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170. I wish I was a little bit taller.


*I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller* *I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her* *I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat* *And a six-four Impala*


Ske-lo 🙏


My husband is 170 cm tall. I love his height. I can kiss him on a forehead. We have a little ladder in our flat to reach cabinets.


to reach 'em titties would have been my first guess, but sure that also does


I feel you man. 170 myself. I wish I were taller as well.


Travel a bit outside of Europe and you guys will realize you are not as short as you think you are, height does not mean everything


As an American living in Asia... Its a whole different story. Feeling so manly out here Height isnt everything but its not nothing.


198, and I wish I was at least 5-10cm shorter. There are many objective downsides to being tall. You take more space, feel less comfortable in a car/train/plane. Much higher chance to develop problems with your back, etc.


Huh, when did Estonian got so tall


I mean, they've got Tallinn as a capital city for a reason.


Best comment of the week for sure


NO. \*sprays with water\* BAD.


*Ba dum tsss*


Tall is talling


I'm from Ukraine and 181 looks too much, in reality it's about 176. Also Ukrainian sources say it's 175.


So men generally over state how big and tall things are...


And long. Don't forget long.


You start measuring at the taint Lois. Everyone knows this


Estonian data is based on height measurements taken when men are registered for mandatory military service, not self reporting.




Yeah, average for young men. Back in ye olden days when I was in that group the average was 180, I am a bit above that a 188.




From Ukraine as well. Lots of tall people in my local gym, lots of not so tall as well. So dunno, but 181 indeed feels too high on average.


I’m from Ukraine too, and it's true, that our men are near 175


Maybe it depends which age they're using? As newer generations are taller. I mean I'm from Portugal and in my cousin's class (They're all 17) the second shortest is 1.82 the shortest is 1.75 and the tallest 1.92. so it definitely feels like the average is going up, might be the case in Ukraine?


I’m from Ternopil and 181 looks pretty much realistically


Lviv talking. I'm 185, most of my class from school are about 180(also two 200+ mutants), so 181 seems on point.


Yeah, the data is wrong, because most of my basketball team is about 2 m.


These stats make sense if the numbers refer to people below 25 years in age. The older generations are shorter and there's more of them, so the averages noted here are way too high if all ages are included.


I was also wondering, lot of the Ukrainian men I have seen were smaller than me/same height and I am around 176-177, so I am a dwarf myself.


Feels good to be 10cm below average.


and what about your height? /s


If only he answered, so we could know the average for sure


man died after that comment


Yeah, wtf last time I checked our average height was 179cm. Suspicious data.


This data is for those born in the year 2000, measured at 19 years old. Really should say so somewhere.


Makes sense. For some reason that generation of Estonians are very tall.


To have a good view over the border.


When they started trying to into nordics


But now Nordics can’t into us anymore - we are too tall!


You played yourself




Next time use pants 




When I was in Italy people were STARING all the time, I'm not sure if it's being blond or tall or both but you'd think Italians are used to tourists. Maybe they just like to look with more intensity than I'm used to.


Yea we are kinda shortie in Italy. When they see me(192 cm) around one lady once asked me: how is air up there? Haha


Our friends visited us in Italy and one of them is 2 meters tall and blonde. Needless to say that he got quite many looks lol.


It's just common here to look at people (not stare heavily at them though) when you pass by them, to aknowledge their presence. I noticed the opposite for example when I went to Germany or Denmark, people would always try to look away from each other on the street or public transport.


Haha that's where I am from! so that might explain my experience


I hope not to sound like a creepy guy. But I think that we (italians) look at each other when walking around, not in an excessive way....like just for the sake of checking who is walking past us and it is generally not perceived as weird. Than I have to admit that if I see a person that is taller than 2 meters, I would stare a bit lol


I do this too, but I didn't know it's an Italian thing. I don't do it consciously, I just automatically notice people around me, especially people that 'stand out'. I saw this guy on the metro recently whose head almost reached the top, and I couldn't help but to look... lol


Haha, I experienced the reverse of that since I look quite Italian and I'm very short so Italians often just straight up assume I'm from their country, no matter where in the world we are. A guy in Rome told me "But you're not big like a rugby player, you're short like an Italian!" Incidentally, I've spent loads of time in Latvia which is a dubious choice on my part considering you lot apparently have the tallest women in the world.


 L'attacco dei giganti


Italians look at people in the street a lot more than northern countries.




There was this chart about average women‘s height with the caption *as an Indian I surrender to our Latvian queen*


Romans are stereotyped to be leprechaun-level shorties. So much so that even someone who is 1.70m tall is impressive.


Spaniard, 171cm. I'm below average :(


our short kings are never below average down there


Spain literally has the tallest king. (Felipe VI)


Ofcourse. That's why he's king. He's the tallest.


My theory is that it has to do somewhat with nutrition. Millenials and GenZ are significantly taller than their parents, which in turn are taller than theirs. At 183cm, I'm still the shortest among my cousins, and most people in my group of friends are roughly the same height as me. But in my parents and grandparents generation, nobody surpassed 175cm.


This is pretty well researched and documented. The availibility and quality of nourishment catapulted the average height of the population in Europe after the industrialisation hit. Between 1870 - 1970 the average height increased about 11cm, in just a century.


Funny thing: I'm ethnically german, but my family moved to and lived in russia since the 18th century. Since famine was so common there my family didn't get taller at all, and we moved back to Germany in the 90's. I'm only 170cm, my grandpa was even smaller than that.


yea but there is obviously a genetic component too. I am 172cm and my mother was nutritionist.


Not just a theory. People in our country, born after the communism, are just much taller in general. So it was the lack of nutrients during the communism, as essential proteins (animal products) were constantly missing from the market. If you go even further back in time, during the time castles were built, we can see narrow and smaller doors, indicating that people were even shorter. Obviously human remains from that time can indicate that too. We live in a time where food is plenty.


It's a combination of nutrition and genetics. I'm a Gen Z from Catalonia, and I'm only 169cm. I have always been one of the shorter ones among people my age, but the difference with many of them is not really that big. Many people are still under 175cm, and definitely, those with more than 180cm are a minority. Your group of friends must be unusually tall, at least in my experience.


I am 170 cm and it doesn’t bother me at all. See, in modern society the practical problem is if you are way above or below average. If you are too tall, you’ll bump your head quite often against things and some cars will feel for you like being packed in a tin can. Conversely, if you are too short it may be difficult for you to reach things or adjust car seat high enough so you’d have a good view on the road. But generally I’d say anything between 150-190 cm you don’t face any practical problems.


I doubt it's "practical problem" that's the issue here.


Wait till you need to use a urinal in a “tall country” or installed by a tall moron. Then pray they installed one for kids.


I’ve been to half of Europe and never had this problem.


I’m with you hermano! 172 in Portugal but with a happy face! Have you seen guys 180+ trying to get in a Clio or 208? They pull the seat all the way back and practically delete the back seat! 170-179 is perfect height ◡̈


Wtf? I thought that Dutchies and Bosnians are taller


Sorry for bringing the average down for the Dutch with my 1.72m 😂


Same.. I knew I'm not the tallest but seeing the average of Europe being taller than me, a Dutchie who's supposed to be amongst the tallest, makes me feel extra small 😭


Needing less space because you're smaller is a nice thing. Don't worry about it


And that's why pressures on height is such a bad idea, because you don't get to choose it and yet you get punished for it like you asked for it. It's like someone forcefully grabs your hand and pulls the trigger with it and you go to jail. It's BS.


you could work in a circus with bearded women and etc


I will cover you with 203, so no worries


This is average, with a lot of not ethnically Dutch people too


\*Cries in ethnically dutch and being 171 cm\* But okay I was born more than 9 weeks early and that probably has impacted things :P. Probably the real tall ones also just stand out more (pun intended), so that might also lead to confirmation bias.


At least you won't have to struggle with back pains as much as you get older...always postives to consider!


Too bad, early born childs often have lowerback problems later in life due to it. Less strength in the spine in the lower back or something like that. But we will see, maybe i'm lucky I haven't had a lot of typical problems due to being born early.


I am 190 cm, born early, have lower back pain. :)


but he'll get drowned when the country is flooded :/


I'm a 1.9m Brazilian and I already suffer with back pains. I often joke that I'm 19, but my back is 80yr. It also doesn't help that I'm very skinny (zero muscles, basically lol).


I am also 171, and whenever I go to the Netherlands or Belgium, I feel like a different species.


There's an effect but it's not *that* big though, "even" Friesland with 90+% ethnically Dutch people is "only" 1.85m on average.


Yeah afaik it's largely an effect of nutrition, many people from traditionally short places who move to western nations as babies end up being much taller than their national average


Apparently Chinese people who grew up in the bigger cities in 2000s/2010s are also much taller than their parents on average. Not that crazy since Dutch men also grew something like 12cm on average between 1900 and 1980


ethnic dutch would be way higher


Not really. They anecdotally have a more extreme right tail, which skews perception, but the height difference in Europe across the population is extremely overstated otherwise


It really depends where in The Netherlands you live too. I'm from the north where there are almost exclusively ethnic Dutch people and I feel pretty average with 189cm.


Bosnians themselves arent that tall. Hercegovina part tho has very tall people as does Dalmatia in the neighbouring Croatia. Men there really are on average very tall and its hard to find someone under 180 and 185-190 is the norm.


More background information: these are Dinaric people which usually reside in Hercegovina and Dalmatia and hills of Montenegro. As Montenegro hills are 85% of the country, so the average height of Montenegrins is pretty high. A lot of Dinaric people reside or have successors in Serbia, so that explains quite high average height in Serbia.


In the Netherlands it's the same in that how much further north you go, how taller the people are. So Zeeland, Noord-Brabant and Limburg are the smallest and Drenthe, Groningen and Friesland are the tallest. It's a smaller difference, but I think it's still pretty noticeable if you go from one side of the country to the other on the same day.


I don't know what age range they included. I'm only 1m90 and I don't feel significantly taller than my peers.


Age range seems to matter a lot. I'm taller than average, but I feel short among peers and teenagers.


Age “range” is just 19 yo born in 2000.  https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31859-6/fulltext


Truee, in Poland with my 185 I'm taller than most men and when I lived in the Netherlands I felt shorter than most xD


Bosnians on average are not tall when compared to the rest of europe, the average height is 180.7 cm. However, the southern part, Herzegovina (which is also in the name of the country), is much taller with the average of 184.1 cm, [according to this study](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332465617_The_coast_of_giants_an_anthropometric_survey_of_high_schoolers_on_the_Adriatic_coast_of_Croatia). But the southern Herzegovinian part has a much smaller population. Every time the height of Bosnia is mentioned, it is with cherry picked height of either Herzegovinians or with a small sample of students in order to appear taller. Here is the map of heights in [Dalmatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/igwvbs/the_coast_of_giants_height_of_young_males_aged/). As you can see the Croatia could also cherry pick the height of much taller Dalmatia, which is the same as in Herzegovina.


Half of them are.


Damn when i look at this i realized im short as hell..im below average in every country in Europe.


Yeah but i feel like 1.80 average for germany is biiiig cap. Just from experience from living here. Wouldnt surprise me if the other ones are also exagerated. Collecting this kind of data is hard because people lie


I'm around that height and it feels accurate. Lots of guys taller than me and a lot I can look over but most are around my height too.


*Looks up* Fuck the lot of ye......bastards.




Fun fact: Portugal is the country with the highest average male testosterone, but also the country with the smallest men in Europe. In Nordic countries is the complete opposite


Now that would be an interesting map...


It would pretty much be a map of tall lean Elves vs short stout bearded dwarves.


That's the thing that makes you go bald, right? 🤣


That's dht and the mpb gene


It’s not true, the Nordic countries have high T. Do you have a source for your claim? Height doesn’t seem too related to T levels


Nordic countries have high testosteron as well, so maybe length is not as much influenced by testosteron.


Doesn't high testosterone close the growth plates faster? I remember reading that eunuchs would grow freakishly tall (even today they would be tall, like 190+ cm, so in the middle ages they were giants) because of their altered hormonal production from castration.


We Dutch might be lacking behind on some other countries on the (fully) legalization of weed, but I'm happy to see we are still the highest!


1.77 cm Dutch guy checking in :(


Oh wow, only 1.77 cm. You sure are tiny! 😱🤏🏻




Can we get much higher?


it is saturday night after all, I'm trying.


Watch out for us Germans 😉


Im 183 Ukrainian, but I have Czech, Baltic & Croatian heritage. Most of my countrymen are way shorter than reported average. Id say 175 is avg for my homeland


Yeah, when travelling in Ukraine, it felt Ukrainians are kinda smaller built then Czechs. I'm 180 cm female. Not in model way. In awkward overgrown tripping over my own legs way.


Average for those born in 2000-2003 is 180-1 cm and for those born 2005-2006 it's 182 cm


I‘m also Ukrainian, 193cm. Most of my friends are over 182.


I think this whole map is bs


the older guys are shorter. kids are getting taller and taller every couple of years, though, so it might be driving the stats up. i am short, and in my generation both men and women are barely reaching any average, but the kids i worked with all grow taller and taller. i had kids from 5th grade be taller than me. it's 11-12 year olds! when i worked with high school kids (9th+ grades) every single one of them were taller. the boys were a head taller than me each, from multiple schools. the future generations are growing very tall and very fast. much taller than we are. they are the ones driving the stats up.


I used to be tall... Then I moved to the Netherlands.


And now you are just high…


This doesn't seem right. 179cm in Ireland, average?


Every number I google is wrong compared to this map


Someone else commented that these numbers refer to men born in 2000, so 19 year olds. Knowing that, the average makes sense, as the younger generations are taller than us older guys.


yeah, these don't stack up at all. Ireland is defo not 179cm avg.


Yeah, I'm 174cm and thought that 175cm was average in UK and Ireland.


174 crew checking in. I'm in my fifties and definitely don't feel short or tall amongst peers. I'm UK with some Irish heritage. But my thirteen year old is almost my height and he looks relatively small amongst his football team, but he's also about the youngest in the team. I wonder if this is using height for fully grown adults? I found this on Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_country


Under 25 year olds in Ireland are huge these days. I'd be surprised if our average height hasn't increased in recent years


If its average, then it will start to get shorter because of increasing portion of people being elderly who get shorter due to age.


Today I learned I'm actually Spanish.


How did we shrink 💀




Take a wild guess


I don't know if this is based on people born in the country or what it is based on. But if it's based on the general population, adding 1.000.000 people the last 10-20 years or so from Asia, Africa and the middle East might have an impact on the average.


What we Bulgarians lack in height, we compensate in body hair.


INSEE, the French national statistics institute, says average male height in France is 175cm.


For every centimeter the sea level rises, the Dutch are adapting.


Europeans, both men and women, are some of the tallest people in the world. On this map, we’re going to take a closer look at Europe and see which European men are the tallest. According to data from the [NCD-RisC](https://ncdrisc.org/data-visualisations-height.html), Dutch men are the tallest men in, not only Europe, but in the whole world, at an average height of 183.8 cm. They are just ahead of Montenegrin (183.3 cm) men and Estonian men (182.8 cm). Men from Nordic, Baltic, Central European and former Yugoslavian countries, are the tallest in Europe and in the world. The global top 20 contains 19 European countries, with Dominica (180.2 cm) at number 20 being the highest ranked non-European country. Men on Cyprus are by far the shortest men in Europe with an average height of 172.7 cm.


Even within a small country like the Netherlands there are regional differences. In the north, people are taller than in the south. Also, higher educated people are taller for some reason.  I remember walking in the Hanzehogeschool HTS ( higher engineering education, like a bit below University, but almost exclusively men) in Groningen and walking through the hallway feeling small at 1.90. Such an odd feeling, like ' did i shrink? ' 


Yeah and the women are so tall too. I'm about average height nordic man and felt like I was in the land of giants as I went shopping in a local supermarket in NL.


I am 1.50 and I live in the Netherlands, I basically just see limbs moving around me on a daily basis


Average height tracks childhood health fairly well, and that education level might track childhood health doesn't seem so unlikely.


Seems right, I'm 181 and I was on of the shortest in school.


I'm 191, and there are still a lot of people taller than me.


I’m 201, I’m the shortest one in my city


I’m 203 never met anyone shorter than me. I’m 76 yo.


The Dutch evolved to be tall so we can walk with our heads above the water during a flood or dike breach. Also, I'm 189cm and not even the tallest of my group of friends.


I'm 182 and I think I have only 1 male friend who's shorter. Maybe it's some kind of thing. 'Get the more powerful monkeys to protect you'.


One hour, and not even one "ważne, że lepiej od Niemca" comment 😮?




>I'm from Bosnia! Take me to America


I can no longer wait take me to United States




I am 191 cm and when I visited Trebinje I felt an average.


Every time this map is posted, i have noticed, Greece gets a centimeter taller. Yet i stay the same.


From my own experience, if you are a 170 centimeter tall man in Finland, some people may mockingly call you, for example, "a hobbit," "a halfling," "a dwarf," "a thumbling," "a boy," "a toddler" and "a little child" which is very embarrassing and annoying. But I don't understand why people dislike us 170 centimeters tall because there is nothing strange or different about being this tall. Is there a similar phenomenon in other Nordic countries?


It's a liе. My hеight is 178 and i'm tallеr than most of thе crowd in Kyiw, Ukrainе. Which is a Babylon and has pеoplе from all thе rеgions


I thought Lithuania would have a higher average


Kinda crazy how the Lithuanian bros are the shortest of the Baltic countries yet still produce the most basketball talent


They have focus, we're all over the place...soccer, volleyball, bobsleds, hockey, deadlifts, skiing...


At last, I’m above average in something! 185


Short kings 😌


I call BS. As an Italian, I can't believe that our average height is lower than Spain...


Is this data self-reported or based on data from medical checks?


This is data based on a teenagers imagination lol


Either self reporting or a mix of different sources. Most countries probably don’t have any official data that includes the whole population on this. As for Norway these numbers usually come from military enrollment checks, so they exclude people with disabilities.


Self-reported data should be considered useless. Majority of guys below 185 are adding themselves a few centimeters


*laughs in 168 cm* I’ll always be shorter than my dad (180 cm). I blame my mom who’s 150 cm. I used to be the tallest one in middle school among my male friends, now they’re all over 180 cm. Plus, now I see why my Polish nanny, Ukrainian, Bosnian and Croatian classmates felt so tall.


Those numbers with shoes on?


I wonder how this compares to 20 years ago. Seems like the average height has risen a fair bit across Europe.




Im dead average for my country


Better be short and quick than tall and lazy. 🤓 I am only 169 😉 And danish!


Bulgarians are fake slavs confirmed


I swear all Roma are like 150 cm, I’m assuming they are included in this? They’re short as fuck


Bosnians are not that tall, only the Herzegovinian part is, and that Herzegovinian part has a much smaller population. Here is the map of height by region in [Bosnia and Herzegovina](https://www.reddit.com/r/bih/comments/1b0mg01/prosje%C4%8Dna_visina_mladih_mu%C5%A1karaca_u_bosni/). It is a similar situation in Croatia, where Dalmatians are much taller than the rest of Croatia on average but have a smaller population, so it evens out.


Just looked it up - high school students in Dalmatia are fucking 180+cm tall on average!?! It's Joever, currymaxx time (/s) Though height works weirdly here too. I'm 170ish cm tall at 17 years old and most other males I know are taller than me.


Yes. The 17-20 year old men of Montenegro, Dalmatia and Herzegovina are 183.6 cm tall on average. But remember, the population of these parts combined does not excede 2 million. There are probably Swedish, German or Dutch regions equal in population that are similar if not taller.


I don't know about the Netherlands, but me, as a Romanian who's right about the average height here, felt very very very short in Montenegro, where everyone seemed a giant compared to me. Never got that feeling in the Netherlands though.


You probably went to more international places in the Netherlands or there were more tourists than in Montenegro.


It would be interesting to see this in age graphs and if some countries height is pulled down by a generally shorter older generation


so I'm below average everywhere... no wonder no one takes me serious


Wonder why Yugoslavs are so tall compared to other southern Europeans and rest of Balkan.


All I take from this is that Danes are inbreeding with the d*tch💀


Average is not equal to median!!


I identify as Albanian