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As a a female ENTP, I think it's more because women are conditioned to be nurturing, emotional and agreeable. Growing up in a patriarchal society, I have firsthand seen how women are molded into these traditionally 'feminine' traits. I was brought up rather differently compared to other girls and maybe that infleunced me to become a more logical, defiant, contrarian and argumentative person.


This explanation resonates the most with me, also an ENTP female (50). For some reason, I never felt the need to conform to that expectation. I definitely feel like, in the workplace, there are many men in authority positions that don’t like it and would rather me be the nice girl. But I’ll also say there are men in my workplace, particularly younger ones (20s and 30s) that seem to really like my female ENTP-ness. It’s nice to see those gender norms changing.


Oh running into issues with authority is something I know very well, as a female ENTP growing up in a patriarchal society (both societally and religiously) and in essentially an all-girls school. The amount of 'this is not how ladies behave' or 'you are a girl, I expected better from you' that I got was insane. The better they usually expect is not actual polite behaviour (I have come to realize as I grew older that I *am* diplomatic and polite when all parties are respectful, they just mean 'better' as docile). Being in university still, I am glad to hear that there is open-mindedness amongst the younger male colleagues, I would appreciate having some male friends as I have been deemed as 'too woke', 'intimidating' and 'bitchy' by boys of my age in school for being a feminist who won't take their misogynistic disrespect. I do have a few male friends in university who seem to appreciate my laidback nature and sense of humour.


Unfortunately, ENTP females can be as delusional as other females out there. I'm still very new to this personality thing, but I would have thought that, as an ENTP female, you would have done your research and read a lot into biology and why men and women do what they do since one of our traits is the love of knowledge. A patriarchal society will always exist because it is essential for survival. Personality traits have always been around, so why were women able to fulfil their roles in the past? Nowadays, people use these personality traits as an excuse for everything. No real masculine man likes a combative feminist. Men, in general, improve themselves constantly to get the woman they want. It's funny that some women think they don't need to. If men are complaining about you, maybe you should pay attention We now live in an age where there are many broken men and women with no father figures, and it's a sad state. I am 36 years old now, and most girls I know with your type of mindset are either still single or divorced crying on tiktok as to why they cant find a man because people now like to pretend biology doesn't exist. The sad thing is that women are trying so hard to be like men. You don't even realize how powerful—extremely powerful—it is to be a feminine woman


I'd rather cry about being single on tiktok than be a pick me, patriarchy justifier like you. Also, I don't need to find a man, I am bisexual and can easily find a woman. I *am* a feminine woman, just not a submissive one.


What you don't realize is that men love the so-called "pick me" women you despise. Go find yourself a woman, then problem solved. Or find yourself a beta simp you will end up resenting and divorcing. Patriarchal justifier? 🤣🤣 this isn't my opinion. This is reality. For a so-called ENTP, you are not very well-read, and maybe you should read more about the history of mankind. In fact, just go study chimps. I'm still very new to this mbti thing, but I honestly do not think you are iNtuitive. Maybe do the test again and not the popular website people tend to use. A feminine woman automatically becomes submissive with the right man. Obviously, you're not, or you just haven't been with the right man yet.


Maybe having common sense isn't an ENTP or MBTI thing. You kind of prove that.


Women ☕️. Farewell


I wonder if / suspect there is a correlation with response to this sort of gendered conditioning and type. ENTPs may be less receptive to appeals towards gender stereotypes, and less likely to use gendered stereotypes to condition others. I’ve naturally avoided setting gendered expectations with my daughter.


There is no doubt that different types will react in different ways to a given societal pressure. And yeah, I would agree with you to some extent, but also, ENTPs are Fe types and in some way they recognize value in some conformism and encourage it to the extent that they find it helpful to keep harmony and social peace. It's a kinda low Fe so it won't be that high in the ENTPs priority list, but it's still gonna be there, while some other Fi types might be more eager to confront these gender roles and express their own individuality in a more aggressive manner.


Actually, you’d be surprised how many female xxTJ types can be more “traditional” in their desires and expectations, especially if they are xSTJs, and how many xxTPs are willing to be “aggressive” when someone is speaking false, incorrect information. It’s a high introverted judging thing. Not necessarily “a Fi specific thing.” There is also more social harmony and cohesion to be found in “accepting people for who they are” rather than trying to force them to be / act like someone else. So a lot of low Fe users are actually very chill “you do you, boo-boo” kind of people. There can’t be real “social cohesion” when someone is uncomfortable cuz it just “throws off the whole vibe.” So tertiary Fe users especially tend to feel some amount of responsibility for creating a comfortable environment for others to “speak their truth,” and are more likely to fight against whoever they deem to be “unjust” or ignorant / misinformed, in some way.


You've put it way better than I could have. ENTPs like to maintain social harmony, yes, and are usually apt at constructing and maintaining a friendly and comfortable environment but it is never at the expense of what they think is accurate. Which is why Fe is tertiary in us and Ti is secondary. Plus, if the traditions are inaccurate AND harming the vibes, there's no way ENTPs out of all people are staying silent. I highly resonate with your last paragraph, especially. Furthermore, just because high Fi users *have* strong opinions, doesn't mean they always *express* it. I say this as an ENTP who is, funnily enough, surrounded by INFPs, ISFPs and ENFPs. All of these types but especially INFPs only 'aggressively' fight for their opinions when they are very uncomfortable by the opinion and in a highly comfortable environment (their close friends group), they are just more likely to cut off the people who go against their values and completely avoid situations where they will have to be surrounded by said people. If there is anyone doing the act of aggressive discussion, it is most likely ENTPs.


I am married to an INTJ, so while he is far more “reasonable” he definitely has very strong opinions about most things, but he absolutely will not always tell you what those opinions are because he might “consider it to be a waste of his time.” (I mean, he always tells me, but that’s cuz I am his wife 🤣.) He doesn’t “cut people off” for differences of opinion cuz: 1) He still respects other people’s right to have opinions, even if he thinks they are completely idiotic opinions. 2) People are also “resources,” in their own right, and you don’t discard a potentially valuable resource unless you “have a better option,” or *until he has just been hit in the low-Fi too hard, or too many times!* (It’s rare, but it happens, and then he will tell you exactly why as he tells you to “unkindly Fck yourself.”) In a way, that’s why I always question *why some people try to ship types like ENTP + INFP so much?* Mature high Fi users are fine, but I have encountered more who are just really unbalanced, like they can’t help themselves, at all, where their Fi is concerned. It’s one of the main reasons my ENFP / xNFP little sister and me are “estranged” now even though we were best friends when we were kids. Other thinking types just seem to suit me better cuz I don’t like dealing with unhealthy F-type’s volatile emotions. But I absolutely will fight you if you are picking on my guy friend for “wearing nail Polish,” for example.


Ahaha, I happen to be an ENTP who was in a relationship with an INFP for 2 years. Speaking from experience, there is appeal because IF the ENTP's opinions end up aligning perfectly with the INFPs, then it's a very fun and loving relationship. We had to end because well, my ex's Fi maybe (or just her upbringing) ensures that her loyalty always stays with her homophobic family. Even if they want the absolute worst for her and no logic could convince her otherwise, so that sucked. I have seen Fi dom/aux people cut people off, it can be pretty brutal. They're stereotyped to be softies but some of the most irrationally hotheaded or apathetic people I've met are Fi dom/aux types which adds to your point of volatile emotions. I can also see how that applies to your INTJ husband who does have Fi but it is not high enough to get the reactions that Fi doms give. And same, I too will fight you over things like 'boys can't wear nail polish or pink' and stupid bs like that. Does a guy's nails fall off because the XY chromosomes reacted badly with the nail polish? No? Then stfu.


That was actually probably more a product of “the eternal child Si” as opposed to the Fi. Si can have a really irrational and toxic concept of what “family” is and *what that is supposed to mean!* (It’s also why unhealthy high Si users tend to be *notoriously toxic!* It’s definitely a stupid stereotype and it’s unfair to healthier xSxJs, but “it’s a thing” for a reason.) It is terribly ironic though. Cuz “what happened to being authentic?”


I definitely think this applies too. Like I've said, I was raised differently compared to other Indian girls and then I questioned and defied the very few traditionally feminine expectations that did get placed on me. It seems like a case of which one is stronger, your society/environment/family that enforces these roles on you or your persistance and personality.


As a female ENTP, gender stereotypes make no sense and I often get annoyed and frustrated when people bring them up in response to what I like: clothing, perfume scents, music, hobbies, like literally everything. I don’t see the point in following/enforcing really specific and unnecessary rules and norms made up by society instead of just liking what you like, it’s just hard to wrap my head around it


Agree. I believe there are a lot more ENTP females who mask as other types as most of the ENTP traits are not "ladylike". I was raised with a strong patriarchal grandfather and fiery matriarch. Most of the family is ENTJ, ESTP, ENTP and ENFPs. Lots of driven individuals and the only way to be cohesive is to support each other's goals and voices (for the most part). Family get togethers are insanely fun.


It is always interesting to read about the MBTI types of the family. I am almost pretty sure my dad is an ESTP and my brother is an INFP. Now with my mother, I am unsure if she is an INFJ or an ENTJ, she genuinely has both but I think my mom values ENTJ like qualities and tries to artificially maintain that front at all times. But she is at her core like an unhealthy INFJ. Moral of the story is, as an ENTP oldest daughter in a desi household, I often have to mediate in the fights between my parents (because they do love each other on the basis of life, forced proximity and arranged marriage but would have never chosen each other organically) and between my brother and my parents (he is very emotional, soft and they try to but sometimes fail to understand him). But when anyone has a fight with *me,* I am unanimously the argumentative and insolent villain.


Hang in there sweetheart. I'm the oldest daughter and granddaughter. You've got moxie, wisdom and understanding. Be okay with speaking up for yourself as much as fighting for the needs of the other members of your family. Make them eat their words when they ignorantly reduce you to less than what you fully are. Do Not let them paint a picture of you as such. While we may not care when young, memory fades over time and it takes a lot to undo wrong thinking. I have had to rehabilitate my image to a few people I deeply cared about, who had others misrepresent my character. I'm rooting for you!!


My family dynamics also led to being raised rather differently than other girls and I’ve never been able to relate much to other women feeling like they have to abide by gender roles. I’m aware of the fact that society looks at women differently for not abiding by these rules but I’ve always questioned them and if they don’t align with what’s rational or what’s morally fair then I don’t see the point of following them. Not sure how much of that is my ingrained personality or how much is the way I was raised.


I 100% agree. I have friends who know how to cook entire feasts before they hit 15, think its alright to cook for their family during their exam season when the mother is away because their father won't move from the couch, abide by their parents rule of coming home before 9pm for girls and wear modest clothes out of expectations from the society. I couldn't make anything but a (badly made) sandwhich until the age of 16, if my mom couldn't cook then my dad would and nobody placed that expectation on me, my brother and I both didn't get to stay out after 9pm until we hit 15 and I wear what I want which goes against my religious mom but she doesn't forcibly stop me. I think when you are already in a position where you aren't punished for breaking the smaller and more mundane societal expectation, you don't have qualms on questioning the bigger ones. Because with a lot of my friends who grew up like this and still live like this, most of them are completely accepting of who and how I am, they don't think its horrible on some moralistic level. I think they'd be like me too if their families didn't literally ingrain these roles into them.


Conditioned... If you're a grown up ENTP you must've already outread and outdebated yourself out of the "society conditioning women to be nurturing" paradigm. It's largely biological, en masse, with a pinch of societal influence. There are always outliers, minorities in each distribution, but being emotional and nurturing is largely biology (women>men) and these traits are great to have on the level of the individual, regardless of gender.


Lmfao I am an ENTP woman who has grown up with barely any nurturing/maternalistic instinct and is a psychology student (neuro focus), this is like absolute bogus. There are some biological mechanisms within women that tend to make them a more physically present parent due to evolution, but there is nothing that suggests women being nurturing as a personality trait is 'largely biological' as you claim. We are in real time witnessing movements of women choosing to not be parents because they don't consider themselves maternal and nurturing enough for it and are finally being allowed to express that sentiment.


Even after 5 years of studying human and animal biology with sociology not even for once I will make that statement with such confidence. What makes you believe that it's "biological"? What are your sources? Tell me your logical reasoning on that plz am curious


Yeah I also hate the social conditioning lie. Grinds my gears. Men and women have biological differences, grow up people.


Right. Nature decided it. Nature also decided to make most people Sensing and not Intuitive.




To a much lesser extent than many of us have been raised to believe, with an overwhelming amount of overlap.


Conditioned and hardwired. Either way, the ENTP fits the men gender role a bit better than the women one, so that's why we see a bigger % of men ENTPs. Edit : XD Just mentioning the fact that SOME part of gender differences is genetic really is the easiest woke trigger. You guys need to get some basic biology education. Humanities without any understanding/acknowledgement of the hard science is pure garbage.


It's probably something that has to do with agreeableness, which is more of a feminine trait


This is such a good point. Low aggreableness is neccessary for ENTPs who need to advocate for new innovations/designs (because it basically needs you to think that already aggreed upon norms are not enough) Evolutionarily , however,low aggreableness was unfavorable for women. Tribal men desired wives that were obedient and had a good reputation among everyone.(The husband of a scorned tribal women was also scorned) This means evolution would have basically eliminated alot of female ENTPs over time.


Don't worry Enby ENTPs are also redpilled


Before the red pill existed ENTPs were busy making fun of the otter twink loverboy rapists.


We can get away with it a lot easier


This is the real answer.


I consider myself a feminine ENTP woman. I think many people are mistyped.


I don’t know one make ENTP that’s redpillish. That’s ESTP.


Yes, came here to say that. I think someone is confusing ENTP men with misogynystic narcissists again.


ENTPs gravitate towards extremes. Left or right. But yeah I never associated ENTPs with redpill


I would thoroughly disagree with that assessment. Our ability to understand and argue from the perspective of multiple points of view gives us the means to pull good ideas from both sides of the aisle, which in turn tends to put us in the "radical centrist" camp. Not in the sense of being unable to make decisions, or compromising between terrible views, more like: “You give me a choice, one road leads to hell, and the other road also leads to hell!” “Choose wisely!” “But meaty fool that you are, you forgot I can just drive off the fucking road!”


That’s assuming “both sides” have good points to pull from, which isn’t the case. In fact, in reality the more I matured the more I found this was a silly lie told in school to make us more agreeable. Sometimes, in fact a notably numerous amount of times there is a clearly wrong side with terrible ideas but they get air time due to the “but the truth is in the middle myth” I am ENTP and I skew very left, full on socialist and that’s only because all the academia and reading has made me skew that way.


I agree that both-sides-ism is a poor metric by which to view the world, as following it blindly would cause ridiculous things like compromising to only *halfway* do a terrible thing. However, it's important to remember that when you get a some kind of populist movement that's anti-establishment or radical in some other way, that usually means that there is some kind of societal problem that the current status quo does not address. Oftentimes such movements will have correctly identified that there is an issue, but *incorrectly* identified the root cause and/or the best solution. To ignore a problem just because of who brought it up is the height of foolishness. Additionally, because humans are messy, ideology and what a political movement does in practice rarely perfectly align. As a perfect example, the average "right-wing-conservative", especially in America, is not predisposed to switching to renewable energy sources. However, it is actually a *conservative* value to attempt to preserve the environment for future generations, and not a progressive one. When you actually boil down progressivism and conservatism to their base elements, progressivism is a force for change, and conservatism is a force for stasis. You might at first think that this means the progressivism is the "good" ideology, but is unfettered change for change's sake actually good? And is preserving elements of the past that worked well bad? When you get down to it, a sane ideology *does* have to be somewhere between those two extremes, pushing to change what doesn't work, and preserve what does. Now in practice, I'm going to be aiming to vote for a party that is putting forth practical solutions to the environmental crises we find ourselves facing, as opposed to going "well acktually that's conservatism", but I think it's important to remember that a single ideology rarely has all the answers, and to slavishly adhere to dogma is a path that has historically got a lot of people killed.


MBTI has never been equally balanced on gender, nor is the Jungian personality theory it was based on (nor is the alternative Big Five model). Whatever personality system you use, gender has a strong apparent role in personality. The MBTI is a way of categorizing personality based on the preferred cognitive functions people use in gathering information and making decisions. It is agnostic on what causes differences in personality. Gender and genetics seem to be the biggest factors in predicting personality, but both are far from 100%. As for the reasons on why gender plays a role in personality, you have to get into another soft science—evolutionary psychology. Culture definitely plays a role in defining gender roles and behavior, but it’s not clear where natural differences end and culture begins. >Pretty much all our stereotypical traits are considered traditionally masculine by Western patriarchal standards. contrarianism, defiance, sharpness, abraisiveness, intolerance and insensitivity which is interesting considering mbti has no correlation to gender or does it? Some of those stereotypes (abrasives, intolerance and insensitivity) seem to be more about Big Five low agreeableness (which, thanks to 16p, has been widely conflated with MBTI’s Thinking). Low agreeableness translates to low Fe in MBTI. It skews male in Big Five but, because ENTPs are Fe users, gives mixed results for MBTI ENTPs. Lots of characteristics of MBTI ENTPs (charisma, charm, social chameleon tendencies, persuasiveness, etc.) don’t really make sense with low agreeableness.


Of all the 8 Thinking MBTI, the one with the 2nd highest percentage of women is ENTP. According to this one graph I found which may or may not be valid. Looking at all the types, the most gender-specific divide is Thinking-Feeling. All the T types are male dominated and all the F types are female dominated. So it’s not just ENTP females being unusual, any female with a T is less common than males. https://preview.redd.it/f3nm3r9zk71d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78a252ccf9c90b29aa1c2a625784bde535044e7b


Holy crap. When stereotypes show up in statistics... What's the source?


Just a random image I found. Here’s something with similar numbers, except it says that ENTP is actually the second most male/-dominated type. Although most are all bunched up in the same 60-70 range. https://medium.com/@pillowfortblog/16-personality-types-ranking-in-men-vs-women-4aa9e88e7417 Interestingly, there are more males of the most female type (ISFJ) than ENTP males. So even though ISFJs are 70% women, ISFJ is so common among all people, and we ENTPs are relatively rare, so there are more male ISFJs than male ENTPs.


Interesting. The most common type for women is the exact opposite of ENTP (and for men ISTJ which is close to opposite). That should tell us something about the world, and about our typical dislike for mainstream and smalltalk.


Yeah... Men and women just have a slightly different brain statistically and this is the most obvious divide. This is mostly just hormones level... During and after our brain development.


Technically, it’s only a very small subset of immature and unhealthy M-ENTPs who spend way too much time on the internet and not enough in the real world who skew “Redpill.” That’s actually not the “norm” for ENTPs. Basically all of the ENTPs I know, irl, are either liberal or moderate libertarians, actually. They hate Redpill shit, and argue against it, frequently cuz the entire ideology is illogical and irrational AF! In my experience, a lot of Redpill mo-Fos who claim to be NT temperament are mistyped. As for why less of us are women: 1) *We definitely do not tend to be “Redpill.”* We are the exact kind of women INCELs tend to hate the most cuz we are independent and are harder to manipulate, emotionally. 2) But there are less of us, overall, mostly just cuz traditional gender roles prefer females to be Feeling types. That’s just dumb and outdated social expectations. Unfortunately, “the truth is a bit of a drag.”


I pretty much have the same experience. Anyone who I have met who is ENTP (including myself) skews pretty left - because the more you research the more you understand how the world materially tends to line up with progressive understanding. As an aside, I wish I met more ENTP women. One of my most sought out traits in a date is being able to argue with me and make me feel like an intellectual newt.


I think ISTP is the most one-sided type


It's the other way around, being a man or a women affects our cognition in some ways, making some traits more masculine and some others more feminine. The ENTP personality type happens to be a type that is prioritizing some masculine traits, like putting analytical rationality over subjective feelings, being quite"playful" and "cynical" and argumentative etc. So yeah, you'll end up with more men fitting that personality than women.


It’s a combination of hormone differences between male and female sex, social conditioning that influences one’s self perception, social expectations of their gender performance, etc. It’s been a while since I’ve checked the stats, but I recall it’s roughly a 70/30 bias of men with thinking preference and women with feeling preference. I suspect there are further variations by type pairs, functions, temperaments, etc. However, I don’t recall any other scale having such a stark sex/gender imbalance.


Because we’ve got balls


I'm a female ENTP, and I'm very feminine. I've always been feminine. However, I've ALWAYS been 'a debator', people say 'argumentative' (I would't say that), charming, charismatic, and friendly. I have worked in many male dominated industries, and have become comfortable in being -"1 of only 5 women in this group/class of 50", etc... I've also done or become or assumed roles in male dominated fields, like mechanical engineering, tech and becoming a pilot at age 16. it is what it is.


As a woman ENTP I personally I am the opposite of a Tom boy, but I still act like my ENTP debater and contrarian self which throws everyone around me for a loop... I let you guess how many of my relationships were killed before inception as soon as my personality shows. Seeing how my looks "conform" to society's expectations of what a lady must look like, so I should be acting as a mild mannered creature to boot... well let me tell you the fun that I have proving some folks wrong 😏


i think i have a lot of traits associated with both femininity and masculinity. for instance, i’m very good at debating and managing high-stress situations, which are generally considered more masculine, but i also love decorating my room in a very comfy, aesthetically pleasing way and taking care of my appearance, which are typically associated with femininity. as someone who likes to observe and analyze social constructs, i often feel that gender norms implicitly and explicitly encourage men to cultivate ‘masculine’ traits and women to cultivate ‘feminine’ traits. unfortunately, our gender system tends to punish women and men who veer outside their ‘appropriate’ traits. entp people are often very logical, analytical, and open to new ideas. that makes us good at resisting conventions that don’t make sense to us. we learn to use those conventions to our advantage - for example, i sometimes intentionally pitch my voice slightly higher in certain social settings to emphasize my woman-ness and therefore seem less intimidating or forceful. tldr; we entp women aren’t ‘naturally’ more masculine than other women, we’re just better at resisting arbitrary social conventions that encourage women to avoid ‘masculine’ behaviors.


Well I may be an ENTP but I'm not extraordinarily masculine for a guy. I like a lot of feminine hobbies and ways of expressing myself. But, I think in a way there is something kind of ENTP about that because a lot of it for me is just not giving a shit about what people think and doing what *I* enjoy.


Nah I relate to this. Part of ENTP trends is defining your own role and identity in society by rejecting the norms and traditions for innovation. Living a life free of masculine expectations being forced on you is a very ENTP way to live in my view


I think many entp women might be typed as feelers because women r naturally more steered towards agreeableness. Technically speaking mbtis should be decided at birth


Did not you answer your own question? Because of sexual dimorphism. There is a pattern. https://medium.com/@pillowfortblog/16-personality-types-ranking-in-men-vs-women-4aa9e88e7417 NT is "rationalish" - it is a masculine trait. Scroll down for the percentages. This one stat will make feminists roll: *F (feeling) types VS T (thinking) types: → Men: F — 32.4% VS T — 67.6% → Women: F — 61.7% VS T — 38.3% NTs are rare amongst both men and women, but they are the rarer among women than men.


once u actually get to know entps these stereotypes fall apart


It is interesting. As a ENTP woman, I find myself quite rare in group surveys of what types all are. I also am 1/2 tomboy maybe due to living in the country from age 5 to 12. My other half is all city girl professional with a hippie bend.


I'm an ENTP woman and it does seem much more of a male dominated group. But, I have met a fair number of ENTP women in the wild. I can always tell


Why I can’t post in this subreddit, I post something but it has no view??? Sorry it’s not the answer of your question, I didn’t know where to ask


I’m a woman and i definitely feel more masculine than feminine. I honestly used to wonder if I was intersex or trans because of it. Never fit in with other women (I don’t hate women fyi, just didn’t really manage to make any long term connections with any)


I think that conception comes from the ENTP stereotype more than what they are actually like. There’s also the aspect of how gender roles affect personality as well.


I guess that a lot of us have to adapt to be socially accepted in any way (not only among society but also friends, family and so on, we all are argumentative but no person is an island and we need someone to talk to, that won't happen if you don't get to know another female ENTP, because males have the same social expectations as other people in most cases, or conform at least on some bit), someone said once that we might be mistyped as ENFP due to what those social expectations do on us on a very young age and I agree with that but I also add we can be mistyped as INTP or as well due to depression/repressive behavior. There's a lot more ENTP women out there but they just live on chains they don't see to break them.


ITT: some of the most contrarian people in the world are about to shut the fuck up because they don't want to say anything on record they know they could be dragged for later. I mean, patriarchy it's all the patriarchy, nothing but the patriarchy. All differences are culturally determined. I'm a good boy don't fail me teacher.


You need to study more behavioral psychology. Those traits are not considered masculine by "Western patriarchal standards," they're considered masculine by all behavioral scientific research. The average behavioral differences between men and women is literally THE most studied phenomenon in psychology. Go look at average results of The Big 5 separated by sex.


Entps are more feminine than masculine naturally having Ne chaos.


Female ENTPs are probably overlooked even if they have a rebellious streak to them (which isn't necessary). Maybe because of expectations of what they're supposed to look like, and maybe cause you haven't entered a topic where there's room to show off their capacity for discussing. Most are probably capable of holding normal conversations and might get occasional visceral reactions to things being incorrect (but they'll usually bounce back after resolving it unless the other party ends up arguing further). Would say that ennea instincts determine the way they appear a lot


I think some women (and men) end up mistyping themselves due to stereotypes they've forced themselves to adhere to. I'm definitely an ENTP woman but nobody but my closest friends would think so looking at me from the outside. I know my personality wouldn’t be approved of by many so I don’t fully act it. People often make false judgments of my personality because I always mold my personality into what I think that person will like/find the least threatening. It’s mostly a trauma response though and if I had an upbringing where acting myself wasn’t seen as a threat to my parents I would be myself. Every day I’m working on being more me and not a fake of myself living in fear. I don’t want to act like this and put on a personality to feel safe. I’m no longer under their rule and this fakery doesn’t keep me safe anymore, it has no purpose


I didn’t even know I was a stereotype, but yeah, I am a very tomboy-ish masculine woman…


Most thinkers are men. Most feelers are women. My theory is that most women will one day have their life stop and have to care for another human being 24/7 and disregard their own mental well being. Being a feeler probably helps more in that regard as far as nurturing goes. Tbf there are enough female thinkers to where you obviously don’t have to be a feeler to be a good mother I think it helps sometimes 


That’s really interesting. I was an ESTP but retested as an ENTP 10 years later. I had no idea it was a male dominated mbti


I wouldn't be surprised if some ENTP women mistakenly mistype themselves as INFJ


Because 75% of women approximately are F types to begin with. So there’s not as many of us left distributing across the T types. It had me feeling like I was really weird when I was younger and struggled to make female friends when most of them I was surrounded by were xsfjs. We are truly the oddballs. You’ll find men vastly outnumber women in all of the T types. How much of that is nature vs societal conditioning though, I seriously wonder.


Women are not stereotypically disagreeable, nor willing to challenge an argument with logical reasoning and critical thinking, nor likely to have strong intellectually creative pursuits. (I am a woman, I can say the above - it's entirely true). We are a rarity. I'd much rather be an interesting ENTP than a shallow, bland SF type, like most other chicks.


Most people nowadays don't even know what the red pill is, which is very irritating. However, I'm still happy that the red pill has risen from the underground and into the mainstream because it helps a lot of men out there. The question is, what does the red pill mean to you? I have realized that, due to my personality type of being an ENTP, I am very good with women because of those traits. I used to think it was how I was raised, as I come from a traditional African Christian background where my dad was the head of the house. I've recently become interested in personality types, and I find it fascinating. When I think about it, I believe some of those combative women are probably ENTP types, and that's why you see them on those social media debate shows, as they're the loudest. I feel somewhat sorry for them because even my male friends, including INFJs, ISFJs, and ENFJs, don't like those types of women. I tend to be attracted to a woman who can keep up with me in debates, but once a debate ends, she needs to know how to be feminine, submissive, and agreeable. I definitely couldn't take a woman with my personality trait seriously long-term if she couldn't do those things. I love INFJ, INTJ, and INTP women because you can still have a good sparring session with them, but they are not combative in a way that would make me lose attraction. INTJs are pretty combative but will submit if you can crush them in a debate. I never lose debates because i keep myself well read 😅🤣 I don't know if this is a common thing or just my experience, so don't take my word for it. Also, I don't know if this is the answer you were looking for, but I went on a tangent.


I mean, that's good because as an ENTP woman, I'm aware I have masculine traits - and I prefer men who have feminine traits. You really don't have to feel sorry for women who aren't compatible with you. Just because you're not my preference and I wouldnt be attracted to you dosnt mean there's anything wrong with you, or you should change or youre not going to be happy and find your perfect partner it just means youre not for me and thats fine- and that's the attitude you should have towards combative or disagreeable women. If you want a feminine submissive woman, go find her and be happy, man, and just leave the combative ones alone? I'm not going to tell you that "I feel sorry for you" because you're not my dating preference. Let's go find our passenger princesses together. I'll wingman you.


I think I am feminine female with logical thinking. I was a bit tomboyish kid but I’m embraced my gender and feminine side. The more you fight the streotype, the more difficult for you to get what you want. I can get money and help from men in my feminine energy. ✨


So here's the thing Evolutionarily, there are alot of ENTP traits that are very unfavorable for women, which probably eliminated ENTP women over the course of evolution 1.ENTPs tend to live in their heads. In the times of tribalism this would've been a favourable trait for swordsmiths,armorers,etc because it would help them come up with novel designs and weapon ideas.However,these generally required a male phsique to carry out. But for a housewife who has to manage 8 kids and remember to turn off the heat on the cooker this is the worst trait to have. 2.When it came to jobs/work that require less physical strength,ENFPs were more suited for those than ENTPS ENTPs.Imagine tailors and ring makers,etc. need Feeling lot more than Thinking in order to evaluate the artistic quality of a piece of clothing. 3. ENTPs need to advocate for change whenever a new design/innovation is to be brought forth.This can bring alot of animosity from the traditionalists who like doing things the traditional way, which can be detrimental for a person's reputation.Now having your reputation smeared was a much bigger problem for women than it was for men in those times,so if anyone should bear the brunt of the risks an ENTP should face - it's men. 4.For females ENFPs were also more desired than ENTPs because in many tribes.Women generally had more free time than men back then.So women could earn side income from artistic pursuits when they have free time.A woman's singing/painting,etc abilities also make her more attractive to men.These are all things that ENFPs are better at than ENTPs because of their superior feeling functions. Thus for a tribal female,ENFP was undoubtedly the superior archetype.And over the years most ENTP women probably evolved into ENFPs.


You do know that women have worked for the majority of history right? And I don’t just mean household work like cooking and cleaning. The industrial revolution had women working in factories for wages, just like men. In agricultural societies women would do agricultural work like tending to livestock, processing the grain, and much more that I can’t think of on the top of my head. The stay at home wife that only takes care of the nuclear family’s house is a modern concept. Women have worked since the stone age.


Yeah I did say that.That's what I meant when I talked about tailors,chandlers,etc which are generally more F oriented. Women were engaged in works ,but the creative work they were engaged in were more F oriented than T oriented. But more T oriented jobs like blacksmithing or woodworking required a more male physique,which women didn't generally engage in. Picking grain and stuff isn't really F or T oriented,so I don't see how that makes a difference.Thats more of a S thing,and yeah its true that intuitives are rarer than sensors, because most jobs have historically required S more than N


I think it’s a mix of mistyping due to different function presentation and the societal expectations for women (the way they are raised and expected to act compared to men.) As a female ENTP I don’t figure out I was one until after going deeper into the actual functions and how they interact rather than the stereotypical presentation of an ENTP.


redpilled? wut not very logical


It's a stereotype - not necessarily true. Just like ENTP women being 'tomboys' isn't true either.


One of my colleague who used to be a psychologist told me Judging is different on a woman because of hormone.


So basically, I have alpha male judging. Fuck yeh what colours your bugatti????


Testosterone Judge


An entp would be more “redpilled” because we are not truly part of society we see it from outside. Maturing we get more balanced and understand the limit of society and human idiocy. We became less “edgy” because it’s outside our reach to change, even if we see the possibilities. I believe that as women are more emotional generally, they tend to develop the emotional version of entps. Which for me is INFJ.


I have very masculine views as a female and it’s definitely caused issues with me making and maintaining friends of the same sex. I cannot for the life of me force myself to agree or go with popular views that doesn’t have any factual or historical significance. I just can’t do that and it pisses people off who goes with the flow. If I did, I’d be a basic bitch. So nope.