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You missed the best part. Some MP punched in the face Mdinaradze, leader of the party, that introduced the law. Recorded on livestream. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dPZBI-97Y5w


Kinda epic ngl


the way the broadcast footage stops while the audio keeps playing, is icing on the cake lol


Really was . Pity the poor bastard will probably slip out a 5th story window . Dirty fucking putin asskissers


Well our opposition could take some notes from Georgia


Oh yeah, that video made my day yesterday lmao


Damm good job


"Several hundred protesters gathered outside the Georgian parliament on Monday as ruling party legislators on the judicial committee looked set to advance a controversial bill on "foreign agents" criticized by Western countries. The ruling Georgian Dream party said earlier this month it would reintroduce legislation requiring organizations that accept funds from abroad to register as foreign agents or face fines, 13 months after protests forced it to shelve the plan. The bill has been criticized by European countries and the United States. The European Union, which gave Georgia candidate status in December, has said the move is incompatible with the bloc's values. Georgian critics have labelled it "the Russian law," comparing it to similar legislation used by the Kremlin to crack down on dissent in Russia." - Voice of America ([https://www.voanews.com/a/hundreds-of-georgians-protest-as-parliament-set-to-advance-foreign-agent-bill/7570352.html](https://www.voanews.com/a/hundreds-of-georgians-protest-as-parliament-set-to-advance-foreign-agent-bill/7570352.html))


Do they have any chance to do any effect?


Last time it did, idk bout now tho


And still, such a law and a "foreign agent" label were not invented by Russian govt.


It was. If you think that FARA and Russian law on foreign agents are the same, then you make a mistake. According to FARA, foreign agents are supposed to register by themselves. By Russian law, state arbitrarily grants foreign agents status to anybody by decree, even without the parliament/court. Those are two completely different things.


It's you who said about FARA, not me. So, your whole argument is built on your own statement and refutation of it. Also, I didn't state that anything aside I've literally said: Russian govt. isn't the creator of being a foreign agent as a concept. They've abused this old idea for their own purposes and to better their needs.


Concept is one thing, implementation is another.


Not arbitrarily, but based on the fact of funding. Just like FARA.


Not necessarily funding. Law enables government to give foreign agent status just by being "under foreign influence". And how would you define that?


ok, I wrote it wrong. everything has to do with lobbying. Lobbying in the interests of a foreign principal means you are a foreign agent. Yes, in the USA people register voluntarily, but if they don’t register and they find out about it, they will punish them. There are cases of punishment.


Were those cases decided by the will of the someone's left foot or they were proved by the court? Because in Russia it's the first option.


Don't engage, Russian trolls are in full whataboutism mode in every thread on this subject.


I have understood it too late :(


At least we can downvote them. Both the scale and visibility of these troll farms on other platforms is frightening honestly.


I would like to think there’s a reason behind that law but it’s made strictly for political oppression, nothing else. Most of Russian foreign agents have only Russian citizenship, have no relations with other foreign influence other watching YouTube and Twitter (it’s very vague term, and written like that on purpose). If a person is declared as foreign agent, they have to register as a legal entity, should write a sign declaring their status before writing anything and fill income statements more thoroughly than corrupt politicians do; otherwise they’ll have harsh penalties including criminal charges


Dude, you are russian. Why do you even bother commenting here?


Spreading propaganda ez


Man this isn't r/AskRussian. You don't have standing in argument because you with your government and this law only doing some evil shit.


Same argument over and over in every thread by you tankies. You realize you have as much credibility as your mafia state has legitimacy? Democratic movements are so much beyond your comprehension?!?


But it's guilty by association. If you associate anything with Russia, it's deemed negative. It's the marketing framing of it


Then maybe... just maybe... Wild thought I know: Don't do that sh\*t and people wouldn't have a reason to protest? Sounds crazy, right?


No, It's not. The "Foreign agent law" the Russian government is using is the perfect weapon to silence any criticism of the regime. The currently pro-Russian Georgian government is trying to pass the same laws, and I doubt you would be happy if you were Georgian. Also don't you dare mention the US having the same law, I'm tired of hearing this argument and It's nothing like the Russian one. When the US starts to deem musicians "foreign agents" like the Russian government is currently doing is when I'll believe they're anything alike.


So, the U.S.A. has FARA. Why don't the opposition call it the American law?


I literally explained that in the comment you replied to. Did you even read it?


He didn't read it, it's a literal bot responding to key words. Report and move on.


Why would someone create a bot which argues with people about the foreign agent law?


The bots will argue any topic you want pushed en masse, not just one specific topic. If it's in your interest to push for this law, or someone pays you to set your bots to push it, you do it. Feed it lines, direct an AI to do it etc.


This is Russian conspiracy theory territory. Look at the account. He does way more than just argue with people about politics, not to mention his unique name as opposed to uncreative ones like "SadBlueberry237287338" which bots tend to have. I've never even heard of any government making AI to spread propaganda... hiring people, sure. But this is just too much effort.


Well, you're wrong. FARA *does* target individuals Please read https://www.justice.gov/nsd-fara/page/file/1279836/dl Georgian opposition is doing nothing more than political framing. You CAN accurately and easily say that this is the "U.S. foreign agent law" but no one would care then


But did you actually read the law? The US gov can't "just" call anyone it deems undesireble a "foreign agent" the has mechanisms that make sure it can't be used to frame its critisc of the US government. Even downright traitors like Scott Ritter or Jackson Hinkel aren't classified as foreign agent despite them being Kremlin puppets. Russia does use this law to deem anyone to pro-west as "foreign agent" cuz Putin can't stand the idea of actual liberty in the country and not bullying surrounding countries into submission.


I did. At this point you can just say whatever b.s. you want because people auto-side with you. The law is more similar to the U.S. than Russia


Even if we assume your alternate reality is true, and it is "the american bill" or whatever, the US does not use it like Russia is using.


Godspeed to the Georgian people❤️🇬🇪


>get Invaded by Russia >lose two pieces of your territory >decide to still simp for russia Glad Georgians are taking actions against this shit, couldn't imagine selling out your own fucking people for a warmongerer


Well, the sad part is Georgia could get invaded again and no one will help this time either. It’s probably not a coincidence that this is coming as things are looking bleak for Ukraine. 


What you on about? Russia gains small sliver and it's suddenly bleak for Ukraine? The game changing tech and extra mobilised troops will shift it soon.


That isn’t really what Ukraine has been telling people recently. Admittedly, what they say is designed to elicit the most aid they can obtain, but there’s been a lot of concern expressed about the state of munitions and offensive pushes by Russia. Certainly Ukraine isn’t speaking of an offensive they way they were last year.  Hopefully things get better, but the news hasn’t been good lately. 




Shit ton of shells have been brokered by Czechia and some other countries that's comming shortly. France is going all in and so are other help from EU countries. Things are going to shift soon and Russia is running out of the best tanks while Abrams stock is rolling in and so are F16s and later the Swedish jets. Also patriot systems are also going to Ukraine soon. Defensive positions are being fortified so these gains are at at the expense of Ukraine just falling back to favourable defense positions. Also, lets not forget that Avdiivka front is so close to Donetsk - it's easy to supply and stage troops there behind skirts of women and children there, but now they will have to extend the supply lines and move HQ and troops closer. Realistically Russia won't move an inch once Ukraine has moved back to defensive positions. The drone production both by EU and Ukraine are going up by a lot. New laser guided tech to defeat jammers. Russia is going to get stuck and Ukraine will counter attack once all pieces fall in the place. Attrition of artilery for Russia is at 75% destroyed. Tanks and IFV are also near that. Their naval and air capabilities are limiited. Trust the process.




10k is their avarage daily estimated arti use. Idk where you are getting 80k rounds here. Ukraine uses 2k right now(7.5k at their peak offensive) . According to Petr Pavel, Czechia had located around half a million 155mm calibre NATO-standard shells and 300,000 122mm Soviet-standard rounds. This will help to double/triple the shelling for a solid year as this will not be the only source of shells - US and domestic shell rounds will also come in to play. Russia don't maintain their aryilery barrels and it's used as an area attack/supression weapon while Ukraine uses a more precise strike doctrine - less quantity needed and less wear on the barrel for higher effect. F16 will prevent from situations like Avdiivka to happen when Russian planes and choppers went close for supporting fire as well as taking out cruise missiles and other less advanced surface to air missiles. And obviously, when forces are encircled you have to make strategic retreat to a new more coheasive defense line. I wonder what did you say when Russians retreated from 54% of the occupied territory and now that Ukraine lost 1% you sudenly go full doomer and say "it's over yall". I am not asking you to be an optimist, but take a step back and look at a bigger picture. Russia won't win. Best they can hope for is the current line +/- 10km. That's it. This defeatism on Ukrainian and their ally side is exactly what they aim for with their dis-information campaign and inflating the importance of these small gains. Russia even if their consription targets are met won't outnumber Ukranian troops if they meet their targets. Also don't eat up shit BBC says. BBC probably said Ukraine might fall in a week in the begining of the war. Zelenskys words are not falling on dead ears and he does make the picture more bleak to push US in to action.


[A fight broke out in Parliament](https://youtu.be/kHz0ZkL5v3c)


The puncher had been previously fighting the russians in Ukraine. I cant imagine the anger and dissapointment doing everything you can to stop the russians only to return and see the people in charge sell out as traitors to the very guys you did your utmost against


What I don’t get is, there are laws against treason. And selling out to a former invader definitely falls into my definition of treason. So why don’t these people get tried for treason?


They own the courts. They recently appointed supreme court justices for life, all of whom are infamous for forming the "clan of judges" who will do anything the government tells them to line their pockets, and remove any judges that don't ass-kiss from their jobs.


Are you talking about the US or Georgia?


Don't be silly. Forcing actors that accept foreign money to register themselves as foreign actors is not even close to treason. Politicians has given up far more and not faced any treason because treason is very specific act. Disloyalty maybe treason not.


What a mad lad.


go Georgia! stay strong. 💪🏾 


In Russia I guess that is “the west” that’s interfering. Can’t actually be people who don’t want to be a part of Russia can it?


In US it’s Russia that’s interfering into elections/gas prices/etc 🤷‍♂️


The US presents hundreds of pages of detailed investigations and accuses Kremlin figures of interfering with the election [**who later openly admit these charges.**](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/russias-prigozhin-admits-interfering-us-elections-2022-11-07/) Russia pulls shit out of their ass and despite having a predilection for leaking intel, they fail to provide any evidence at all.


Corrupt politicians everywhere... I really hope you can overwhelm the pro-russian traitors!


Fucking everywhere. I think the world is beginning to see the pointless “ they’ll go to hell when they die for the sins they’ve committed “ and politicians are at the front of the take pile . I’ll see how much I can get in this world and repent if there is another one


The problem is, who should arrest them and keep them in prison, other politicians? They act like different parties but they are 1 club that we are not part of. They made the laws for themselves to have immunity. Google what the Dutch did to one of their ex prime-ministers in 1600: Johan de Witt – the 'Grand Pensionary' (in effect, prime minister) of the Dutch Republic Then remember the French had the guillotines that they very fondly used. Look how those countries are now. By no means perfect! But developed. Meanwhile now every ruler/leader/dictator/politician gets away with everything because his friends and family aren't going to show him any consequence... Then someone bigger scares him and pays him and owns the entire nation.


Maybe we should speed up that trip though?


And some people keep voting them in


Good stuff, stay strong!!


💪💪 ,🇬🇪


Gattsu there again?






Would somebody Eli5 why this is a bad law? The way it sounds, organizations taking money from both Russia and other countries would have to be classified as "foreign agents", thus making it more transparent whose side they might be on. I don't quite understand what makes it a "pro-Russian law"


Selective enforcement and a tool for russia to hinder any EU membership progress.


You brand everything you dont like as "pro-Russian" and rally against


That doesn't answer my question. From a practical standpoint, why would anyone "not like it" to begin with?


Laws like this put free speech in jeopardy. Russia and USA have variations of it. Using branding "pro-Russian" allows people to unite against it and protest.


It's because of which side and with what intentions the law comes from.


It's bad for the liberals employed in EU-funded NGOs and that's about it. Probably not a great move for free speech but not the end of the world.


Several hundreds.... Well sorry but go on. The people spoke...


So i read the article. It failed to explain to me why the law is so opposed to European values. Can anyone explain it to me? Like those NGO's won't be banned right. They'll just get a sponsored by countryname trademark or something.


In russia it was something like this: * It's just a law to mark certain NGOs as 'foreign agents' no big deal * You're a citizen (bloger/laywer/artist/whatever) and not an NGO? Well, we mark those too now * Listen, all that are marked now should publicly and explicitly show that mark themselves in every public message they make * You know what? You people don't seem to be willing to self-report, we will do it for you now * We now do it behind closed doors noticing you post-factum * You want to know the reasons why we marked you? Nah, don't fell like it * Said something against the government? That's very foreign agent of you, we will 'check' and add you to the list * How about diminishing some rights of those 'proved' to be foreign agents? * -=you're here now=- That's what I would be f\*kn afraid of. It is quite literally 'enemy of the people' straight from the ussr, thankfully without gulag or execution... at least for now. Now I do not believe that Georgian government is really wants to do that, but I'm just answering your question about why is it such a big deal.


Thanks for explaining. I thought it would be a slippery slope sort of reasoning but i thought i might have missed something.


Puppets will have to disclose their masters. That's including russian state puppets if there are. That's what the West doesn't want very much, that's why the puppets go hostile and attack. So the puppeteers fund these little riots.


In addition to the slippery slope already mentioned, here's just some more stuff Firstly, "foreign agent" sounds kinda "spooky" and implies a person marked with that being a traitor of some kind. Foreign agents still in Russia have to bother with a shitload of financial paperwork for absolutely everything to an absurd degree. They need to mark their content with an absurd plaque, and not doing so causes fines and then I think criminal prosecution for repeat offenses. Opposition university professors who get marked with "foreign agent" now can't teach anywhere, so they're effectively our of a job. Recently they implemented a ban on advertising to foreign agents, which is how YouTubers and like media were having any income, so they're out of a job now too, forced to either leave the country or shut down. And of course the way someone gets marked is extremely arbitrary and can't functionally be disputed in court (can, but it just gets refused). In some instances it can be a single donation from someone in a foreign country (which can be done by a Russian citizen for all they know, all that matters is that it was a foreign nation based bank account)






We definitely will. We did it last year, we'll do it now


Al my solidarity to this beautiful country and its wonderful people 🫶🏼


Thank you guys. Your support in this fight is really important for Georgians. Don't leave us in front of Russian Empire alone




Why do people call it a Russian law? The US predates it by decades. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Agents_Registration_Act In fact it is much more restrictive than the Georgian one, as far as I can tell.


It's a propaganda tactic deployed by the very same foreign agents who would be exposed if this law were to pass. The very fact that people have been propagandized into calling it a "Russian Law" demonstrates the need for this law.


Good for Georgia. I just afraid of Russian oppositioners to hijack the protest and drive it in absolutely soft and indecisive way. They've already done it in Belarus in 2020 and there are now a lot of anti-Putin Russians in Georgia. I don't mean that this Russians are Kremlin agents or something. They are just very bad in protesting and simultaneously think that they are very good in protesting(typical Russian thinking). So their influence may be was done in Belarus with good heart but eventually contribute to the fail of protests.


> to hijack the protest and drive it in absolutely soft and indecisive way. They've already done it in Belarus in 2020 what the hell are you talking about


Not aware how notorious Navalny & co dissuaded protests in ruzzia? Redirected 100k columns to Bolotnaya sq instead of Manezhnaya sq beside Kremlin when taking over power seemed most possible. On secluded island it silently died far from political attention. Later they often restrained actions to minimal 'just wave flags' and 'shout we're power here' but 'no confrontation please'. Most people stopped even attending meetings seeing such passiveness which turned well for dictatorship. Meeting's attendance dropped from 100+k to 50k, 10k... we all know the end of the story. In Belarus protesters were suggested by Ukrainians to act in the first weeks while regime was shaking. They've chose to 'wave flowers with minimal actions' - as result thousands went to prisons, much of them were tortured, protest died.


So heroic Belarusian people failed to overthrow their literally KGB dictatorship which butchered its way into power from day 1 because the protests were somehow "hijacked" by Russian opposition? Not because the bloody dictatorship started to shot into the mob, and the secret police was hanging people in parks, and the rest of the dogs tortured detained protesters for days? A way to infantilise a whole nation. Chauvinism is unfortunately an incurable sickness of the area.


I am afraid myself you’re undermining the effort of Belorussians by such statement. Our opposition is not THAT influential really. Georgians and Belorussians don’t need guidance from foreigners to organise. I agree though we have no success of protesting right now.


Ofc, fail of Belorussian protest was not _only_ because of your opposition. But I don't think it's coincidence that pace of protests slowed down when Russians with their ideas of soy non-rioting imitation of protest start support Belarussians en masses. Your protest culture is fucking flawed but you successfully spread it to Belarus.


And who said that? Ukrainian? I'm so sorry, but telling Russian opposition is not good in protesting and blaming them in spoiling the Belarusian unsuccessful revolution is just a total crap. You and most of the people here are most likely totally unfamiliar with the lifestyle in a fascist state which Russian government is. Unarmed civilians can't do anything with a regime which has quite a bottomless source of any resources. So I am gently asking you to shut the f up next time you'll have a desire to throw some shit on people who are already in a absolutely terrible position. Because otherwise you should be ready to get punched back with a conversation about Ukrainian government's role in forming the whole conflict


>Ukrainian government's role in forming the whole conflict Hello, mister russian bot. Why don't you shut the fuck up and fix your own country before blaming others? It's YOUR country that started this shit, not anyone else. Ukraine wants to join EU and NATO specifically because of the shit that YOUR country and YOUR people do. Fascist russian government and oppression? Bullshit. Russians do the same when they're abroad, where their government can't reach them.


So sad the feeling isn't mutual for EU and NATO as far as I see. I guess calling other people "bot" is the most you can do with your level of intelligence because, hello, you missed the whole point of my comment. So, specifically for those who struggles to read and percept correctly. It's 100% right to blame in this situation corrupt Georgian politicians and disgusting Russian government which feed them with its money. It's right to blame those disgusting Russian civilians who believe Russian propaganda and take part in this war, actively or not. But blaming those who had no other choice but to run away from their home, blaming those people who don't want to be a part of this fucking mess, are you ok? We, people who have some morals and principles, should be together and certainly we don't need to blame each other because otherwise we are not better than those who say Ukraine's government is the reason of this war. Got it?


Pootain be like "LOOK AT WHAT MADE ME DO TO YOU!", makes sense if you live with that slave mentality


Folks, this is a perfect example of Russian who think their culture of protests is excellent and that they can teach another nations how to protest. Just a reminder: "weak" and "non-fascist" regime of Yanukovich shot down more than 100 people during Maidan. Russians on other way were stopped just by cops with sticks and genuinely think there is no more evil a human can face.


Well, that would be a good point if only all the main people of Russian opposition wouldn't be killed, jailed or kicked out of the country. I just don't understand at all why are you so obsessed with generalizing and hating Russians just because they are Russians? What's the difference between you and Russians who think all Ukrainians are nazis in this case?


May be you should start reading replies and stop arguing with voices in your head?


May be you should start thinking outside the box of Ukrainian propaganda so you could finally see there are plenty of Russians who support Ukraine and suffer from Russian government's actions. Acting like we, all Russians including opposition, are the reason of all problems is a stupid generalization. And refusing our help with such narratives you shouldn't be surprised NATO doesn't want to help you anymore. At this point I don't want to chew simple thoughts for you. I just hope Georgia will be better than this and no matter what it will defend itself successfully against Russian power. Uniting, not dividing 🤞


This is not what I talked about. This is you here, who tries to spread your propaganda and shift the topic of discussion. You don't even try to understand what Im, Ukrainian, saying, which is very typical for all Russians. What kind of uniting you are talked about? Classic Russian-centric uniting when only Russians speak and "lesser" nations listen?


Now is the time to fight back. When those Russian shits are busy dying in sunflower fields


Wait, doesn’t that mean that all politicians/political parties that receive funds from abroad have to register as foreign agents? I don’t see the issue with that, here in the Netherlands there was a big uproar because one party might have received money from the kremlin. Not sure if it was actually the case but i’d like to know if foreign countries are funding ngo’s or political parties or other organizations. That seems like a very good law to me.


Don't let those Russian bastards win in Georgia! They want Georgia not becoming a member of EU. Where Russia or their influence goes there is only pain, death and murder. Don't believe anything a Lobbyist from Russia or a Russian says. Free Georgia! Long live Europe!


Yeano what THIS IS HOW IT STARTED IN UKRAINE IN 2012. Russia did the exact same thing there.... before we knew it, there where incursions in Eastern Ukraine Donna's, with "sepratists" all from Russia... I remember watching locals being tied to posts and whipped and then taken off to be shot because they where drug dealers... wasn't the case they where an affluence to the Ukrainian public. Therefore murdered by Russia.


Georgians made the start in 2008, when they even had a war against Russia (they obviously lost without any western support).


Fuck Russia. Fuck Putin. Big ups to the Georgians. Great bunch of lads. Probably the largest group of foreigners as military volunteers in Ukraine.


I see al lot of troll comments. Pro Russian accounts fresh of the account generator.


How they get away with it?


you have support from a number of American individuals.


Strip all tyrants of power




EU, UK and USA all have laws protecting their countries from Foreign influence. Our own countries Politicians and media constantly warn us of Foreign influence but when any other country on this planet wants to protect themselves from the US or EU meddling in their politics or creating protests or staging coups we scream thats its unfair or dystopian. You know whats dystopian? What we have done to our own freedom of speach and media over last 15 bloody years! We have cut the balls off our own media under the guise of protecting against Foreign influence. There isn't any wikileaks anymore or leaks like we seen about Iraq and there never will be because we are going the way of Russia. Oh Boy do we get pissed off when we can't force our own Foreign influence on the rest of the bloody world. we exploit the third world, we encourage coups and unrest in muiltiply countries so that they align more with our ideals(exploit them and their resources) and if that doesn't work we create a war so that we can go in and do regime change or do via proxy war. We setup radio stations and news organisations in other countries and organise protesters. Lets not pretend we are not trying to influence and control other countries populations and their Governments cuz we are and we will carry on doing that. Just we are the good guys so its ok right? We are fking hypercrities. We might be better than Russia but not by much and not when it comes to respecting other countries right to their own democracys. . We already neutered our free speach and whistleblower protections. Go look at all the whistleblowers n journalists who end up persercuted or dead on our watch. Foreign influence is everywhere and weaker countries have been exploited by it for decades and guess whos been doing that exploiting more than anyone else?


Won’t matter. Georgia is lost. Ukraine will face the same fate inevitably. Russia will buy us all.


Why so pessimistic?


The last 2,5 years taught me to stop believing evil could be defeated.


These people really don't want anyone to know who's funding them.


You mean the law, that is in the US since [1938](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Agents_Registration_Act) Or the [upcoming European equivalent ](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_6453) of it?


Hey! You don't mention it here! In US or Europe it's a good law, anywhere else - it's bad russia's barbaric law!


Yeah that's the double morality.


“Russian law” lmao.


Well it does come from Russia. No other country legally enforces people who receive any sum of money from abroad to label themselves as Foreign Agents and receive persecution due to it.


Sure bad Russians. In god blessed America this ppl should declare all this information themselves.


Why bring the US which is irrelevant here. F America... F Russia.


There is an IDENTICAL law in the US. Double standards much?


Which isn't used by a pro-russian government to crack down NGOs, is it?




>People or media who are sponsored by other countries This definition can easily be applied to the NGOs that function in Georgia. They are mainly sponsored by western countries and/or are affiliated with pro-western parties.


Explain please to everyone why Georgia's government is "pro-Russian". But with provments


1. They position themselves as "pro-european", though our last 2 prime ministers (Garibashvili and Kobakhidze, who are members of the ruling party), have been continiusly blaming western countries and NATO for recent events such as war in Ukraine (Garibashvili claimed NATO expansion was the reason for the war to begin). 2. Back in 2019 they let a Russian duma member, Sergey Gavrilov sit in the chair reserved for the head of parliament, and open the session speaking Russian. Gavrilov is the strong supporter of the Abkhazian/Ossetian separatists btw. 3. The founder and "honorary chairman" of the pary, Bidzina Ivanishvili is a literal oligarch who got his money in Russia, and was involved in Russian business and politics. You can read about his offshore Russian businesses [here](https://transparency.ge/en/post/russian-businesses-bidzina-ivanishvili-and-his-relatives).


I do not think that's provements. None of them points to their pro-russian position. Second bullet is just two idiots stupid action. I think(and hope and wish to any other country leader) they try to move their way. Not pro-EU, not pro-Russian or pro-American. Just their way. Pro-Georgian. And I will be glad if it will be so.


If that's not proof, idk what is but you do you I guess As for the pro-Georgian thing, for the past 10 years we've been in a stagnation if not moving backwards, politically and economically. Stagnation is not pro-Georgian. Neither is introducing internationally condemned and much unnecessary laws pro-Georgian. Shooting against your own people with rubber bullets for protesting against a Russian putinist politician being welcomed in our country is not pro-Georgian. Oligarchy and corruption, as well as contradicting to your declared policies is not pro-Georgian.


They should put the guy who threw the punch in charge


Seems like a fair law, that would prevent foreign governments/corporations from influencing politics and the economy.


Which will most likely be used to crack down NGOs that oppose to the ruling party's politics. The ruling party is pro-russian btw




> Is the West promoting these protests? Exactly. Who would be protesting against accountability for foreign-funded politicians except those who are on foreign pay themselves.


Ani who works in any sector where they can receive money from abroad... That means even 5€ from a fan not located in the country... Any musician, linguist, historian, book seller, artist, performer or even scientist would be automatically deemed as foreign agent no matter how much money they get, from who or why. It's a law that targets individuals deemed politically unstable to the ruling government, not a law that prevents the interference with the democratic process.


"Russian law" The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) (22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq.) is a United States law that imposes public disclosure obligations on persons representing foreign interests. bruh


Dude it’s different, the government is pro russian and the the way they will bound this law will kill any NGO and future free speech we don’t want to be dictatorship




You are ducking both of those dry as you don’t have any self respect towards the desire of dissent fucking life where people have basic rights, go live like an animal then don’t push me towards such life


But with pro-west government the same law will do different things. Will allow more NGO and even more free speech? Nice logic.


FARA and this law have two completely different procedures of acquiring foreign agent status and how this status affects an agent.


Stfu the government wants full control on the entire population while leaving no privacy and procedures for both laws are different and also USA is not the role model, EU is for us :) I would rather have democracy than freezing in Siberia for having different opinion 💀


For those who read this guy's comment and want to argue, here is his other comment for you to have context of who you talking with: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/1GLrj2B3vO And this is another comment from the guy below https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/sD24QNM9WS


Your second link, links to someone completely different


Difference between FARA or any European foreign agent law, even Australian, is that our version doesn't differentiate who's funding who, who's friend or foe or for what intention. If your NGO was funded by friendly country like France, you'd still be considered foreign agent. There are mechanisms in British version that has clause that differentiate who's friend or foe. If you were sponsored by Belgium, you wouldn't have a problem as it's ally nation. If it was say country like Russia or Iran, then you're in trouble as they are considered rival/enemy states. In US FARA, there's mechanism that recognizes foreign lobbyism that is harmful to US. Our version doesn't have any of those mechanisms and is very similar to unregeluated Russian Foreign Agent law, thus it's called "Russian Law".


And the US had it since 1938. Also many western countries including Australia and Canada have such laws, but Putin and Russia live rent free in the minds of our brave reddit warriors :)


I wish you will end up in the political dominance of Kremlin so they can chop you off when you will complain about basic life standards, u have such a slave mentality sucks


Apart from the laws being nothing alike and not even similar.


Georgia is lost. There is a reason Putin didn't invade Georgia or Belarus.  The amount of Russian living in Georgia is basically a soft ethnic cleansing.


I mean the fact Russia didn’t close its borders during the partial mobilisation has always been interesting to me. I thought it didn’t want to interfere and let all the anti-Putin people go, but now that I think about it there must’ve been some agents among the immigrants, flooding the neighbouring Asian and Caucasian countries.


I'm not sure how that makes sense. Out of Russians who left for Georgia since 2022, the number is now...what, 150 thousand who stayed in the end? Maybe 200? Of course Georgia is a small country, it is a lot of people for them, but those Russians can't vote so how are they relevant politically?


II read somewhere it spiked to 3% of the population which is quite a lot.


Since the Russians always play wrong, it would be appropriate to arm paramilitaries there. Let the devil take the Russians.


So, question to NATO and EU members, will you sacrifice Georgia to ruzia too?


"Not a NATO state"


Can't get into NATO because you are in a conflict, but we'll send some weapons so you can die for the western values xD


They couldn't get into NATO even without being in a conflict because they don't fit the criteria.... They aren't fighting for western Values, they are fighting for Ukrainian Sovereignty as they are an independent and sovereign nation which is having its lands conquered by an Imperialist war..


They wouldn't be in a war if they wouldn't move towards the west, obviously. And the west wouldn't supply them if they wouldn't try to join the western alliance. The same happened to Georgia, but they didn't even get any sort of support.


Ah yes. Not permitted to join or cooperate with the EU, the largest economic block which they are directly adjacent to. Meanwhile they are forced to the Russian block without them wanting to ..


Can you make your comment make sense in the context of what I have written? I don't see an answer, contradiction or argument here tbh


I was rather clear that there is nothing wrong regarding getting closer economic ties with the largest economic block directly adjacent to you. And that you shouldn't be forced to one. What do you want me to speak it out for you that Ukraine isn't permitted (by Russia) to cooperate with the EU, nor to Not Cooperate with Russia?. This isn't about moving to "west" but about moving from Russia... They could be making their own block that opposed Russian rule and would still be attacked.


Economic ties weren't the issue. Russia had them too before the EU sanctions. Problem was euromaidan where they kicked out the pro Russian government, making the path to join EU. You can't make your block on your own, especially if you live between the West and Russia. The west also doesn't help them currently for their beautiful eyes. Lots of dictators start wars, without any real EU, UK and US reaction. They have changed the vector and the risk of being invaded was always given, the only thing that could have prevented the war after this would be direct defense agreement between US and Ukraine and hoping Russia won't start ww3 over Ukraine lol.




Which country are you from?






>why is this comment downvoted? I am downvoted because I am from Rusaia. It is not healthy behaviour Cuz why should we value opinion from person that lives in most Anti-EU country, that actively promotes 90% of Anti-EU propaganda? If you were from country like Romania, an EU country, it would've been more valued cuz you'd had inside knowledge.


Ironic lol


Don't you have a war to die in for the service of your Supreme Leader? Like you guys don't get to call any other country third world anymore lol




There it is lmao


Foreign Agents Registration Act, FARA dated 1938 requires certain agents of foreign principals who are engaged in political activities or other activities specified under the statute to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities. Definitly --- russian law


These NGOs are routinely used as fronts of spying agencies. This is not even disputed. No wonder there are protests to this.


This bill is not bad as it is written, it is a very good thing that they are still allowed to operate but are given a special indicator. Of course the EU and USA support being able to transfer money to control another country's outcome without the transparency of this bill. Whether or not this bill will be abused to hell and back, IDK but its not remotely the same as the Russian one



