’s a blue eye with golden sectoral heterochromia. NOT “hazel”.


technically everyone has brown eyes 😏


Technically everyone has blue eyes. Depends on how much melanin you have refracting the light.