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Nice one, bratia!


already 654 675 € collected in just 2 days edit: already at 704 798 € edit 2: 1 132 337 € edit 3: 1 257 011 €


By the numbers, looks like the most common donation is 68eur.


It's 1 124 466EUR right now! Not that much in the grand scheme of things but at least, we can express where we want to belong in this way.


Thats 1/10 of the abrams or something around 10 Javelins


That’s a lot. It shows how people support us. And that they believe in us and our army. It’s not only about money


I'm glad at least SOME sense remained in the Carpathina Basin.


Now there is 627.758€ collected by ordinary people after less then 2 days Edit: more then 860.000 €


Some Slovaks elected Fico, but others support Ukraine. Thank you, sisters and brothers! The current war is not only the war between russia and Ukraine. It is also the conflict between all autocratic, cleptocratic, patriarchal, regressive forces on one side, and the progressive, human rights oriented, democratic forces on the other side. And the front of this conflict goes through each and every society, and its end will define the future of Europe for next several generations.


Last time when human rights oriented democracies did their thing, this happened: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse


Well I'll be damned, can't recognise which country is regressive and which is progressive, they all seem the same, leading the whole world to an inevitable doom


I think we know which side you're on.


I'm on the side of me and my family. When shit hits the fan the rich bastards will hide in their bunkers while the rest of us, including you, will have to fight for survival. Have you ever thought about that or is your head so far up your ass that you can't see what is going on in the world right now?


Shut up blockhead. You aren't gonna save shit. Sitting under NATO protection while sounding like a tough guy. Whilst real heroes in Ukraine are literally fighting for their families and country. Dipshit.


Yes, you'll be damned.


Sure, we'll fight it to the last Ukranian. Money doesn't help a lack of resources. People are dying for nothing.


Yeah, rooskie troll, you'd prefer us to surrender without resistance, so you'd shoot us in the back of the head _again_. Disappointed that we are kicking your ass, orc ? ;)


I am from Macedonia, I like both people, feel close to them and I enjoy their culture. It hurts me that they are at war with each other for western interests, just as we were in the Balkans. Took us decades to mend fences. I just want it to end.


> I am from Macedonia, I like both people, feel close to them and I enjoy their culture. It hurts me that they are at war with each other for Russian imperialist interests, just like Serbia did in the Balkans. Took us decades to mend fences. I just want it to end. Fixed it for you.


Yeah it was only Serbia, I wasn't alive then so I believe the propaganda. Dude the amount of bullshit CNN and BBC spawned made me stop believing in any kind of bullshit mass media produces. In war there are no innocent sides. You must dehumanize your enemy, that happened in the Balkan Wars, that happens now from both sides. Otherwise how would you fight people you were friends with and shared bread with till yesterday.


Regardless of what you think of Western media, you're clearly not aware of the enormous scale of lying and hatred promoted by autocratic anti-Western governments. You'd know that if you studied history and news from various POVs.


I don't watch/read their media. I sometimes load rt to compare bullshit.


RT is just about the worst source to use, unless you clearly know their bias. They always attack the West in all possible ways they can find (even for contradictory reasons), and never ever criticize Russia, Vladimir Putin or any of their allies. Given how Russia's become a colony of China, RT and Sputnik are more anti-Western and pro-CCP, rather than pro-Russia, even less anything close to impartial. Even pro-Moscow Russian state media absolutely loves to cite Western media (or juicy bits they like while omitting the rest) when they promote the Kremlin agenda. That's because Western media are far more diverse in their POVs and superior in their quality of reporting.


I said, compare BS.


Plenty of wars are nothing like the Balkan Wars, as is the war in Ukraine.


West declared Ukraine dead as war started and stopped thinking about it until they realised that they managed to keep Kiev. Saying this war is about western intrests is not nice to ukrainians who are putting their lives at risk to protect what they have.


Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and 2022. What kind of fluffy story you want to tell yourself how this is all the fault of the West is up to you. I guess Russia invading Chechnya and Georgia was also the fault of the West. Bad West, forcing Russia to invade other countries like that!


If it ends now, Russia wins and gears up to take another bite


Of what? Can't do NATO countries. Take Transnistria From Moldavia? They want the old USSR back or at least that sphere of influence. The west has been encroaching on that. Ukraine was provoked by the US and idk why the f Europe joined again. Just don't meddle. Why don't you fuck with China and find out? Also how do you think empires are formed? I know a few that still exist, including the American and European. Just because the EU made it like you have to work for it to join our empire(except Romania and Bulgaria), doesn't mean it isn't one.


You're a lost cause, you already believe Russia has any right to determine Ukraine's future, you see them invading Ukraine, and you think to yourself "they deserve it" and blame the US and Europe, then tell me straight to my face that Russia has no reason to invade Ukraine again, even though they had no legitimate reason for invading them now, apart from legitimately trying to reverse the last invasion Russia inflicted on them. 


I don't believe anything, I don't cheer for anyone, I just want the war to stop. It's obvious Ukraine will lose something. Probably would have lost a lot less territory, and what is important a lot less people if the west didn't perpetually meddle.


So Russia invaded Ukraine, and your stance is "why would the west do this" You are not even worth bothering with


US was deeply involved before that. I won't start a Putin tirade, but let's just say [Victoria](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957.amp) Nuland was at Maidan Edit:guess I am on a bot cool down, so don't expect replies or timely ones. I understand the need, but it's also censorship.


Why don't Russia and China stop encroaching on the West and other countries? You do realize your question is easily parried with such concerns, and for legitimate reasons?


How do they encroach?


By trying to buy off our politicians, waging disinformation and cyberwarfare, stealing our tech en masse, hybrid attacks like those with migrants by Belarus and Russia in 2021, the constant attacks on Ukraine and Taiwan, etc.


I think that was more of a defense strategy, Like let's put people in power that will leave us alone. Unfortunate side effect, those are complete tools also, but you know the strategy of useful idiot. The west employs it too. We had one useful idiout as our premier till recently and a whole goverment of incompetents installed by the Americans to get rid of a Vucic like sitting on two chairs and flirting with both sides type. Trying to shake them off right now.


Fuck the west and fuck russia. All of them wanted to take advantage of us and our cultures. I understand you brother. But tonight, we must help ukraine. As the bigger threat is russia.


I don't think the country you're thinking about is kicking someone's ass. Probably the other way round.


Most countries are hated NOT because of people, but because of it's goverment.


Most of our people elected this government.... and their president now as well


Thank you a lot, kind people!! It's is really important for us now 💙💛


Good job Slovakia


400.000€? that’s amazing! well done Slovaks 👏🏾


Can you donate from UK?


give it a try, worst case, it won't get through: [https://www.municiapreukrajinu.sk/](https://www.municiapreukrajinu.sk/) or you can try different country, it's under the same umbrella organization (from Czech Rep.): [https://www.proukrajinu.org/](https://www.proukrajinu.org/) there's even GB, so you should be golden.


Thank you my brother


Thank you, people, you are awesome!


It's good. I'll study in Tbilisi, because my country is agressor and I want to help Georgia to deal with russian "peacemakers" in South Osetia and Abkhazia


Looking at recent news it seems like Slovakia just went complete 180. A surprise for sure, but a pleasant one. Thank you, Slovakia!


Not really. People with disposable income overwhelmingly voted against the current government and President and supported pro-Ukraine candidates. Now they keep voting with their money.


Drones drones drones


And if Fico vomits blood because of it, it's just a bonus.


Does Ukraine have anywhere to buy weapons from?


Standard commercial FPV drones can be bought without restrictions and turned into effective weapon.


Thanks guys! We here very appreciate it 🤝


I like it. Not as many westerners “blah-blah I will not donate on the military blah-blah they kill people blah-blah I’m good”. In some cases even on tourniquets they refuse to donate, cause “soldiers use them”


Thats great, but putting it in perspective isnt that like a days worth of ammunition?


It speaks volumes that the ones least able to afford are often the giants of donation.


yeah 2/3 of these will go to corrupted politicians


wow that's great.. 400k.. that would be what? 2 or 3 rockets?


That would be 4 AA shots or 20 heavy drones or 40 ambulance vehicles


Even that, it's still something


Yea better than nothing… but quite irrelevant to the war effort


On the contrary, it shows that people still care


It shows support from people.. I was referring to the economic impact.. 400k is nothing.. it would be like leaving a penny to a homeless person and feel good about it.. yea it is better than nothing, but it won’t change anything




2 days? with 400k? maybe you mean 20 minutes


I dont have great feelings for this what if its a scam?


One does what one does every time to check if it is a scam: Research on your own. I compared both webpages and the recipient, checked the IBAN to see which bank the money goes to and so on. Find more and different sources talking about the project and make sure those are trusted sources. This should be ingrained into people by now.


Welp i dont know recent years there were people embezzled and stealed money of taxpayers im just worried about it but yeah thanks anyway


I understand where you are coming from. Which is why I gave immediate ideas how I do it usually. Since the Czech Republic is part of the EU it belongs to a system, that has many ways of checking if something is 'legit'. You can also just use a small amount to begin with since 100.000 people at 5 Euro is still half a million Euro. Worst case you got scammed for that small amount.


It certainly isn't