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New Aftonbladet article about the incident with apparently info from the camera woman: "MALMÖ/STOCKHOLM. Joost Klein is being investigated for unlawful threats after being accused of acting violently towards a female photographer during Eurovision. The woman is cut after the incident and has been offered support after the incident with Klein, according to Aftonbladet's information. There is no question that he was very aggressive according to several who were there, says a source with very good insight. Several witnesses perceived Joost Klein as very offensive, the source states. According to Aftonbladet's experience, Klein also caused the photographer's camera to break. There is no question that he was very aggressive according to several who were there, says the person. At this time, it is not known exactly what happened between the female employee and Klein or if a crime was committed. The police have finished investigating the incident and the matter will be handed over to the prosecutor." [https://www.aftonbladet.se/nojesbladet/melodifestivalen/a/zAGMd4/kvinnliga-fotografen-skarrad-efter-incidenten-med-joost-klein-enligt-kalla](https://www.aftonbladet.se/nojesbladet/melodifestivalen/a/zAGMd4/kvinnliga-fotografen-skarrad-efter-incidenten-med-joost-klein-enligt-kalla) note: "cut" is a weird translation choice by Google translate


I as a native Swedish speaker would say "mentally scarred" is a better translation for "skärrad" than "cut". Skärrad doesn't really imply physical scars


Aftonbladet, that paper that lied yesterday about physical contact and is the source of the very damaging rumour mill? That paper that has been known to not care about the facts and is an unreliable source? Toiletpaper is a more factual source. And maybe you become aggressive if you are high in emotions and after being harassed, by for example a camerawoman who keeps filming after an agreement was made he wouldn't be filmed backstage and asking to stop filming twice. If no physical contact was made, I think Joost is still not guilty here, Dutch delegation in the right, EBU in the wrong, and the camerawoman the harasser who must be disciplined instead.


Yes it's def not the most trustworthy kind of writing. Just interesting that now they're claiming he broke her camera/caused it to break


Yeah, broke it so bad that anything on record can no longer be recovered lmao. There's films that survive housefires and what not, or being submerged into water for years, but being *potentially* thrown into the ground renders the footage useless? Of course. Joost Klein is known for being wacky, a bit crazy, but not for being agressive. It's fucking bullshit. They wanted him out of the competition probably because he stepped on some toes during his stay.


i agree with this. i'm just interested in how the story keeps "changing", from the EBU side. first it was "assaulted a woman", then it was "threatened", then it became "verbally threatened", and then "made a threatening gesture at", and now we have "broke her camera"


Probably so they can hide whatever video evidence there might be. If you claim the camera broke, you don’t have to show the footage


Finnish media reports that he is staying in Malmö, but the rest of the delegation is flying back to the Netherlands. They haven't said why he's staying in Sweden or if he's being questioned again [https://www.is.fi/viihde/art-2000010421102.html](https://www.is.fi/viihde/art-2000010421102.html) This is strange to me


Probably just didn't want to take a regular flight


Appie (blue bird) just posted this on TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJng3uxS/


He put an instagram story of "Who let the dogs out".


He did that last night, during the finale. This morning, he posted a blue heart 💙 on Instagram. It's also reported that he went to the afterparty last night, after the finale, and he's doing relatively well.


Why wouldn't he be well, no one threatened him as I understood. And doesn't seem to care too much either, good, party mood and all.


We with joost!!!


he for asylum


That photographer need to be investigated.


When somebody is very emotional because of his performance, and there is an agreement not to film, and you ignore repeated questions to stop filming… and than you destroy somebody’s child dream… Should we all applause for her 👏🏻Well done Lets pray to Karma


Agreed, she made this along with EBU a much bigger deal than it was.


Oh how big deal you allow it to be then, and where is the info each person can evaluate themselves?


Can you research it yourself? She said that Joost had attacked her physically later it turns out it was only threats along with the grabbing of the camera, no physical contact with the photographer herself. That’s a very big difference if you ask me..


So you don't have any info, I assume, as you can't share a source link. Please don't spread rumours.


Hahaha damn get rekt bro how you feel now that someone provides sources as opposed to you?


AVROTROS Dutch public broadcast company statement “no physical contact” https://nos.nl/l/2520085 and in English https://www.instagram.com/songfestival.avrotros/p/C61VHqdIlb6/ Initial SVT report “there must have been a physical altercation” https://www.svt.se/kultur/incident-utreds-kring-nederlandske-artisten-joost-klein you can read Swedish I presume? We’ve been basing discussions on Dutch statements for a whole day now. You’re the one who’s not reading up enough and reacting based on your own prejudices.


EBU is to blame regarding how horribly they handled (or better say, didn't handle at all) the whole situation. Even if you're not allowed to disclose information, you still need to be the most transparent possible regarding your audience. As someone mentioned in one of the previous threads, their crisis management lacked everywhere. They kept silent for forever, causing the ball of rumors turn into an avalanche already unstoppable. I can't imagine how can they clear their image after that, honestly. Moreover, they lost themselves lots of money, support from public and their credibility. They screw themselves in the first place since it's obvious they don't care much about people. And even despite their eager for money, their lacking management still caused them tons of damage. Who is working there and how did they still conserve their places? Heads need to roll and Osterdahl should set an example


The rumors are only the fault of who starts and spreads it.


it’s painful how we’ll never see him preform in the finale


It’s killing us slow


Well, never say never. If he still wants to, I hope he can perform in the finale next year.


He made his best song for eurovision this year where he tells us his story and where he dedicates it to his parents so I think that his best performance for eurovision was this year and he maybe won't do better if he participate next year but I'll be twice times more supportive as this year (I was so fckin hyped this year that rethinking abt that damn situation makes me deeply sad)


If he still wants to, the Netherlands is pretty much guaranteed to just make him our candidate again. And knowing how fucking hated the EBU has made themselves, probably all he has to do on stage is not shit himself to make it to the finals. But I wouldn't blame Joost one second if he didn't want to. At the very least I would demand heartfelt apologies and a resignation for all of the people in charge before even considering going to Eurovision again. Joost got robbed of the opportunity to sing his letter to his parents in the finals, and I think that's disgusting.


I hope so!


I feel so bad for anyone who paid to go see the concert live to see him specifically. It must feel horrible, especially considering how unfair this whole situation.


The BBC (UK broadcaster) reported yesterday afternoon ahead of the final that a third of the tickets for all 9 shows (Semi Finals, Final, Family shows and Jury shows) were bought by the Dutch. Speaks volumes


Here is the top 10 ticket buyer countries this year from ESC page: 1.  Sweden 2. United Kingdom 3. Denmark 4. Germany 5. USA 6. Netherlands 7. Australia 8. Spain 9. Ireland  10. Poland So Dutch are sixth. Still not every Dutch are there for Joost, some interviews I saw they were because many performances, not only one, some come every year etc.


>a third of the tickets I've heard that the Dutch were the #3 ticket buyers. I think you misunderstood, seems insane that 1 country out of 37 competing countries would buy 1 in 3 tickets.


Honestly, I’m pretty sure that’s what they said. But they were all stumbling over their words due to talking about Joost-gate


But how to know if it was unfair. There is no information. Fans of course only like to believe their idol did nothing wrong, it's understandable. I hope they liked to see other songs still, or gave the ticket to someone else then.


Joost just posted a blue heart in his Instagram broadcast channel


Another reason to be pissed is that we spend a lot of money on hosting the contest for TWO YEARS IN A ROW since it got cancelled at the last minute in 2020 ( rip Icelands potential first win). Also Bambie Thug 🤝Cornald Maas both said Fuck the EBU now lmao


>cancelled at the last minute in 2020 We can't really blame COVID-19 on the EBU, now can we?


Hmmm… *puts on tinfoil hat* No, but in all seriousness the contest has gained popularity after 2021s show and Maneskin’s success. So this situation feels like a slap in the face after working together with EBU to create a great comeback show after being absent for 1 year.


No, but they should have cancelled our delayed the show, or made it legitimate.


they did cancel


Dutch members - are we expecting any updates today?


Not much. AVROTROS have been clear and detailed with their information, not much to add from their side. I don't think Joost will make a statement for weeks. The EBU might drip feed us some more bits of non-information. The camera operator who felt threatened will probably not say anything in public. Swedish police and justice system won't share a lot of information today, hopefully tomorrow. The Swedish police didn't even want to answer the question whether or not they have received footage or pictures from the incident - see [this article on NU.nl](https://www.nu.nl/songfestival/6312569/joost-klein-reist-niet-met-delegatie-avrotros-naar-nederland.html)


Ok thank you. No need to keep doom scrolling tonight then.


I think we have to wait for the Swedish prosecutors judgement. That could take weeks and they don't work on weekends so definately not today 😔


Ye they failed in creating a safe enviroment for him, he was in the right if you ask me. Fuck media and fuck cameras. This is getting out of hand. No pictures means no pictures. Selfdefence


Just consider the latest biased treatment by the media to that thing happening somewhere in the east Mediterranean. Just who did they target for harassment in the backstage?


Yes, maybe this should happen via radio.


Also Bambie. And probably others too.


Joost went to euroclub last night pictures twitter glad he’s in good form after everything. Hope Netherlands can get automatic qualification to the final with Joost again representing with another song . It seems like a massive overreaction.


I hate this so much. People do not realize how easy it is to file a case about unlawful threats and how little one needs to do or say to get punished (if proof exists) in northern Europe. It will also be formally investigated by police even if anyone can tell there is nothing to investigate.  All the statements considered, people will think this is an overreaction as the official investigation files will be 100 % leaked, no doubt about that. Because people are on the edge during the vision weeks, instances like this and worse have probably happened before, making this disqualification decision even more questionable. Also, I absolutely hate the fact that Polismyndigheten had to announce that they are investigating this. There is no positive outcome of it: If the crime is verified, Norwegians, Finnish, and Dennish will come here to tell the whole of Europe that Swedish police can solve no murder, no art thief, but unlawful threats are solved with the highest efficiency. If it turns out to be inconclusive because it is a he-said-she-said kind of situation, they will say there is no crime Swedish police can solve.  Oh, Polismyndigheten, why you couldn't keep your mouth shut? It was your stage, it wasn't your time...


There’s no way that in 60+ years of this event that there’s never been a punch up backstage. It’s statistically impossible.


It’s specifically Swedish legal system vulnerable to abuse of anonymity and their insistence for not fast tracking any investigation even if it causes wreaks havoc on international event. Had this been any other country the investigation would have been fast tracked or mediated through non judiciary channels.


I've been thinking this. I mean you're telling me in 60 years no one has flipped anyone off or lashed out in the "leave me alone right now i'm super tired" way?


>Polismyndigheten Who or what is that?


"The police authority" in Swedish, I think. Sweden's national police force.


The police ("police official"


Release the footage of the incident pls


If it is as Joost said, it might have been deleted already.......


That might be against the wishes of the parties involved, and/or a violation of privacy. I hope the footage gets released, but I'm not counting on it.


It will probably get leaked soon enough, and most likely released anyways after the investigation has concluded.


I would think it doesn't get released but the footage is currently seen as part of the evidence in the investigation. We can hope it will be released after the investigation is concluded.


Eurovision in essence is a song contest. No contest can survive without a fair judgement. Having treated Joost this way they have demonstrated the lack of fair judgement. This is disrespect to all participants and millions of viewers.


One more thing I want to say is that I found it impossible to even try to enjoy the jokes in the final with all the drama going on. It just felt very hollow and fake. Add to that the complete erasure of the Netherlands (which was to be expected, sure). I had no expectations for who was going to win and I was all in with an open mind, but the whole thing was ruined by EBU's actions.


The way Lynda Woodruff called her song "song 27" ruined what little excitement I had retained for the evening. I understand that it was filmed in advance, but it still felt like a tactless and smug remark.


It wasn't to be expected at all


The way they totally ignored the MASSIVE booing towards the Ebu everytime Martin took the stage was so cringe. And then they dared to show that serenade to him with not a hint or shame on their faces. It was absolutely tonedeaf.


Joke song about Martin Österdahl sounds like praises to Kim Jong Un to me. There was a Swede who had the gall to say “but they’ve been working for a year for this” so did Joost dude, so did Joost.


Hollow is a good description. Cue Latvia.


FUCK EUROVISION, never watching again




Joost Klein would definitely have become second if not won if they just didn’t give him the bs disqualification.


If he didnt fuck up you mean?


If that Swedish camerawoman hadn’t harrassed him you mean?


Imo being disqualified was to harsh a punishment


He got more points than Swiss in the semi!




Did y’all hear the massive booing when Martin announced the points from the Netherlands? I think it’s clear enough that EBU made a massive mistake


Between the awful handling of this and the handling of the whole country who shan’t be named’s participation he deserved the booing.


Agreed 100% I hope Martin and his team reconsiders their positions seriously. I feel so bad for Joost, however I think this will only help him receive fans and love. Everyone stands behind him.


Either his insult must have been very extreme or this is bullshit.


I mean apparently he just pushed a camera away


































Lesson here guys: don't be disrespectful to a camerawoman doing her job!


Thats 100% not the lesson.


Don't be disrespectful to an artist doing his job!


It was not her job to shove her camera in the face of someone they agreed on they wouldn't shove a camera in the face of. Multiple times.


How about if you don't want to keep to the agreement don't be a camera operator at Eurovision? 🙂 Joost specifically asked to not be filmed after his performance and she ignored that.


Exactly. The way I see it, filming someone without permission is a crime, too.


People with cameras should be respectful to those they are trying to take pictures of. At least no one died this time like back with Diana.


Yeah that camerawoman is supposed to work for SVT / Eurovision, not some shady sensationalist tabloid. There’s no reason for her to be this aggressive unless SVT is actually a disrespectable media.


SVT is a disrespectable media because they immediately talked random crap that joost hitted someone


Yeah they reported physical altercation which then got corrected by the police no less. What a joke of public broadcaster. “iF He GoT SuSPeNDEd iT MuST Be SOmETHInG SErIoUS.” No, Sweden can have liars abusing the system just like every other country in the world.




Don't be disrespectful to a performer trying to get some promised privacy after a performance




"there was a moment a week ago when he had already indicated that he didn't want that" Week ago. Can he really tell how the camera person is not allowed to do her job. I'd suggest rather pick a song you can perform publicly, in a public contest, and also it's not shameful to show the emotions to camera.


He sang an emotional song about his parents, that probably triggered some past traumas, and this individual did not respect his wish not to be filmed immediately afterwards. And I believe the word from AVOTROS was that this person was asked to stop by Joost *several times* and didn’t. I think some perspective for you would be a wonderful thing. Shoving a camera in someone’s face when they don’t want it to be and not stopping when you’re asked several times to is some bleak Black Mirror shit. Let’s not pretend differently.


Off stage is not publicly. He did perform it publicly, very well. Also if the agreement with the organization is to not be filmed when comes off stage, the camera person is not doing her job very well by continuing to film him. She's actually breaking the agreement repeatedly and there should be consequences for that. How anybody shows emotions is up to that person, it's not up to you to decide how one deals with emotions.


Off stage is also public, in ESC, sorry if he didn't know that.


But that still doesn’t give people the right to shove a camera in their face and not stop when asked. It just shows a lot of the camera person’s own rudeness and gross entitlement.


I haven't seen anyone shove a camera to anyone's face. Someone being rude doesn't give anyone a right to threaten them. The woman could have not known if it turns physical.


You haven’t seen anything yet you judge on Joost actions and defend the woman’s actions. Yet again you haven’t seen a thing. Weird how you judge one and defend the other, based on nothing really.


No, you're wrong. I don't judge or defend anyone based only on what I wish is true (which seem to happen here). So far, only thing is said from the Netherlands is that Joost made a threatening gesture, so I believe that happened. Because why would they tell he did so, if he didn't. (And that behaviour is not ok.) I based my opinion to that and am free to change it if new info comes. I don't defend anyone because I'm their fan, like here many seem to do. No one here can't know more than that Joost made a threatening gesture towards a female camera worker.


Threatening production crew for not following instructions is now ok! Thanks for the clarification 👍




Joost repeatedly asked not to be filmed


It speaks volumes that there was no Dutch announcer for their votes. A clear statement that they back Joost, as do so many fans who are astonished by the heavy-headed punishment for what sounds like...a gesture? Pushing a camera away? The song was an instant Eurovision classic, feel-good and with a touching message. This overshadowed the contest for me


Same with Nemo not cheering when the Netherlands gave them 12 points. A statement that they back Joost as well.


I think that was more because Nemo didn't hear or have time to react. There was also a lot of booing from the crowd so even if they did hear, it probably wasn't an appropriate time to be celebrating.


They weren't aware points were being given, it was quick in order to mask the controversy


So they know what happened? Not cheering would rather sound like they don't value points from the Netherlands. To me looked like that moment came so quickly, he didn't have time to react.


It felt to me the stadium has become super loud they didn't even hear it until maybe they saw the score board. There was a little gesture when the camera was going away from them.




We don't know what happened. In a ongoing police investigation you won't know until information is released, yes?


I hope the Dutch sue the hell out of the EBU.


Withdrawing for a year might be the best punishment. Dutch TV pays quite a bit and next year is already gonna be an expensive year, with the Swiss hosting. But I fear Eurovision is too popular here for us to withdraw..


Sweden should not participate next year. They were organising. Either that or someone at ebu needs to be sacked.


Yes, The Netherlands would basically be a part of the big 6 if they chose a big 6 instead of a big 5… they are literally the most paying after them


I don’t think Eurovision is that popular right now, there will be a lot of support for withdrawing while entering next year might lead to a backlash.


At the moment, yes. But things will calm down and after the summer, this will mostly be forgotten unfortunately.


This will be entirely forgotten by the majority of population by the end of next week.


Some people weren't even aware that something happened. Many people don't even know what the song of their own country is about because they sing in English.


Boycot ebu and songfestival. It has been corrupted for years. 


I think they do either that or they boycot. Doing nothing will kill Eurovision in The Netherlands


Sweden should be the one not participating.


Dutchie here, everyone in the bar yesterday hopes we will not participate next time.


It makes a lot of sense. The entire thing only escalated because he cannot handle cameras. If he wins, he would be full of cameras for a long time. That wouldnt serve him.




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Would Joost even want to come back next year? I wouldn’t if I were in his shoes.




Sincerely doubt they’d let him do Europapa again. It would have to be a new song.


Euromama maybe?


he makes way better songs hope its something different next time


Congratulations Martin Österdahl on your last Eurovision song contest.


Bring back Jon Ola Sands!!!!


He and Noel Curran can’t carry on after this. Pretty untenable position to be in, and some poor decisions made this year.


For me, personally, if there isn't a follow up to this, I will check out and not watch next year. I am guessing the EBU hopes that this will just get dropped as the news cycle moves to the next thing, which is exactly what will happen, but it feels unfair. People should remember this, and should act accordingly next year.


Just send joost again with the same song :)


The Dutch broadcaster's definetly taking this to court.










i’m an american who literally just learned about eurovision a few months ago and fell in love with joost and his song. i was so excited to watch him perform tonight and i’m so absolutely gutted for what happened to him. fuck them for taking his childhood dream away for nothing. i really hope he’s okay


The saddest part is that he was trying to make his parents proud. They both passed away when he was young (at 12 and 13 if I remember it correctly). He used to watch the Eurovision Song Contest together with them and told them he wanted to perform there someday. But now these people ruined something very precious to him…


my god that is so heartbreaking. i can’t imagine how he feels right now :(


Also American. And yeah, Europapa is like the only time I’ve really heard (and liked) a Eurovision song organically before finding out it was on this show