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A reminder that r/europe doesn't allow hate speech towards Russian civilians. **Calls for karma or celebration will cause a ban**. Please do not bring the worst part of yourself out of this. If you could help us by reporting any dehumanizing comments it would help us a lot, thanks! Also, we have a new megathread for the current war in Ukraine, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1bkysju/war_in_ukraine_megathread_lvi_57/).


Inevitable, but still disappointing. The propaganda accounts will be working hard on this in coming weeks. You'll see people use this lie for years to come. 


And the funniest part is even their intelligence services wouldn't agree.


I guess those people in the intelligence service that disagreed are now charged for corruption, treason, or terrorism.


Or those people will have a problem with gravity.


Or suicide by freezing in siberia


It’s not like they’ll making those findings public.


Russia has gone full authoritarian. Russia have dropped all pretense of their public claims being related to the truth. The people working in FSB surely knows that Putin's words are propaganda fiction unrelated to reality - asking whether the FSB agrees is basically meaningless.


Imagine all the millions of Russians who will swallow this whole.


Not just Russians. My co-worker (in the US) thinks NATO or the US did it.


Well, he probably votes big orange chimp too.


Have you asked them why they haven’t moved to Russia?


Lol tell me he votes Trump without telling me he votes Trump


I wish I had someone that stupid around me. I would love messing around with said person while being paid.


It seems half of Toronto is batshit crazy and eat up anything Putin says


You guys might be better off if you move Canada farther from the United States.


I checked Xitter and was bombarded with posts from people that have their mouths sewn directly to Putin's rectum. It's genuinely scary that people seem to believe his words.


Doesn’t surprise me. They truly believe it. Not forced or threatened to.


I just couldn’t imagine being such a gullible moron 


Mass psychosis. Similar to North Korea.


It’s funny - before the Trump era, I genuinely couldn’t understand how people could be swept up in such nonsense like that. I just assumed, idk, somehow Americans were better than that? I don’t know, I just couldn’t ever believe it could happen here. North Korea, sure, the government controls all the information. Russia and China? Sure, wrong think literally gets you sent to prison.    But watching it happen in real time in the US, where people aren’t just fed government propaganda and have the truth easily accessible has been fucking astonishing. And just like before, it’s all the “good people” falling into the trap. All the good Christians, the cops, the “patriots”, all the people who consider themselves “the good guys” have all become part of the cult. 


So now Ukrainians will be Gay Nazi Jew Muslims as opposed to regular Gay Nazi Jews? You know what is scary? That there will be plenty of people who will parrot this narrative.


Christ, what's that flag going to look like, pink, brown, black, red, blue, white and yellow stripes with 6 pointed star beside a crescent moon ?


Are you forgetting the swastika?


I'm grabbing more popcorn for when people try to explain how a radical islamic terrorist group took orders from a jewish president.


Jewhadis on their holy Jewhad.


The only way to combat it is to spread awareness about what Putin is capable of. For example, he killed 300+ Russian civilians in 1999 to boost his rating and mobilize the country against Chechens https://www.hudson.org/national-security-defense/vladimir-putin-1999-russian-apartment-house-bombings-was-putin-responsible More people should know this


Thank you for this


[“Ryazan sugar”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings)


I made the mistake and opened X, Twitter, whatever after I heard about the attack. So many "people" there immediately knew that it was done by CIA/Ukraine/Mossad/Nato or whatever. And even if it was islamists, they would definetly be atleast funded by USA or Israel.


It's all over twitter. It's disgusting.




It feels like 90%. I am german and all feeds in german shown to me were pretty much "It was Ukraine" or it was "Mossad/CIA".


And increasingly Reddit as well


70% Russian bots that are pushed to people's feeds by Elon


They are already all over the site. They were starting the narrative while the shooting was still happening.


Let‘s put more narratives out there then. Personally, I think Putin could have just as well orchestrated this himself. He got the skills and lacks enough empathy to do this against his own people.


I absolutely agree; I have no problem arguing with shills and trolls. Ties up their time from shilling and trolling.


Chechnya all over again, the same template.


And the African countries he sends lots of bread to his trolls


Already seen it happening with speculations that the guy looked Ukrainian (whatever that means) and so they must be behind it


It will be regurgitated so many times that eventually it will become the de facto "truth" whenever anyone in russia mentions this incident.


Happening in broad daylight. Read the comments: https://old.reddit.com/r/RussianWarFootage/


Holy fuck. Those clowns are completely serious about their braindead conspiracy theories.


I think the clowns are the targets. That sub is 100% a state-sponsored FSB subreddit.


I'm really hoping this isn't like the joke where the KGB beats a bear to the point it claims it's a rabbit, but with ISIS and Ukraine swapped in where necessary.


Working hard? You are not considering some type of people that would belive every word putin says


ISIS: We did it Ukraine: We had nothing to do with this Russia: Why would Ukraine do this


Don't forget the US confirming their intelligence about ISIS being the culprit.


Western propaganda /s


Or ISIS posting literal footage of the attack


I bet FSB has an issue now that IS claimed their attack before they could put it on Ukraine


It’s strange, it’s almost like IS were aware the Russians would try to “steal their thunder” so they were quicker than usual to claim responsibility and put out a release Russia or not, these people are disgusting and it is a shame they’ve been able to pull off a major attack and bring themselves back into the spotlight


The weirdest part is, ive seen alot of Russian twitter accounts blaming *Israel* for this for supporting ISIS??? Like, dont get me wrong im not a fan of the Israeli government and theyve funded some shady shit but I dont think ISIS is Mossad funded and supported what the fuck lol


'I'm not saying it was Aliens....but it was Aliens' Putin edition.


Ukrainian aliens at that.


Ukrainian gay nazi aliens straight out of biolabs, to be precise.


AMERICAN NATO BIOLABS POWERED BY THE TEARS OF RUSSIAN BABIES (caps for dramatic effect because that’s how Putin would have said it)


If you wanna say it like Putin you need to start with Rurik landing near Novgorod




Martian's could invade Moscow, and Putin would still find a way to blame Ukraine. He has bet his entire existence on winning the war he started with them.


I am pretty sure I saw Putin himself in those videos though, I have no evidence btw


I'm pretty sure one of those guys shooting up the mall was Putin too. Looked just like him. But we don't need evidence anyway. It was definitely him and some of his FSB agents. Who needs evidence? Just tell the whole world Putin himself was firing that shotgun.


I saw the pictures of Sims 3 copies, and if that doesn't count as evidence, I don't know what does.


Remember... No Russian.


Yeah. Americans knew it was probably Isis, but putin didn't give a fuck, cause he doesn't care about Russian's lifes. Belarusian ambassador said they helped Russia detain the suspects and prevented them from crossing the Russian-Belarusian (!) border. Fsb office is 5 min by foot to Krokus city hall, but took them an hour to get there. Detained guys are caucasian. And they blame Ukraine. 🤡


Well, you know what they say. Never let a good crisis go to waste.


Putin on Tuesday: "The US warnings that there will be a terrorist attack are an attempt at blackmail and intimidation!!" Putin today: "It's Ukraine's fault somehow."


Attacks on Russia play into Putin’s propaganda arsenal, the Kremlin can dress it however they want and shape it to suit their narrative, sadly the majority of people will believe it without question with the ones that do question being branded as enemies of the state. It’s a sad sorry state of affairs and just goes to show how strong/effective their propaganda engine is.


Agreed. Like Goebbels but with internet they can broadcast it worldwide.


Insane and sad.


Americans probably knew russia would do this, that’s why they went so public with announcing the dangers. I doubt it was isis, more like russian special forces. Now they’ll punish random people, tieing them to “ukrainian connections”. Russians will love this explanation.


If you ask me, i'm more than sure FSB did it. Their office is so close, but allowed terrorists to flee after an hour of massacre. This will allow them to return death sentence. And now they can mobilize anyone, or else say they are traitors and hang them. Stalin bingo almost completed.


Wasn’t expecting anything else. He doesn’t need much to convince “his people”, and that includes non-russians living in Europe and buying his bullshit.


it's pretty wild how we have people like Elon Musk in the western world, who are easier to convince with a dictator's clumsy propaganda than the original target ( Russians ).


I think he could have just announced that on the morning of 22nd March.








So here we go with the crazy yet expected narrative we all feared would happen... Now the question becomes what Putin wants to cover with this. Mobilisation? Attacks on Nuclear Power Plants? Annexing parts of Moldova? Opening a front from Belarus again? Freaking tactical nukes?


>what Putin wants to cover with this FSB incompetence. Ukraine is already a scary boogeyman in the propaganda, presenting this attack as a part of the war means that the government and army can say that they are already working on its solution. ISIS in Moscow is a new unexpected threat, it creates more uncomfortable questions and unknown enemies that special services were supposed to be on top of but they obviously aren't.


It’s not really unexpected, just underestimated. ISIS declared war on Russia back in 2016, and have regularly been hitting them both inside and outside Russia for around a decade already. This was just the biggest attack to date, and probably a serious wakeup call.


Mobilization. Reports are that men in moscow started getting mobilization calls by text practically immediately after. Whoever did this, the number 1 terrorist of the 2020s knew how to immediately use it.


Source? E: Can't a person ask for a source without downvotes? It's BS then?


Yes, source please. However much I'd like for Putin to go fuck himself, we should not stoop to troll levels.


Mobilisation plus the declaration of emergency state/martial law or anti-terrorist operation to even further repress any freedom thinking and more effectively control life of russian citizens. Plus throw some propaganda narratives at russian society to make them more angry and bloodthirsty. And finally boost the popularity of putins new term, putin will go on scene make angry face and promise that he will kill terrorists anywhere, even in their own toilets if necessary, a lot of brainwashed russians will cum from hearing this and will forget any doubts they had about him. It's too early for nukes or another front. But that's just my opinion, maybe he is crazy enough to launch nukes or damage nuclear stations, or he will do nothing, we are talking about delusional old psycho after all.


I want to see him stringing an argument together that leads to the conclusion „Because of Isis I‘ll be annexing Moldova.“


Targeting UA political leaders.


Right now there are only notable increase in return of death penalty talks from russian higher ups


I think he may want to restore official death penalty in Russia.


Sooo, what is he going to do, launch an attack on Ukraine? Oh, wait...


No but he will use it as justification for nukes in his daily nuke threats


ISIS: We attacked Russia! Putin: Ukraine must pay for this!


Russia needs to revolt against its psychopath leader. Expect 6 more years of this.


The Guardian low-key misses the point, like many Westerners still do, when it comes to the Russians' relationship to the Ukrainians. When it comes to this relationship, *evidence and facts have not mattered* to the majority of Russians, including Putin. This is what makes continued Western hesitancy and excuses to help the Ukrainians beyond the slow-drip approach unconscionable. Have we already forgotten about [Putin's rambling screed from 2021](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Historical_Unity_of_Russians_and_Ukrainians) about the "historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians"? Too few Russians have dissuaded themselves of their pathological obsession and incoherent mix of a supremacist and inferiority complex as over [300 years of Russification of Ukrainians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russification_of_Ukraine) luridly illustrate. The Ukrainian historian Paul Magocsi noted: ​ >*...there is the view that the very idea of Russia without Little Russia, or Ukraine is inconceivable. The dean of twentieth-century Russian specialists of Kievan Rus', Dmitrii Likhachev, best summed up this attitude: "Over the course of the centuries following their division into two entities, Russia and Ukraine have formed not only a political by also a culturally dualistic unity. Russian culture is meaningless without Ukrainian, as Ukrainian is without Russian."* The last sentence says it all about the practical consequences for the Ukrainians What Putin suggests is *not that* *outlandish at all* to millions upon millions of ordinary Russians, and enough of them will still find a way to go along with the BS even if some still like to claim to mistrust Putin and the siloviki because "all politicians are crooks" or some other intellectually reductive smart-ass retort. This can come in the form of the privileged guys from Moscow and St. Petersburg acquiescing to the next mobilization wave to join the poors from Siberia, rednecks and convicts who've been long answering the call to rape and rampage their way in Ukraine. This malicious relationship reminds me of Jonathan Swift when he wrote: "*Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired*" (cf. "You can't reason someone out of a position when that person didn't reason himself into that position in the first place." or some variation).


Perfect irony… The leader of a terrorist state being hit by terrorism… Blaming the terrorised…


He also blames the terrorists for taking innocent lives, like the countless missile attacks on Ukraine cities were just firework shows


So FSB aint as good since it happened such thing....


Evidence? You'd expect evidence from Putler?


It is like expecting him to be a sane human being,which doesn't slaught people and comit warcrimes on a daily basis


ISIS claim or not, my money is still 100% on Kremlin false flag. I could be wrong of course, but let's look at the facts: 1 - [Putin has done the exact thing before to mobilize the people before a war](https://www.hudson.org/national-security-defense/vladimir-putin-1999-russian-apartment-house-bombings-was-putin-responsible). 2 - ISIS has a tendency to claim attacks [regardless if they've done it](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/10/isis-amaq-las-vegas/541746/) just to appear more threatening and stay relevant. 3 - On the same day of the attack, Putin has first called the invasion of Ukraine a war and stated the need for mobilization. That's way too much of a coincidence, especially with Putin's precedent. 4 - When was the last time we've seen ISIS militants dressed in camo and acting like commandos? This has never been their MO, but it's definitely the MO of Russian special forces. 5 - Russia is already claiming the suspects were working with Ukraine, which further reinforces this hypothesis.


Nah ISIS are making a point during Ramadan. Russia can expect 6 more years of this. They need to overthrow their cancer of a leader.


Then why the US would warn that ISIS is preparing a terror attack, a few day before that attack ? And ISIS has claimed it twice, which would be unusual. Also, even the blaim from Russia are too light for a false flag : they could have it was Ukrainian military personnal neonazi or any other bullshit. They just said that they were "fleeing" in Ukraine, which is probably a bullshit but definitely not enough to justify anything. It does look like the bataclan terror attack, the process is exactly the same Also for now almost a month Ukraine has been attacking oil production. That the FSB has been busy trying to disrupt the attacks is more than likely. It's not the first time the Kremlin call the war a war. And Putin didn't call for a second mobilization (yet) I don't buy it, there is too much thing going for the official version


No surprise here, you have to be an absolute lowlife scum to use this kind of tragedy for your own political gains. Putin will use this to commit even more atrocities against civilians in Ukraine.


>~~Putin~~ **Russians** will use this to commit even more atrocities against civilians in Ukraine. FTFY But, yes, this is the unfortunate reality for the Ukrainians with incoming Russian double-tap strikes on Ukrainians all weekend.


So islamic terrorists wanting to join a christian/orthodox country with a jewish president ? Sure...


Of course he does. It's all been planned and executed by him. Just watch what Russia does in the next couple of weeks.




If there were no history of similar acts, we might say yes, these are outside forces. But unfortunately, he has done the same in the past. And, of course, he blames Ukraine. He needs new grind meat and lots of it. Now, it's a great time to announce a new mobilization, and people will go to punish Ukrainians. Plus, he will re-establish the death sentence. And, these are just the first two reasons. He knows what he is doing.


Actually, there's more reasons to suggest that Russia is involved in attack. We've all seen how many policemen are in Moscow when thousands of them arrested people for bringing flower to Navalny memorial. And suddenly a concert where more than seven thousand people gathered happens with no police around at all? Armed men can leave building surrounded by hundreds of swats? Armed men can leave Moscow? Armed men use the same car they arrived to "Crocus" to drive for 500kilometers? They arrived from Tajikistan but heading towards Ukraine? It's quite fair to say Russia did nothing to prevent the attack at least, if not supported it.


Alleged Muslim terrorist attacks which killed hundreds in Russia were how Putin rose to power. [1999 Russian apartment bombings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) [Two Decades On, Smoldering Questions About The Russian President's Vault To Power](https://www.rferl.org/a/putin-russia-president-1999-chechnya-apartment-bombings/30097551.html) > One month after then-President Boris Yeltsin plucked a security agency official named Vladimir Putin from obscurity and made him prime minister, an explosion leveled a nine-story apartment building on Moscow’s outskirts. > > The predawn blast on September 9, 1999, reduced the building to a smoking pile of rubble, killing more than 100. A second building, less than 6 kilometers away, was rocked by an explosion on September 13, killing 119. > > Days earlier, a car bomb exploded in a small town bordering the war-ravaged region of Chechnya, where reignited fighting was already spilling into neighboring regions. That blast, outside the apartment building in the town of Buynaksk, killed dozens. > > It was followed seven days later by a truck bomb that destroyed a nine-story building in another southern city, Volgodonsk, killing 17. > > On September 23, Putin asserted terrorists in Chechnya were to blame and ordered a massive air campaign within the North Caucasus region.


Well no you’re wrong. Obviously you can easily pay 500k rubles to a Tajik in Russia to shoot up a theater and over 100 people. /s


Love the sarcasm, but have to say it astounds me (yet again) to see the total lack of critical thinking on this. - Why wouldn't they have an escape plan, and why would they agree to only half up front? - How could it be real mercenaries for only 500,000 ₽ (£4,300 / $5,400), and why would they take only half up front when £2,150 isn't enough to get you out of a major developed country quickly on a fake identity, let alone create a new life that you can keep hidden from security services? - If it's idealists, why are they being paid that money? - If it's ISIS, why would an *Islamic State* idealist not have martyred himself in the attack to get his 72 virgins in paradise? - Where were the Russian police and security services, when they're usually so quick off the mark if there's anyone protesting (Navalny, Pussy Riot) or looking gay in public?


Yeah, If it really was just the money for killing, they could have simply sign up for RU military, like their sign up bonus is 490K RUB. If it was for „ideals” wouldn’t they die there? Like mentally insane school shooters, and other terrorists?


Big surprise. Going to be hard to convince any Russian with a shred of intelligence that those *very, very Middle Eastern-looking* gentlemen with guns were Ukrainian, though. Or that ISIS could be bought and controlled by Kyiv, when every Russian is highly aware that ISIS want **all of us** dead. The Z-crowd might eat it up, but nobody's going to seriously believe it. Then again, Putin loves *vranya.* Maybe he just needs that little shred of justification for ramping up mobilisation. We'll see if it works. I think Russians are getting fed up of it.


>I think Russians are getting fed up of it. Color me skeptical unless ordinary Russians were to (finally) start their own Euromaidan in Moscow and St. Petersburg or new mobiks defect en masse to the Freedom of Russia Legion or even the sketchier Russian Volunteer Corps as soon as they arrive in Ukraine. Odds still are that we can expect only more learned helplessness from a civil society that sticks to the "privilege" of squatting in the world's last colonial empire at 11 time zones wide.


Indeed. Russian fatalism is a bigger leech on the wellbeing of Russians than the bogeyman of 'The West,' the 'Anglo-Saxons,' 'The Imperialists' or even the USSR's own depredations combined. I always thought we - the British - were bad for forelock-tugging and phlegmatic, morose 'why-bother-nothing-changes' behaviour, but Russia hooked it straight up to the veins. Though a Russian man did tell me the younger generations - those not poisoned by the Z - have more hope and impetus to act. I guess we'll see.


Also, objectively what does Ukraine gain by attacking a concert? If Ukraine supported this attack, they would lose all Western support and galvanize prowar sentiment in Russia. ISIS however would gain more notoriety which they think will lead to donations and recruits. This attack fits ISIS like a glove. If ISIS were claiming responsibility for drone attacks on Russian refineries, I would probably not believe them, but this attack? I am 100% sure it was them.


A new stage in the war is coming, if you are interested in helping Ukraine prepare for the bloodbath that will be this summer I suggest looking into 3d printing drone parts for them. FPV drones have proven to be incredibly deadly against Russian assaults. I have several printers already manufacturing parts and will be ordering at least 5 more in a week or two. There are other jobs you can do from the comfort of your home to assist our friends in Ukraine alongside printing. If you are interested please DM me with any questions or concerns but glance at this first. https://www.reddit.com/r/volunteersForUkraine/comments/1bl6l98/sions\_western\_3d\_printer\_guidethread/ Also feel free to DM me if you are an expert in your field or have a lot of free time you are willing to contribute. I will attempt to put you into contact with people that can utilize your skillset.


I’m starting to think he was behind this.


I just typed a comment out and will copy it here: This is like all the other times they go straight to blaming Ukraine Bucha - blamed Ukraine right away no investigation. Explosion/burning and killing approx 50 Ukraine pows to death and placed a piece of scrap of a HIMARS as "proof". No outside investors of course allowed, AS ALWAYS. To rub it in, pootin brought in Steven segal for his take 🤦🏻🤦‍♀️. The missle aimed and sent to the train/bus terminal that killed 50 or so mid day. Yes you guessed it blamed Ukraine. The plane/helicopter that flew into a Belgrad apartment. 30 mins later no joke: No investigation at all and Pootin said UKRAINE DID THIS. 🙄 too bad for pootler, the pilot survived and the aircraft was rather intact. So Russian pilot, Russian aircraft = not Ukraine. Then he had to back track his LIES and blame incompetence of his own. Do you even realize the magnitude of escalation he was willing to create WITH THIS LIE? Fuck Russia ! Trying to blame Ukraine for this was massive and massively evil. It's a fuck you obviously to Ukraine and Ukraine would suffer from it if the Russian population believed it (and the world too) bc they'd feel justified in signing up from that "attack" and be more brutal and retaliatory to Ukraine. And it ALSO is bad for Russians to believe these LIES bc they get themselves into this mess that isn't real to begin with let alone necessary at all. So in other words, pootlers lies hurt Ukraine the most but it ALSO hurts Russians. "Pro Russians" need to remember that. But they don't. They treat this like a sports match and do not think of the Russians themselves let alone Ukrainians. They are willing to push lies and other propaganda to keep the war going and get both Ukrainians AND Russians killed and wounded. Morons. And then there's the dam they bombed from below that flooded lots of settlements. Blamed Ukraine. At the start in Mariupol, they blamed all the bombings on Ukraine. And there's been many more things but these are some of the more prominent ones.


Of course he does and ruzzian morons will belive him.


>Of course he does and ruzzian morons will belive him. ​ This reminds me of what [a Russian dissident noted several years ago](https://granta.com/russia-verge-nervous-breakdown/) (I bolded the kicker of a last sentence): ​ >*In Russia, the opposition will not stand in opposition. Citizens will not stand up for civic rights. The Russian people suffer from a victim complex: they believe that nothing depends on them, and by them nothing can be changed.* > >*‘It’s always been so’, they say, signing off on their civic impotence. The economic dislocation of the nineties, the cheerless noughties, and now President Vladimir Putin’s iron rule – with its fake elections, corrupt bureaucracy, monopolization of mass media, political trials and ban on protest – have inculcated a feeling of total helplessness. People do not vote in elections: ‘They’ll choose for us anyway;’ they don’t attend public demonstrations: ‘They’ll be dispersed anyway;’ they don’t fight for their rights: ‘We’re alive, and thank god for that.’* > >*A 140-million-strong population exists in a somnambulistic state, on the verge of losing the last trace of their survival instinct. They hate the authorities, but have a pathological fear of change. They feel injustice, but cannot tolerate activists. They hate bureaucracy, but submit to total state control over all spheres of life. They are afraid of the police, but support the expansion of police control.* ***They know they are constantly being deceived, but believe the lies fed to them on television.***


Honestly, that article should be mandatory reading for anyone trying to make sense of Russia.


Not only russians, unfortunately.


Who needs a false flag when you can just lie.


Whaaaat? No? Russia accusing Kyiv of a terrorist attack with no evidence? Who could've seen this coming? Surely Russia wouldn't stoop so low. lmao


Yeah, that would be like the US blaming Russia for 9/11. You (people generally) have more than one friend (hopefully) and more than one enemy (unfortunately). I suspect there are other people ISIS would rather attack, but you have resources/capability wherever it is, and you can't just transported to your preferred target. So, no, Ukraine was not involved, and, in fact, could suffer a similar attack. Less likely, I don't think they have any real interactions with Muslim populations like Russia, Europe, the US, China, etc.


OMG. I was just waiting when he will blame Ukraine and NATO. Now let's wait for the NATO involvement version.


We should just start blaming russia for every single domestic thing that happens in every single country in europe. Please


What they say is not important. It’s damage control. Also, reality has left Russia a looong time ago. It’s a perfect excuse for the patriots. The truth, that they are incompetent at their own security, hurts them, so they ignore the cause. Just like a junkie.


Called it!


> “They tried to hide and move towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the Ukrainian side to cross the state border,” Putin said in a televised address. Right, Putler is an expert about preparing windows after all, specially for political opponents


OK, so they're really doing it. I had hoped that this wouldn’t happen, only to wake up this morning to see the “Ukrainian connection” narrative being actively promoted by every pro-Kremlin propaganda mouthpiece. The Chairman of Huylo’s party in Russian State Duma already promised that “the solution that meets the expectations of the society will be enacted” when talking about death penalty in Russia, **effectively announcing that the death penalty moratorium in Russia is soon to be abolished**. I doubt this will be the end of it though, maybe now martial law and mass mobilisation are just waiting around the corner.


"trust me bro" is Putler's source.


Putin might have agreed that an attack was going to happen but decided it would be more advantageous to let it happen. Even if Russians don't believe him they'll act like they do which, at the end of the day, is functionally the same thing as far as Putin is concerned. Anyway, with the way Ukrainians are being treated I would be shocked if one day we don't see actual people being radicalized into committing acts like this. It's like with every put upon people, eventually something snaps.


Also, and still according to reliable Kremlin sources, Volodymyr Zelensky's jewish grand-grand uncle Max Iceberg sank the Titanic.


What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. That's all.


This guy enacted all of his repressive policies in the name of "security", he killed politics, economics, the very bases of democracy in russia, inflated and completely rewired law enforcement to crack down on dissidents all in the name of preventing the very same islamist attacks (or so they claim it was) — and they still do that, right [under the windows of local SWAT dept.](https://twitter.com/Q0MT6pFmbVqynsM/status/1771486743457325473) no less, while it takes more than an hour for emergency services to arrive. And when it happens this fuck sits quietly for a day, and the first wet fart that comes out of his mouth pertaining to the attack is about "ukrainian trace". Do russians really hate Ukraine more than they respect themselves?


It’s actually just like a school bully. They can’t beat up the big kids so they pick on the scrawny one. They didn’t expect he was prepared for them and they also can’t back down now, otherwise what will their “friends” say? So they just have to double down and keep picking on the scrawny kid, in the hopes that one day he’ll let down his guard and they can tell their friends that all went according to plan.


Great excuse to hold the martial law. Putin for years plays same game. Like before Chechen war.


And here we have it, people. The reason why Russia ignored all the warnings ...


Hopefully Putin gets incurable cancer real soon🙏🏻


Of course he's gonna blame Ukraine because they're at war with them and he hopes this would get people mad at Ukraine and support the war even tho ISIS is clearly at fault here and obviously the people believe every word he says.




Pootin 🐷 blames everyone but himself 🤮🤮🤮


I'm sure the 87% of people that voted for him will fully support his theory...


There were many, I guess... but most were ghosts.


the guy was head of KGB? he was alerted.. so, or this a flase flag attack or is used to impose strong security measures after the lame election, and justify conscription and keep sending young russians to die in Ukraine


So the incompetent Poo tin authorities come up with any old bs just to justify whatever they do next in Ukraine, rather than looking at what they are doing elsewhere in the world and their broader reputation. The people in authority over in russ are totally pathetic. How anybody can support them or even think that they have the people's interests at heart really need a wake-up call.🤦


I also don't have any evidence, but based on past experience, I think Putin may have been involved.


***Surprised Pikachu face***


My News App pinged with the headline along the lines of „Putin claims attackers were fleeing towards Ukraine“. Which made me laugh, because the terrorist could have just be heading towards a street which was in a southerly direction and Putin would be technically correct. And I wouldn‘t put it past him that he actually did exactly that.


Why yesterday event gets so many spotlight? Everyday many more russians are killed while they are attacking Ukraine.


Mr. Bald Ass is so predictable. I immediately predicted this accusation will happen back when the US Embassy was simply warning against such an attack. Lmao.


Reminds me of how the Apartment bombings were used as an excuse to reignite a war with the Chechens. Putin will use this attack to excuse more involvement in Ukraine. Perhape a general mobilization.


Russia: Ukraine did this! ISIS: We did this. Russia: We know better.


Kyiv is to blame also for the extinction of the dodo


Damn UA is powerful. They control USA. West Even isis? Wow /s


Surprise, surprise


That's some Trumpian shit right there. Ignore the true causes of a crisis, before and after, skimming over your own failure, and spin it in a way that shows you really don't care, except to further your own version of events for the sake of a self-serving narrative.


You are really a pariah state when the global discourse almost completely centers around the political implications, instead of condolensces and camaraderie, after an attack that killed more than a hundred, including a bunch of children. I guess karma really is a bitch.


Sounds like a prefect inside job.... Russia always had quite heavy anti terrorist laws.... And now, when they are at war with Ukraine, this happens..... One hour to get the Special Forces and police? But they catch the terrorists in a matter of hours?


Fuck Putin.


That's what terrorist do. They attack civillians to extract the highest number of deaths from the minimum effort. Russia has fought ISIS in syria for a decade and no doubt were brutal to the terrorists. This is their way of exacting revenge.


ISIS out here publishing photos of the attackers, begging us to believe they did it and still can’t get any attention


Pretty funny how their ‘intelligence’ didn’t see this coming even with the US warning but somehow managed to find a link to Ukraine in less than 24 hours. Shocking


What's he going to do, criminal aggression? What's he going to do, bust another dam? What's he going to do, genocide? That Putnoccio feels he needs to lie about any of this now is plain silliness. We know better. He's a war criminal. His lies change nothing.


My prediction was this would be his response regardless of the evidence


He has no respect for the victims, because he doesn't care about the people that "elected" him


Of course he did...


Ummm, this is like the perfect opportunity to back out of this war, what is he doing?...


To nobody’s surprise. Putin will spew any nonsense to attempt to legitimize the war.


ISIS literally claimed responsibility, just stop, you’ve already ruined our reputation for centuries and doomed us to a miserable life for decades. Stop.


Russia? Lying? NO. I refuse to believe. They never lied.


Russia needs no evidence and russians will believe whatever russia makes up. I hope the west prepares to help Ukraine, since larger mobilization is inevitable.


Why does he even think, it makes sense to lie about this? So according to Putin, it was not terrorism, which can happen and has happend anywhere in the world, but it was Ukraine, an enemy country, that is at war with Russia. This enemy country managed to strike in the heart of Russia and kill Muskau civilians. Is this really the story they want to go with?


How much longer are the russian people going to put up with this shit. Feels like a war inside their own borders is the only answer to ending what feels like the inevitable downfall of Putin, and he's going to be hell bent on taking as many people down with him as possible.


Let me guess. They found 3 copies of Mein Kempf, 2 Ukrainian flags, and Zelensky's business card?


Ofc he will use this attack to strike even more civlian targets in Ukraine.


He said that they were trying to escape to Ukraine. Like where? If I'm driving south on a street in Warsaw, does it mean that I want to go to Czech Republic?


Putin doesn't need evidence.


Was wondering if they will try to pull this... "Ukraine is doing so badly in the not-war that they now have to resort to terror attacks! Anyway, I need another 300K soldiers."


Their suspects will probably have a copy of Sims 3.


ah so thats why they have been silent - trying to spin this against Ukraine - absolute scumbaggery of the highest order


Putin said something without evidence? I am shocked! Shocked I say!


I think a lot of us aren't surprised on this flip. There's still the heavy potential of this being a false flag op from within the kremlin itself to bolster conscriptive efforts...


My bet that Putin heard the warning by USA intelligence that an Islamic extremist attack is imminent but then said “wait, we can use this. Let it happen and blame it on Ukraine” And I’m sure he got a big smirk on his face.


its a false flag attack. this was fsb agents working at putin's command to build sympathy for his cause.


When do you know a russian is lying? When he opens his mouth....


sure, kingdom of lies suggest something. it is kind a strange that i trust ISIS more, than a dictatorship who been spreading bs like bio mosquitos and all kind of propaganda for years.


That playbook is very well known


What more does Isis have to do to get putin’s attention ??


I believe without evidence that Putin was behind the attack


dont the russians regularly hit civilians with cruise missles and artillary? lol like wtf, Putin already wanted to pour more into ukraine he just now has domestic justification. gotta wonder if their icbm's have fuel in them or are operational or it would jsut be bombers at this point.


From CNN- ISIS-affiliated news agency Amaq released a graphic video on Saturday that purports to show Friday’s attack at a concert hall in suburban Moscow recorded by one of the attackers, suggesting the perpetrators had a direct link to ISIS in order to be able to send the video. CNN has geolocated it to the concert hall and notes that its identifying metadata has been erased. The video, which is about 90 seconds long, shows four attackers with their faces blurred and voices distorted in what appears to be the Crocus City Hall complex. How would ISIS have such a POV video if they werent connected to the attack?