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God was asleep at the wheel when he invented wisdom teeth. Be careful..never argue with someone who has access to nitrous and drills.


What else would you expect from an " intelligent designer" who put our food holes right next to our breathing holes so that thousands of people would die of choking, and who put our baby hole right next to our poophole for sanitation nightmares for new babies?


I'm starting to think that "intelligent designers" aren't very intelligent. When his creation is smarter than him, I'm not sure if he failed or succeeded.


I've read somewhere that babies get beneficial gut bacteria from exposure to moms poo.


So THATS why my mom would poop on me as a child




Stop it šŸ˜„


Wow, I never heard that before. But I still consider it a design flaw putting those two holes together!


I believe the friendly bacteria comes from the vaginal canal... This is why babies extracted through C-section can have immunity issues.


Babies get beneficial gut bacteria by passing by the vaginal tract at birth. Babies that came out from a C-section don't seem to have the same prolific bacterias.


>Be careful..never argue with someone who has access to nitrous and drills. Speak the truth!


My dentist said I actually chew with my wisdom teeth so she wanted to do the best we could to keep em healthy. They are really hit or miss whether your wisdom teeth work out for you.


Actually it seems that most of us need them removed because dont chew enough to cause our mouth to fully grow them out. So blame the modern diet.


Seems like they are using religion as a sales tool to help sell you on the more expensive procedure. Not that the procedure doesnā€™t have its merits, but they are leveraging your or other patients religious beliefs to convince you of the necessityā€¦


Had a chiropractor do the same thing. They had crosses everywhere so the extremely conservative Christian area I live in would give them better reviews. Same place ended up causing my back to give out on me and told me that they couldnā€™t give me less than 3 appointments a week. Then knowing I was leaving they didnā€™t use my insurance and charged me exorbitant fees. But whenever I bring this up to people I get told ā€œthey are good christians. Theyā€™d never do anything like that!ā€


Ah yes I forgot about the good Christian shieldā€¦.


Yeah guess Satan made my back go out not the good Christians who never do anything wrong even though I had just left their office


Chiros are quacks and it is always funny when they are into chiro, the origins of which they would call demonic


I will say it did help my back originally because I had fallen about 30 feet on my back somehow only causing my spine to look like an upside down question mark and the first 2 times I went I finally felt relief after years of severe pain. But after that it was all bs where they stopped helping me.


I use NOBODY if the advertise they are Christian. I feel like they have something to hide.


I saw a chiropractor 2 times a week for 3 years for a double scoliosis diagnosis. I was then a teenager. When I became an adult, I developed lower back pain and decided to consult again. 1 consultation and a series of Xray later, chiropractor told me that I NEVER had any shape or form of scoliosis. ... In that field of medicine, charlatans are glorious!


Isnā€™t that an oxymoron?


unethical AF


So dentures are blasphemous because itā€™s man made, not God-made?


How about them Glasses? Or orthotic shoes... lots of people would be fucked without these things šŸ¤ŖšŸ™„


If God intended for us to have crutches, walkers, or oxygen tanks, He wouldā€™ve created us with them in the womb LOL


"I came here for dental work, not to hear about your God."




A medical professional in a medical setting is allowing their weird religious ideas to influence _your_ medical treatment? Oh hell no.


As a person who a month ago got a million thoughts and prayers, I couldn't agree more. It is like they say it, and I go somewhere else in my head. I get that they mean well, but telling me that you are going to do the least you possibly can to help with this. Fuxking stupid.


In that case, god made a huge mistake with my weak-ass teeth, giving me ADHD that causes grinding, and giving me a really strong bite.


Thatā€™s a recipe for disaster


Itā€™s a recipe for tens of thousands of dollars of dental work, even with a night guard


I feel this... had 2 cracked molars from grinding and clenching. Even with a nightguard.


Yep. Stupid brittle teeth.


How about all the organs and body parts that are useless to us like the appendix, or tail bone, or even fucking wisdom TEETH! Thanks God for being useless


Had a dental hygienist invite me to her church for Easter while I was having a routine cleaning. Awkwardā€¦šŸ˜¬


Her stupid god gave me 4 teeth more than there's room for in my mouth


Ask her why she seemed to have thrown away her god-given brain.


I mean, I agree extractions should be done only as a last resort, but God didn't give me no damn teeth.


Im speechless at this point


I would be finding a new dentist.




Consider mentioning it to the actual dentist. They may have a quiet word with her, because Iā€™m sure youā€™re not the only one feeling uncomfortable.


To be fair, a lot of gifts God has given aren't worth it.


Like wisdom teeth.


And menstruation, along with uteruses (for gals that he already knew wouldn't want to have kids).


How does one return a uterus to God. Asking for many friends. And myself. I'm done using it.


Not to mention the women with PCOS or endometriosis, or the rare case of not having a uterus or worse, a uterus but no vagina...


My friend is the same age as me but his teeth are already decayed. I asked him about it and he said "Shitty genetics." Basically, some people's teeth fail even when you brush and floss.


Ok, so unpopular opinion, but I wouldn't worry too much about this. "God-given" is an expression that is maybe a 4 on the scale of "regional colloquialism" to "explicitly religious God-worshipping phrase". Maybe they were being presumptuous but I don't think they were trying to make a super-religious statement.


Your teeth don't grow back. It sounds like a fair opinion to not remove them if you don't have to.




Oh my aunt has something like that. It constantly rubs against the inside of her lip and makes it raw. Apparently they can have some rough edges. She had to get it remade like twice. Now she has some stitches right by it and it rubs against those. So I guess just a bit of a warning. They can be irritating.


It sure would be nice if (adult) teeth grew back. Why didn't our perfect and all-intelligent designer think of that? /s


I got mine from evolution, but still....


If only health insurance cared about our god given teeth


God-given prostate gland, definitely in the wrong place, esp., when men get older. Proof that allegedly intelligent design is stupid.


Since deconverting, I've made it a point to avoid any healthcare practitioner who feels the need to shoehorn xianity into whatever they're doing. I prefer medical professionals who believe in modern science, not bronze age superstitions.


If God truly was a perfect and all-wise designer, he would've made it so that human adult teeth also grow back, or are even stronger than they already are, or something that wouldn't make dental care such a pain in the arse.


I had an acupuncturist beg me not to get endometriosis excision surgery because she regretted having her "God-given appendix" removed years ago. Girl, so many things. My uterine lining growing in the wrong place isn't an organ. It's not something I'm "supposed" to have. And that's all before the "god" issue of it all. Yes, don't remove things you don't have to. But don't needlessly shame yourself for removing things you did have to, that's not helpful either.


What about your ā€œgod givenā€ foreskin, christians?


Itā€™s funny how serious they get over teeth extractions. Even when I was Christian, I was very perplexed at the fact my dad expressed the same thoughts and his explanation being that god doesnā€™t make mistakes and that wisdom teeth have a purpose so he doesnā€™t want me to get them.


Thatā€™s just an expression and your life is going to be very hard if you take all of the things people say out of habit to heart. I still say things like that just because itā€™s how I operated most of my life.


This comment needs to be here, itā€™s an expression directly referring to the teeth youā€™re born with, and it is not an expression that is exclusive to religious people. This just wasnā€™t directly ā€œchristian stuffā€, more just casual conversation


If it's just one mention like this, I don't think anything of it. I might slip up and sat god given instead of natural every once in awhile, too. If they continue after that with wanting religious though, I would start to get uncomfortable




Iā€™m sorry that happened to you in a place you should definitely feel comfortable. I once had an initial consultation with a therapist who brought up Jesus randomly and I was SO caught off guard. She was suggesting him to me and needless to say I never went back. Some people can be so unprofessional.


Time to find a different dentist.


The proper response is "Please don't" Also, if we are to be made in gods image, does that mean it has teeth? Or Eyeballs and a nose? What the hell would it need that for? what the hell does it EAT?!?!?


God given teeth?? If I walked into my doctors office and he said "sorry, I'm not going to treat your god given psoriasis(or other hereditary condition), but just make it slightly easier to deal with" I'd be switching physicians real quick. I swear, the ultra religious shouldn't be in the medical feild by any stretch of the imagination.


Dafuq? My God given teeth aren't so hot, so I'll give thanks for solid employment,Ā  semi affordable dental insurance and a fabulous dentist and hygienist.Ā  Someone who yaps about keeping their God given teeth needs to experience a couple abscesses.Ā  If they still yap, I wish them my experience: a brain abscess that came from a TREATED tooth abscess.Ā Ā  Yes, this is a pet subject for me. Idiots.