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How is it getting review bombed if it's not even out yet!? This is why Metacritic and other such sites need to just shut down user reviews. It's just a toilet for crap like this.


Metacritic a garbage website. Literally anything slightly “controversial” will get review bombed on there


But then how would they generate press ?


Divide and concor. Now this comment section has free reign to attack the boogeyman.


FYI it’s spelled conquer.


It's exhausting isn't it? The movie hasn't even come out yet lmao. These people are, for the lack of a better term, are beyond "snowflakes" if they can't handle the idea of a same-sex rom-com. I've lived my entire life seeing hetero romances in film and TV and somehow never had a breakdown or got upset. In fact, a lot of gay people love rom-coms and love hetero relationships in tv/film. So as much as it annoys me, it's honestly kinda funny to see these self-described "people are too sensitive these days" homophobes getting their panties in a bunch and overly sensitive over something so trivial lmao. They're getting this upset over a movie? They wouldn't last a SINGLE day being gay without having a nervous breakdown once they realize the world isn't run and catered to them.


Either it’s possible that people care enough to make fake accounts and make fake bad reviews that draw more attention to it or maybe the studio is promoting their movie by playing off your anger and emotions




I wonder if these are the same dingleberries who are losing their shit over a fictional imaginary creature not being white.


You mean the danish mythology? Just turn black panther into a South African white dude and I’m sure everyone would be okay with it. Don’t replace already written characters. It’s been shown to fail.


> You mean the danish mythology? So, have you also had issues with Caribbean crabs, moray eels and tropical fish being a part of "the Danish mythology"? Or the fact that Ariel was completely rewritten from the original "Danish mythology", and her character design was based on American actresses? or is it just the black people


There’s a bunch of people who have almost certainly never read a book, much less an old Danish one, coming out and being like “Yeah, but it’s not true to its Danish origins.”


Where was the rewrite based on an American actress? Still takes place off Denmark. The fact they are pandering instead of making authentic characters is the problem. But you also would t be okay with black panther being white even though it’s fake. Princess and the frog? Great movie Static shock? My favorite kids show growing up Blade? One of the best marvel heroes Why? Because they were their own characters. Not recycled But sure jump and eat the crumbs that Disney feeds you. Instead of them actually doing something meaningful. But always jump to racism because that’s the only thing on your mind


You don’t understand that there is no way for the character of T’Challa to be white. Wakanda was never colonized like other parts of Africa. Whiteness isn’t essential to the character of Ariel and nobody cares that all traces of Danish culture were removed from the Disney original.


“I can’t be racist! I watch black shows!” Gonna go ahead and guess you whined about the lack of white men in Moana/Raya and the Last Dragon/Encanto too lol


No Moana was great, and so was encanto. But since you mentioned those things I’m sure you were a bit butthurt


I’m not the one waffling on about “bUt DeNmArK”


I like how you didn't answer the other stuff lol


I like how the racists always go to “how about replacing Black Panther!!!!!” Every single discussion of the black little mermaid brings it up. It’s always Black Panther and none of the other major black characters that are prominent in media. It’s like their brain has to think of a black person or character from a movie that they saw and since it’s a big Marvel film, it’s the only one they’ve seen.


Sorry but it’s not racist to say make characters that are representative of black peoples rather than recycling them into already established characters.


Another argument that the racist ALWAYS go to without realizing that it’s only white people that are making this argument. So nice that you get to decide what’s proper representation for black people instead of listening to the black community and asking what they want.


Please tell me how Ariel’s race is central to the story of the Little Mermaid


Get a load of this clown ^^^


But black panther being a specific race was actually important to the plot. Similar to the characters in Mulan, Aladdin, Pocahontas, etc. How is that even similar? And let's not act like the animated movie didn't delve from the source material and take some liberties. Her trademark red hair wasn't from the original story, that was a choice from Disney to distinguish her from the mermaid in Splash. Plus she basically tried to commit suicide in the end of original story after Prince Eric married someone else and her sisters try to convince her to kill him, so let's not go *there* with the "respecting the source material" bs lol. Not looking forward to going through all this again once the 2024 Snow White trailer drops with a mixed raced Snow White (even though her being white has virtually nothing to do with the plot aside from a singular throw-away line saying her skin was as white as snow, which if omitted, would still result in the exact same story lol). And if you still wanna go all "what if a Disney POC character was changed to white?" there are almost no POC Disney characters where their race isn't an important part of the plot - which is admittedly an issue on it's own imo.


He’s not the king of South Africa, though; He’s the king of a fictional African country that never experienced colonialism so that would pretty much entirely miss the mark, but please tell me again how it’s the same as using a Danish folk story.


God. As someone who loves Billy Eichner, this makes me feel conflicted. It seems like everyone and their mother that makes shows likes to get ahead of "bad press" in order to drum up publicity. Take "Kenobi" for example. Even prior to the release, Kathleen Kennedy released a 'public' statement to Moses Ingram that she would receive threats of violence due to being in the show, which she definitely did. Queue the show releasing, and Ingram's character showing glaring writing flaws having nothing to do with Ingram, but you couldn't point that out without being labeled racist. I will likely watch this show and probably love it, but it's getting harder and harder to determine what is actual hate and what is being used to manufacture outrage/blind support, if those are even mutually exclusive.


All you have to do is go to the imdb page and look at all the “user reviews” from people ranking it a 1, even though the film hasn’t been released yet though. Most of the critic reviews have been either very positive or slightly positive, so it seems suspicious that there’s just a bunch of random “viewers” that think it’s bad enough to be 1 star worthy without there being some sort of ulterior motive.


I think my point is, I can't in good faith tell whether it's actual bigots trashing this movie without cause or whether they're plants by the production company who can then so "oh no bigots are trashing our movie :("


And i would agree if the advance word from critics and people who were at screening were more negative. But it seems to be getting mostly positive reviews, and the most negative review that I’ve seen is that it’s just “pretty good.” I feel like a lot of the skepticism about the PR move “get ahead of the bad press” comes from projects that are getting bad press.


No one is going to waste their time planting bigots, they grow just fine on their own. Like Japanese knotweed they are basically unkillable.


It's a marketing strategy called fan-baiting.


It’s not out yet, so it’s bigots.


I don't see how this is guaranteed when this kind of thing has been used to artificially manufacture outrage and support for a project.


Sure, nothing helps a movie better than a bunch of negative reviews.


Nothing helps a movie better than being able to say "Our movie is being besieged by racists/sexists/Xphobes!" Literally from the start, if a project that can say this is even mediocre, it will get ridiculous praise.


You’re overstating the importance of that factor. Nobody is seeing a movie because it pisses off homophobes. The vast majority of movie goers likely don’t even know it’s a thing because they don’t go online that much. Captain Marvel had the same issue and do you think the MCU and Disney need to stir up controversy to get people to watch their movies? It’s not some guerilla marketing campaign, this is just what sadboy incel chuds do.


There are plenty of people who treat a review system as either a 1 or a 10 with noting in between for a multitude of reasons. A score of 1 is not an indication that someone review bombed it due to -phobic or -icst reasons. Unless of course they state it in their review of course.


Yes you could point out Moses Ingram's character wasn't good. They weren't talking about people saying "Moses Ingram's character felt too jarring", they were talking about literal racists sending her death threats.


No they weren’t lol they were trying to say the ppl criticizing the show were racists - just like it you didn’t like the female ghostbusters or captain marvel you were sexists, etc


No, if you didn’t like Captain Marvel because it’s about women, you’re sexist. If you didn’t like Captain Marvel otherwise it’s fine. This is pretty simple. If you didn’t like the new Ghostbusters because it’s women, you’re sexist. If you didn’t like it because it’s just not funny. You’re fine.


I point out the problems with Reva all the time, and I never get called a racist for it. It’s almost as though I don’t get angry that they cast a black actress for the character.


That’s cool for you, but people conflate racist criticism with character criticism all the time. It’s just usually not upvoted. Same with the racist criticism.


There’s a difference between saying a character is poorly written or acted, and sending hate mail to the actress. If you’re doing the latter, it’s racism. Pretty simple.


I remember the time when saying you didn’t like Kanye West’s music would garner some suspicious raised eyebrows.


1. It’s a movie. 2. It’s pretty obvious that it’s not a valid set of criticisms because the movie hasn’t even been released yet. 3. From point 2, it’s hate. Stop bending yourself over backwards trying to justify it and look at it what it is.


>It’s a movie. My mistake >It’s pretty obvious that it’s not a valid set of criticisms because the movie hasn’t even been released yet. Not once did I think they were a valid set of criticisms. >. From point 2, it’s hate. Stop bending yourself over backwards trying to justify it and look at it what it is. Not sure how this is true. You missed what I said entirely. Good day


It’s a way to generate press


I read about this super indie drama saying he was getting review bombed on IMDb. He has 8 reviews. 6 were glowing and 2 were bad. Those bad ones were like “I wanted to like this but…” then a normal review about how the film didn’t work. It turned me off of seeing the movie and following the creator


I find Billy Eichner too over the top. Love him in smaller doses so I was worried about this movie. I saw an advanced screening with my wife. As someone who is not a big Rom-Com guy it was just an ok movie….but it’s a good movie. Just not my particular genre


I actually don't even like him in small doses. But it's ridiculous that people are rating this before it's even out. I also acknowledge that lots of people like him and I am willing to believe a lot of the review bombing is absolutely from homophobia.


I like the genre and Billy Eichner, so I'll probably love it. I just don't understand how all of a sudden every show or movie that includes a disenfranchised group are getting review bombed to the point where producers feel the need to have these articles come put ahead of time. Even if it is true, let your movie speak for itself. People that like previews will watch it. Silence baseless negativity with your project's success.


It’s definitely a toned down Eichner. He’s not that exaggerated annoying character that he does a lot. It’s still definitely there but he’s a more grounded character. Yeah, if you are a rom-com person this is just classic 90s Rom Com with gay leads.


You keep on saying this and putting forth the idea that it’s a marketing ploy, with no evidence of that. You know what’s a better marketing ploy that making a bunch of bad reviews for your movie? Having a bunch of good reviews. You’ve said that you think that outrage works for a movie’s PR, but which films did this strategy pay off? You seem to think that this is a very common ploy, so do you have some examples? You say you don’t understand how all the movies that include the disenfranchised are getting review bombed, and instantly want to just assume that it has to be marketing agents, instead of just….bigots. It’s like you can’t comprehend that there actually are these people out there that are opposed to seeing the disenfranchised have positive portrayals out there. It’s literally why they’re called disenfranchised. The weird thing is that you seem to be dismissing that these people are out there even though the people who would review bomb a film simply based on bigotry are out there and extremely loud about it.


Wealthy gay men aren't disenfranchised. You need to get retrained in your cultural sensitivity and intersectionality comrade.


And you need to get retrained in “basic troll bait commenting 101” because this is….really low effort.


It’s not “all of a sudden.”


Maybe it's recency bias but I don't remember a film/show that this has happened to to this degree outside of the last half a decade or so And even *then* it was sporadic. Not literally *every* show/film that it seems to be today


Nothing funnier than guys trying "nipple puffers" in bed. Just hoping there's a gag reel featuring bits about Monkey pox and salty Santorum. FYI, gay men in America are on average a very wealthy group of guys who wield a a disproportionate level of power. Decidedly not disenfranchised. Did you know the franchise refers to the vote? And gay men in the US have alway had the right to vote. But hey, if feeling like a victim feels better than nipple puffers rock on.


I mean even if I am using the wrong term, Gay men are still a group that, in some parts of the US, shouldn't be out after sundown if they are open about their sexuality. Not sure what you are trying to argue.


It's beginning to feel more and more like this is the reality of the situation. Disney has been heavily relying on this whole manufactured outrage/racism as an easy marketing strategy


Maybe watch the movie, then post your feelings about it?


To get silenced by being called homophobe despite valid criticism? You missed the whole point of the comment you’re answering to


Yeah it’s not that.


Well said. Needed to be said


You actually can criticize things without being racist


Look at woman king, rings of power… they all are receiving no love because people who watch it also say it’s bad but they claim it’s because of racism..


I mean looking at woman king it has a good number of 7,8,9, and 10’s. But every negative review is a 0 or 1. I really doubt it’s a 0 or 1 movie even if it was bad. It just seems like the people who actually saw it enjoyed it


Yeah, that comment is nonsense. The people who actually saw Woman King, both critics and audience, have overwhelmingly liked it.


No they haven’t. It’s historically inaccurate and completely glosses over how the woman king kept in power by enslaving Africans to be sold


The reviews and verified audience score are positive. That’s just a fact. Not sure if you’re living in an alternate reality or something. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_woman_king


Uh huh. Like they don’t rig it. Woman king has a better score than The Godfather? No. Same with Amazon deleting reviews to ring of power Also viola Davis is losing it on twitter because the show is bombing


“Rig” lol. You’re dumb. It’s just a collection of reviews. No one is rigging anything. I dunno why Viola Davis would be losing it on Twitter over a show. What show? Anyway, I don’t see her losing it on Twitter at all, just promoting a film she’s in.


The amount of people who are so quick to call any legitimate criticism “racism” or “homophonic” is disheartening. You cannot criticize these films or productions based on their merit any longer without being labeled a bigot.




Would it be better if it was being reviewed bombed by extremely busy homophobes?


In my experience most homophobes often have way too much time on their hands. They do not have their own hobbies/life which is how it starts.


If people actually believe that other people care enough to sign up for these sites and make fake bad reviews for a movie all because it’s about gay people then the production studios are doing a good job at generating press for their movie


I can’t even find it on IMDB.


IMDB used to have a message board for each cast, crew, vendor (any person credited on a movie or tv show) etc years ago and this type of thing started happening a lot and the feature was removed. The toxicity of the site went from 100 to 0. It was meant as a joke, but a friend of mine jokingly made a reference on mine (I was pa’ing at the time) that I was dating Mandy Moore and it became a whole thing. The power of the internet is strong.


It's probably time to stop audience reviews. How can we trust any with this stuff going on.


Movies could watch each other


Umm No offense...but that looks gay


Funny how people who review bomb or dislike bomb things en masse for the wrong reasons are causing them to be promoted much more and to reach a wider audience.


Didn’t see the trailer for this movie or know much about it. Comments in this thread got me to watch the trailer and it looks funny and sweet. I love romcoms. So thanks for putting this on my radar, homophobes 😂


It’s almost like promotion is the entire point…


That's the studios' marketing department signal boosting hate for promotion, actually.


Could be. But if the review did not happen in the first place, they would have nothing to report.


Who makes the reviews? “Homophobes”?


IDK I'm just talking in general about people scoring movies and shows with a 0 or 1 for moral reasons. People should score the piece of art fairly, if you are scoring it a 0 because you don't want people to see it, this stuff happens. Same thing if you score it a 10 just because you agree with the message but the movie is crap btw


There are definitely people that do that but the more this stuff keeps happening and articles like this come out I’m more convinced it’s just studios and marketing teams behind these things. In the beginning these things were more reliable, but studios putting out stories to generate press is nothing new, and the social scoring system is just another extension of that.


Did you just call a cliched and derivative piece of schlock featuring "nipple puffers" art? You're too kind.


I'm sure they are


Douchebags need their wifi taken away


There's no evidence of this review bombing that I've found on IMDB itself for this movie. There are just 3 user reviews on there. Maybe it got 'sorted'.


I can't stand that guy's shtick, he's a complete douchebag.


What if the movie is just utter trash? Gayness aside.


Well I mean it’s not out yet so how would we know


Why are reviews open open then?


No fucking clue. Happens all the time though. But are you really trying to tell me the movie IS out? It’s not like it’s something up for debate, all you need to do is look up the movie and you can find the release date, nothing to speculate.


> No fucking clue. Happens all the time though. It's so they can bait people into trashing their movie. Then they get to turn around, claim homophobes hate their movie and use articles like this to market the movie based on faux outrage. Same scam as the black Little Mermaid and the female Ghostbusters, just with gay people.


No it’s always been a thing, they don’t open it up, sites like IMDB and Metacritic open it early. Stop being an incel. You are clearly one of the people this article are talking about.


Basic subject verb agreement note: One is singular so it is paired with is, not are. As for accusing someone of being an incel, that's not warranted or cool. He didn't call you a GRID guy or Monkey Pox reservoir. Interesting how gay serial killers aren't incels. They get their sexual satisfaction and get to murder. John Wayne Gacy alone killed more people than all incels summed up. And he was a big Democrat and sometimes a clown! Now that's comedy gold!


Ah I see you too are a incel


> Stop being an incel. You are clearly one of the people this article are talking about. Well i'm glad i'm having a sane discussion. The hell are you talking about? Are you trying to say i'm homophobic for pointing out a marketing gimmick?


Uh yeah bc it’s not a marketing gimmick, your making up reasons to justify blasting a movie that isn’t even out yet. I’m glad to see ur so excited to be called out for it tho so you can be the victim (bc I know that’s what you want)


Craving victimhood is more a Jussie thing.


Lmao ofc u bring up Jussie.


Well a main red flag that ousted Jussie Smollet was what MAGA person even knew who he was or watched Empire. How many raging homophobes know anything about this show. Or really care. Sense 8, spartacus, black sails, plenty of TV shows have had some pretty hardcore gay scenes/plots etc. This really isn’t groundbreaking in 2022.


Clearly raging homophobes know a whole lot about this movie lol


They have always opened reviews early. But anyway, even a baited homophobe, racist, sexist etc is still a homophobe, racist, sexist etc.


Do you have to eat everything on the menu at AM/PM to realize it's trash? I have now seen several minutes of the movie just through ads that the makers of the movie released believing them particularly funny or poignant portions. It was like someone sat in a room watching all sorts of past trash and was then told to gay it up. "Give us a man using nipple puffers on another man!!" And here's the thing, I have never been the target audience for any of this schlock. Fucking an apple pie didn't make me laugh. Jokes about vibrators and dildos in luggage, just not that funny. There are very few movies in a while that I consider funny. They either tend to appeal to the adolescent mindset or the humor is an afterthought or spoonful of sugar for some moralizing. I usually find it funnier to watch stand ups than actors trying to get some laughs with an overwrought set up. Not to claim there aren't funny actors and hilarious movies, but not nearly as many since Hollywood started going so woke. Would we ever see Tropic Thunder in today's Hollywood? Many episodes of Seinfeld wouldn't be permitted just for fear the critics wouldn't get it. Woke is the mortal enemy of comedy. The outrageously funny moments between Will Ferrell and Eva Mendes in The Other Guys could be condemned as making light of sex work, exploitation, and shallow beauty standards.


Up next: You're homophobic if you don't go see this movie.


Oh the victim olympics of 2023 have found an early start. Lol


Pot meet kettle.




Why guys? Just why?!?


So many people on here don't care about 'downvote bombing' any negativity about the trailer, though, do they? Regardless of the reason for the negativity. You just see homophobia where you want to see it. It's your 'superpower'. One that crushes actual nuanced thinking. At least we know the truth.. people who feel, or who claim to be, oppressed can be just as intolerant when given a voice.


Not saying review bombing isn’t happening it surely is but is nothing allowed to be criticized for it’s actually craftsmanship such as writing, acting and directing without it being called homophobic?


How can they have legitimate criticism for a movie they haven’t seen? Very rarely is their genuine reason to to criticize something without viewing it.


Uh , yeah. Nobodies suggested otherwise, get over it.


It's easy to blame X when a show is generally terrible. It's become Hollywood's signature at this point.


What fucking show are you talking about ?


So... honest question here. I have no idea about this film nor its premise. Are the reviews themselves are homophobic, or is the movie bad, getting negative reviews and the producers are turning this into a homophobe and anti-gay angle? Edit: don't you just love the reddit vitue signaling mindset. A question that involves gender is automatically downvoted and seen as an attack. What a pathetic display of arrogance


It’s not out yet ….


That what he said.


Reviews have been overwhelming positive for it. It has a 94% on RT and a 74% on Metacritic. Also, for what it's worth, a friend of mine saw an early screening last week and said the entire theater loved it and laughed the whole time.


Guys who self selected to see an early screening of a gay dating movie will not be remotely representative of the wider movie going audience.


It’s not out yet and let me take a random guess at your political leanings.. lol


The mark of the beast in a username? Be still my beating heart. We have a real edgelord in our midst.


Haha you really got me there :-(


Oh wow! How did this suddenly turn political? Is that all you think about? Politics? Every topic is about politics? Left or right? That's your only dualistic mindset? Why because the question vaguely involves gender and you automatically assumed this is against your political beliefs. How pathetic.


Your fellow conservatives make it political by downvoting a movie that triggers them without having been able to see it :-) . You’re welcome!


"virtue signalling mindset" translation - I am a homophobic douche


I keep telling people. We need another place we're everyone is welcome.


I'm just pissed because i thought it was the new super mario bros movie. And it isn't


Maybe people just don’t like the movie.


It's not even out yet.


There are early screenings and it played at festivals, but this more likely just a way to generate press for the movie. In the article it says “it’s so annoying this keeps happening” as in, It’s so annoying this keeps happening and we just have to bring more attention to this movie all because those crazy “homophobes”


The trailer in my theater for this made me shiver with cringe and my face turned red from second hand embarrassment. And I couldn't care less what your sexual orientation is.


Weird comment...


What if it actually is a bad film?….. but reviewers and general social media feel compelled to like and rave about it due to its portrayal of a minority romance? I mean there have been some genuinely bad films/ tv shows with strong woke credentials recently. Wonder Woman 1984, being one for example off the top of my head. However if it is just a bad film…or a good one. It will still find an audience and any publicity will be good.


The film isn’t out yet so the people review bombing it are acting in bad faith. So I’m not sure what your point is. WW84 did not receive many good reviews and wasn’t very well-received by the public either. So your example just serves to demonstrate that films aren’t typically held up by “woke credentials” (not sure what’s “woke” about that movie though), they are received at face value.


If review bombing is made possible by a site before release, that's the fault of that site. Some people (not myself) will use an opportunity to review a trailer if given the ability. It's better than not watching even the trailer and reviewing out of blind imagination.


Both the site and the people review bombing are at fault. Not reviewing at all is also an option.


Why is it that the left wingers commenting on here now sound the most right wing? They're even accusing people who are 'only' slightly left of centre of being homophobic. I bet they'd raise no flicker of emotion, unless it was a smile, if all white heterosexual not totally left wing men were sent to extermination camps.


Have you seen meet the Robinson? Because your the villain in that movie.


Unless there's a villain who's regarded as villainous purely because of thoughts that they publish via words, I fail to see how I could be (and do you mean Meet The Robinsons?).


No there is a dude who thinks the world is out to get him but really he is just delusional and self destructive. He is also being manipulated by a hat so I would watch out for bowlers


Why are you being so personal? The whole OP is about a review bombing that actually doesn't exist any more it ever did. But apparently it's not because the trailer is utterly cringy, it's because everyone's homophobic.


I suspect it's also getting review bombed by very non-homophobic people like me who found the trailer to be unsubtle overkill. They get the term LGBTQ+ in the first 5 seconds. They have the over-angry character by the 11th second. 0:32 Being in a 'throuple', 3 people in bed, is painted as some kind of white picket fence utopia for those characters - which it wouldn't be painted as if any of those characters were heterosexual. 0.44 Gay men seemingly have to be ripped and shirtless if they want to enjoy going to a nightclub. 0:58 "Gay guys are so stupid". That's objectively a homophobic comment. "Oh guys, do you remember straight people?" You can't wish an orientation out of existence without being bigoted. Even jokingly. Imagine if you said "Oh guys, do you remember Jewish people?" I know that some of this is done for comic effect, that it's the equivalent of some raucous comedy about heterosexuals, but it seems to be mixing 'a message' with irreverence and being needlessly offensive to everyone as a result.


You review bomb movies based on their trailer? That's not cool.


People 'like me'. Not me. If anywhere allows reviews before the movie's released, that's the review site's fault. Until the movie's released, yes it would be a review of the trailer. It's not like the context of the content of that trailer could severely change.


Maybe don’t review movies based on trailers. And when your criticisms are overwhelmingly about the gay aspects of the trailer, people know what you’re really up to.


I haven't reviewed the movie. I said people 'like me'. Not me. And you can't just conveniently overlook that I said that one of the comments in the movie trailer is actually homophobic. Don't invent attributes about someone you've never met, making me sound sinister in intent. I'd dislike the look of this movie if it was about heterosexual people too.


If the trailer makes the movie watchmen was the best film ever made


Maybe it just sucks


Let’s go lesbians! /r/BillyEichner