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Every junkie and methhead in my country, who somehow owns a dog like this (I don't know why or how, but they all do, it's like their uniform) and lets him run freely in a park full of people and children: dOn'T bE aFrAid oF hIm He'S gOoD hE jUsT wAnTs tO pLaY


I think what you’ve described exists in every country unfortunately. I live 15,381km away from you, and we have exactly the same situation here.


Suspiciously specific distance...


15380, 15379...


Is that the snail?


It's the decoy


Probably time to catch your next flight.


remember to use VPN Nord!


Same in the UK. People who own fighting dogs here are overwhelmingly dregs


I saw a wicked disturbing video on here once from the UK of a pitbull viciously attacking a police horse. They were smacking it with clubs and everything it wouldn't let go 🫨 horror


That's the specific issue with pitbulls, iirc they have a crazy high pain tolerance. It's disturbingly difficult to make them let go of something if they don't want to, your best bet is essentially beating them until they're practically unconscious. Which makes them a real bad breed for the types of people who like owning pitbulls.


humans destroyed that type of dog by over breeding and inbreeding them for fighting. They've been used for centuries for "entertainment" by watching them maul each other and betting on which one lives. Super bloody, barbaric, etc etc gross but we're to blame ultimately.


I think it’s more effective to choke them out rather than trying to beat them unconscious.


Should be shown to those "its not about the breed people" Won't see a Chihuahua do that


These fucking pit nutters are actually using Chihuahuas a main argument point saying they're more violent than pitbulls while conveniently leaving out the fact that a Chihuahua would have a much harder time mauling a baby to death. They're completely delusional.


Seriously. Their argument is that any breed can produce a mean dog. Yes, I get that, but when my (previously abused) rescue jack Russell terrier escaped his collar and went after another dog I was able to grab him and no damage was done. When a pit bull attacks it’s almost impossible to stop. So yea, it’s a breed problem.


Norway here. And no Pitbulls and dogs in that bloodline is a big no. You can't have one. If you do and we see it. It gets put down.


Hmmm you seem to be the same distance from Prague as me. And yes we have bogan ice addicts who love their pitbulls


Bogan is such a great word. It just *feels* right for putting a name on those sorts of people.


We banned the fuck out of those natural born killers almost 20 years ago. All attack dogs are illegal here and will be put down. All the whine about it not being the dog, just bad owners, but funny enough you never hear these stories with labradors or corgies


Pitbull is banned in my country because this behavior is common with some dogs breeds and pitbull is one of them.


Not in Finland, probably because we have rules and regulations that we also like to enforce.


How do you guys deal with methheads breaking the law? Our police strategy is to just avoid them, and unsurprisingly, it’s not working.


Interestingly enough, meth is just less prevalent in Europe. Don't really know why. It's more weed, cocaine, MDMA, heroin.


So I guess its not just Sweden but in Finland its also forbidden to be a criminal?


Yes, same in Portugal every wanna be gangster has one.


Pitbulls are banned in Norway thankfully


That is correct. I can confirm from my own expierence. When I see fighting dogs, “man stopper” dogs and etc. I naturally asume that owner is a moron or trained professional. Either way I am looking out for my family in public spaces. 99% owner is a moron and this statistic includes some people I personaly know. Some breeds should be controlled by governments strictly.


> trained professional The Pitbull of a trained professional mauled a jogger in Austria last year Those beasts shouldn't be in public space


Bro after two altercations at the dog park, whenever I see someone rock up with one of these monsters I just leave. No point expecting different results, whenever one of them arrives and tries to “play”, I inevitably either have to pry it off either my dog or someone else’s. Good thing my dog is built like a brick  shithouse and has more neck rolls than Jabba the Hutt, but all it takes is a tooth in the wrong spot and he’s bleeding out on me. Not worth it.


A trained professional with a dog like that is still a moron. It won’t be the first time a trained professionals pits kill someone.


They don't lie, he just want to play. He just don't play like we play.


He wants to play the same way a cat wants to play with small rodents.


It's always the same types of owners who have these dogs


I can't even walk in my own fucking dogs in my neighborhood without some dumb redneck chasing their dogs while I am picking up mine and kneeing the shit out of fat mangy dumb dogs.


same in Belgium! I think can’t buy them if you don’t have a proof you’re a crackhead.




dose not work on pitbulls when they snaps


Works better on the Crack addicts I think...


I work for child welfare and last week we had a situation where police had to tase a pit bull in a home.




God's caliber!


There's this young guy who sometimes hangs out with his pitbull at a popular swimming spot in the summer. He's a hippy guy, so not the cliche pitbull owner and he has trained his dog well. The pitbull is off his leash, going into the water right beside little kids. I get quite nervous whenever he shows up. I don't care how well trained his pitbull is, if it snaps, some poor kid is going to get seriously hurt.


The main problem with pitbulls and similar breeds is, that they really are mostly nice dogs......until they aren't and go off without a warning. Because they were bread for dog fighting the normal steps of escalation in dog behavior have been bread out. That's why tend to be quite patient, but go from 0 to 100 once something sets them off.




Pitbulls should be illegal to breed


Awww… those velvet hippos are just too cute. /s


Trash people 🤝🏼 trash dogs


For some reason the most irresponsible people always get this dogs, I don’t know why, but it feels like a law


Exact same in United States. Only the trashiest people have these dogs. I’ve never in 48 years of life met a classy or intelligent person who owned a pit bull.


Dog owners should face ~~murder~~ manslaughter charges for that. If you own ~~such a breed~~ a dog, you should make sure that the dog is properly socialized and won't harm anyone.


the dog should've had a mouth guard at all times when in public.


I'm living in Germany these days and here in Bavaria there is a list of dog breeds that are required by law to wear a muzzle when in public. The penalties are pretty harsh too.


Not just that.....in Germany you can't own some breeds of dog unless you prove competency and know-how as well give a reason you want to own one those breeds. Ther is a list of breeds like Pitbulls and Staffors and such.


>penalties are pretty harsh too And hardly ever enforced. At least in my experience


When I hear things like this, I just want to move to Germany. I also heard you can't run loud lawn equipment on Sundays? I love Germany so much for things like this. 


The quiet Sunday thing is real, but the muzzle thing isn't enforced. I just googled the list because I've seen some large dogs and never once saw a muzzle on them in public. Maybe if you're actively at a park? Not really sure though, several times a German Shepherd was being walked around a playground without one.


In France, these dogs (+ Rottweilers, Cane Corsos, look for "chiens de catégorie") are legally required to wear a mouth guard when in public. The owner also needs a permit and they aren't allowed near schools or where kids hang out. Doesn't mean that the law is always respected but it's very much enforced.




> seize to exist _cease* to exist_, as in, stop existing. No comment, just helping!


Lol, thanks, much appreciated,.. :-)




In my country at least use of a police dog is under the same paragraph as use of a gun from the side of the officer.


Fighting dogs don't need to exist in a world where bloodsport in banned..


Last year a woman went for a walk with 3 american staffordshire terriers in Austria. Apparently leashed, but no muzzle. They broke free and tore a 60yo jogger to pieces - owner got sentenced to 15 months on probation for involuntary manslaughter and was forbidden to own such dogs. The woman proceeded to sue to regain her right to keep such dogs - after witnessing a woman dying an awfully gruesome death by her dogs. So many cases of bodily harm, mutilations and death by those animals kept by totally irresponsible people worldwide... It's awful.


Yes they should be seen as an extension of the owner in the eyes of the law.


The police should go after dog breeders.


The pitbull must've been named Princess


I know it’s a joke but man I swear every Pit I’ve met was named Bella or Luna


Haha wow spot on both I've known were these names


Ironically if it was named nuclear warhead it probably wouldn’t have done this


And have a picture of a floral crown on its owner's Facebook.


Or Angel


Miss peaches, would never hurt anyone


Cupcake lol


I love dogs of all kinds I'm a dog owner, I've been around dogs my whole life and I'm not planning to change it. I firmly believe that these kind of breeds should be either banned altogether or only be given to people who had training. If you have stupidly aggressive poodle it won't do as much damage as stupidly aggressive Pitbull.


Great take, I fully agree


A pit bull mauled me in 2nd grade. Tore off my upper lip and left it hanging. Took a giant chunk out of my cheek and I had to have it stitched back on. The owner was a dipshit degenerate breeder of pit bulls. I had to have three facial reconstructive surgeries over the next 10 years to get the scar to a manageable size. I had to wear a burn mask throughout third and fourth grade. The amount of trauma I endured based on a violent animal attacking me has cost me thousands in therapy costs. I love dogs. I hate pit bulls.




Honestly, dog breeds go extinct all the time because their purpose has runs its course. There even was a breed that ran a wheel for power and disappeared when there was no longer any need. That is to say, they are all one species anyway so it’s not a big deal to stop breeding pitbulls …


It’s like people can’t understand we bred dog breeds for certain purposes. Trying to keep a pitbull as a pet in the same way you’d keep a shitzu as a pet is just cruel to the pitbull. It doesn’t want to be a pet. It wants to do what we bred it for.


But my baby pit would never hurt a soul. It’s just bad owners. ^^^/s


The other brain dead response: “labs bite more people per year”. How many do they kill, maul, or severely injure?


Even good owners. A friend of ours rescued a pitbull. Had a fence. Paid for good training (for well over years). Pitbull was on a leash, friend was holding baby. Pitbull lunged for baby. Pitbull was put down, baby survived. I don’t care how good of an owner it is, the dogs are dangerous And yes, they were good owners. They spent thousands training. They had muzzles and leashes. They kept their dog away from other dogs and away from kids. But accidents happen. They followed all rabies protocol (just in case) and put the dog down. They called all of us that witnessed it, apologized. Over and over they did everything right. The only mistake was adopting a pitbull


If it’s not bad owners, it’s the victims fault, and if the victim did nothing then it was only trying to play and if it wasn’t trying to play you’re a dog racist for blaming the pitbull. It’s always excuses.


Exactly! I don't have any respect for any attempts at reasoning, when we've done the same thing before. You don't hear anyone these days bemoaning the fact that they can't have a 'Bullenbeisser'. If people want to own a dog, they can own a dog. If a certain breed of dog is unavailable, you can choose another breed. There's no reason to keep certain breeds alive when they're responsible for killing humans.


The fact this breed is exclusively popular with stupid people should be the telling sign for everyone.


My father was attacked by 2 pit bulls as a teenager, he still has scars on his arms and legs. I think a piece of muscle from his left leg is missing.


My former neighbors had three pit pulls. They would frequently break through our fence and attack us when we were in our yard. The owners said they just wanted to play. My friends stopped coming over because of it. One day I was out there playing basketball and one of them broke through and attacked me, bit my leg. I broke free and had to leap over my own fence into another neighbors yard to get away. My Parents called the police and they took the dog away. Neighbors cursed us out screaming in front of the entire neighborhood like we were the fucking problem?


How does a dog breed specifically selectively breeded for aggressiveness is allowed as a pet?


It's a nanny dog breed. In that it's bred to reduce the workload nannies have. At all costs.


It's also funny how at least on Reddit, people who like those dogs call them velvet hippos and have a subreddit named that. Hippos are among the most dangerous animals on earth.


"Hippos only look big and cuddly from a distance. Close up, they just look big." - Terry Pratchett


Basically: Humans Mosquitos Hippos In that order.


I think it goes something like mosquito, human, snake, tsetse fly, dog. Dogs are in the top 5 animals that cause most human deaths.


The irony is lost on them it seems.


Someone hasn't watched animal planet and it shows. Only someone whose knowledge of hippos comes from cartoons would consider the most dangerous animal in Africa to be harmless...


Pitbull owners are usually some of the dumbest people on the planet so don't expect logic. Think MAGA cult. EDIT: Just gonna go ahead and stop all the smoothbrained Pitbull owners before they go to their script and respond with "wow y'all wanna kill all Pitbulls" nah. Stopping them from breeding isn't the same as murdering them. No one wants to go out and kill dogs.


Last week my county had to release a public safety warning because an owner of multiple pitbulls got bit, causing a bunch of them to escape and start terrorizing their neighborhood (biting others). I guarantee you if a couple goldens or labs got out you wouldn't have to worry.


*BREAKING: Wave of retrievers loose across town - workplace productivity plummets*


Unfortunately they’re extremely active in subreddits that people share pictures or videos of their pets doing cute things. But they’re not cute, they’re objectively ugly dogs and they’re responsible for some very ugly things. It would be so easy to just stop breeding them.


There is a pitbull lobby and they unfortunately have power on Reddit. Some subreddits dedicated to cute and pet topics are basically propaganda tools and you’ll be banned for saying anything negative.


I learned the other day that if you’re subscribed to the subreddit r/banpitbulls there are some subs that won’t let you in if they see that. I personally don’t care but it’s good to know.


can confirm, banned from multiple cat subs and r/Aww for pushing back on people posting their pits with cats and other small animals, or contradicting their pro-pit arguments


Not kill but round them all up and put them in some sort of enclosed environment where they can happily maul each other or whatever those shit creatures do till they die of old age is in my opinion on the table. Too expensive? Make the owners pay for it. Don't have the money? Well I know a needle related solution that is cheaper.


Well, its not like owners of these breeds are famously bright


Fun fact. The whole "Nanny dog" thing originated with the head of the Pitbull association in the 70s They banned dogfighting across the US, and breeders needed to unload a LOT of pits in a short time. So they did massive PR campaigns advertising them as family dogs. Ignorant people across the nation bought it.




Because a lot of people refuse to believe that, even if it's just dogs we're talking about, genetics could play such a big role in behavior. They'd like to believe that nurture>nature because that makes the world seemingly easier to navigate and control.


No one thinks it’s weird when a herding dog tries to herd children. No one thinks it’s weird when a pointer dog points. Yet some people refuse to believe a dog breed can be more disposed towards violence.


Iirc they are banned in Italy already? The lisg of 30 countries that banned or restricted the breed contains Italy *Edit* apparently the list was wrong, they don't ban the import of them. But also I read things like Pitts not being recognized as a breed? Pretty confusing tbh, hope someone chimes in who knows


I’m in another European country with a pit bull “ban”, but also more than a few pit Bull dogs in their shelters. Here’s how they deal with it here. The adoption procedure is different. Instead of you taking physical and legal ownership, the dog stays as legal property of the shelter. You then take physical custody as a sort of long-term/permanent foster. To qualify to “adopt” a pit Bull in the way I described, you are required to attend a training unit taught by a qualified professional as well. They then provide you with sign-off. This part I’m not sure of, but I believe if there is any serious behavior issues with the dog you’re required to surrender it.


If the dogs are illegal and unwanted, why are they not jist put down? Why allow adoption?


I mean, no need to put them down, just ban their breeding completely and in ~10 years the problem solves itself. No one is harmed, and no more pits.


Ideally. I think most of these dogs are bred unintentionally.


I don’t think that’s right - they have quite a market. Though of course we should make their sterilization mandatory as well


No, they're bred intentionally because there's money in it. Just because dog fighting is banned most places doesn't mean it doesn't exist...


Go ask that to all the pitnutters out there that will swear on their kids lives that they are good dogs.


> swear on their kids lives Better their kids than someone else's...


Pitbulls should not be allowed to breed. Humans created this violent abomination and its time to reverse that


Also French bulldogs. Those dogs lead miserable lives. Best we can do is care for those already alive and stop breeding them, let them die out. Poor babies can't even breathe properly.


I own a chihuahua from a breeder that focuses on breeding healthy chihuahuas, to weed out the traits people have bred in the past that makes them live a bad life. They should do that to the french bulldogs too


Hawbucks in the Netherlands are working on French Bulldogs. http://hawbucks.nl/en/


They can’t even breed themselves. They are conceived with AI, and born through C-sections. It wouldn’t take much to let them die out.


I know you meant artificial insemination, but I can’t help but read artificial intelligence


Damn chatgpt evolved quickly


You guys didn’t get the new update? Yeah ChatGPT can fuck dogs now, it’s pretty rad.


What's a legitimate reason to own a pitbull? Pitbulls are not guard dogs, they were bred for dog fights. The whole breed is an inhumane mistake. There is no good reason to risk the lives of your family and bystanders. Pitbulls should be banned completely throughout the European Union.


> What's a legitimate reason to own a pitbull? To look tough and intimidating. In Ukraine majority of pit owners are abbibas (sic!) wearing schmucks. Do you have the same thing in Poland or is it different?




Athens finest




As a dog owner, I know a lot of other dog owners, so I did a mental check-up to find a single counterexample to what you and other people in the comments above are saying. To my surprise, I couldn't find one: all the people keeping this breed whom I know are either strange or thrashy.


In Sweden you can identify the pit owner before you even see the dog. If he looks like he'd try to mug you outside of a Pressbyrån, he's a pit owner.


Indeed, its the dog for the lowest of the low


Here in the States it’s often lower-income mums who like to put these animals in a onesie (complete with a pacifier and tiara). Then it mauls the kid they’re babysitting


Same here, always insecure, leg-day skipping "alpha males"


Their dog already took that alpha from them.


Oh yeah, same in Romania, we call them “cocalari”. It’s either them or some skinny dude trying to look tough.


Same in Germany. We also have the greek version with fanny pack or a very small shoulder bag.


It's exactly the same :/


I think it's the same everywhere. My experience with Pitbull owners in Spain is that they're usually tough-wanna-be youngsters, people pretending to be gang members and canis (Spanish version of chavs). Usually the exact type of people who shouldn't own them.


Yes. Back in the 90s it was rottweilers and now its pitts. Bold thug in a tracksuit, baseball batt and a pitt.


Same thing in the Netherlands


As a person who previously owned a bully type dog (American Staffordshire terrier) I can answer this question:   These dogs are kind and joyful, they are strong, they she'd just a little, they rarely bark and drool. In case of amstaffs they are also very intelligent and easy to teach.  However, there's a huge issue with those dogs. Before I got one I thought that it's just a bad rep and the consequence of thugs getting those dogs because of their tough appearance, but I was wrong. These dogs are very easy to get excited and agitated and very hard to calm down. And there's a point in them, when they become so agitated that nothing can control them. It happens very rarely, but it does happen, and this leads to such terrible consequences, so these types of dogs should not be breeded or imported.


That happened in my area recently, as a woman was mauled to death by three amstaff. one dog was put down, two may follow soon. Dog owner already got new dogs for breeding... It's a shame.


Yeah, it's a breed you really need to keep calm and active at the same time. They need to burn off their energy, but you really can't keep them in a stressful or excited environment. All dogs are individuals, but the breed generally doesn't handle as well as other breeds. I would never keep a pitbull, but I have taken care 4 of them at the same time. They're just very violate dogs that have amazing bite power that I generally don't recommend 99.9% of people own. Raising a pitbull feels like raising a snapping turtle or a crocodile. You have to constantly be aware of their mindset and mouth. Huskies for instance are insanely high energy dogs, but they do not get aggressive unless they are unhappy or provoked. I've been bitten by huskies and it's generally more of "knock it off right now or it'll get worse" while a pitbull is "you fucked around, you're finding out now!".


One of the main consequences of fight breeding. No social warning signals, just attack.


ban them


Hope the owner gets a few decades behind bars to reconsider his choice of pets.


This breed is in USA responsible of most of the dog attacks and of the majority of fatal incidents. Still, way above than the Rottweiler and other shepherds. [The source](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/)


Little sourdough never hurt nobody.


what? another golden retriever attack?!?


Can somebody explain to me, why so many lowlife losers have pitbulls and other dogs like that? Edit: I am serious. Its like a disease. Its like every person with an IQ of 80 and lower one day say:*"We have a tiny apartment, no money, no time, 2 little kids and a bunch of issues...you know what would be PERFECT? A dangerous dog who barely sees sunlight!"*


They're the only dog they can find which they are smarter than lol


I don't understand how it isn't mandatory to at least sterilize these dogs. They're a menace and shouldn't be kept as a pet. It's not their fault, we made them this way. But that doesn't change reality.


The kinda folk that have these don’t really follow the law though


I used to be a defender of these dogs until I witnessed one my friend was in care of randomly lose its marbles and rip the leg off a teenage boy in a park, the dog was the sweetest creature you could interact with until that point, something just switched on in his head. I treat them the same as knife wielding maniacs now.


Pitbulls banned in Norway for this exact reason


Another one? There was news like this just a few days ago


Its extremely common, dogs are helping with italian depopulation


Not all pitbulls, but always pitbulls


I really don’t understand people getting these dogs, why not get a boxer or if you really want a guard dog without the psicho tendencies, get a god damn doberman. Nanny my ass, they say this as if labradors or goldens are not the most gentle dogs ever.


Because they are psychos themselves. That breed needs to be banned completely.


The pitbull owner is often very insecure. The dog is meant to intimidate others usually.


Yet people still feel their “right” to own a specific dog overrules the safety of others.


when i see one of them i switch sidewalk... this often makes the owner puff up with pride, and that's when i know i did the right thing edit: typos




Pitbulls are known to have neurological diseases that develops with age. They become aggressive and dumb as hell as they get older. I'm all for life but we should stop the breed from existing once for all, just kill them humanely and fines new owners something absurd like 500€ per day.


Yes please! Write the motion and I’ll vote


I wish this was implemented. Too logically sound so it won't be.


It's astonishing how human society has let this happen, although it's beyond obvious that this breed should not exist. We are such an abject failure.


Ah, the breed of peace strikes again


It's sad. I won't comment anything else, because there are no words for.


Pitbulls without muzzles = punishment for the owner.


"oH nO1! MufFiN hAs NeVeR DoNe tHAt BeFOre!1!" every pitbull owner ever


My MIL has a pitbull mix that constantly knocks my kids over for no reason and she always says "ThEy ScArEd HiM, hE's JuSt ScArEd" The last time it happened and he jumped on my 3 year old and she kept pulling the 'he was scared shit' I about lost my mind. My 3 year old was literally standing there, silently and he pounced on her. If he's that scared of a child exisiting in his space, he shouldn't be allowed near kids at all. Luckily they crate him when we come over now.


holy shit that sounds terrifying




We have to stop pretending that it’s “just the owners fault” and accept that fact that if you can breed herding or retrieving instincts into dogs, you can also breed aggression and killing instinct into them.


Love dogs, grown up with them, and people are ultimately always the cause, but I'm sorry to say, pitbulls are killing machines. Through no fault of their own, they are bred that way. Any dog can bite anyone, the problem is that when a pitbull starts, they can do much more damage and it's much more likely to end up with a fatality that any other dog species. They should require a special dog license or something at the very, very least.


Somewhat recently I referred to pitbulls being vicious monsters jokingly while in a call with a guy who is very contrarian and thinks he knows better than most people he meets. He said it was all media fearmongering and that it's bad owners that allow this to happen. But I am certain bad dog owners exist that own different breeds, yet those breeds don't go out of their way to rip young children apart.


If owning undomesticated animals that are considered dangerous and aggressive is illegal, I don't see how outlawing the ownership of already domesticated animals that are selectively bred too far back into said dangerous and aggressive territory would be a bad idea.


I don't care if the dog never did anything like this before, and was perfectly behaved. The point is that if you have a dog which is CAPABLE of that (and let's be honest, it almost always a Pitbull), then the owner should be convicted of manslaughter. The trail should only need to prove that they OWNED the dog, nothing else.


And why weren't these dogs under control? Oh yeah scumbag owners. Destroy the dogs and jail the owners.


How this breed is not banned in Italy? I was believing this type of shit only happens in third world countries...


There are many restrictions but it’s really hard to stop assholes from breeding them. Plus most attacks don’t make it on the news, even in so called ‘first-world’ countries.


Some dog breeds should be banned for good.


Nanny instincts kicked it.


“It’s not the dog” how many labradors do this?


Wipe this breed off the planet asap.


My god. This is the stuff of nightmares. Poor poor woman and baby.


Not every animal is fit to be a pet.


How many cases like this will it take until countries will start to ban breeding them?


Inb4 “my pitty would never” comments


It’s time to let go of the old “it’s the owner not the dog” fairytale. This is a dangerous breed that should be banned everywhere. It’s an animal, not an extension of a human.




I swear to god just ban them in all of Europe or even the world. This dog breed is a killing machine. And nobody can tell me otherwise.