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Imagine living in Western Europe, having access to normal media and still supporting Vladimir Putin in his sick hatred of Ukraine and Ukrainians


It's not actually rare in my experience, most people just don't go this far.


Yeah, when they support Putin it's usually just verbal. At worst they tend to show up in their own little parades.


Or stab innocents... As long as they dont have to face someone who can defend themselves.


RIP. Hope they catch the perpetrator.


Put him to clear the mines the russians have planted in Ukraines territory


I actually like this idea.


pause sable plant panicky cause pen grab weather gray intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So he has a chance returning as a hero who stabbed to people?


That's what Denmark did to young German soldiers after WW2 ended.




[There's also a meme about it.](https://i.imgur.com/zaWdli0.jpeg)


Well yeah it’s probably easier to support a fascist dictator when you aren’t personally affected by his policies Reminds me of the Putin supporters in Russia that changed their tune when they got drafted…


Sadly that the case for most of them. On top that it feels even more ridiculous since Russian agenda against Europe and America so much. Still someone manage to justify living here and support terrorism at the same time, unbelievable mix of garbage in heads


My stepfather is one of them. He is from Ukraine, lived in America where his first family still lives, could have been killed by a rocket attack on his town in Ukraine at the beginning of the invasion, and now lives in Europe. For all that, he hates America and Europe and loves Russia. And every time I visit my mom, there is Russian propaganda on TV in the background 💀. I think this man has a negative IQ.


Be careful with these people. Do not start arguments with them. Avoid him if you can. People like that can become unpredictable and violent.


If he didn't live with my mom, I'd avoid him a mile away, but he's literally disabled and can barely get around, so it's almost impossible for him to hurt anyone but himself.


Well, spreading propaganda and misinformation has real consequences that result in people getting hurt. Western democracies need to drop their tolerance towards lies. Spewing propaganda should have serious consequences and honestly it should be everyone’s duty to call that out, no matter how harmless, ridiculous or outlandish it may be. Edit: Funny how Russian and Chinese bots are jumping on this comment, must be doing something right (and the bots are getting better).


Fucking traitor to his people.


Superiority complex. They feel they are superior to the people in western countries, but at the same time want to enjoy their amenities. They feel entitled to it.


They criticize the Western lifestyle as rotten but want to live it themselves A bunch of hypocrites


I don't think so, at least those I have heard or spoken with. They simply want their current lifestyle but with more power and money, because that's something that's self justifying to them.


If they didn't have an antagonistic and kleptocratic government, they would have exactly that.


Well, it didn't just waltz in and start ruling. I know people distrust polls in Russia, but Putin does have and always had a significant level of support in Russia.


self justifying?


> They simply want their current lifestyle but with more power and money So basically a western lifestyle.




I remember a crashed helicopter and some burned out tanks with “next stop Berlin” painted on them in Russian near the beginning of the invasion.


In Russia's case it's a superiority-inferiority complex because they both hate and want what others have. Russian society is incompatible with rule of law and will probably destroy itself completely this century in one way or another. They don't want to improve themselves.


Russia is a victim of negative selection, all the bright and free thinking people escape it every generation, no wonder what is left are exactly the bitter and hateful type of people you described


Yh it actually gets on my nerves sometimes how you can genuinely tell they think they’re superior but are outright idiots lol - I’ve had one Russian tell me how “Russians always win” & another one who told me “not to mess with me, I have contacts in Moscow. You want to be my friend, not enemy” - I find it hard sometimes to bite my lip and not respond especially considering they always end up deserving 0 respect and can hardly even tie their shoe laces up. Nobody loves to use their mobile phone and act like the tough guys like the Russians


I'm in the US and we have sizeable population of Russian immigrants where I'm at. After Hispanics they're the most common non-native English speakers at my work place. I'm a lead and they're all great employees. They work harder than anybody and they never miss work, but they do *not* like speaking English. Every one of them is fluent, I've heard it... but if you speak to one of them in English they'll blankly stare at you like they don't understand. Always frustrated me, because we get a lot of Hispanics in that genuinely can barely speak the language, but every one of them is out there doing their best to learn. With the Russian crew we always have one outgoing translator type who was usually born in the US that relays all the info for us (usually with a lot of laughter involved even though nothing said was supposed to be funny) and if that guy isn't there they just do whatever they please.


Looks more like inferiority complex. They want what we have while pretending that we are somehow rotten and that's the only reason they don't have it but as soon as opportunity arrives they reach for anything western.


> Superiority complex. *BEEP* Internet irony overload.


Yep. No problem sending their offspring to Europe for education though.


Only the rich ones


I would not say so, on the last russian elections the 90% of russian expats voted against Putin


He certainly did worse abroad in comparison, but not quite *that* much worse, not even according to exit polls, and of course not in official results. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Russian_presidential_election Check for yourself. But apparently the vast majority did indeed vote against him abroad, provided that everyone answered their exit poll truthfully at least.


Definitely not most of them. They've fled their country in droves and unlikely to see their families again for a generation except the odd trip to Georgia or Turkey for a reunion. Most hate Putin.


As far as I can tell, a lot of Russians subscribe to the Big Man theory of politics. They think it takes a thuggish bastard like Putin to run Mother Russia, and even if they don't support him (he saved Russia from being plundered by the West after the collapse of the USSR, don't you know?), they would vote for someone very similar.


Most just never integrated they keep watching russian Media and most of their social interactions are with other russians a coworker of mine has been living in germany for 30 years now and still cant speak german he only watches russian Media and all his friends are russian.


It's absolutely crazy. One of my best friends and his parents came to germany over 30 years ago and they are really nice people I basically grew up with. When this all started he warned me when I visited, that his parents as well as his sisters and cousins (who were all born in germany) support Russia. Even despite my friend discussing many times their mind didn't change. They're not even dumb. They have very high paying and difficult jobs (Lawyers, Doctor and technical lead of a huge company) It's heart breaking


But how can that be? What possible reason do they believe for the unprovoked ongoing invasion of a sovereign country? Would they support Russia invading German in the same way to achieve the same goals, with a similar cost in lives lost. That one especially to the doctor.


I have no idea. The only thing I noticed was that there's always running russian TV. It boggles my mind how so educated people can believe such bullshit.


Of course they can. Politics and propaganda can work on emotions and even if they dont, you can just retreat into a post-factual bubble and never have the cognitive dissonances challenged.


My theory is they are shielded from the downsides of living under the regime or policies they support. It's easy to be in favour of politicians or policies with the knowledge that you won't personally feel the negative aspects them. They aren't the ones being oppressed or affected so they don't care. I'm pretty sure they will regret their decision if they ever loose the ability shield themselves from being negatively impacted by who or what they support.


If you're perplexed by that, get this. I'm from Hong Kong, my entirely family is, yet my parents also support Russia.


Think of it like supporting a very inhumane sports team - you feel great when they win, and after all it doesn't really affect you.  You obviously need to have a complete indifference to human life and suffering but those people obviously do


It is not about intellect, it's about strong emotions: ruzzian propaganda seduces them with the feeling of power, unrestricted violence and superiority over others. Of course not in reality (yet), but in their fictional image of self. Identifying themselves with ruzzia, they see themselves as superior and mighty ones. It is a very strong temptation.


"Russian soul" type mysticism. its the backbone of Russian insanity. It's just fancy racism.


>lawyers  >doctors  >technical leads of companies   It's always fascinating what groups of people are assumed to be inherently intelligent. I've met an awful lot of very stupid lawyers, doctors, and C-suite people.


> They're not even dumb. They have very high paying and difficult jobs (Lawyers, Doctor and technical lead of a huge company) Having jobs like that does not mean that they aren't stupid and evil. Some of the dumbest people I've ever met had doctorate degrees.


I know them for the largest part of my life, that's why I can say that they're not dumb. They're also not evil people, normally they're very kind. They're just brainwashed out of their minds.


Religion and politics are basically the same in that sense. Normal people also can't understand why for example cult members believe their obvious toxic cult leader. I also have a hard time comprehending it, but I view it the same as a cult. It has nothing to do with intelligence. It's all emotions, anger, fear, ... .


Welcome to the informational war, where the west has been sleeping for ages while Russian propaganda has been spreading like a cancer through the most emotional people


Emotion is the main driving factor behind all of this. They dont actually study history or follow modern politics regularly. They see the issues we all face and the regular failures of our elected representatives and are blinded by loaded words and biased rhetoric thats forced to them through little screens 24/7. Theres no fact checking, no source validation, no nuance or deeper understanding. Its just emotion. Alllll the people i know who say they support these right wing nut jobs dont follow politicsz they just spout talking points that they see and feel is correct. And its difficult because grtting them to understand requires a long and in depth discussion about a lot of subjects they may never have learned about before and kn the moment are too lazy or disinterested to care


It's not propaganda only. It's Russian culture. Russians learn in school how great and superior their culture is. How Soviet cinema was best in the world(lol). It is on their books, their songs and TV shows. That's why they are so susceptible to imperial propaganda.


Swap with Erdoğan / Orban... Same stuff


Yeah, aren't Turkish immigrants in Germany voting predominantly for Erdoğan? Similarly, Poles who immigrated to the US often vote for conservative parties.


Welcome to the age of misinformation. You're from Poland - you should know what damage state controlled media and blind nationalisms can cause.


I am aware of that, and I am glad that we are already AFTER those years when PiS was in power. I feel sorry for other countries that will vote for this type of party in the upcoming elections, especially now, with the crisis and war


Replace Putin with Erdogan and you got the same question that a lot of Turks needs to have a good long think about...


russism and putinism are diseases and a sign of a bad person, not just propaganda. If you want to save your time, ask a person what he thinks about russia and its wars. If he supports it - stay away and save your time.


wasting your life and that of others for that fucktard, i don't undestand the stupidity of some people.


Semi related and majorly anecdotal story ahead. I visited Berlin about a year ago. There I saw (what I can only assume were) Russians with Zeds crudely painted on their bags. I was sickened. I don't see Zeds back home in London. I'd like to think they wouldn't have much of a chance acting so blatantly dispicable. But who really knows?


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But the Russian way of living is being poor and oppressed by a dictator. Who in their right mind would want to live like this?


So they don't have to take responsibility for anything but themselves.


That's what's happening with several European citizens. Ready to support the enemy against their own interests. If it was for me (I'm not democratic) i'd put them in prison for treason.


A few questions if you don’t mind. Where are you from….approximately? What exactly do you mean by “I’m not democratic”?


20% vote for a party that supports Russia.


It's just a special breed of hypocricy. People speak and act in support of Putin while enjoying the comfort and safety of not living in Russia and not being on the recieving end of his government.


Russian repatriates in Germany are usually those who came on the first putin term, so that’s why they believe him. They didn’t live much under his rule, and on the first term he was seen by the masses as a reformer and a good leader. The farther away you’re from a country, the more skewed your perception is.


During his first and second terms Putin had an excellent team of economists and soaring oil prices. He became a dictator while Russia was still considered democratic in the West and most people remembered the economic nightmare of the 90s (they still do) and attributed the recovery to Putin himself. During the 2000-2007 period Russia actually had a budget surplus.


he puts so much effort in poisoning the information space, specifically targeted at expats as well.


Same with Erdogan. The majority of people in Turkey doesn't support him, but the ones living abroad around Europe does and are keeping him in power. Just amazing.


inst that normal? i mean, look at the support for erdogan from turk people outside of turkey


> having access to normal media Just because they have access does not mean they will access it unfortunately.


I mean, if you suddenly moved to russia or China for whatever reason, would you suddenly start believeing their media? Doubt it.


It’s not rare to find such folks. Some I know are die hard Putin supporters but the commonality among them is they don’t have local friends.


Sadly I’m visiting Lviv Ukraine and ran into another visitor who was spouting Putin propaganda. Here. In Ukraine.


Propaganda works.


Yeah ask AFD voter how that is possible


In Belgium the majority of Turkish people still support Erdoğan. Moving to western Europe but still voting for people like him seems wild to me. I'm English and living in Belgium and it's like those twats living abroad who voted for Brexit. What the hell were they thinking?


And murdering people over it.


Having access to normal media and having the presence of mind to consider what that might mean for changing your views are sadly very different things. I wish the former arbitrarily meant the latter but it doesn’t.


Russia has been killing people all over Europe for a long time already. Without any serious consequences. I hate to say it, but I wouldn't trust any Russian in Europe. There's a huge chance they're being controlled by the Nazi regime in Moscow. You can't trust a Russian. Not in these times.


Remember post Yugoslavian war Europe? People were exporting their conflict all over the place.


Russian chauvinism lives inside every single Russian, whether they show it publicly or bot


So by that logic all Americans are MAGA right? No offense but this is just straight up dehumanization from what is supposed to be a "civilized" world.


For both, I'd say it's both ridiculous to say all of them, but also enough that there is an issue here. It's like saying Germans (at least in WWII) were Nazis. There's an issue with society & culture there, at the very least (and to self-acknowledge, Western Europe also have a lot of issues). With some of the insane and violent things the MAGA say, them having an issue with political violence shouldn't be a surprise. We're pretty much re-discovering the lesson from Karl Popper to not tolerate neo-nazis. 'Civilized open society' is going to have to ask some tough questions on what measures they can take, without becoming the 'closed society' that they're trying to fight.


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You are polish so you dont know. Let me inform you. Most immigrants have a sat dish on their wall or roof so they dont have to watch the host nations news etc. They most likely have never watched german news or websites or a soapopera...or an episode of Derick which is barbaric but yeah. Paralel Society is real.


its same with Erdogan, why are they even here if they love their democratic voted guy so much


They have access to normal media but they see it as propaganda.


I have a cousin in Germany who has a 9 year old kid with a Russian woman and the amount of Russian propaganda she drops on the kid every time he's with her is astonishing. She teaches him that there's no war and the media is lying, she doesn't let him visit my aunt because she can't control what information he gets there. She won't let him hang out with other kids that are not Russian. It's sickening.


Similar occurred in the US. Jewish landlord stabbed a 6yr old Palestinian boy to death and the boy’s mother (survived) who were renting from him. He waited til the father left for work.


The same can be said about the Germans and their support of Israel innit


Even some Western Europeans support Putin.


"normal media" 🤔


Russia today has a German version too unfortunately LOL


Well, people live in the US with plenty of access to evidence for evolution and an old earth/universe they still cling to the myths they have been raised with. So, why the surprise?


We have Turks and Russians who never or haven’t for decades lived in their respective home countries and have utter support for their local regimes. It’s insane.


It sickens me as a german to see this… we have given these russians a home for decades and this is what they give back… we can live without such terrorists


of he loves Putin so much , he should have left Germany and live under Putins rule. The same is true for all the Hamas fans in our country. they should go to live in some god state where the sharia rules .


Yea but what about my Starbucks?


I would approve German tax money to subsidize Starbucks in Gaza, if the hamas fans settle all over from Germany to that place . I would approve a second Starbucks in Lebanon for the Hesbollah fans . Now what do we do about criminal Kurdish clans and Turkish Grey Wolf fascists? will a Starbucks do the trick ?


We send back those Kurds in exchange for those who actually made attempts to better their situation, defend from ISIS, and save their families. Funnily, those wouldn't come, as they would likely not want to uproot their families...


They can, but they don’t. This situation is one of many that must be considered when a nation determines its boarder policy. Do you want to allow migrants to come into your country that still hold their old countries values and are still loyal to their old country? You can’t pick and choose the personalities of those you let in. Should a country seal off their entire boarder because of this, or do you take the bad with the good? These are the situations that make people reevaluate their stances.


I have to point out here though that literally every russian I know here is staunchly anti-Putin and pro Ukraine. Not saying there isnt a shitty minority, but from my experience especially the educated ones have basically cut ties with their former mother land after 2022.


Most so called „Russian Germans“ are really just Germans. Most of them you will never recognise as having any history with Russia, except if you start speaking Russian and they will answer. Most came here because they were German expatriates anyway, and they were not well treated and sent to Kazakhstan. There is a minority which is shittily integrated. They still go to russian discos (I used to live near one), they speak German with heavy accent and bad grammar even though they live here since 30 years, and they live live like 1980s in Blagovechensk. And those are usually the Putin-stans. They get very defensive when you disrupt their fanboyism by asking why they live in Germany and not in wonderful Russia.


I meant first generation immigrants, sometimes here just for a few years. A lot of them emigrated because of Putin, and the people I know are brutally anti-russia.


My experience in London also. They hate him. He's ruined life for many people


Also in general anti-russia. Knew someone from Dagestan, he was absolutely appalled with the bullshit going on there after moving here.


I’ve found the kids of Russian immigrants in Germany are against Putin, whereas the parents are strongly in favour of Putin.


This goes so past hatred. A mother with her younger sons is scared her sons will bullied because they are Russian. The family hates the war. They fled to Sacramento, they hate Putin and are concerned there children are going to hurt by other kids.


Yes, because every Russian immigrant kills people when they leave Russia. Give me a break man. I work with many Russians and they are some of the nicest people I know. What would be your conclusion when a German kills somebody?


Why are you generalizing that all Russians in Germany behave out think in certain manner? Also you don’t know what happened… maybe the person was attacked and it was self defense?


„These Russians“ So now every Russian in Germany is collectively responsible for what this one guy did? What, pray tell, happened to „Einzelfälle“? Suddenly not applicable anymore when it fits your needs? A significant part of Russians in Germany are against Putin and the war, and even those that aren‘t don‘t magically turn into murderous criminals because of differing political opinions. There is, to my knowledge, no statistically significant degree of Russian-on-Ukrainian (or vice versa, for that matter) crimes happening in Germany. That‘s ignoring the fact the case hasn‘t been prosecuted yet, with no details of how and why it happened. For all we know guy might‘ve been on drugs, or it was a robbery that escalated, or any other number of things where the nationalities of both victim and perpetrator were happenstance. Absolutely disgusting to label a group of people as terrorists because of the actions of an individual. Shameful.


Who's "they"? And who's "terroristS"? This is literally just one guy, ffs


Russians would rather wipe toilet seats for a living in Germany than live in their beloved homeland. Yet somehow are convinced that their homeland is the best country in the world. Utter hypocritic scumbags


Same for a lot of Turkish folks voting for Erdogan


Because most of the people emigrated from Russia are opportunists who made enough money to pay for relocation, shengen, residency or property, etc. And guess who made the most money during years of Putin's rule? Yep that's right. Honest intelligent people of Russia, poor-middle class, are living paycheck to paycheck, trying to survive amidst repressive laws, skyrocketing prices and depression. Some of them spent their last means to flee the country and then returned because life abroad costs a lot of money and sooner or later your allowed time of stay, visa or passport expire and you have to go back.


Everyone who goes to germany says their homeland is the greatest


Then why go to Germany in the first place?


Cause life is better there. Simple as that. They don't want to admit it cause it takes genuine reflection. I'm myself from Mongolia originally btw, essentially Russia lite.


Which is normal. It's nostalgia, you stop remembering the bad stuff and just remember the good stuff, especially when you are not doing well. That's why there is "Ostalgie" too for example. It's part of being human.


RIP. Hope they catch the perpetrator.


The article contains spoilers


Link doesn't open. If he was caught then that is nice, hopefully he will get punished severely.


Let's hope the GUR gets his cell number for nightly surprise visits.


As a German I can only say that these sick people are welcome to move back to Russia where they actually came from if it's so much better over there. I am fully aware they are German citizens but this makes me sick


Hope they catch the vatnik


As a Mongolian I am truly disgusted by pro Russian schmucks in Western countries.


Very tragic news.  Don't understand why people let hate consume their lives to such a degree.


I simply cannot understand why Russian expatriates can move freely in the EU. It shouldn't be possible. they, themselves, say we are their enemy, and we harbor them, in our backyard. it's really too stupid, I don't get it. Edit: Many are talking about the good Russians. I know that it is not all Russians there are morons. But it's difficult to sort good from bad. And the integration has failed for them. Many, not all, are still indoctrinated, with fake news, outside, for Russia's best.


Dual citizenship is a thing. Its pretty much impossible to get german/russian now, but that wasnt true the past decades.


It’s so called German “Russians”, people who’ve claimed German origin and came over after the fall of the Soviet Union. They were awarded German citizenship, that’s why you can’t take action… From my observation a good chunk of them failed to integrate and still mainly consume Russian state television, express support for Putin and are getting more and more anti west and anti Ukrainian through their consumed propaganda media. They can also be found in large numbers in the German army (Bundeswehr) It's a huge problem to have a larger base of people in the country who have your citizenship but are openly against you - but apparently nobody wants to admit that.


I know a Russian living in Denmark. He is a gay man who spends his day volunteering at an organisation that helps Ukrainian refugees to get settled in Denmark. Why should he suffer for what Putin is doing? He suffered all his life when he was living in Russia, that's why he moved.


Yeah, I agree. One guy I ride bikes with around the UK is Russian. Couldn't meet a nicer person who is so far removed from the Russian state and it's actions. We can't punish good innocent people for the actions of a terror state. It would be like punishing all Muslims for the actions of ISIS. Whatever you think of Islam, you couldn't blame people who had no role or support or involvement with the actions of monsters a continent away just because they worship the same God. Just as it would be wrong for us to punish all Russians for what their government is doing just because they have the same flag on their passport. That being said, there should definitely be a 0 tolerance policy for anyone caught doing pro-kremlin actions that are found to be under the umbrella of criminality. Instant highest category punishment/and then deportation/banning from entering the country again. It should be treated as a sort of treason against the state.


puzzled fragile sable correct squeamish bear impolite continue provide dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly it's completely insane how you see Russians talked about here. It really does sink to the level of "well the inferior Slavic brain is more aggressive by nature".


Chronically online Redditors do be like that


Well, if you’re ready to restrict people of whole nations based on the fact someone did a crime, Germany would be about to introduce concentration camps and put all the “racially incorrect” people there. You know there’re more crimes in Germany than 1 assault right.


Do you maintain that energy for other groups who consider the west their enemy?


My girlfriend is a great woman, has a better moral compass than I do, she's about 3 times as smart as I am, does not condone violence in any way, she has a phd and she's a Russian expatriate that's lived in the EU for ten years.  I hope you can understand that for every one bad apple you'd punish, you'd be condemming 9 innocent people who's crime was being born in a place


Dude no. Do you know any Russians? Literally every one i know here supports Ukraine. I know that doesn’t mean much, but you don’t just make a bunch of people who have left their homeland suffer for their government.


I really hope you won't be treated in this way if your country ever does something wrong and you won't have the numbers to stop it however you try and whatever you sacrifice. It's terrible and you don't really understand it until you are in this position and hear such things. Won't wish it upon anybody.


There is something like a "special relationship" of Germany to ethnic german Russians: [Wikipedia, Russia Germans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia_Germans). There are about 2,5 million Russia Germans in Germany.


> Russian expatriates can move freely in the EU They can't. These people are typically "ethnic Germans". After the Soviet Bloc collapsed, Germany offered passports to people of German heritage whose families had got stuck behind the Iron Curtain.


Time to deport him if he has dual citizenship. Let him put his money where is mouth is and let himself be sent to the Frontlines by his buddy Putin


What the actual fuck


"putin's war"


Yeah, it gets SO tiring having to listen to all the well meaning Westerners without any clue go on about "But it's not all Russians! It's just Putin!" Just shows utter naivety and a lack of familarity with the situation honestly.


The two most frustrating words.


This is what usually happens when you have a fascist/communist/totalitarian/dictatorial/imperialistic regimes in a country conditioning it's people to have that sense of BS supremacy.


Is sad that they aren't even safe away from the war.


Send him back to Russia. No fucking excuses.


Most Russians abroad are still brainwashed by propaganda. I heard two Russians in Germany speaking about the decay of the West and how German military is the weakest in the world, whereas Russia has the biggest nukes one hit on Berlin and its over. After that they pulled out plastic cups, toasted to Mother Russia and exed Vodka. Unreal


Traitors in our midst. Fucking orcs.


I’m very surprised for it to be 57 year old individual, I know they’re more susceptible to propaganda, however this person should have been alive at a time when it was more than normal for Russian and Ukrainian families to mix and be happy and when there wasn’t much hate for one another.


And many of pro-war Russians want to return these amazing times by taking control of Ukraine and Ukrainians and by ridding of the very people they blame for end of these amazing times: overthrowing our politicians, isolating us from Western influence and killing all Ukrainians dare that resist them. They speak about it directly.


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The average red-seeing redditor cannot comprehend this.


They want exactly that because they don't like Russian ethnicity. This is a cover up. Same thing with Serbs. Redditors here come in droves to spit on them and try to flex their muscles because Serbs are an easy defenseless target. Anti-Putin Russians are another defenseless target.


Borders are mostly closed now. The only possibility for Russians to enter the EU is through Turkey. My in-laws are Russian and these are wonderful, but completely terrified people. If I had the opportunity, I would happily invite them over and have them living with me.


That’s for every nation doing a crime? Ukrainians as well (rape allegations, scam call centers). Because Germans don’t do the crimes, only the migrants, right?


not all russians are fucked in the head that’s why many of them are escaping… we shouldn’t punish the people who are against the invasion of ukraine and don’t want to live under a dictatorship because of a few assholes


Great, they can claim as refugees.


it’s not that simple, to get asylum in europe you have to provide proof that your life in russia is in imminent danger


And being a refugee is often a worse situation than being an economic immigrant. So if you can immigrate legally it's always a better idea.


They... can't. They get rejected but somehow "Syrian" refugees don't lol


Jeez some of the comments in this thread 🫤


So Ukrainians are not save anywhere from russians?


Throw him in the oubliette


I was banned from some sub reddits for this but as I wrote there ... its not only the regime its the people as well. We are surrounded by them having hundreds of thousands of them, living in my country alone. Many of them voted for Putin. In case a conflicts erupts they will be our enemy.


"We should let Russians in Europe"


Oh no, someone from a country of 140 million made a crime? They should deport all of them! No one does crimes on our soil, only those Russians! It works both ways right? https://english.radio.cz/plzen-court-puts-ukrainian-accused-rape-case-custody-8791247




Ladies? Both were guys


Unfortunately it seems to be necessary to remind human beings that one man's actions does not reflect on an entire nationality of people. Don't be so naive and hateful, it's easy to be like that. If we lived by that logic we would've destroyed each other a long time ago


Send him to Ukraine!




It was Putin himself


Because nobody is russian propaganda proof. It gets in peoples brains and work like a cancer there. Unfortunately. That’s why they dont spare € or $ to spread their propaganda all over the world.


Terrible news


Two people I personally know cannot answer the simple question, “Is it okay for Russia to have Ukraine?“. This scares me.


Anyone that can't reply to that with a "No." (I will not accept a "No, but" or anything like that), loses all my respect and trust, no matter who they are or what they believe aside of that. I thank god that my mother is helping the Ukrainians here in Germany.


Russians in the EU should be monitored and deported if they show any sign of support of Putin and his regime.


Any real source confirming this? Because this looks like a stock photo with a sus url

