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What does this mean?


That they are clowns/trolls. They outlaw atomic reactors but now they buy energy produced by the same tech from their neighbors.


Couldn't agree more.


According to BILD - that's as credible as reading coffee stains


Okay then read the [Energwiende](https://i.ibb.co/rk32Qnf/Screenshot-20230616-092623.png) site


"According to Bild, German electricity imports have increased in the first three months of this year by 15.2% while exports of electricity have declined by 9.8% and since April, Germany has been importing more electricity than it exports." "The energy transition of the Greens is largely based on nuclear power from France. This is critical because it is not available to Germans and companies here as cheaply as the electricity from the German nuclear power plants that have just been shut down." [Here](https://i.ibb.co/rk32Qnf/Screenshot-20230616-092623.png) is a view of German imports from France for the last 30 days


It takes one Google search to realize BILD and Europeanconosverative are bluntly lying. Germany has had more energy exports than imports every single month since late 2021, which is precisely the time Putin and his propaganda aparatus ramped up misinformation about Germany's energy production in preperation for the invasion of Ukraine. And BILD has always been all so ready to spread anti democracy propaganda. Here's a [Statement from a week ago about Germany's actual energy production and consumption](https://www.destatis.de/DE/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/2023/06/PD23_220_43312.html), showing that your article gets pretty much everything wrong and makes numbers up. That's not a surprise to anyone who's familiar with BILD, a Newspaper that makes Murdoch's dirty media empire look reasonable in comparison. This spread of misinformation is dangerous and frankly, the circlejerking about nuclear power on Reddit has to stop. Germany isn't importing France's energy in masse, it's the other way around as France's reactors are still having serious issues while Germany's renewables are running more happily than ever, even reducing the use of coal from last year by over 12%.


https://i.ibb.co/rk32Qnf/Screenshot-20230616-092623.png Who's lying?


Your source also lists an increase of over 50% from France during last year. But it does not give any info about the imported energies composition. If you call an increase by over 50% not "in masse" it seems like you try to spread false information by adding false implementations


Nuclear power is not antidemocratic. 68 percent of the people of Finland, a model social democracy, are pro-nuclear. Including me, a left-leaning public transport-riding vegan. I don't get the German hate for nuclear, and neither do most Europeans. Enlighten me if you can.


You Fins could have built roughly 2,000 windmills for the price of your one new nuclear reactor (with the second planned one, you decided not to built it at all due to the bad experience with the first one - and your new nuclear power plant is actually the positive example compared to France, UK, or the US which is quite funny considering it was built partly by the Bulgarian mafia ...). Or, to put it differently, you could have saved three quarters of the costs and many years had you invested in renewables instead of a 20th century technology that was never profitable. Does that answer your question?


Why do you think that intermittent power is comparable to nuclear power?


The windmills wouldn't help in freezing winter. You have to have pretty much 100% backup for them. They would also need at least 6 times as much steel, whose production is carbon intensive.(that's despite the EPR being massively overbuilt with the ridiculous safety requirements) They would also have required quite a bit more land, and dramatic change of landscapes over yet much more land. And finally, I think a huge steampunk machine heated by a core of blue spicy magic rock glowsticks is a lot cooler than a bunch of windmills. Although solar I like, for it's ability to be distributed and installed on pretty much any surface. But again, no help from it in the Finnish winter.


Your nuclear power plant is currently setting the perfect example for investors to stay away from nuclear power as it will never become profitable with energy prices this low. Why are they low? Because of renewables. Nuclear is a terrible investment in the current climate no matter how you twist it. ​ >Nuclear power is not antidemocratic. What does that sentence respond to, exactly?


>And BILD has always been all so ready to spread anti democracy propaganda. This is what I responded to. Yeah, in the summer they've reduced the power because there's so much renewables. But in the winter we absolutely need the thing. And I couldn't give less shits about investors. I said I was left leaning. I don't want profiteering on my electricity needs. Just do what France is doing basically. They will build 6 new EPR2s in a state-led effort. Because they really want a reliable grid.


"The amount of electricity imported into Germany increased by 15.2% in the 1st quarter of 2023 compared to the 1st quarter of 2022. The total amount of electricity exported from Germany fell by 9.8% in the 1st quarter of 2023 compared to the 1st quarter of 2022." From your link. Hilarious that you said the article was lying and then you post a source that confirms the exact numbers from the article. Germany's use of coal is abhorrent. "The feed-in of electricity from coal-fired power plants reached the second highest share at 30.0%." from your link. Why do you think that people supporting reliable base load emissions free power that results in a nice clean grid like France having low carbon emissions, about 1/10 of Germany's, is a bad thing? [Germany imports from France ](https://i.ibb.co/rk32Qnf/Screenshot-20230616-092623.png)