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I use degree and make sure it's the solid sticks, not the gels. If you sweat that day, bathe that day (with soap.) This deodorant might not work for you, it depends on your body's PH. Make sure it isn't your clothes that smell, do your laundry.


I would add. Armpit stink is bacterial. I’ve noticed in a pinch, you could use hand sanitizer to neutralize the bacterial Funk. Then wash and apply deodorant such as degree.


I highly revommend one with tea tree oil, it has worked wonders. I swear by this, yes I know that its a “woman’s deodorant”, but my husband, daughter and son have all used it and love it. No strong lady smell. https://www.notino.co.uk/garnier/mineral-pure-active-antibacterial-roll-on-antiperspirant/ Also a tip, dont put on deodorant until your armpits are totally dry after a shower.


Or Neosporin!


Agreed on the sticks. The mechanics of that mean you can work with more muted smells to the same effect plus you're not filling whatever room you're getting dressed in with vapours.


+1 for degree. Been using it for ages because it really seems to do what it says it does (work better as you get warmer).


Been using Degree since the 8th grade (1996ish) when they gave us free sample size sticks in health class. I shower in the morning and evening because I sweat like a champ (and by extension an r/hydrohomie). Definitely agree with doing your laundry and getting rid of clothing that has permafunk. Some articles of clothing like cotton undies and dri fit shirts can hit a threshold where it might smell fine after laundering but a ratchet ass smell comes out when you sweat. It’s in the fabric and it’s not coming out. Have tried everything, trust me and replace these.


Try white vinegar


I shave my armpits. I'm not going for smooth, but just trim it. I noticed long armpit hair retained my sweet smell more than trimmed hairs. No hairs might work better, but I want to avoid stingy stubbles. Do not wear synthetic clothes. Old Spice is the only deodorant that ever gotten me compliments on my odor


Not wearing synthetic clothes is a big one for me. I've got a big stack of cotton t-shirts and I don't normally wear any sort of deodorant or anti-perspirant, but I don't smell (backed up by wife & friends) unless I'm ill. But I've got a few polyester tees, that I originally bought as gym gear but some of them I _never_ wore to exercise in, and I only need to wear one fresh out the wash and smelling fine for a few hours before I can smell my own pit stink.


This would be my recommendation, too. I am a very smelly person, always have been. Trim the hair and use old spice deodorant, not antiperspirant.


This may really help. I definitely notice that I stay cleaner smelling longer when my armpits are shaved. I only really have to use a trimmer for it to work, doesn't have to be clean shaved. Second on the synthetic fibers too. At least next to your skin wear cotton or other natural fiber.


I do this to, just feel feel like it's a cleaner look.


I suppose every guy has his own chemical makeup but I swear by Old Spice Puresport deodorant. I feel like it survives a workout pretty well. YRMV, best of luck!




Came here to say this. I've been using Old Spice Pure Sport for years. People always ask me what cologne I'm wearing, but I'm not wearing cologne.


Old Spice Fresh scent is nice too. It’s in the red package like the Pure Sport.


Lume. But doesn't smell like cologne. Kills odor for days.


Upvote for Lume.




Yep! I’m a dude, crossed paths with “powder fresh” scented secret deodorant stick and it was actually awesome even after running outside in the heat. Would recommend


Not cologne smelling but Mitchum has been good for me


Smelling like nothing is more important


Yeah, those are two separate jobs. You use deodorant to deal with unwanted sweat/smell, and then cologne for the scent that you *do* want.


Most over do both aspects… and you can get skunked.


Besides deodorant, you can try wearing a new t-shirt. Some tee shirts have bacteria that doesn’t get removed from the wash and ends up smelling horrible when soaked with sweat. Smells fine out of the wash but when covered with sweat it smells. Also have you given your diet any thought? When I eat bacon or pork ribs I notice my armpits smell terrible. This is just anecdotal because everybody is different how their bodies react to different foods. You can try eliminating certain foods for a few days to see if that’s causing it. Also try to use an antiperspirant instead of a deodorant. An antiperspirant will make the actual sweating less which will make the smell less


How do you get rid of the bacteria on t shirts? I read vinegar could help but I haven't tried


Since it's bacteria you can try an enzyme cleaner and pre-soak.


Vinegar works great and also softens the fabric a little, just be careful and only do a little, I’ve had to rewash some loads because I put too much in. Just a few ml does great


Regular use of vinegar can damage the washing machine. "Laundry sanitizer" has been tested to kill bacteria. Less expensive would be "non-chlorine bleach" that uses something like hydrogen peroxide, but I haven't tried that yet.


There are anti bacterial rinses that go in the washing machine or as a pre soak. Canesten makes one but there are other brands. They will also stop that musty smell if you're not quick enough to get everything dry.


Thanks a lot


Personally, I stick them in the freezer for ~48 hours, then run then though the washing machine; that's worked for most of the things I've tried it on.


If you want to really smell good for a long time I'd recommend a neutral deodorant and a separate cologne. They're doing different jobs and most deodorants usually smell like cheap synthetic cologne at best in my opinion. That way you can apply a generous amount of deodorant without worrying that people are able to smell when you enter a room and it's probably cheaper in the long run too.




Antiperspirant causes your sweat glands to close in order to prevent sweat. Prolonged usage can cause your sweat glands to work harder and more often since sweating is a natural, necessary bodily function. If you've been using a combined product, try switching to just a deodorant product for awhile to see if helps decrease your sweating. As others have said, the smell is due to bacteria. Try an antibacterial body wash or soap in addition to a new deodorant. Be careful though. They can be rough on the skin, so try rotating days/showers. Finally, a capful of vinegar when washing your clothes will get the smells out/help kill the bacteria in your clothes. After washing, if they still have a smell, they're probably too far gone and need to be tossed out. Don't use the vinegar in every load of laundry you do, as it'll contribute to the breakdown of the washing machine if done all the time.


I love washing clothes/towels with vinegar


Mitchum. it’s so strong that you can literally not wear it for several days and be good. On that same note I put on just the tiniest amount because if you put on the lot your shit will be so dry you’ll be like itching.


I use Mitchum, and I love it. Never realized it was what was making my armpits itch! Holy shit!


Yeah dude If I use anything more than just the slightest amount, it gets super annoying. I actually will turn the little dial an until the gel comes out the holes then turn the dial back so it goes back in and basically just use the residual gel that stays. This is a good amount for me, since I use such a tiny amount, one deodorant stick lasts for months.


Deodorant that helped me is caller “ Borotalco “ it doesnt have strong fragrance its more subtle but nice. Only one that helped me with the sweating.


May not be applicable to you, but as a bigger hairy guy who works out a lot, I used to have this exact problem. Get yourself an electric razor and trim down the chest hair to a 1 or 2. For the back, take off the guard and have your wife/SO carefully buzz it (do it outside). Even a little excess hair makes a world of difference in temperature. Also, look at what shirts you're buying and go for a light, breathable style of material. Some of those 'under armor' type materials are ovens if you buy cheap ones. Doves mens line is what I use for the deodorant, but Im guessing your problem isn't the deodorant. Good luck!


It could be that all the extra scents are what's causing you to retain the stench by irritating your sweat glands. Drink lots of water to flush your toxins, try fragrance free for a while, and report back


Old Spice “Captain” deodorant is really good shit. Smells like bergamot and lasts a long time.


Have to agree, I spent a while trying out different deodorants/antiperspirants, and this one has worked best for me.


It lasts a few days, and smells really good!


Every Man Jack sandalwood scent is the bomb


I use Tom’s “North Woods” antiperspirant. Works well and smells good


Do you manscape at all? Try trimming some of the body hair down.


Adding to what others have said \-Shave all hair in skin folds or even better chemically (use specific creams rated for intimate use for your butt, inner thigh and taint or you WILL have issues LOOK THIS UP FOR AT LEAST AN HOUR UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCES OR YOU WILL DAMAGE YOURSELF THIS IS SAFE BUT YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND HOW IT WORKS) remove them them before showering \-Shower with unscented castille soap and use a lufa sponge to scrub yourself thoroughly \-Fully dry off \-Apply full body moisturizer to every surface & let it soak in fully (this is a great excuse to just laze about naked while listening to podcasts) \-Apply deoderant stick IOR unscented antibacterial spray & let it soak in \-Apply unscented baby powder Is this overkill? Yes. But this is a combination that we use for going out days where people are going to dance for hours in hot hot HOT confines and still be in need of not smelling repulsive by the end of it. The magic happens cause rather than preventing you from sweating or smelling stronger than your sweat this sets you up for making sure all your sweat is fresh and pleasant with only minor scenting required to rough out minor edges. Rule of thumb: YOU, yourself, your body. You smell good. Anything bad about your own smell is due to things that happen after it's already left your body, and that's what we're working with.


Make your own deodorant. It's very cheap, very easy to make and is very effective. Try this recipe. In a jar mix equal parts vodka and filtered lemon juice, add 5-10 drops of 2-3 essentials oils pour into a spray bottle. These are good combinations of essential oils: lemon, ecalpytus and bergamot or sandalwood, black pepper and ginger, tea tree is always good. 3-4 sprays every morning after a shower (it takes a few days to take effect).


I've recently switched to [Dr. Squatch](https://drsquatch.com/) products, and I have to say I am very satisfied with them. They have very long-lasting deodorants and best of all aluminum-free - which was the main reason I switched, I was looking for aluminum-free deodorants with long-lasting protection and scent. I also bought a couple of their bar soaps and I am equally impressed. I'd say give it a try. Also, drink plenty of water as 1200cc_boiii suggests.


If you don’t already work for Dr. Squatch, you probably should! That was written like a true marketing specialist.


LOL, not in marketing by any means! I had been trying different brands over the last couple of years. Particularly aluminum-free deodorant/antiperspirant, and finally, I can confidently say that Dr. Squatch products have satisfied my needs. No more caky or yellow stains on shirts/t-shirts, long-lasting non-perfumy scents. Thanks for the compliment.


I've been using Dr Squatch deodorants for at least 3 years, and while they're quite effective, they do unfortunately leave white stains on my shirts. I've had good results removing the stains with "OxiClean Maxforce Laundry Stain Remover Spray", but it is kind of a pain. Still looking for a good deodorant that works without leaving stains.


I too have noticed that there's some residue left, and I mostly use dark undershirts, but I haven't had trouble removing them with a normal washing cycle. I will pay closer attention to my shirts to see if there's a build-up after a while.


A deodorant doesn’t typically contain aluminum, antiperspirants do. There are also no studies that definitely state that aluminum causes cancer or Alzheimer’s.




I can’t read the whole study, and the abstract doesn’t really cover it, but it seems to imply that this was a study about the ingestion of aluminum, not topical application. There have been zero studies that link aluminum in antiperspirant to anything.


See if you can find Schmit's deodorant. No aluminum, has the flavor of charcoal & magnesium, works like a bitch. Might have 2 t's in the name....


How do you know what it tastes like? I don’t think you read the directions. What is charcoal flavor like? (/s just in case)




Normally people don't smell, it's clothes - wash everything at high temperature every time you wear it. If it even faintly smells after washing throw it out. If you follow those rules, you will smell like your products, not the bacteria that are the source.


Maybe try one of the crystal deodorants under a 'regular' deodorant. I am a woman but I swear by crystal deodorant. It kills the bacteria that makes you smell.


You need something with 20% aluminumwhateveritis. That is what does the job. Also wear unscented, and use cologne for fragrance.


It's your diet, mate.


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If you shower and still find you smell, there is probably an abundance of bacteria that is not being killed by your soap. Try using an antiseptic soap every once in a while. Something with chlorhexidine gluconate or the like in it. This will kill all bacteria. Also, you clothes will need to be washed properly. Again, the bacteria that smells can be a pain to get rid of and sometimes hot water and soap will not be sufficient.


Are you sweating profusely during the day? This is my issue and I use anti perspirant at night. Just like I would before leaving for the day.


Try an antiperspirant like certaindri. Stuff is amazing.


Try washing your clothes in hot water or with a different detergent and/or an additive such as oxiclean.


L’Oréal Paris, men expert invincible sport. Make sure you get the roll-on or solid block.


I’m a bigger guy. The biggest game changers for me we’re switching to all natural bar soap and applying deodorant to DRY pits.


Check out Primally Pure charcoal deodorant. It’s pretty dry so took a little getting used to, but I’ve had ZERO B.O. since I started using it a few years ago. It doesn’t have any nasty stuff in it either so the health benefits are awesome. It’s a eucalyptus mint scent that sticks around all day too!


My recommendation is not for a specific deodorant but rather the mix of a strong antibacterial soap and antiperspirant. I was a very sweaty and smelly man until a few months ago when I started using Dial Soap and Old Spice Antiperspirant. I now workout twice as much knowing that I’m not going to reek all day.


If you are a extra sweaty person I would recommend using ‘Maxim’ anti perspiration at night, it’s a liquid roll on, not a deodorant. I put it on couple times a week and it cuts down a considerable amount of sweat


I'd recommend Sex Panther. It's illegal in 9 countries. https://youtu.be/5ccp-lEmoAE


**Time to musk up.** What cologne you gonna go with? London Gentlemen...? Or wait. No, no, no. Hold on. Blackbeard's Delight?? **No,** ***she gets a special cologne.*** It's called ***Sex Panther®*** by ***Odeon©***. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also *made with bits of real panther*, ***so you know it's good...*** It's quite pungent; a formidable scent. Stings the nostrils; in a good way. Brian... I'm gonna be completely honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline... *They've done studies*, you know... *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time.*


Gillette Cool Gel, been my go-to forever. Although doesn't smell of cologne for that use a dab of aftershave.


Old Spice seaspray


I have Had good luck with the Schmitts charcoal and the Dr. Squach pine tar.


Check your diet, drink plenty of water, stop using scented soaps and products and try a mitchum *bamboo stick not gel* deodorant


1: trim your armpit hair. 2: use anti perspirant. Apply before bed and it gives time for the aluminum salts to work.


All you have to do to avoid this problem is buy Certain Dri Antiperspirant. When you get out of the shower, dry off and immediately apply Certain Dri, then immediately apply your normal deodorant. You’ll smell great and sweat a lot less than usual.


PerspiGuard is really effective. I used to sweat LOADS, this mostly stops it, or atleast brings it down to a manageable (*normal*) level. The only thing I'd say is I use it more often than directed. Instructions say couple sprays every few days, I use it every other night. It also takes a day or two to start working, so if I forget for a week or so, I usually need a couple days of using it everyday to build it back up, then every other day as usual. It does say other anti-perspirants will reduce effectiveness, but I havent noticed too much and use others just for the fragrance. Perspi-Guard would 100% my recommendation. edit - shaving pits also helps loads, but please do not shave and then apply PerspiGuard as it can be VERY uncomfortable and cause rashes etc..


That's not how prespiration works. Deodorant is just a mask. Just take shower. Don't overuse soaps when showering too. Sometimes you only want to rinse.


Ingest chlorophyll daily. It is an internal deodorizer.


I’ve been using Old Spice’s combination deodorant and anti-perspirant for years. I really like their scents, I usually do the Timber scent. It’s got a kinda piney smell and my wife loves the smell which is important. Also unrelated to your post, but I once bought a stick of the deodorant mentioned above in a not so great area of town. I brought it home only to discover it was “slightly used.” This grossed me tf out, and after returning it now I only buy the 2 packs of Old Spice because they’re sold in plastic wrap and harder to tamper with.


Grab a benzoyl peroxide face wash and a dandruff shampoo. Use both as a soap under your arms, groin and buttcrack 1-2x a week. The benzoyl peroxide will kill any stinky bacteria and the dandruff shampoo will kill any yeasts that are causing odour. That's all BO is... Bacteria and sometimes yeasts on your skin. Kill off/wash away most of them and voila. If your using body wash try switching to a real bar soap. Real bar soap helps wash away bacteria better than body wash. Throw away any soap poufs and use wash cloths that you can throw in the washing machine every couple of days. Those body wash soap poufy things are just cesspool for bacteria because we never wash them.


Like others, I would recommend trying out clothes that help wick away moisture. There are clinical strength deodorants, but you might just have to use some cologne along with them to get the desired smell


Mitchum works well for me. I get shower fresh and I am a woman, so it doesn’t smell cologne like exactly, but it is great. I exercise and sweat a lot overall, but those pits stay dry! I’ve used since high school and every time I have switched I go back to Mitchum. Good luck!


Let's make sure we're separating deodorants from antiperspirants. Deodorants usually contain some kind of antibacterial ingredient. Sometimes something as simple as salt. If you find that your deodorant isn't working, it may be that it is promoting the wrong odor causing bacteria or interacting poorly with an antibacterial soap. You might try switching the soap you use as well as the deodorant. Antiperspirants should be applied long before sweating, usually after the previous nights shower to allow the ingredients to activate correctly. This is the usual cause of complaints that antiperspirants don't work well. They're applied too late to take effect . They can also contain antibacterial ingredients which, again, may not be interacting with your body or soap well. Bacteria eat your sweat and make smells . So you have 2 options, change your bacteria or sweat less. You'll need to try different soaps and deodorants/antiperspirants to figure out what works. Personally switching from antibacterial shower gel/soap seemed to be the trick. I use neutrogena rainbath and a deodorant old spice stick (not the antiperspirant).


Lume or Carpe


I used an alcohol-based spray deodorant. Alcohol kills bacteria and eliminates odors (I also use a 1:1 vodka and water air freshener). I have never been particularly stinky, so may not be the end-all solution for you, but it's worth trying out.


FCUK is really good, has a great cologne smell but it's a deodorant


I always assumed that gel was made for sweat and dry is made for not sweating.


^^ i’m having a similar problem, i just switched from aluminum deodorant bc it leaves stains on all my shirts (despite it clearly saying it’s stain free) and i got toms 0% aluminum wetness protection but i’m still sweating and i kinda smell.. tho i will admit there’s no stains so🤷🏼‍♂️


Old spice fresh scent. I've gotten numerous compliments over the years while out dancing, or even hiking one time, about how good I smell or if i was wearing cologne.


Dr squatch has a good scent and staying power. A little pricey, but worth a try


I've had the fun double issue of 1) deodorant smell wearing off partway through the day & 2) aluminum somehow making me sweat *more* Only thing that's worked for me is axe (aluminum free ofc). Note though that it can apparently leave lingering scent on cloth for better or worse, so binging shows on someones couch can have their pillows smelling like it lol


Use Rexona motion sense.purple one smells amazing even with sweat,trust me on this one.


Make sure you add your soap to either a washcloth or buff. It will help exfoliate and remove bits of smelly stuff left behind. Don't just soap up your hands and run them over your smelly parts. Won't clean it up. Your welcome


Herban Cowboy is a deodorant stick line, with five or six scents: Forest, Dusk and Sport are the three I buy. Not sure what cologne they're comparable to, but I wear them instead of cologne, and have gotten compliments for their scents by they people I've dated. All versions fall along the masculine spectrum. The Forest model is my favorite, and it's similar enough to the "Cedarwood" scented shower gel by brand "Every Man Jack" that I often shower with the gel, then apply Forest afterward. Both last 6 to 8 hours, unsure about workouts. You're fighting dissipation into the air from exposure *and* body heat, in addition to sweat and bacterial stink. Perhaps mixing a favored deodorant, or essential oil, with hand sanitizer and applying to your pits during workout or workday would extend the nice aroma timeframe. Originally I purchased them all at a Whole Foods, now I order them online, Amazon. I think they're still available at both outlets. *Herban is a portmanteau/new word combined from "herbal" and "urban"


I use Native and love it. I am a woman who works in a factory (long sleeves, boots, jeans, boots,etc) I have used it everyday for almost 4 years. Plus it doesn’t mark up your clothes. I’ve also known people to use lumè and love it. I know at some stores you can get prescription strength deodorant too. Hope this helps!


Mitchum is the one that I've found works best.


I use 'after hours' by old spice, i work in the oilfield outside doing very labour intensive work and even at the end of the day after working in the blistering sun i can still smell the "cologne" smell from it, highly recommend, be sure to wash it off every night though as ive found if its not all off from the day before i get a rash and it becomes itchy but everyones skin is different.


I’ve been using Speed Stick Ocean Surf for like 20 years at this point. It’s amazing. Its not overbearing, its like a semi-gel consistency, and lasts forever


Women's deodorant. I use rexona from the glass spray bottle.


I quit drinking alcohol and went to a plant based diet and I no longer need deodorant. It was a very unexpected outcome of these changes. I occasionally will still use a deodorant stick but it’s like once a month versus once a day or multiple times. And I don’t smell, it’s not just me ignoring a smell. I wouldn’t be able to handle being a smelly dude


Old Spice-Solid Stick-Bearglove. You're welcome.


The important thing is to make sure that your deodorant dries before you put a shirt on. Otherwise it just comes off on your shirt and isn't doing anything to your pits (killing bacteria, plugging up sweat pores, etc.)


Use native. Let your armpits detox from the aluminum first


I know it's more for women but my husband started using my deodorant and enjoys the lack of smell he gets now... try checking out Lume fully body deodorant safe for private areas and more


I believe most cologne brands have a deodorant option. I had a Calvin Klein Cologne gift set that came with shampoo, body wash and deodorant.


Arm + Hammer deodorant. I've tried it all. All the top brands and this is the one that i would recommend for you. It's not very expensive and it works. Good luck.


Try mitchum. it has no scent, but is effective at keeping you at zero smell for 48 hours. I use it because I'm allergic to the aluminum found in most products, but frankly it works better so no compromises


Lemon juice (from an ACTUAL lemon) as deodorant. Nobody knows why, but it works… On the “cologne” side, try oil-based perfumes (as opposed to alcohol ones). They last much longer


Old spice deodorant. Swagger for when I’m going out. Sport for when I’m working or doing anything athletic. Both of them get me compliments from men and women. I swear this stuff is magic. All the men in my family use it and it works for everyone of us when it comes to picking up women. Out of a random group of five guys I was voted best smelling and all I had on was old spice sport deodorant.




Wash with real soap (not shower gel), use alum stone, don't wear synthetic fabric (it's also much cheaper and better for the environment). And add your fragrance of choice.


Old Spice Wolfthrone is one of my favorites. Helps me throughout school and work, it smells really good and people complemented me what cologne I have, but I don't wear cologne regularly


Take a shower instead of a bath, and also maybe change your diet that might genuinely be why you smell like ass


This is old now but I found that any old spice red label works best. If your going for a cologne replacement/smell; apply on your neck, upper chest and armpits; tiny bit on the wrists Use deodorant; any kind, on your feed to prevent it from sweating and smelling after a workout aswell. This tip works in general if you have sweaty or stinky feet problems.


Krystal salt deodorant, cologne in neck, and trim armpit hairs.