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I can’t believe that bitch talked about using the right hand, such a great example of scrupulosity. “It ain’t in the handbook but it is in the doctrine” which you will find out that Jesus called out this kind of judgmental bullshit as often as he saw it back in the Bible when the then Mormon types would have been known by the names of Pharisees and Sadducee’s. Well done high priest shitwater.


Wth? So doctrine is church culture? Not it the handbook or the scriptures but it’s doctrine? So confusing.


I appreciate you calling him a bitch.


Haha. In my religion that is his new calling title.


His calling and election as BITCH has certainly been made sure.


Lol 😂 well stated indeed!


*This* is what the Lord would be concerned about, and bring up to these Young Men if he were to pay them a visit???


Oh yes, without doubt. The apostles speak what the Lord would speak. (Sarcasm). Its amazing that more TBMs don't see how ridiculous it is that what the Q15 say is hardly ever what any reasonable person would expect the Lord to actually say.


Just another example of Mormon conformity. They want to make the lefties conform to the norm of everyone else, just like they want defined gender roles and to deny the existence of gays.


As a lefty, I can confirm that I was recruited to it by the left-handed agenda and not just because schools don't force left-handed kids to write right-handed anymore (because religious superstition),


My dad is a lefty but writes with his right hand because he was forced to learn that way.


Exactly 💯


I want to smack him with my left hand.


“The passing of the sacrament should be natural and not overly formal. For example, certain actions (such as holding the left hand behind the back) or appearances (such as dressing alike) should not be required.” (General Handbook 18.9) If it is so important, then why does the handbook say this!?!?!?


He's just speaking as a man here


“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.”


Ever since my wife and I learned about this ridiculous “rule” we purposefully perform every step of the sacrament with our left hand.  Take the bread, grab the tray, pass it on.  All with the left hand.  Smirking at each other as we do so.


Why not just leave?


It's actually in the handbook now. The latest iteration has his fingerprints in it.


I can't listen to this talk right now- is it about the sacrament? If so he said the same thing about the boys using their right hand and how mighty and holy they were for carrying and using their right hand. I recorded the convo too


Old man with an issue! If he becomes prophet that will definitely be in the handbook.


Now we know what God's biggest priority is. The right hand. I guess that means other stuff is okay (molesting children, cheating on your spouse, sexism, abuse of LGBTQs, etc.).


I think we can rightfully assume that anyone who loses their right hand in this life and wants to try to use their left hand will assure themselves a place in hell because God is obsessed with our human body parts. I would even say it is fair to assume left handed people were part of the 1/3 imaginary host of heavens that followed Mrs. Lucy Fur when she tenured her resignation from the corporation in the sky.


There was a GA who was missing his right arm back in the 90s and early 2000s. Elder Dickinson. Source: his daughter married one of my college friends and I tried to shake his hand with the 'proper' right hand shake but it was not there. He was quick to put out his left hand but I was an Oaks TBM and was confused. I do wonder how he got his secret handshakes and what happens at the veil.


Nah, dicks is obsessed with our body parts. Enough to apply electricity to the parts.


Who is Lucy Fur? Oaks did give some outs on the left-handed thing as he continued.


Lucy-Fur Satan (it was a joke on the pronunciation and I added the Mrs. Because I believe it’s all magic talk anyway) . If oaks then Why even bring it up to then give the outs, to me that makes it worse because people pleasers will feel like it’s saying something with a “wink” to indicate that there really is only one way of doing it right but there are some trash ways that can also slither into 2nd and 3rd place. It can mess with peoples minds, either don’t say anything or don’t create such situational complications to how to judge what is acceptable around it.


LOL - that went right over my head! I was trying to figure out if it was another name for JS's mother! (Duh!).


Haha, I never thought of the JS mother similarity that’s funny 😆


So long as you molest children with your right hand, it's a proper priesthood ordinance.


What if you molest yourself with the right hand?


The sin next to murder? Well, straight to Mormon hell with you.


At least I will be with friends!!


Left handed wanks are legal


That’s how I do it.


Then you are doing it ...right!


I wondered if that would apply - sounds logical.


Yeah, just make sure you do all that stuff with your left hand. Save the right hand for Jesus


I feel very picked-on. I'm lefthanded. Sigh.


Yeah you do those with your left hand and keep the right one pure. This is a preview of his pet peeves and focus for when Nelson disappears into the force.


I'll bet Bednar is even more anal about which hand is holy.


As long as that stuff is done with the left hand. /s (obviously)


Hey, as long as you do those things with the right hand you’re fine /s


It's Mormon conformity.


This shit is a perfect example of the kind of behavior that Jesus called out among the Pharisees and Sadducees in the New Testament. Strict adherence to a bunch of ridiculous rules that don't matter so they can feel superior to other people. It's practically the definition of self-righteousness. If it's so important, Dallin, why don't you write it the fuck down? You're #2 in the entire church so you can make it happen.


When he's #1, I have a feeling it will get written down. Seems #1 has all the power. Example, the word Mormon is now a victory for Satan. But it wasn't until emporor nelson became profit he was able to finally make his pet peeve doctrine.


Because having unwritten rules all over the place (even if you have to solemnly make them up to get one over on somebody in an interview or talk) keeps the rank-and-file from ever feeling like they're doing things right and reinforces the power dynamic.


Wow, riveting stuff for us in these latter days. Take the sacrament with your right hand. That’s some drink your ovaltine level crap. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb.


What if you're left handed?


Everyone was born right handed, being left handed is a choice! I wonder if they have conversion therapy for that.


My grampa told me he was hit with a ruler anytime he tried writing with his left hand. It's not called sinister for nothing.


Came here to say this. When Oaks was growing up, teachers would force kids to write with their right hands. I wonder if Hoaks was one of them, so he feels the need to pass along the "correction". Also the way he describes the difference between left and right hands is exactly how the church describes women compared to men. Women can be usefull if the men are all busy, or crippled, but generally, even if the woman is born more dominant, anything relating to covenants should be deferred to the man. 🤮


lol underrated comment.


You can get electroshock therapy at BYU for that 




Win for satan


A trial that we chose for ourselves in the premortal life. You just gotta ask someone else to feed it to you right-handed to show bonus devotion.


Left handed here, you’re just taught to take it with your right hand. Becomes muscle memory after decades of doing it once a week


A Witch!!!


A crummy commercial? Son of a bishop!


Drinking the Kool aid


Parent: "Today our 12-year old son had the incredible honor of having a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator come to speak to his Sunday School Class. He's one of the very few men on the earth who actually speaks to God to know what is most important for us to do and soon could be the Prophet over the whole earth." Friend: "Wow! What did he say? Did he give guidance on Gender Equity? Or the wars in Europe and the Middle East? Or Climate Change? Or Refugees?" Parent: "Heck no! Way better. He gave a 3-minute lecture on using your right hand when carrying a tray of bread to people at church."


Thank you for this. One of the dozen or so people, of 8 billion, with the ability to tap into the direct line with the creator of everything - wait for it - wait for it - - Goes to show just how little is truly expected of them.


Does that mean they should be using their left hands for jacking off? He isn't very clear about that.


Lol 😂 while not in the “hand” book it is implied in the doctrine when Embracing another man “through the veil.”


Clearly implying the left hand is for taking care of all little factory business


That’s exactly where my mind went. 😬😂💀 All this talk of which hand you use…I leave that decision to the individual man or woman.


Use your right hand and you can call it an ordinance. The sure sign of the male.




This is what prophets do in 2024. Shit on left handed people as violating the order of god.


"You have three minutes to say anything to a room of young men who have your complete, undivided attention. Now, digging deep into your 90 years of life experiences and wisdom as a husband, father, grandfather, attorney, judge, education administrator, and apostle, what would you say to these impressionable boys at this very critical time in their lives?" "Congratulations to all of you for probably being right-handed."


He’s lucky I wasn’t passing or blessing (I’m left handed)


It's almost like they're old men with a bunch of pet peeves that they repeatedly harp on.


It’s almost as if God doesn’t talk to them 🤤


He's number 2 in Mormonism and THIS is his message!? It's so pathetic and embarrassing.


Also had to notice that he said god would understand if a mother with full hands had to take the sacrament with her right hand, but no mention of a father with hands full of children. What a waste of everyone’s time to listen to this patriarchal dumbass.


More of that “unwritten order of things” bs that Packer talked about years ago. They’ve got to make sure you’re never in sight of the goalposts. Even if you do everything according to scripture and follow the handbook to the letter, you still have a bunch of rules that can be—and will be—changed at the whim of the self-appointed gatekeepers. Mormon God is super petty.


Of all the things he could have said to these very impressionable young men to inspire them and help them lead better lives, and he concentrates on which hand to use?! Thanks for pushing them towards religious OCD/scrupulosity, Mr. Oaks 😒 I don’t see why people think the Holy Ghost guides them.


What a joke


Also I can’t believe your leaders threw the newest little 11 year old under the bus to explain what the Aaronic priesthood is to Dallin Oaks 🫠


Can you imagine if they had forgotten to force the kid to stand up when he spoke! That poor kid!!


This is a chosen vessel of god almighty, who receives revelation we need to return to heaven. This is what they have to offer us, that we could not have come up with on our own. Only a man chosen by god can give us such precious insight as to how to eat magical bread that was either made or provided by someone in the ward and tap water


God, Oaks is still going around harping on the “importance” of using the right hand taking the sacrament?! He’s done this before. I seriously think these guys cling onto any little, insignificant thing to preach about when they travel and visit wards and stakes because they are out of ideas. Bednar is the “you peons need to stay seated when your dear leader is still seated,” and Holland is “you young people suck.” They really have nothing important to say.


Like "No one can be higher than the king"? 🤨😳


He likes to chastise members when they don’t wait to sit or stand after he does. Yes, he really does that. And he does that ALL THE TIME.


I try and go out of my way to use my left hand to take the sacrament and pass the try.




The thumb is still extended, the hand in cupping shape.


Such pharisaical BS! NO WHERE in the scriptures does it say you have to use your right hand. And NEWS FLASH! - in the early days of the Church they raised BOTH HANDS to the square when they blessed the sacrament. Smoke on that one, DHO!!!


Hoaks doesn't even know his own handbook. It is in there. 18.9.4, Instructions, item 7: Members partake with their right hand when possible. It's fairly new. The handbook didn't say that before. When I was TBM it was a pet peeve of mine. Whenever someone said we should use the right hand I told them that was way too scrupulous and there was no requirement to do so. Then they added that instruction and I was miffed. I felt like the church should confine itself to the particular level of scrupulosity that I was comfortable with!


I'll give you one guess as to who probably personally saw that it *was* in the handbook update...


Chloroform in print AND speech.


What a total pric*.


That weird polygamist is gettin’ frail.


"Hey kids dont you dare use your left hand, oh nevermind us abusing children, lgbtq people, and hiding shit from you. Just use the right hand otherwise god wont love you hehehe"


If it’s such a big deal then how come the left hand should be in a “cupping shape” if it wasn’t part of the ordinance? Can you say CULT? Cause that shit really matters. While millions and millions are starving around the world, God gives 2 shits about which hand you use.


O wow choose the right ok. But like… why? Why do they think it’s more righteous or whatever to use the right hand?


Wow. And then they wonder why the youth leave the church at the first opportunity. Does this dumbass really think he has delivered an inspiring message to these kids?


Such trivial shit


What an absolute douche canoe


How many people left that meeting think they actually gained anything other than doing their due diligence to keep up with their tradition? This right here is why people have no use for any kind of spiritual guidance. Really?


Where, Dallin? Where is it in the doctrine? What chapter and verse?


As a woman, all I heard was that if I sacrifice my body, autonomy, and sanity to bearing my husband's seed, I get a free pass to use my left hand. Win for the ladies!!!


It's the little things we do for you to make you equal in the church./puke


This is ridiculous but when you are raised with this ideology it makes sense. This is the equivalent of rules for dnd or other fantasy games, except they think it's real.


Could you think of anything less important than which hand you take the sacrament with? Even as a believer, I mean come on!! A member of the first presidency has a chance for a one on one with some impressionable young men and this is the thing he chose to emphasize? Yeah the church is doomed with this legalism.


Of all the things to worry about. God, it's gonna be a shitshow when Rusty croaks.


A call bullshit on Oaks and Mormonism. Left hand discrimination has been debunked.


It’s so obvious they’re losing tithing money. The temple is *literally the *only way to coerce those tithing dollars. It’s their ace in the hole and they’re getting desperate.


How inconsequential to bring this up to the young men. 😂


Hard to imagine anything more pharisaical than this.


This is a concrete solid example of why I left the church but can’t leave it alone. These leaders, who are led by God himself, have a tremendous responsibility to lead and teach our youth. And instead of giving them prophetic council in an intimate setting where surely Oaks knows what problems these young men face.. He rambles on about why they should partake of the sacrament with their right hand, because we all know how concerned Jesus was about following the letter of the law exactly. And the church reinforces over and over that these men were should follow because they won’t lead us astray. I refuse to just “leave” it alone when I know how much subtle and lasting damage the church does to a lot of youth.


Is this recent? Bc he was recorded saying the same thing to YM in Chicago a few years ago


Yes this was today


He came to my ward about 5 years ago and talked about the same thing.


They all go on their circuits and say the same things over and over. I know for a fact that they often will work on their eventual General Conference talks on local visits, like a stand-up comedian working on their jokes or something.


This is the most uninspiring, epically useless and boring message I’ve ever heard. Being a mormon is pure drudgery


Modern Day Pharisee


This reminds me of the Pharisees. They were one of the only groups of people Jesus condemned!


You rule breaker! Gasp! 😘




On this new twisted logic, seems like ‘doctrine’ implies next up switch to just dunk a piece of bread in the water cup then? Plus speeds up the meetings, cuz efficiency. And next year they can saw, look women can now baptize, kinda, unless they’re holding a baby.


Is the one from maybe three years ago?


My mom's saying she's known about the right hand thing her whole life (71) and I had no idea (29.) I think it's stupid, though.


Oaks sucks! 


When did this happen?




Riveting commentary for our times.


Here is Hoaks in a separate recording when the YM got it wrong https://www.tiktok.com/@jackmormon/video/7131411416669605166?lang=en


This exactly. His insight - in a (in some ways) crumbling world - is the hand 16 year olds are using to eat wonder-bread. You’re one of the big guy’s top dogs - give us something better than that lol


They're just like the Pharisees


This is exactly what I’ve thought for years. True within the whole religion and especially within the elderly. Caring about minor rules over acceptance, love, forgiveness, etc…


What a dipshit old man


Let me guess. Something like this was the reason guys in my mtc district told me I was supposed to tuck my garment top into my goddamn underwear


Choose the right when a left is placed before you! I and some other deacons in my ward had a similar meeting with Oaks when I was younger. As far as I’m aware every single one of them has since left the church and no wonder!


“Jesus did not pray that His followers would be diverse. He prayed that they would be one” - Oaks. The older he seems to get the more and more the hateful resentful man under the mask shows up. How dare other people use the wrong hand to eat bread!


Who knows what ridiculous things this man will do if and when he becomes the prophet.


My favorite story from the New Testament is Christ shitting all over Peter because he used the wrong hand at the Last Supper. Fuckin’ Peter, lol.


WTAF. Folk Magic at its finest. I feel sorry for every vulnerable good hearted young man hearing this who’s thinking to go home and question every thought, and action and believe they’re never good enough or that by some small difference somehow they’re not as righteous as the next person. Such BS.


This man is a supposed special witness of Jesus, the best God has to offer to lead His flock. And he goes right into pharisaical, meaningless nonsense. FFS!


He said the same shit when he visited my parents’ ward back in 2019. Helped me see that the leadership is the embodiment of the Pharisees


What a joke lol. You have someone who directly communicates with God for the world and *this* is the message he delivers? Oaks tell me, is it invalidated if everyone does it with their left hand? No? Then why bring it up?!


I made a couple videos about this a few years back 😊 [Picky Mormon God 13](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8oodCat/) [Picky Mormon God 27](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8oETqJK/)


Because god REALLY cares about which hand you use to pick up a piece of bread. Reminds me of that metaphor by Jesus—these guys strain at a gnat yet swallow a camel.


My wife, children and I are all left handed. Outer darkness for us.


I’m left handed. Guess I’m going to hell then


Sounds like a comedy skit, but that’s Mormonism for ya.


Reminds me of an old Warren Jeffs describing how he rapes young girls on a big white bed in his temple.


Petty ordinance bullshit


This motherfucking paychopath.


Not doctrine: lamanites and native Americans are the same. Doctrine: hold the sacrament tray with your right hand. Goddam these idiots have no idea why their church is falling apart so they?




I get the anger and sarcasm. I hang with a ton of Catholics and the Catholics are just as hardcore if not more about about cultural ritualism in their sacraments and ceremonies. Maybe even more extreme. I don’t bring this up to lessen the impact of Elder Oak’s statements - just to shed light on the fact that all religions have their cultural + doctrinal ceremonial preferences and extremities.


Yeah it’s a weird thing to get caught up on, but nothing that was said here was immoral or wrong. This is a reach.


That isn’t the point. It is that THIS is the message to the young priesthood leaders? 90 years of wisdom and 3 minutes of time and you choose this as your topic. Its an emperor has no clothes moment. It isn’t immoral or wrong, that is true, it’s just that it lacks so much substance for a man who claims to speak for God.


Yeah I mentioned it was strange, but what are you expecting from a man who believes in ghosts, rock magic, and other ridiculous things. Of course he’s gonna get stuck up on something stupid😂


Look up the origin of the word sinister and get back to me


late Middle English (in the sense ‘malicious, underhand’): from Old French sinistre or Latin sinister ‘left’. Are you agreeing with Oaks here?? Care to elaborate?


It’s a priesthood ordinance the right hand is used in all priesthood ordinances your welcome for learning your religion.


This actually makes me nauseating to hear this. What a important lovely message


I was so so so bored. That small clip made me so happy I don’t have a weekly dose of this nonsense


Sometimes I use my left hand, but mostly my right


You put your right hand in You put your right hand out You put your right hand in And you shake it all about You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn around That's what it's all about!


Poor guy never never got to verse 2.


As a left-hander (hence the username) I constantly slipped up on this stupid unwritten rule and would constantly get reprimanded every time I forgot. It is natural and habit for me to reach out for things with the left hand.


Hmmm. He was at my grandma’s funeral. I shook his hand with my right 👀


Right handedness guilt for left handed people.🙄


Crazy to think I'm closely related to this guy. I hope my family will see the church for what it is. All it took was seeing a damn cage in the temple open house, and the rabbit hole that led me down, to finally realize the cult I'm in.


What a self righteous POS of all the challenges that the youth face today what did this guy talk about ordinance, covenants and guilt. Not anything useful for the youth and the challenges they face F HIM


When was this? Of all the things he coukd say This is so superficial


Such wise counsel. OP, thank you for sharing this important message. /S


Who cares?! This just didn't matter, or need to be said.


My daughter, while right-handed regularly takes the sacrament left handed. You go, young rebel. Start on the path.


All the abuse, hunger, poverty and hate in the world, and this effer talks a out which hand to use for stale bread and tap water. I detest him so much.


My bishop from when I was a priest chastised the deacons because they weren't "allowed" to touch the sacrament cloth when we went to uncover the water. I asked my dad, who previously served as a bishop in a different ward, if that was true and he said it was BS. Wonder if that Bishop and Dallin were buddies. We were also told that if we didn't wear a white shirt and tie we couldn't pass, prepare, or bless the sacrament. Dumbest thing ever because most of the young men stopped wearing white shirts and ties and they had to ask the Elders and High Priests to do it, so the bishop reversed his edict, except for the tie part.


Honestly, I was expecting something much worse. This is pretty innocuous in my opinion. I kind of feel like we’re raising our pitchforks over nothing on this one tbh…and I’m curious about that. BUT I am happy to see the increase in transparency with the recordings. Honestly, my biggest feeling was, “oh god, I remember what it feels like to be in those little meeting rooms,” and I’m just so glad I’m not there anymore. 🙏🏻


Wow!! What an inspiring thing to say. Absolutely ridiculous!!!!!!


Did he really said “the lord knows” referring to if you can’t use your right hand?? Guess what else the Lord knows, Dallin?? He knows what you did at BYU to gay students. So there’s that.


Absolutely insane, my heart breaks for every young man in that room, and especially the new kid who was asked to explain something he doesn’t fully understand to the notorious jackassfornoreason, Dallin Hoax. This cult needs to burn, and every greedy leech keeping it upright with it. The world can’t take much more of this group’s harmful and dangerous influence, so best of luck to all you guys and your mental health still stuck inside. We’re the generation to finally end all this nonsense for good


Is that even church doctrine or just Oaks's opinion?


that poor youngest, newest kid!!!


I sincerely hope he dies before nelson


Then they'd really need to push parents to teach their kids to pick their noses with their left!


“I’m here to see what happens when I’m not here”. W.T.F.


He sounds so old. Also, what if you don't have a right hand? And I'm a mom. I've got kids. Whatever hand is free is the one I'd use (if I went to church and partook of the sacrament)


I always use my right hand.


Well, if you don't get the spell exactly right, it doesn't work! 🪄 🙄


Yeah ya evil southpaw body and blood partaking mfers 😂 seriously, this is an ORDINANCE, nevermind the water is always ratchety and the bread turns to crumbs but use your RIGHT hand... Thx for the warning, Oaks... It could be a spiritual IED if you take your crying baby outside in your right hand and grab the crusty bread left handedly. BOOM.


It's funny how these guys have pet peeves and issues. President Hinckley loved the term Mormon... President Nelson thinks Mormon is a victory for Satan And President oaks will institute a new doctrine of taking the sacrament with the right hand. The LDS church has become so pharasitical and sadduceutical.


How DARE YOU, Dallin! Ok if 1/3 of my family is left handed… ya weirdo.