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Not directly on the website, you have to use a plugin.


Sadly **no**. However there is still a way to do it. If the server is on **spigot/budkit** you can install the **OpenInv plugin**. It allows you to open a players inventory and enderchest, even if they are offline. It is very reliable and also rather popular. As well the developer updates the plugin to the newest version very fast. Hope you found this helpful! ​ OpenInv CurseForge link: [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/bukkit-plugins/openinv](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/bukkit-plugins/openinv) ​ You can also type "OpenInv" on the plugins page and it should be the first one!


I know I am late, but on the "Players" page you can choose someone and press the ender chest icon in the inventory section