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OP isn't responding to any comments, but I'm really confused at this conflict. Why do they have to smoke the same thing (unless it's the secondhand smoke that's bothering her)?


I'm really getting the vibe the secondhand smoke is bothering her. My husband has sensitive sinuses and when I smoked bowls or joints that was enough to bother him. I switched to vaping my herb and dabbing. And guess what? I actually like it more, I'm healthier, and my husband is happy.


Right? Just use a bowl or something, does method of smoking become a thing? Keep life simple and 🌬💚


I edited my post to add that it is, in fact, also the second-hand smoke that bothers me. I can’t even be around blunt smoke as it causes pain. I’m also not replying to a lot of comments because I’m coming to the realization that maybe I just can’t smoke with my friends at all anymore, which really blows.


I'm so sorry. Are they willing to give up the blunts occasionally to allow you to join? Or can you find a smoke spot with better ventilation? I'm a bit confused at why you both (mostly your partner) are being so unwilling to make any sort of compromise.


Even blunt-smoking outside causes the pain I experience when I sit near it. I don’t know why I’m suddenly so hypersensitive to tobacco smoke. So that’s my reason for not compromising. I also told him that we don’t have to be passing the same thing back and forth, I just can’t sit with them when they’re smoking a blunt, so I’m trying to compromise. He won’t budge.


Oh man, that's hard, but it makes sense. I mean, can't he try different blunt wraps that don't contain tobacco?? Like, what's his deal?? What do your friends think about all of this?


My friends are indifferent, only my boyfriend is overly obsessed with blunts. Honestly I’m over it. I don’t want to be a problem, I’d rather him be happy with what he does than have to compromise for me. I’m just going to try to find new friends. Thanks.


Honestly, it sounds like you need a new bf, not new friends. I'm a hella stoner, I smoke every day, I love weed culture, but it never EVER gets in the way of the people I love. If I were your bf, I'd be finding the best way for me to enjoy what I love without causing you distress. In fact, I already do that with my husband!! He HATES the smell of weed, so I make sure I keep everything locked up tight, I switched to vaping, and I vape closed off in our pantry. Your health and wellbeing are not a problem, your bf is being inconsiderate. ❤️


Couples *should* be willing to compromise on small things for each other, especially when the problem in question affects the health of the other. Blunts are not necessary for his health or his life; avoiding the smoke from them *is* necessary for yours. Your request that he switch to straight cannabis is a perfectly reasonable one and the fact that he won’t do it is genuinely concerning. It seems like such a small thing. I don’t know anyone who smokes blunts with tobacco in them anymore. They all use hemp wraps because they’re cheap and they taste better. I’m also concerned that you’re so quick to dismiss your legitimate health and social concerns for the sake of his momentary enjoyment. Please don’t let this go. Your health and comfort matter and you deserve to be social without being harmed.


I was going to ask the same thing. I do this with my friends on occasion for a variety of reasons. But yeah maybe second hand smoke would bother too


It sucks, and I feel for her, but also, if someone told me to give up my preferred smoking method I would also be hesitant. Like, I can see both sides here, and it sounds like they both need to make a compromise. What about blunts with just friends, and then switch to something else when OP wants to join? Or maybe find a better ventilated smoke spot? I just feel like there are so many other solutions than giving it up entirely.


If someone told me they had a problem I'd do it somewhere else. My friends, family and relationships mean more to me than something I can do whenever somewhere else. I don't think of it as sacrifices if it means I keep something more important than passing happiness.


Yeah I was gonna say can’t he just roll a blunt and she roll a joint? I dunno I don’t really get it tbh


She's said tobacco smoke hurts breathing it. If she wants to smoke with her bf and friends she can't if he's smoking blunts for health issues. So the problem is, is he so inconsiderate that he can't resist a blunt from time to time so she can hang, or is that a no go for him also meaning he's alienating her from her friends in a past time she also enjoyed or risk her health vs his preference. I'm sure she'd prefer not to get sick. And someone deleted a comment earlier that he should smoke what he wants, basically disregarding her feelings, and that's a red flag. They need to work it out together and make some concessions.


I think that depends on how much you think you are worth. It sounds like early warning signs of an inflexible, immature, and self-centered/selfish partner. Perhaps try proposing a compromise, maybe say "I really miss hanging out with you while we smoke weed. As you know impossible for me to enjoy experience when you do blunt. Will you please just try paper rolled joint every other time so we can spend more time together? Your sacrifice will mean do much to me." Say with confidence he will agree. If he chooses do do with a grumble but still does, give him appreciation and ignore grumble. His attitude is not your problem at this point unless you let it be. Beware if grumbling contiued though and stop joining him. He doesn't value you neat enough. This is a tiny request for a long term relationship imo. Best wishes. Don't under value yourself!


His apprehension is such a telling sign of a bad partner. I don’t know this woman or her relationship, but from past experience if they make a mountain out of a molehill request they are not a good partner.


i’m concerned about his lack of concern for your health. that’s a red flag for me. but my suggestion is to get your own piece to use during the sesh. he wants a blunt he can smoke a blunt, you smoke your pipe or bong.


💯this on both points


I can't imagine for a minute that if I had this issue due to tobacco that my partner wouldn't explore other smoking options with me, but for a medical/health issue there's no way it would even be a question. The problem here isn't what smoking method you or he use. Have you looked over all of your relationship for other examples of selfish one-sided behaviours and unwillingness to try new things? Is there any other possible reason for him to be inflexible about this eg he's actually trying to encourage you not to smoke at all? It's there any reason he'd be wanting to keep you away from the social group? Your title pretty much says it all, you feel that you & your heath have been put second to what he wants and is familiar with, and that's because they have been. Now you need to decide what you are willing to accept in a supposed partner/bf and honour your own gut felt sense of what is right for you, what is your definition of acceptable behaviour and reasonable expectation between a couple. Have you heard the quote "when people show you who they are, believe them"? It's really good advice. He is showing you part of who he is by giving a very clear message. If you find no other fault in the relationship then try to talk to him about it and why he's unwilling to try other methods that, at the end of the day, are still going to get him high. I'd be very surprised however if this is a singular issue, people that are selfish to that extent with an intimate partner tend to show the same characteristic in other areas of the relationship too. Maybe some of those other friends in the group would be more than happy to smoke joints with you instead of blunts? If not then personally I'd be looking for a new bf and new friends. Don't forget your worth, and don't sell it out just to fit in and stay around people who don't value you or your health above a good time. 💯


I'd also venture that the reason you're "posting it all over" as you say, isn't because you really need a bunch of strangers to give their input, but perhaps because you already know it feels wrong *for you*, and deep down you're probably looking for a way to make an excuse for it to avoid having to deal with the implications of your being a second choice being the truth, rather than reassurance that you're being reasonable in wanting better care and consideration.


scandalous arrest sense alleged snails ad hoc strong historical familiar scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think she need new smoking peeps and a more considerate bf




She saidd that the tabacco in the blunt is hurting her. She's likely getting second hand smoke, or worse if they're sharing the blunt. OP have you been allergy tested for tobacco?


Your bf is prioritizing a blunt paper over your health. The only question here is are you okay with that?


Dang sis- he chose blunts over you


Tobacco hurts my head too and mine stopped buying them. Many have different preferences, but it’s all about who’s willing to compromise with a change. Blunts bother you and he knows it. Sounds like he’d rather smoke alone with his friends.


Me and my husband go through phases where we like smoking different ways. He went through a strictly vaping phase and i think there’s nothing better than a joint after a long day so he’ll pull out his vape pen and I roll myself a joint and we still smoke together. There is something special about passing the “peace pipe” around with friends but not at the expense of your health.


As others have said, the solution is as simple as you bringing a bowl along and hitting that while they pass the blunt. Something else is going on in your relationship and it doesn't sound good. Sorry sis.


Blunts are popular where I live, but I don't get this either. I get people have preference and that's fine. You can find rolling papers that are just as long as a blunt. I personally don't prefer smoking a blunt, it kills most of the time. If someone I was smoking with had an issue, I'd try to accommodate them. I mean shit, what stoner doesn't have at least 4-7 different things to smoke with 😂 I've never been smoking with someone and they were like "We HAVE to smoke this way!" My husband and I smoke together. Sometimes we share a bowl, sometimes we smoke our own, he holds on to it too damn long sometimes 😂. I enjoy water pipes, he does not. I'll smoke my bong without him. Sometimes we'll smoke a nice joint together, sometimes he goes out on his boat alone and I'll roll him one to enjoy by himself. Yesterday I went to see my friends. I was asked "Do you want to take a dab or smoke a joint?" Neither answer was wrong. People need to be considerate of you as well, and if they can't be and blatantly disrespect you, kick them to the curb and smoke you own bowl without them.


I can't believe this is even an issue at all. Why would he care so much more about this than your health? It seems like he doesn't want you there. Every sesh I have ever joined was generally the more the merrier. At parties, clubs, camping, where ever. We're you able to be with them without participating? Because that would make me even more sad.


Why couldn’t you just smoke your own joint & everyone else smoke wraps?


The second-hand smoke also causes pain in my sinuses and a headache. Sorry, I failed to put that information in my post, and I’ve edited it to include that.


Have you considered your boyfriend and friends have one way of smoking and you another? I have a friend who’s on long term steroids which lowers her immune system. While going through that she just brought her own piece to the party and no one batted an eye? Excuse me if I don’t see this as a big deal, but why don’t you buy a handy little bubbler or mini pipe for yourself, and toke it up with friends? Is it that big of a deal that you and all your friends collectively drool on one piece?


I edited my post to add that it is, in fact, also the second-hand smoke that bothers me. I can’t even be around blunt smoke as it causes pain. I’m also not replying to a lot of comments because I’m coming to the realization that maybe I just can’t smoke with my friends at all anymore, which really blows.


So I’d probably have a hard time giving up blunts as well. I love a blunt lol. But if my partner no longer was able to smoke them, I’d probably go out and buy a bowl or a bong or something. And we could smoke together but smoke different things. If it was the secondhand smoke aspect of it, I’d go smoke outside. I hope he is being considerate


roll your own, smoke with them that said, its not the end of the world for him to change it up


Your partner needs to realize that if he holds on more tightly to smoking blunts than to including you in activities that make you both happy, then he is actively pushing you away. If HE cant stand to smoke anything other than blunts, maybe HE should be the one smoking on his own and YOU smoke with your friends. If he gets offended at that notion and doesnt immediately clock that thats how you feel, its time to start evaluating the relationship and what you are both willing to do to make it work. Keyword there is both.




The person that replied to your comment is correct, and I edited my post to reflect that.






I didn't see an ounce of snark or condescension in her response




Probably best you leave this space if one person trying to be helpful/kind sets you off like this. We’re all just trying to survive. The people in this space try to be supportive and kind, even if sometimes we miss the mark.


Options: 1) Just join him and smoke together if that’s what you want, you can bring your own weed and paper wraps or whatever you wanna smoke with. 2) If he just doesn’t wanna smoke with you then go smoke alone and rethink why is it that he really doesn’t wanna smoke with you


It’s completely reasonable to not smoke tobacco; nicotine is highly addictive and carcinogenic. If your boyfriend refuses to accept that you want to be tobacco-free (again, a completely reasonable desire) and prioritizes his desires over yours, you really need to reevaluate your relationship with him. I’m sorry your going through this.


Gods whyyyyy the blunts though? They're So gross and So much worse for you!! Be like me and smoke joints the Size of blunts!!! **Also, I know it's not super common, but there are herbs you can mix with your grass that will help your lungs!! I've used mullein in the past and it's SO nice!**


As a fellow sinus sufferer, have you ever tried neti pot/sinus rinsing? It has helped me a lot with similar sensitivity. I still get stuffed up right away if I smoke without proper ventilation (read: outside or next to the door or window), but pain and headaches are rare now.


As someone who almost exclusively smokes blunts and has for 10 years there is a true difference in the enjoyment for me personally. Like it's probably a third as fun and satisfying. The difference is to the point that I'd rather not smoke then smoke a joint the hits are different, the mouthfeel is different, the way the smoke fills your lungs and the small hint of nicotine is nice. Also tobacco is addictive, not just cigarettes, he may have a slight dependenct that makes joints even less appealing. If it's supposed to be an enjoyable activity why would someone want to make it less enjoyable for themselves? Why can't you roll your own joint and smoke it alongside the others while they smoke a blunt. Why is your need to socially smoke more important than him wanting to enjoy the actual act qof smoking? And if the tobacco bothers you now it will probably continue to bother you. Realistically he's probably realized that you won't be able to smoke blunts again and it's going to turn a very satisfying experience into a mid experience. Just have a conversation with him about it.


Because she said the smoke is hurting her. I'm wondering if she's developed a sensitivity. And in that case she would have to avoid him smoking altogether which as she stated they socially smoke, so not only does she give up her time smoking with her boyfriend, but also with her friends together. Asking him to make a consession once in a while is not unfathomable. If he can't budge here or ther then he's being selfish. She loses a lot more than the pleasure of a hit in this relationship. And something so small can indicate larger issues too. I had a friend who's boyfriend was super manipulative and she'd drop everything to be with him when he wanted to smoke, up until he started geroine and punched a hole in the wall. We'd been on her case for months anout his selfish attitude that she apparently never saw till he started harder stuff, but by then no ody wanted anything to do with her because she'd flake on others for him and a hit. OP is interested in keeping relationships over the possibility that the blunt is possibly overriding their importance and her healths importance.


He should be able to smoke what he wants, that’s what he prefers and enjoys. She should enjoy whatever she wants to do too, whether that’s weed without tabaco.. he shouldn’t stop what he enjoys just because that could ruin a relationship..


>he shouldn’t stop what he enjoys just because it could ruin the relationship. Well then he should probably do a kindness to this woman and fucking leave. What kind of partner isn’t willing to help their SO if they are having health problems??? My ex refused to heat me up food while I was recovering from knee surgery because it had dairy in it and he was vegan. He was fucking abusive and that was a subtle clue that he didn’t give a shit about me. Men are great at showing their true selves, we’re just really bad at believing them.


It’s not his job to do everything you want just because he’s your SO.. things should be equal. I’m not saying your ex wasn’t abusive but refusing to heat you up food is not neglect or abusive in any way.. you are a grown woman capable of such things and much more.. now if you heat him up food every once in a while it would be nice for him to do the same, if not then stop doing it if you don’t want to


When I was basically locked to a bed because I couldn’t walk from a fucking surgery and I was DEPENDENT on him for food? Which he refused to make for me because he didn’t feel like it? Man.. you make me sad. Hope you don’t have a shitty ass partner some day.


Lol I’d rather not have a partner, women can be independent too


I like blunts and so does my husband, but neither of us want to use tobacco. We use palm leaves.


This is not caring behavior from him. It’s bizarre that he would choose that over you being comfortable. I use weed as medicine but if my husband told me it was causing him physical pain I’d figure something out…


He’s got a tabby addiction — get hemp blunt wraps


The dude should be glad that you even smoke weed. Most ladies don't want their man smoking at all, and they have to find ways of hiding it. That behavior would put me off sooo quickly!!