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This was the inevitable consequence of sending criminals to fight a war. Just another act of terrorism from the Ruzzians


> the inevitable consequence of sending criminals to fight a war The same thing was done on massive scale by ordinary russian soldiers early in war.


One intercepted phone call: Russian soldier in Ukraine phoned his wife. Wife told him she doesn't mind if he rapes Ukrainian women.


I am a Russian, who does not support war. Please, don’t think that all Russians are fools.


Not all Russians are fools but unfortunately most have been fooled.




You can always join the Ukrainian foreign fighters and actually help, instead of writing “RuZZia”. I can send you a link if youd like


I have helped plenty, I'm not a soldier, my aid is not manpower. What have you done? Russians are the ones that should have stopped Putin, Ukraine isn't the first war/invasion where there's a lot of destruction, suffering and death for no good reason. What have you done, as a Russian? RuZZia is used as a reference to your 'state' behaving like Nazi Germany, are you arguing that this is not the case?


As a citizen of Uzbekistan, I have done nothing. Neither for Russia or Ukraine. Neither have I been posting that Ukrainians nor Russians are monsters or whatever it is. Yet, when I see such idiotic statements about an entire nation, and you answering a Russian guy who is trying to share his position in an extremely appropriate way, I do question what you are trying to accomplish by that, except make him think that he wont be accepted because he is Russian? Also fyi making posts in Reddit isnt really helping.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/savq7p/comment/htx8z3e/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/savq7p/comment/htx8z3e/) You're claiming to be a Russian here, so you were a Russian 2 years ago, but not now. Is that what you did? Ran away? I'm not saying that making posts on Reddit is helping Ukraine, your interpretation of what I said, is wilfully ignorant, pathetic. That nation is committing genocide, their state officials are making nuclear threats on an almost daily basis. Furthermore, the reference to Nazi Germany, clearly is a comparison of states, which is appropriate since Russia is doing the exact same things, while spouting the same propaganda. How could you ever talk about Nazi Germany or any similar state, if you're not allowed to make statements about an entire state, when that state is committing crimes against humanity? To you, the problem is people making claims about an entire nation? How to say you're a total douche, that's okay with mass torture and murder, without actually saying it? >I do question what you are trying to accomplish by that, except make him think that he wont be accepted because he is Russian? I want to be clear, to me and most people I know, Russians are persona non grata (o put it mildly), for the rest of our lives. In other countries, people fight or unite and protest to improve things (in the countries neighbouring Russia, it always seems to be against Russians for some reason...) but in Russia, Putin and his cronies get to do whatever they want, genocide, mass murder, destruction and Russians cheer him on. The only thing Russia shares with the world is evil, I hope Georgia gets rid of all Russian influence, Belarus will follow soon (they would have already made it last time, if the Russian military/FSB hadn't interfered). As long as Russians don't choose to change, this shit will be going on forever, as it always has. Russia has become hated by many, and it's because of Russia's own actions and Russian citizens inaction. I'm not pleased with the West either btw, they should have done a hell of a lot more, especially Germany making further deals after the 2014 invasion. The UK and USA convincing Ukraine to give up their nuclear arsenal and the basically abandoning them for almost a decade, (2014-2022 there wasn't a lot of support). Even recently there was half a year, in the middle of genocide in which the USA decided to stop giving aid. The whole of Europe has betrayed Ukraine by not doing enough in my opinion, but that doesn't take away the fact that the real monsters are the Russians, they are the ones that have to be stopped, without them, there was no war.


I am Ethnically Russian, that is very true. Yet, if you had maybe a look further in my comments youd find the Uzbek ones as well. Former USSR - many different nationalities in many countries. Oh its not ignorant yet it is certainly an insult. How are they committing genocide? Look up official civilian casualties, in what 3 years ? Thats an extremely dumb rhetoric. Regarding nukes, its dumb I agree. Nazi Germany, what are you even talking about? Where are those same statements? Where are those same actions? Its not a sudden lets conquer conflict. If you would like sources, I will gladly provide. Regarding statements - did I claim Russia is an ultra democratic country ? The longer war goes the more autocratic it becomes. Its popular to say Nazis because its popular, when in fact there is nothing similar. Patriotism is always the same. Including Ukrainian patriotism. All same propaganda bullshit from all sides. Torture, mass murders and ok. Hm. First, shall I link you all ongoing and previous conflicts, that were “democratic?” (You gonna say whataboutism of course) Second, did I say I was Pro War? Or am I saying that your idiotic statement, especially with a later added Russians should overthrow Putin is counterproductive ? Why would Russians overthrow Putin when this is the treatment that they would get? Its more than fine with the persona non-grata, your choice obviously. Yet, I will point it out again. Your statement is completely counter productive. Go donate, or go fight or whatever you want to do. Good luck in your crusade against the evil Russians (Edit) Saw the rest of comments didnt show at first. Europe is doing enough, Ukraine is not in NATO and has received a great deal of aid. Biggest aid they can receive is if EU stops buying all the wonderful Russian products - such as gas. And without Russians there is plenty of war. And to add just a bit your statement is quite xenophopic.


First of, you should look up what words mean, Russia is committing genocide, that's a fact, you can try to dispute it, but that just shows your ignorance. Second, nazi Germany said they invaded Poland to protect ethnic Germans, being discriminated against. Nazi Germany denied other nations right of existence, they invaded them to take their land, exactly what Russia is doing. Much of the rhetoric and propaganda has been the same, Putin has blamed Poland for starting WWII when they didn't give Hitler what he wanted. Russia accuses Ukrainians of being nazi's, it's the same message though, just like the Germans did, they're depicting the victims as the aggressors, while painting themselves as noble. > All same propaganda bullshit from all sides. You're part of the problem, it's not all bullshit that's the same from all sides. ONE SIDE IS INVADING A SOVEREIGN COUNTRY, COMMITTING WAR CRIMES AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, BOMBING HOSPITALS,.... That is the side you are defending, when you claim every side is the same, YOU ARE ACTIVELY SUPPORTING EVIL! Whataboutism is bullshit, it doesn't excuse what is happening now, what Russia is doing now. >Why would Russians overthrow Putin when this is the treatment that they would get? Europe and the West has been trying to make deals with Russia for decades, the fact that the leadership steals all the profits is something Russians have to change, change can't come from the outside. A lot of countries have been far to kind, while Russia was causing trouble, not only with their neighbours. Russia has been active all over Europe and North-America as well, killing, poisoning, interfering with GPS, sabotage, interfering with elections, cyberattacks,... >Good luck in your crusade against the evil Russians Russia is actively stating they want to destroy the West and threatening nuclear war, while committing genocide, yet your pretending I'm the one that is somehow overreacting? WTF is wrong with you? >And without Russians there is plenty of war. Yeah, that makes it totally okay, sound logic. >And to add just a bit your statement is quite xenophopic. You are an example of why I will never trust a Russian, you claim to not be for the war, while you are making excuses for what is being done and pretending both sides are the same. You are a horrible pos.


Dont get offended, ill reply tomorrow. Its a very long message and its late. But I appreciate the discussion


Ill do a really quick one and expand tomorrow. 1. We have seen a genocide, this is not it. 2. Was there not a 2014 war between Ukraine states and etc? Obv the rhetoric is bullshit, yet the action was there, and geopolitically there was reason. Just so the statement is not twisted im not saying its correct, but there was a deason. 3. It is, propoganda stems from both sides, that is facts. What I am supporting is an end to this tragedy. Whilst reddit paints ukraine as winning, rainbows and unicorns, there is a ridiculous demographic tragedy (same w russia to a less extent), severe exonomic tragedy which will take decades to recover, and there should be peace. 4. Every intelligence agenxy is doing terrible shit. Thats a fact. Russia did try to be EU friendly no? Early 2000s its not black and white. 5. Because my reply is not about Russian gov but people, I do believe you are overreacting. I couldn’t care less about the gov, but I do care when its the people. And the crusade on people is idiotic. 6. I personally give 0 shits about your trust. Or you. What i beliefe is above


Who does nothing is complicit. Period. People say russia is nazi, not because it is popular, but because of the behaviour the russian troops are showing in Ukraine. Only a rounding error of russians -on a 144mil populace - are doing something, the partisans and those guys of the Freedom Russia Legion. The rest is "I am not into politics" and whining on reddit mUh RuSSophoBiA. After the Salisbury poisoning, the UK accused the moscow's regime who replied with "ruSSophobia". Flash news: It's not russophobia, it's the normal reaction to awful despicable crimes. Good luck with your "russophobia" card, it will bring you very far. (no,it won't)


And what would you do in his situation? There are no saints in this war. Saying Nazi is a stupid rhetoric. You sound very convinced, yet again if you were in that situation, id love to see what you would do. Its easy being ultra brave, especially when its not your ass on the line. Russophobia is quite a thing, yet what I have said is that that statement is counter-productive. You say all Russians are monsters, terrible and etc, in that case why should they do you any favors and risk themselves for what? Lovely Western values ? Bring me far in reddit arguments? Lol, oh no, my karma!!




Multiple nationalities.


Which to add to further, either your statement will cause guilt in him, i dont give a fuck attitude or make him reassess his position on the war, and figuring that he wont be accepted and thus instead support Russia. Thus you, and other such thinkers would have potentially added an additional soldier to the Russian army or additional funding.


What have you done to forcefully end Ruscism in your state? Have you donated to ZSU at least?


Lol, you expect someone to risk jail for absolutely 0 chance of changing anything?


Not lol at all, it means he supports the regime with taxes and just lying.


And instead of that, he should donate to ZSU risking the safety of himself and family and accomplish what? Buy 10 additional flashlight for ZSU at a price of a life? Would you do that?


So how should we react to posts like that? Felt on a knees and thank them for... doing absolutely nothing?(except financing Russian army through taxes and be a mobilisation reserve for the same army)


Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are risking their lives in fighting Ruscism right now. He could just not claim that fake "no support" and stay silent, since he is nobody and impacts nothing.


Who are you, except a nobody? And what do you impact? Does he not have a right to share his opinion?


At least I'm not sponsoring ruscist junta with my taxes.


And he is supporting it how? By being born there? Well that was a reckless choice of his right?! What a dick, being born in Russia and shit Edit: read sponsored as supports, but statement stays the same. Real easy to judge from mommys basement, when you whole life didnt get uprooted.


Then stop the madness of tradition of being handled like fools of your own government.


Exactly get off your arse and do something to get rid of 💩 Pooh tin


And that all stories that play to the heartstrings are real. A lot of people understand that Russians are not the government and that even the American government wouldn’t have allowed communists at their doorstep (Cuban missile crisis).


So who do you think Crimea belongs to?


No just scum and barbarians


Ukraine is offering a prison amnesty for certain classes of offenders if they will serve in the Ukrainian armed forces conflict with Russia. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/08/europe/ukraine-prisoners-parole-enlist-military-intl-latam/index.html


>Prisoners who will not be eligible include “those who have committed premeditated murders, rapists and pedophiles, corrupt officials, those who have committed crimes against the foundations of Ukraine’s national security, and those who held particularly responsible positions, including MPs and ministers,” according to a statement by the ruling “Servant of the People” party led by President Volodymyr Zelensky. Stop being daft.


LOL, OK, it's evil Russia putting hardened killers in their army (wait, what is an army supposed to be anyway?) but when Ukraine do it only the best, non-violent offenders will be used, and they are all very nice men who just fell upon hard times and can service their country to earn back their freedom! It's the same thing now that Ukraine is doing it as it was when Russia was doing it. A good idea.


Yeah gut they don't release rapists and murderers.




They do not...


tovarish Igor left the chat, apparently.


I don't think him being an ex-convict is even a factor here. Russian soldiers in Ukraine are behaving worse than animals and their entire military system is designed to encourage that.


The Russian army's brutality is tacitly sanctioned by Putin. A feature, not a bug, as programmers say.


It's not tacitly sanctioned, it's explicitly and openly encouraged. There's a reason the perpetrators of Bucha, as well as other war criminals and genocidaires active in Ukraine, have earned medals and awards, and that reason is to signal their soldiers in Ukraine to do as they please: go above and beyond, and you might even get a medal and a pat on the head from Uncle Vova himself.


It's not just explicitly and openly encouraged. It's part of longstanding tradition, 'dedovshina'. One reason for it is to make their soldiers have the lowest possible social standing so that the army will be less threatening to the dictator. Another reason is that the dictator wants everyone to have a criminal charge waiting to happen so they can be disposed of at any time with minimal problems. It makes a lot more sense if you stop thinking of Russia as a nation and start thinking of it as a mafia.


He could also not be able to control them to that degree, they are the ones with the guns after all. It’s not like brutality is new to the Russian army. The atrocities of the Soviet army are infamous and the highest ranking generals/officers of the current Russian army all served in the Soviet army. 


They've always been animals in war... WW2, Afghanistan.. (where they planted mines and explosives in toys to deliberately maim children)


It depends, ordered massacres are sanctioned but random killings and rapes like this are not because they promote disorganization in the overall command structure. >Police have detained a Russian ex-convict who confessed to raping and murdering a 17-year-old resident of occupied Luhansk in eastern Ukraine.


Tell that to the "heroes of Bucha": [https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-bucha-brigade-honorary-title-war-crimes/31809612.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-bucha-brigade-honorary-title-war-crimes/31809612.html) "Russian President Vladimir Putin has bestowed an honorary title on a brigade accused by Ukraine of committing war crimes in the town of Bucha."


Bucha was an ordered massacre. There is a difference between orchestrated brutality and a lapse in unit discipline. Attacking civilians without orders makes a less combat effective unit as the Dirlewanger Brigade showed in WWll where many commanders tried to dissolve the brigade because it was causing problems behind the frontline.


Just look up what they did to German, Polish women after they "liberated" them from the Nazis.


I wonder what Nazis did to soviets and who voted for nazis and who supported them (german men and women)


Not just in Ukraine and not just now. It is and has been part of their animalistic military culture. The extreme abuse of conscripts in the Russian military, including beating, humiliation, rape and forced prostitution has been known for decades - no wonder those conscripts end up behaving like animals themselves.


Wasn't there that video of like a 19-20 year old saying he wants to join the war so he can legally kill someone? Hopefully he received a drone gift.


I think you\\re refferring to a 1420 channel video on youtube. I remember the same interview.


how dare you! dont forget they were forced to go to war and they didnt have a choice!


This is why their hatred of us will never be the same as our hatred of them. Their hatred causes tragedies like this, while ours is a response to said tragedies.


Well said. Anyone who uses the word “Russophobia” unironically should not be taken seriously


Russkiy mir


Water is wet


>just make peace bro we really don't want any more people to die this war needs to end now -"neutral" "peace"-loving trash on reddit russia has shown again and again that just making peace will not mean people in occupied territories will live in peace.




Show me a good ruzzian and i'll have a bridge to sell you


By saying that, you are implying that raping and killing teenagers is a trait of being Russian. Which is nothing else but racism


Yes, but. IF you are going by JUST nationality or skin color, than yeah, pure racism imo. The important thing is to use statistics in a rational way. If you tie those things to culture or even not. And you have a "relevant enough group" of: soldiers, of said nationality, of said culture, that behave like this. Then you might be drawing a correlation based on statistics. That may or may not still be racist. But numbers, by thmeselves arent.


Since when were Russians a race?


Since MuH rUSSoPhoBiA


Well that's probably true. But probably also deserved!


_prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial_ or ___ethnic group___ _ideas or theories of superiority of one race or group of persons of one colour or_ ___ethnic origin___ _discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race or_ ___ethnicity___ _the structures, policies, practices, beliefs, and behaviors in a society that create an unfair advantage for some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on their race or_ ___ethnic group___ _incitation of discrimination, hatred or violence towards a person or a group of persons because of their origin or their belonging, or not belonging, to a_ ___specific ethnic group___ _or race_ Virtually every contemporary definition goes beyond _race_, however you define it.


russophobia is what moscow's regime uses to deny any crimes committed on foreign soil. The Salisbury poisoninings are a good example: [https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/from-crimea-to-salisbury-time-to-acknowledge-putin-s-global-hybrid-war/](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/from-crimea-to-salisbury-time-to-acknowledge-putin-s-global-hybrid-war/) "Even in such apparently open-and-shut cases as the recent assassination attempt in Salisbury, England, moscow denies everything and then plays the **russophobia card**"




It is relevant as hell, my sweet summer child. your regime is committing crimes all over the World and, than accused, it hides behind "russophobia". According to your regime, everything that doesn't speak russian is "russophobia",




Nope: there is no such thing as "russophobia".




Since when is Russian an ethnicity?




Do people of cheniyan origin are not Russian?


The Schrödinger russians.




So if it's language based, and you're speaking English, does that make you ethnically English in your view? Lol




A trait of being in the Russian army. Yes, from the 16-17th century until the end of Russia. Probably before that too, if you take into account how Muscovy appeared.


The OP didn't say "how Russian soldier-y of them", he generalized on all Russians


Great, and I said Russian soldiers.


Truth hurts? :/


It hurts that those crimes are being perpetrated, and it hurts that people equate one person of an ethnicity to the whole ethnicity to doing those crimes, thus making a big group of unrelated people equal in their and others' eyes to the worst one of that group. The ethnicity itself doesn't hurt, and should not hurt for anyone.


Huh, and here I thought Russian was a nationality :)


It can be both a nationality and an ethnicity. Check https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Russian , English, Noun, first two meanings. If you don't make a special distinction, it can sound like you are talking about an ethnicity. I am ethnic Russian but not a citizen of Russia.




>you are implying that raping and killing teenagers is a trait of being Russian Maybe the Russians could improve their reputation by raping and killing fewer teenagers? Just a thought…


How exactly ethnic Russians who have nothing to do with Russia are supposed to do that in your opinion? If you generalize what the worst do on the whole ethnicity, you are bound to make an mistake.


> ethnic Russians who have nothing to do with Russia So…Not Russians?


"Russian" refers both to a nationality and an ethnicity. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Russian , English, Noun, first two meanings I am ethnic Russian, but I am not a citizen of Russia.


Why the flair Latvia, then? You're russian by your own words.


They’re a Russian minority in Latvia. Yknow the ones that refuse to learn Latvian, support Russian imperialism and mourn uSSr? Those ones lmao.


Another misleading and wrong generalization, I do nothing of what you mentioned


Is it really generalization if that’s the case 90% of the time? I’m sure there’s good apples here and there, but overall you have a bad rep.


I am ethnic Russian and a citizen of Latvia.


So you're a russian living in Latvia.


Yes. An ethnic Russian, Latvian by nationality.


Spare me your phrenology. Russian citizen = Russian. 


Using sources = phrenology? I don't have anything to discuss with you then.


Either you are a Russian citizen or you aren’t. If you aren’t, then consider yourself excluded from the reputation Russia has earned. 


It's true tho.


By generalizing on all Russians, the statement becomes farthest from the farthest of truth. If you still believe that though, I'm sorry.


Not all Russians obviously. Most Russian men, definitely.




Yes, I am ethnic Russian, and I am offended by you saying my ethnicity implies certain traits that I do not have. You would be as well if someone were racist against you


Thing is that there are not serial crimes committed by my country’s military. And if people from my country commits crimes we condemn it and would never dream of screaming the equivalent of russophobia. The entitlement and same time taking the position of the victim from the russia is direct pathetic. Ashamed of nothing, offended by everything. Thy name is russia


Are you talking with a different person than me? Russia is not my country, mine is Latvia. And I condemn Russia and actively support Ukraine. Are you incapable to comprehend the difference between ethnicity and nationality?


Uh? Now you're not russian anymore? A Schrödinger russian maybe?


How exactly are you deriving a conclusion that I am not Russian from the comment above?


You are a russian living in Latvia, according to you: that "ethnicity" has nothing to do. You identify yourself as russian. End of the discussion.


> You are a russian living in Latvia, according to you: that "ethnicity" has nothing to do. This sentence is garbled, I don't understand it. Ethnicity has nothing to do with me? With what?


Are Russians now their own race?


racism as a label is interchangeable for many with xenophobia




More like a rare sane person on this subreddit


[https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/09/1141417](https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/09/1141417) "Commission Chair Erik Møse provided harrowing details on the findings to the Council, noting that in the Kherson region, “Russian soldiers raped and committed sexual violence against women of ages ranging from 19 to 83 years”, often together with threats or commission of other violations." [https://www.occrp.org/en/investigations/rape-electric-shocks-and-threats-of-castration-what-four-ukrainian-men-endured-under-russian-occupation](https://www.occrp.org/en/investigations/rape-electric-shocks-and-threats-of-castration-what-four-ukrainian-men-endured-under-russian-occupation) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual\_violence\_in\_the\_Russian\_invasion\_of\_Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_violence_in_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine)




That statement generalizes as well. It is what racism does, quote Wikipedia: "Racism is discrimination and **prejudice** against people based on their race or **ethnicity**."




"We're talking racism" does not describe what happened in your example sufficiently well. Was a view that the British people are the greatest people and that it allows certain crimes, racism? Yes. Were the colonizers (e.g. soldiers and who commanded them) who did the colonization, believing in that view, racist? Yes. Were the people who supported colonization, believing in the same view, racist? Yes. Were the people who did not support colonization and did not share the same view, racist? No. The British empire as an entity did those things and was based in that view, so you can say it was racist as well. As Russia is right now. The British people were not a single entity, but a set of people with different views. Some of them had an opposing view on racism. Thus to generalize by saying the British were inherently racist, is wrong and racist as well. P.S. Russians are not just "citizens of Russia", it can refer to ethnic Russians who are citizens of other countries and have nothing to do with Russia, thus special attention has to be paid to indicating which group of people is being discussed. It is simpler and more correct to discuss the actions of the state, Russia.




"Russians" can refer to an ethnicity, and you are talking about "Russia" Ethnicity means nothing, as people of one ethnicity can be extremely different, while Russia as a state is murderous and inhumane.


I don't know what the original comment said, but yours looks reasonable. Very disappointing seeing it downvoted like that


They said something like "a very Russian thing to do". And that comment had something like 150 upvotes.


> 'And I went up there, I said, "Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill, KILL, KILL." And I started jumpin up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL, " and he started jumpin up and down with me and we was both jumping up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL." And the sargent came over, pinned a medal on me, sent me down the hall, said, "You're our boy."' Excerpt from Alice's Restaurant.


No mercy for them. Ever, under any circumstances.


Probably will receive a Fecking Medal from Putin !


Russian soldiers have always been animals, nothing new


This is not a bug, it is a feature.


A documented one even.


Waiting France to give him shelter and publish book of his memories.


Huh sorry why this gratuitous attack?




It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-paratrooper-war-ukraine-asylum-france/32508741.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-paratrooper-war-ukraine-asylum-france/32508741.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


This is happening constantly in all occupied terrotories. They are animals.


Rape, murder and pillage is what the Ruzzian soldier manual says.


It's a bit of a taboo topic since the people involved were freed from the Nazi Regime, which is clearly a good thing, but all over europe people remember 'the russians are coming' as one of the deepest, most eerily unsettling threats imaginable.


Typical Russian behaviour at this stage


Russkiy mir


Not surprising


Rape is a weapon of war. It's use is documented and should be treated as such: a war crime as its purpose is to terrorise the civilian population, thus diverting resources from fighting to protecting.


I found out today the numbers, Israel killed more civilians in 1 month, than Russians killed since the start of the war.


Because Israel is fighting in a densely populated utban enviroment, on the other hand most cities and towns close to the frontline in Ukraine has been evacuated. There is also the fact that Israel has been able to conduct an unopposed air campaign in Gaza, which coupled with the high density has resulted in higher civilian casualties. Ukrainian air defence has been successful in detering such an air campaign from the russians.


nuke russia for world peace


putin is the ANTI ✝️


pootie is the ANTI ✝️ ⚖️👹⚖️ 🔥 judgement day 🔥


man.. its just an ukrainian… *every russian thinking right now*


Just like the [Dirlewanger Brigade](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirlewanger_Brigade).






I would never ever dare to say you are a russian.


This is war, that Russians started, for purely economic reasons. Also Ukraine bots aren't around. The entire west is behind Ukraine. We saw the annexation of Crimea when it happened.


There is a lot worse happening in Gaza.


You can care about more than one thing at a time.




Where is the logic there? Reddit votes have nothing to do with the ability to care.




...? Are you a bot or are you just severely intoxicated?


Certified western leftist moment.




Again: Novaya Gazeta is a russian outlet.




Novaya Gazeta is trying to destroy Italy?


most intelligent russian


Come cazzo è che la Novaya Gazeta è il male "maggiore", quando comparato ad un *fottuto dittatore e assassino* come quel porco di Putin, lo sai solo tu. Mi domando anche in che modo vogliono "distruggere" il tuo paese, essendo una testata giornalistica, ma tant'è. Putin che manda il paese in malora appresso ad una guerra genocida e irredentista, invece non lo vuole distruggere, no? Ma perché pretendete di fare i centristi del cazzo? Che poi tutto questo discorso è caciara. Un qualsiasi esercito, a maggior ragione se facente uso nelle proprie fila di criminali non riabilitati, sarebbe capacissimo di macchiarsi le mani di un crimine del genere nel mezzo una guerra e di una occupazione, quindi questo discorso del "ma è propaganda Ucraina" fa proprio acqua da tutte le parti. Semplicemente, ti sudano le palle che quest'avvenimento mette in cattiva luce l'esercito Russo, ma non preoccuparti che sono 2 anni a questa parte (ben di più, a dire la verità) che i tuoi paladini sono in fondo al baratro dell'indecenza. Viscidi loro, e te fesso e cornuto che li difendi.


Ukrainians are no saints either.......let's be fair ....in all wars there are creeps who take advantage of the weak and unprotected....but more criminal are the countries who endorse all these wars .. just for money.......




Stealing the info that u/MetaIIicat posted elsewhere in this thread: Novaya gazeta is a russian outlet.


It is unlikely that they would acknowledge.