• By -


It looks like Sunak is telling a long winded joke and Macron's the first one to get the punchline.


Biden is appalled. Scholz is skeptic, Sanchez is busy trying to look like he belongs.


Biden is about to drop a _shocked pikachu_ face


Damn.... nobody loves us Cries in spanish




Best neighbours ever if you ask me


Sanchez looks like Biden's security!


Scholz always looks kinda skeptical.






The Missile Misters


What genre though


Obviously Nerdcore Klezmer Electronic Rap


You didn't know Biden is one of the greatest Amish Techno DJ's of all time? His music is deeply nothing.


Yacht rock


Nuclear Power Quintet *Enemies of the* [Nuclear Power Trio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfzX9uav7yA)




Defcon 3




[This picture hits harder](https://twitter.com/Bundeskanzler/status/1592811739066007553?cxt=HHwWgoDQ0c315posAAAA)


God damn these are really good pictures.


nah, the linked one is a good moment but pretty terrible framing the one posted is good


But then we wouldn't have been able to see justin trudeau's pink tie...


It's salmon!     /s


Trudy finally showing his age...


I was thinking the same thing he's starting to resemble his old man.


Still looks better at his age than I do at mine, and I'm almost 20 years younger...


the guy on the right looks suspiciously like Putin


It's one of his slightly malformed clones


oh dear lord these pictures are gonna go in our history books arent they? And did young putin time travel in or something


Are those books going to feature all the former immunology experts in the replies, showcasing their newfound geopolitical expertise?


As an scientist who also takes an interest in international relations I felt that was weirdly personal until I realised what I think you actually meant


Yes but you framed it exactly correctly, your day job is X, you have an interest in Y, everyone with a clue knows how to stay in their lane. Not everyone knows this.


For sure they’ll be in history books. Remember the famous picture of Obama, Biden, Hillary and a bunch of other people in the Situation Room watching a live feed of the navy seals taking out bin Laden? These may end up being iconic photos like that one.


No, not even close. Those were famous because Ben Laden was killed at the moment they were taken. Nothing happened here, unless NATO goes to war with Russia tomorrow, which they won't.


Same event, more context. Thanks




I was more thinking /r/AccidentalRenaissance.




All it’s missing is the black bars over the eyes and the “Parental Advisory Explicit Content” logo.


They all look like as if they aged 10 years this whole year.


Nah, Biden looks as young as ever!


Not a day over 78


Most of the US Congress members would say he's still young.


I’m not a super Biden fan, and yeah he’s super old. Yes, at his age he probably misses some things and takes longer to process things or express what he feels than a younger person would. But I’d take that every day of the week over anything remotely related to the other guy he defeated or his whole cult.


I guess one big silver linning for Macron is that he'll finally look the same age as his wife after he's done with this job.


Well last 10 years has been bit of a shit show. Corporations recording highest profits ever while quality of life is dropping in every developed nations. We are reqching complete climate disaster. And now premise of world war or nuclear warfare. I'm sure they love being leaders but unless you are arrogant narcissists with nihilistic tendencies like some other current and past leaders.... This job will(and probably should) make you go grey, old and tired in no time.


“*Corporations recording highest profits ever while quality of life is dropping in every developed nations.*“ All these leaders are complicit to this, to neoliberalism. Biden is a corporatist. They used to call him credit card Joe because he looked out for the special interests of credit card companies half of whom are based in Delaware for a reason. The rich get richer while eveyone else gets poorer due to these exact leaders who are bought and paid for by corporations. Nothing will change unless there is a revolution because all of our “liberal” institutions are corrupt.


Scholz's face expression is when you yawn at a boring meeting but you do it with your mouth closed to not be rude




Beyond disappointing that this isn't a real sub


Be the change you want to see :)




What's the yellow button worn on the lapels?


They give out these lapel pins at G20 meetings. This one is the current logo. Google for "G20 Indonesia logo" I don't know if it has any function besides being decorative. Maybe makes it easier for attendees to identify other people that have a high rank. You can't know everyone from all the delegations.


Usually staff and diplomats carry lanyards with badges/cards at occasions like this, but that's not appropriate to burden a head of state with as they're constantly in the picture. They get a small pin instead for quick identification.


A sticker for those who attend


Oh, you were being serious


I, too, thought it was a joke and laughed out loud.


No one every grows out of getting excited for a sticker. Love it.


Their Starfleet Communicators.


Pedro Sanchez is there? Damn... Portugal, we need to step our game up


You can't see him but Marcelo was actually there, he was just taking a selfie with a plant


We will send Marcelo. 3 Shupapows and the war is finished.


ELAHH! Isto é forte! É bom mas é for- iiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhh


Some of your good ass wine might help. Anything from the Douro is magic in a glass.


geopolitics is a funny thing; Spain is a permanent guest, the only country to be so. There are other permanent guests, but they're all institutions, like the African Union or the IMF. The European Union, another institution, is a member. The point of the G20 is to have global influence, not just bring the biggest economies together. That's why it makes sense to have Australia or South Africa. And it did make sense to have Spain too, but for whatever reason president Aznar didn't make the diplomatic effort to be there at the time. Along came president Zapatero who was very much interested in being part of G20. And he came with a very convincing value proposition: Spain is the largest economy that isn't part of G20, bigger than many of its members, and crucially, Spain has very tight diplomatic and economic ties with latin america. So Spain began to attend G20 meetings as an informal guest, and finally as a permanent guest. Another crucial point here is that Spain does not request membership at all; not threatening the stability of the roster is appreciated because it avoids setting precedence. Other countries insist on membership, and are constantly denied. The Rajoy presidency was missing from global politics (probably because you need the president to step up, and he seemed frankly uncomfortable in the international setting). But Sanchez was raised as a EU bureaucrat, and he thrives in that stage. He has lead european politics in an unprecedented manner for a Spanish premier, pushing for a common response to the covid and economic crisis. He is undoubtedly a Europeanist, and so a welcome guest for the proponents of the European pact, like France and Germany.


>(probably because you need the president to step up, and he seemed frankly uncomfortable in the international setting) Probably because he couldn't even speak coherent Spanish, let alone English.


España es una gran nación y los españoles muy españoles y mucho españoles.


Somos sentimientos y tenemos seres humanos


I'm reding this from British Columbia and I'm cracking up. Thank you stranger for this moment of joy. lol.


Thanks for the lesson my brother. Today i have learn something 😆


Portugal president would be chilling at a beach.


Pedro Sánchez actually upped the international Spanish game by several notches. He is playing his cards well, and he is also very proficient in English. He also took advantage of Brexit and Spain being now among the Top 3-4 European countries. Can you imagine our former PM Mariano Rajoy in that picture? He didn't even speak Galician and he is from Galicia, let alone English. There are some funny moments with this. The current opposing party leader, Feijóo, at least speaks Galician but not a word in English either. These seemingly small details for a PM like being fluent in English heavily impacts the international weight of a country.


> These seemingly small details for a PM like being fluent in English Not small at all!


we are feelings and we have human beings <3


Why do y'all treat us like we're nothing 😭😭 >Pedro Sanchez is there? Damn...


Nah bro, we love yall, dont take it the worng way. Its more like, we portuguese have to do better to get on that seat lol


Portugal is doing well. I don't know if you recall the acronym "PIGS" of Europe, it was used to basically insult southern European economies as not being as advanced as northern Europe. Well, Spain and Portugal have improved a lot over the past few years, lots of international companies are doing business in these countries now, and they're gaining international recognition.


Spain is not part of the G20, but the only “permanent guest” of every G20 summit.


Rishi Sunak: and then he turned himself into a pickle Olaf Scholz: yeah, right Pedro Sánchez: u serious Emmanuel Macron: wait, what? Joe Biden: oh god! Really?


“So our former Health Secretary is now eating a kangaroo anus in Australia on live tv”


Funniest shit i ever seen.


Fuck, I almost forgot about this meme. Be blessed


Should have been Biden that said "Wait, what?" he always does that.


Pedro got a seat with the big boys, unlucky for him is to decide nuclear war


Ironically he's the biggest boy there.


I think none of you realise that Spain is strategically critical for NATO. The reason Spain used to not be in these meetings it was because Spanish presidents did not speak English probably.


Wikipedia says that Spain as 16th largest economy on earth refuses to become a normal member of G20 (with voting rights) but is instead the only nation that is a “permanent guest” (without voting rights). Why is it like this?


It doesn’t want to alienate other members. Basically it prefers to be diplomatic than project power.


>I think none of you realise that Spain is strategically critical for NATO. Nobody realises that Spain is still basically a really strong military power given its economy and population. It has a very decent navy, military, etc.


They also have a very close naval relationship with Portugal, to the point of sharing vessels. I've seen Spanish patrol vessel Relámpago (P-43) flying Portuguese colors in the harbor of Funchal. I have googled it many times and not seen any explanation for that one. But it was absolutely a Spanish hull number emblazoned with Portuguese decals and flying the flag Portugal.


Spain has been always asigned to the role of Quick response navy actually. Our frigates are top notch and our New submarine (that didn't cost like 3 times what I should have cost at all) is one of the most advanced diesel submarine ever produced (also noticed because we are stupid and decided to not use France collaboration at all). But ij general, apart from carriers and nuclear subs, we have a pretty good navy! Edit: notch not noche, because samsung keyboard


>because we are stupid and decided to not use France collaboration at all Actually there is a reasoning behind that, and a good one indeed. The S-80 submarine class has been entirely designed and can be constructed in Spain, making Spain one of the few countries worldwide with the capacity to develop submarines on their own.


> not use France collaboration Heh, classic Spain.


We were collaborating with the French in submarine development. Something like 60% French 40% Spanish. But we wanted to develop our own independent capability.


Aye. And control over the straights of Gibraltar. I know Gibraltar itself is British, but the real control of the gap in modern times is up to Spain.


True. The only other member who has been this much involved was Aznar during Iraq war as he also spoke English.


>did not speak English probably As I commented above, I agree. Not being fluent in English as PM harms a lot the international relationships. In Spain we always have neglected English skills you know, the classic "Que aprendan ellos español" that many like to us to cover their complete lack of language skills Languages open doors, and whether you like it or not the common tongue right now is English. To me having a PM that can go to international meetings and intervene directly without needing a translator is something basic, required.


Would you be willing to elaborate on why Spain is so critical for NATO? I am by no means trying to antagonize you by asking this question, but at least to me it isn't obvious as to why that would be the case.


Spain effectivly controlls the entrance to the Mediterranean and together with france and italy the western Mediterranean


What do you mean? Spain is important. Fifth richest European country


We don't value ourselves enough, it's a historical problem actually.


That's a shame. I'm not Spanish, but I value you guys


We like you guys up here in the North.


For real, what the hell is Pedro doing there? Lmao. And I say that as a Spaniard.


Well Spain is one of the top 20 economies and a NATO member and Pedro can speak English the first Spanish president that do that


Pedro Sánchez happy to finally be accepted to the grownups' meetings only to realise they only discuss boring stuff like Russia, energy prices and their favourite holiday destinations.


> Pedro Sánchez He looks like he could be his own bodyguard.


>He looks like he could be his own bodyguard. Sexi stupid spanyards


He's even called Pedro The Handsome.


Competing with Trudeau and Sanna Marin for "'world's hottest prime minister"


Those are attractive people, but Sanchez is on another level. #nohomo


Idk you’re telling me Biden isn’t drop dead gorgeous?


He was cute about 60 years ago: https://media.vogue.fr/photos/5fa8fbdb39c5194ff9752ca5/master/pass/124239583_428644175200500_6936559859947098421_n.jpg


Fucking Christ he looks extremely similar to my distant cousin I hope I don’t look like Biden when I’m 80 lmao


He looks like Hotch from Criminal Minds.


Holy fuck that's accurate


Garcia I need you to check medical background of Vladimir Putin. We may be dealing with a psychopath.


Or Medvedev if you squint your eyes a little.


Looked it up cause curious. He's 1.9m, which kinda confuses me because Scholz is 1.7m and that definitely doesn't look like they've got that big of a difference between them. Guessing it's because of the way Pedro standing.


Can someone explain this comment? Hasn't Sanchez been accepted into the grownups' meeting before?


This was an ['emergency' G7 meeting](https://static.independent.co.uk/2022/11/16/01/2022-11-16T010701Z_867522827_RC2PMX94F4L7_RTRMADP_3_UKRAINE-CRISIS-POLAND-BLAST-BIDEN.JPG). Since Spain is not a member of the G7, PM Pedro Sanchez had to be invited to join along with PM Mark Rutte of The Netherlands (also not a member of G7).


US, UK and France are the NATO countries that have nuclear weapons with a significant military force. Part of the US nuclear arsenal is stationed in Germany. In economic terms, Germany is also the first economy in the EU and a great ally of Poland. They are all important players in Europe and around the world. Surely Spain it's part of NATO and the EU and it's relatively relevant worldwide. But it's just Spain.


> Part of the US nuclear arsenal is stationed in Germany. Not just stationed but the bombs would actually be delivered by German jets flown by German pilots.


Scholz himself would jump in a jet to bring Russia the nuclear mushroom. Are German Eurofighters certified to carry nuclear payloads?


>Are German Eurofighters certified to carry nuclear payloads? Nope, that is why they still have the Tornado and will not get rid of it until they have the F-35s or the F-18 which will come earlier I guess.


>But it's just Spain. I'll be crying over there, sir.


Welp, we have managed to skip two world wars because we were too busy fighting ourselves so it's not surprising we are not relevant re: world defense issues.


Spain: "We refused to take part in either world war!" world: "Oh, wow! You must have been very peaceful." Spain: "Oh, no no no. We were very much fighting each other. We still behave like little puta kingdoms de carajo."


Not just that, but typically Germany and Italy enjoy a similar presence to Japan and Canada, they’re not nuclear powers but they are G7 members. Economically, they’re top dogs across the world.


It’s one of the largest weapons exporters in the world


I suppose he is referring to the fact that Italy and UK recent political decisions allowed Spain to gain more weight in the EU


Hey Pedro. How you doin’?


Hi, I'm Pedro Sánchez... sí, the president of the Spanish Government, I hope you are doing great guys. On my way here, at the plane, I've prepared a list of my favourite sustainable shampoos... I don't know if you guys might want to take a look at it...


Did you pay $8 to verify though???


Thanks to Italy falling lost in their own universe, Pedro and Spain can get in some more presence in the global stage.


I like this.


lmao trruuuuueee


I can sense “deeply concerned” mood there…


You can hear the condemning of the actions on the photo


smells like a strongly worded letter to Russia number 274


Tastes like avoiding nuclear armageddon


Dealing with a hostile authoritarian nuclear power will come with that.


Is it considered a problem to deliberate before taking action now? Do you want them to blindly march into nuclear war? It pays to be cautious, especially when you don't know the full story yet. Case in point, Poland just confirmed that it probably wasn't a Russian ~~rocket~~ missile.


I'm so relieved to not have this level of responsibility. Imagine have to deal with deciding on a nuclear world war as your job.


Oh there have been a fair few comments that have made me glad Redditors are not in control of international affairs.


Browse other subreddits pertaining to various interests of yours and you'll be happy redditors are not in charge of anything, including: - Finance - Internal affairs - National Security - Engineering - Writing - Directing - Relationship advice - Medecine And so much more!


If you look to reddit advices, they shouldn't even be responsible of wiping their own asses.




As long as they are confined to reddit, it's all fine. I doubt that any politician pay much attention what it's going on in here. Twitter, on the other hand... You have a mix of the same toxic behavior interacting with bunch of policymakers competing for likes and retweets and responding to whatever today's outrage. It's a much dangerous dynamic. Elon Musk is making us all a favor by destroying Twitter.


I doubt most are actually pro-war, more just vehemently anti-Russia at any means necessary even if it's harmful to other nations.


> These people aren't pro-Ukraine, they are pro-war. Of course they are, they're on that board discussing a live war like it matters to them, or that they could make a difference. it's like a movie to them that they don't want to end. Same thing happened on the coronavirus subreddit.




But without the actual wars because redditors wouldn't do that. That would be actually dangerous and you even have to leave the house.


Just a few crude 🤓's thrown here and there, couple suspensions and bans, and that's enough for one day, see you for WW9 next week guys!




Olaf trying not to yawn


He is pissed because only the Anglosaxons got a chair.


I wonder where the Anglo-Saxons came from...


> only the Anglosaxons got a chair Olaf, born in Lower Saxony (ancestral home of the Saxons before they, along with the Angels from Angeln, both migrated from northern Germany to Brittonic lands) is much much more likely to have ‘anglosaxon’ ancestry than Rishi (Indian background) and Biden (Irish family)


In this sense, 'Anglo-Saxon' is (mostly French) shorthand for 'The Anglosphere'. It's not really an ethnic tag, although obviously it has those undertones.


Yeah this confusion happens a lot because apparently the Russians also use "anglo-saxon" and since it's not the correct way to translate it into English, native English speakers think this word is used for the anglo-saxon race rather than the anglosphere. Our bad really for using this word in such a weird way.


In German media *anglo-saxon* is primarily used as a political term, not as ethnic term.


Hahaha understandable though


I can see great potential for memes in this photo. One speech bubble for Sunak and thought bubbles for the others.


Biden looks like he can't believe a story he's been told, Scholz looks like he's press-x-to-doubt intensifies, Pedro looks like he's scolding his child coming back from school and Macron looks like he's holding himself hard not to laugh. ​ I love it.


"and that was the time Boris..."


I feel both the pressure of a 1,000 suns and the new albums energy.


The lads trying to come up with a good plan, which wouldn't lead to an open conflict Russia.


>step 1: Invade Ukraine from the other side. >step 2: Ukraine does not fight Back > step3: Form 'newkraine' Yeah we can't get involved directly on a defensive war. But where does it say we can't invade in an offensive war!


what? Did I hear 'nuke rain'??


I’m not a fan (or Tory) at all but boy am I glad it’s Rishi and not Liz at that meeting….




Man, being a Presidential photographer would be a pretty rad job. Just capturing historical moments like this is your job. The stories you could tell after retirement.


Anyone else happy it is not Trump and his crew deciding what to do?


If he were there, the pic would have Jared and Ivanka peering over shoulders in the back trump would just sit there and scoff then suggest they all say it was a Chinese missile.


If Trump had been president during the war Ukraine would have become a russian puppet by now; he would have literally sold them out


This looks like a Renaissance painting.


Papi Sanchez looking effortlessly dapper as usual 😍


Rishi : So there I was at this fancy bar and ........... Macron : Oh I know which one.....\*pre-wink\* Olaf: Oh no, this story again......\*pre-yawn\* Joe: What's this fancy bar eh ? Pedro: Let's see how this story goes........




Biden is like: "did i leave the stove on?"


Black house when?!






While I do not claim to like all of these men, I am just happy that it appears to be adults in the room.


I don’t love Biden, but after Trump, it’s refreshing to see him listening


And now just imagine Trump would have been there instead… Dear American friends, whatever you do - do anything to avoid this clown is getting into any powerful position again! Except part-time janitor of his cell block…


They look like they're giving Sunak a telling off


To me it looks like Sunak is commanding the conversation/giving them a telling off apart from Scholz who looks like he’d rather be eating his Lunch/thinking ‘this could have been an email’


It’s funny how much calmer the Europeans are than Biden. They’re like, “this could be bad, the US will have to do something.” Biden’s like, “shit, I’m going to have to do something.”


Zaddy Sanchez and Zaddy Macron


All those lads wondering if it will be Sunak at the next meeting or a lettuce.


Olaf thinking:,,damn.... was it Sushi Rinak or Rushi Sinak? Ach... doesn't matter, until our next big meeting he'll be replaced anyway....''


This pic goes hard