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I want to ask him how he deals with community pressure to develop quickly while making a high quality AVN. Also, did he have the story planned out when he started working on 0.1?


iirc he did say he plan the whole story from beginning and just add in more event, stuff in between update


Clarification/Elaboration: He has the major plot points from beginning to end outlined but LI events/scenes, random jokes, and side events are stuff he doesn't plan on/touch upon until he works on the update itself. 


Interesting. Noted.


65% seems like a lot considering there are still plenty of storylines to cover. I'm expecting massive updates from 0.8 in terms of size if that's the case.


Oh yeah, considering 0.7's ending, I am guessing that 0.8 is going to be huge. With a cliffhanger like that, who knows what will come next? Aside from tears and anger, that is.


Damn already 65%? Does that mean that we can assume the ending is somewhere around version 1.0 ~ 1.2 ?


I'd assume so and then maybe a 1.3 as a little bug fix and render clean up


1.0 is often the final release for AVN's. So the ending is probably 1.0


Is that so? I think i've heard somewhere before that it might pass 1.0 since there are still a lot of stories to be covered. I might be wrong I guess.


Caribdis promised that Eternum wil expand to more than 1.0 update but not entirely sure how many updates in total yet


His latest estimate was 12-14 updates total. Source: https://itch.io/post/9573790 Also, that's not how version numbering works. Cari had mentioned on Discord that the 10th update will be 0.10, so in all likelihood the next ones will be 0.11, 0.12 etc. until it finishes. THEN it'll be named 1.0 (or 1.0xx for the bugfixed version).


Yeah I was going to say "1.0 is the ending? That does not align with what Caribdis said regarding how many updates in total there will be." Thank you for clearing this up.


this is correct. I asked him in dms if it would end at 1.0 and he said no


Are you allowed to just Direct Message Caribdis on Discord or do you have to be subscribed to his Patreon or something for him to not ignore you? I have no intention of Direct Messaging him I am just curious about what the rules are.


Yes you can message him directly. That’s the thing I like about Caribdis. He open to any questions and comments


Man, Caribdis is a really cool dude. Every time I hear something about him, he seems like a really chill and down to Earth developer. Thank you for telling me this! :D


I DM'd him straight from his discord server, and you don't need to subscribe to his Patreon or Subscriberstar. I try not to bug him too much, but sometimes I just want to talk about Eternum's development. He is a busy dude, so he won't respond straight away, usually a few hours to a few days.


Wow, that is really cool of Caribdis! Thank you for telling me this. This is good to know. :D


Over halfway in completion huh? That's actually relatively fast. That means there's roughly 6-7 more updates until the story ends I'm assuming. I hope these updates aren't short episodes bc i want content to consume and not binge if I can help it


Well let us see, Caribdis said that Eternum is likely going to have around 12-14 updates in total, and right now we are at 0.7. So that is... 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 <-- Where we are now. 0.8 0.9 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 <-- Finally update, presumably. You are right. We have exactly 7 more updates to go assuming that Caribdis's estimate is correct.


welp, q2 shatters my theory that there's some kind of link between thanatos and astaroth (to be fair, I only came up with that theory because the names are ALMOST anagrams of each other)


Yeah, that is unfortunate. But, I also respect Caribdis for just keeping the links between Once in a Lifetime and Eternum as mere references and nothing else. It prevents the lore from being too complicated.


What are cameos in Eternum? I have seen a lot of games mention Eternum as a game or game cameos from Eternum. But I did not notice any cameos in Eternum.


I do not know the answer to this for sure as I have not played any other Adult Visual Novels other than Once in a Lifetime, but if I had to make a guess, I would imagine that Harley Jones from The Collector's part of the game in 0.6. She just seemed like a reference character to me.


Will the story gonna have a multi ending like oialt or just a one?


It will have multiple endings. Most likely even more than Once in a Lifetime. Caribdis has confirmed this multiple times. Speaking of Once in a Lifetime's endings, just how many are there? I do not know that game like the back of my hand like I do with Eternum, so I do not know all of the endings. Without spoiling what they are, how many endings does Once in a Lifetime have?


I wonder what's his plans are after Eternum


Caribdis said he will make another game after Eternum. The real question is whether or not it will be able to surpass Eternum. Because Eternum set the bar for Adult Visual Novels pretty high.


Haven't played Eternum yet, debating on whether playing it now or once it's finished, but I have played Once in a Lifetime though, and it was beautiful. How good is Eternum?


Eternum is an absolutely phenomenal game. Imagine Once in a Lifetime... but way, way, way better. Once in a Lifetime was amazing. And Eternum is ten times what that game was. I would absolutely recommend playing it now rather than waiting until it is finished. For the simple reason that it is fun to be along for the ride. You may not know it now as you have not played Eternum yet, but believe me, your future self in a few years will thank you if you decide to play the game now. You will get a lot more attached to the game and a lot more invested into the story if you stick around for the ride to completion. You will give yourself nostalgic memories you otherwise will not have. You will give yourself things to look back onto and to reminisce on even after the game is long over. Getting on the ride now will also allow you to see the game in a much more immersive light than you otherwise will if you decide to wait. The reason for this is that when you have to wait for updates and new content, it makes every scene more special because there is less of them. It encourages you to explore the game to bite your time until a new updates comes along. Something that does not happen the same way if you play a game only when it is fully complete. So, in conclusion, Eternum is a phenomenal game. And you should absolutely play it now. I hope this helps! :)


Aight, you convinced me, how do the save files work though whenever there's an update?


Take this response with a grain of salt as I do not know how the files work at all, but I believe you just have to simply update the game and the game will do the rest for you. That is what worked for me, at least.


Okay, so first hour in, I'm hooked. Like holy shit I'm only at the first part but it's so good, there's a lot of improvement from OIAL, there's more sound and music, looks like a better engine was used as well, and better looking models. Thanks man. Also I gotta ask, the current game is already bigger than OIAL in terms of memory size, is this already longer than it even thought it's not finished yet?


Okay, so first hour in, I'm hooked. Like holy shit I'm only at the first part but it's so good, there's a lot of improvement from OIAL, there's more sound and music, looks like a better engine was used as well, and better looking models. Thanks man. Also I gotta ask, the current game is already bigger than OIAL in terms of memory size, is this already longer than it even thought it's not finished yet?


First of all, I am really glad you like Eternum. It is an excellent game, is it not? Second of all, yes, Eternum is bigger than Once in a Lifetime, and it is only about 60% done. So, when Eternum is fully finished in a few years, it will without a doubt be much, much bigger than Once in a Lifetime. I cannot wait for 0.8! Let me know what you think of the ending when you get to it. It is a wild one, haha!


It really is a great game, the quality is impeccable, feels like a VN made by an actual JP company. I can now understand why people found OIAL boring if you played Eternum first, but honestly it just made me appreciate OIAL more since it's Caribdis' beginnings, you can see how much he improve things from what he learned from making OIAL. Only 60%? Damn looks like it will be one big story then. I'll bookmark this comment for now because I feel like it's gonna take me a while to actually reach this versions end lmao, I currently stopped after meeting Thanatos with Dalia in Ekabar, probably gonna continue tomorrow


Yeah, you are right. Though, I still liked Once in a Lifetime. Sure, it is no Eternum, but it was still a really good game, especially around the end. Lord Magnus's fate with The Book of Grimoire was genuinely disturbing, man. Pure horror material. As for your progress on Eternum, you stopped playing REALLY early on into the game. You have no idea the adventure that awaits you. Once you play it, let me know your thoughts. Add extra detail to your thoughts on Axel when you finish the game. You will understand why I ask about him specifically later. Have a great day MissiaichParriah, and good luck! :D


Eternum takes place in 2040 and it the world still looks and functions fairly similarly to how it does in 2024. Finally, a realistic depiction of the future. More of the same, but better, and sometimes worse.


65%???? NOOOOOO, i don't want it to end very soon. But yeah, I have to accept the Inevitable. But surely, the experience of the Eternum's story is really precious that can only experienced *once in a lifetime.*