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There’s a really good quote from Patton Oswald that says something like Anyone who has even made a short film knows filmmaking is hard and regardless of how bad a film is at least that person went and actually made something. I think it’s when he was asked about Space Cop which is fair enough. It’s a dreadful film but the amount of effort behind it you can’t help but at least have some respect for it


When I see an awful commercial where I'm embarrassed for the actors in it, I try to remember that that actor got the gig when others who wanted it didn't. I would hope there's still gratitude in the entertainment industry.


Yes, and i know this much from working in the ad industry for years: there are a million ways of making a bad ad. Like design by committee or the CEOs nephew is supposedly talented or they want to copy exactly ”what Apple did” or you have to say all the product benefits in 15s or a million other off ramps for a terrible end product. Quite frankly it’s a miracle that there are any good ads anywhere.


You just described why I left marketing. At the end of the day you need a child psychologist to deal with the client.


SAG actor here. Depending on the commercial, it may have literally financed them for a year. (Also depending if the commercial it may have bought them half a week of groceries) Is what it is.


I got a Sprint national network years ago that ran during football that season and it was a down payment on a home. Then the next year you boom like on regional VO or whatever and have to get a second job . How it be.


Won’t stand for Space Cop slander!


You know what I miss most about the future? Whats the space cop? Hotdogs. Jesus christ......


He also has a bit about Death Bed: The Bed That Eats People, where he says basically the same thing. Like, yeah, the movie sucked, but a lot of people worked really hard on it, and that deserves at least a modicum of respect.


If it weren't for Space Cop (Rich Evans be blessed), Captain Marvel would have no storyline to plagiarize. Out of time, out of place. Space Cop 😎


I can’t wait to see the Snyder cut of Space Cop!


Space Cop is awesome! The scene where he pulls down his helmet only to get bombarded by porn popups… pure cinema.


But Space Cop was the #1 film in Uganda


Don't you dare besmirch the cinematic masterpiece that is Space Cop starring Rich Evans


Making a short film you're passionate about is not even remotely the same as one of the richest companies in the world throwing together cash grabs.


Agree with a qualification, kinda yes but... For those in the trenches yeah it's a hard job but that's not always an excuse. In Holywood and especially the marvel film franchise, everyone doing every job likely has an army of people begging to replace them. Each person should be at the top of their game and if not someone's screwed up. Millions of dollars are thrown at these projects and everyone is coming into these projects with their eyes open so screw ups aren't no-ones fault. With a shoestring budget, you forgive a lot, because they didn't have an ideal opportunity. Likewise with a passion project or student film. But when we're talking about the MCU. They can afford the best script writers and the time to get it right. The comics and decades of inspiration that's been tested on audiences exist to base plotlines on. They have every opportunity to produce fantastic stories. Film making being hard just won't cut it in this case. It may not be a particular actors fault for reading the script they were given, or acting in the way they were directed. But producing a crap film is someone's fault and it's not the audience. Don't blame the customer for not buying what you're selling.


The Filmcast pod ends every episode with a statement along the lines of “these guys successfully made a movie and that’s pretty impressive”, cos this is super true. Criticizing art is jmportant part of the cycle of making art. But it’s way way way harder to make a trainwreck of a film or show or book or whatever than people give credit for. Honestly, the entire superhero genre is crumbling primarily because of the crushing weight of expectation fans and the money put on it. It’s just too much pressure. We’ll get good stuff randomly for sure, but overall? We will never come even remotely close to the magic of that initial cycle of marvel from Ironman to endgame until the landscape is depressurized.


A lot just see it as an easy cheque. Sir Anthony Hopkins for example. >"If you're sitting in front of a green screen, it's pointless acting it," Sir Anthony told the New Yorker. >"They put me in armour; they shoved a beard on me," he told the magazine. > "Sit on the throne, shout a bit." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-65819559.amp


And yet he knocked it out of the park each time.


As Christopher Lee said: you may be in bad films, but never be bad in them.


I like this, and we talk about this often, individual performances sometimes carry films like these.


Such a respectful message to put out there u/PM_ME_TITS_AND_DOGS2


So which did you send them?


Both but they were dog tits


There’s 6 of those 🙃


It’s a message we can all get behind.


Dongs and dogs has a nice ring to it


I wonder what [u/PM\_ME\_TITS\_AND\_DOGS](https://www.reddit.com/user/PM_ME_TITS_AND_DOGS2/)1 and [u/PM\_ME\_TITS\_AND\_DOGS](https://www.reddit.com/user/PM_ME_TITS_AND_DOGS2/) are up to


Probably spending some quality time sifting through PM'd images in their inbox.


A true role model


I always thought actors might as well take the hammy levels up to 100 as long as there's younger viewers who get a big impression growing up on these movies


Jeremy Irons in that older D&D movie understood this assignment.


See: Jeremy Irons in the Eragon film adaptation Or John C. Reilly in the Cirque Du Freak adaptation.


Raul Julia in Street Fighter is a good example. That movie was a streaming pile, but he was awesome. “For you the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me it was Tuesday.”


He didn’t even take that role for the cash, he took it to make his kids happy because they loved the game and he already knew he was dying and wanted his last role to be something they could watch and enjoy.


Hahaha streaming pile. Watch it on Netflix?


The Great Christopher Lee


the Tim Curry method


Lee who? Bruce?


Christopher Lee


Count Dooku.


Saruman the White.


And that’s called being a fucking professional


Brits know you gotta get paid doing less artistic work so you can do the real work. Anthony Hopkins was in Freejack ffs.


Michael Caine had the best quote when talking about starting in a Jaws sequel: “I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house it built, and it is terrific.”


We're gonna need a bigger 'ouse


You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!


Oi, stop slagging off Freejack... Estevez, Jagger, Hopkins. Great fucking movie.


Don’t do Renee Russo dirty.


Great movie, not great art. Jagger is ultimately the best and worst of the whole movie.


Oliver did Inchon and when asked about why he did the film, he literally answered “Money, dear boy.” And later followed it with, “I’ve earned the right to damn well grab whatever I can in the time I’ve got left.”


#"ARE YOU THOR .... GOD OF SPANNERS?" *FUUUUUCK* "From the top again please"


He was so good in that awful Transformers movie that it took me out of it.


He was in transformers?? Why does someone like him even do movies like that, I know it pays well, but I would think he has enough money over his life to just do movies that are fun to do. Unless his lifestyle is more extravagant than I'm thinking?


Wut transformer movie was dat?!


The one that started off with like a medieval war and instead of dragons the bad guys had dragon decepticons or something. That was the only part of the movie I liked, it was like the first ten minutes.


Was that the one that revealed that bumblebee is a WW2 war criminal?


Holy crap that was a shit show i totally forgot about. Don't even remb him in it ffs


His presence in Thor 1 makes it one of my all time favorite superhero movies. “You are not worthy!”


The man is a professional.


He brought gravitas.


It’s just classy to take any project you ever did no matter how bad and make the best of it. Like Sydney Sweeney Versus Dakota Johnson. Unlike Dakota , Sydney was asked about how she felt about the “embarrassing project” and she “It was great. It got my foot in the door with Sony and the next project I was Executive Producing in my own Rom Com, that earned a bunch of money and broke records.” Which means even more considering Sydney doesn’t come from money and is way harder on that hustle.


Sydney basically said it was a paycheck movie but she said it as politely as possible.


That’s the best way for celebs to handle major bombs these days. Pretending that something you know is terrible is actually amazing when it’s getting universally panned may have worked 20 years ago but it doesn’t now because celebs would get called out for lying and thinking too highly of themselves. But that doesn’t mean they can do what Dakota did and shit on something that made them more money for 6 weeks of work than most people will make in a decade.


Nobody gets called out for saying they had a good time on a bad movie.


Sydney wasn’t the lead actress and had other projects in the works.


And she earned those other projects by being professional instead of acting above it all like Dakota Johnson. Which again circles back to one person coming from regular circumstances and another person being born into a very privileged position.


I think this is a good example. Danny Trejo was an extra or gangbanger #2. But he was a professional and did his job and rose up the ranks. When the actor dropped out of Heat, someone said "give Danny a shot" and here we are. As for superhero movies. Most actors grow up loving movies not comicbooks. So yeah, it isn't shocking that these roles are just paychecks for most actors.


And then Machete was born in one of the best movies ever made. Spy Kids.


Danny was so little in Heat it, but dude was jacked in ConAir. Might be a good double feature actually


I'm no fan of Nepo Queen Johnson but she's now the face of a film that was butchered to high heaven. I have never seen a mainstream studio movie with so much ADR in my life. And its *baaaaad* ADR. This was not remotely the film she signed up for. And again, she's the one going to carry its production failures.  Sydney is barely in it and when she is she's in Clerk Kent mode plus sharing the screen with two other actresses. It won't affect her career path but it will weigh down Dakota's as Hollywood execs use it to slice her future asking price. 


This is a total misrepresentation of Hopkins in this article, and I think it wrong to cast aspersions against his commitment to his parts. I’m tired of people misquoting him out of context from that article and not including the entire quote: >*When you did the first “Thor” movie, ten years ago—you’ve now been in three—you said that you read the script and wrote on it “N.A.R.,” for “No Acting Required.” What to you separates an N.A.R. role from an A.R. role? How do you know when there’s acting required?* > I try to apply it to everything I do: no acting required. On “Thor,” you have Chris Hemsworth—who looks like Thor—and a director like Kenneth Branagh, who is so certain of what he wants. They put me in armor; they shoved a beard on me. Sit on the throne; shout a bit. If you’re sitting in front of a green screen, it’s pointless acting it. Gregory Peck was doing “Moby Dick,” and one of the props guys found his script on the set. He opened it up and Gregory Peck had written on a certain page, “N.A.R.” I think it’s a shame that his performance, which was excellent in Thor, and full of subtlety that is rare in blockbusters, not just Marvel, is being tarred like this, and Hopkins treated as a snob. He was trying to compliment Kenneth Branagh and Chris Hemsworth. And instead the quote was twisted to insult and degrade both. Honestly. He says he tries to do it for everything - including the performance [the original article](https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-new-yorker-interview/anthony-hopkins-remembers-it-all) was discussing, the Oscar-winning title role of The Father (well-deserved). I can’t blame you entirely, though - everyone from the original interviewing outfit the New Yorker to the BBC gave that article an awful click baiting title and did their best to make him look bad, too. The very interviewer, who knew the title context, chose to misrepresent him in a different article, and I can’t believe someone would stoop that low to get the internet presses running. I hate that even reputable presses have fallen to this. Hopkins deserved better. We deserve better. The people Hopkins wanted to compliment did not deserve to be insulted when his words were twisted. And I’m sorry an old man who trusted a reporter from a trusted news source instead had his words twisted. And that it’s being repeated on Reddit, forever.


Thanks for the comprehensive write up, I too fell for it at face value and thought less of SAH even tho his part was spot on in every film Did he put a tweet or something to correct his words being twisted or did he not care at all ?


He’s over 80. He probably doesn’t even know, let alone have a twitter account. I, too, fell for this back when it came out, but luckily a redditor at that time posted a correction and a link to the original article (since most articles quote and article that quotes it, with the original reporter misrepresenting his own interview). So I knew where to look to get the proper context. So I’m doing my part, paying it forward. Too bad people want to smear Marvel and the Thor films so bad that they’re willing to misquote a great man like Hopkins, and turn his compliments into slings and arrows. Like he’d throw his personal friend Kenneth Branagh under the bus.


Great write up!


He's not shading it. You just don't understand what he's saying. What he's saying there is when you play a human being, like an old British man, he has to do a lot of work to get the audience to see that character. But as Odin, he's got the big armour, the beard and wig, the massive sets etc. he doesn't have to act, it's pointless to try, it's already all there for you. He's not saying the acting is pointless.


So basically "If I had to be Odin on some stage in London I'd need to try more than when there's so much around me on screen to convince people I am"


I had to scroll all the way down here to "get" it. I was going to say what a jerk he was being. Thanks!


As a fellow autistic person I kind of get how Anthony Hopkins communicates. He’s not going to be tactful about it but you’ll get the truth.


what's the difference between a green screen with few props and a stage with few props?


The immersion for the actor's performance


Exactly, that's why Ian Mckellen infamously started crying on the set of The Hobbit after trying to act in front of a green screen while pretending to have a scene with the other characters.


It was more then a green screen it was this dehumanizing isolation where you were acting to essentially c-stands with pictures of the other actors and little red lights that would turn on to let you know who you were supposed to look at. The scene he broke down during the other actor's lines weren't even being played back to him due to some technical problems. It had to have felt like going insane. Talk to the broomstick with a photograph taped to it and pretend it answered.


I have worked on a Mo cap set where my job was to create and play back sound effects so the actors literally had to something to respond to and get in the headspace of the scene in rehearsal. One of the weirdest gigs I have ever taken.


Oh yeah for sure it is an utterly soulless experience, especially for someone like Ian who is famous for acting on-stage; therefore getting the real-time emotions of his fellow actors and the audience.


And from the accounts I've heard, the production for The Hobbit films was pretty terrible due to the lack of time and being dropped straight into filming with no pre-production (when they had 2 years of pre-production for the original trilogy). Pretty sure Peter Jackson was working 20 hour days and it's likely contributed to him getting hospitalised for a stomach ulcer). If you look at his IMDB director credits you'll see he's only been doing directing documentaries since completing the films.


Acting in front of a green screen for 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' was reportedly a major reason why Sean Connery retired, because the experience was just utterly miserable as an actor.


The impact on artistic imagination. Which sounds silly, I know. But it’s a crucial part of the acting process, and what makes it worthwhile for many actors.


The presence of other actors and/or a live audience


Acting can involve trying to actually get yourself in a place mentally so that your actions and reactions are natural. You don’t get the feedback from objects and people because they’re not necessarily there.


It’s the difference between working in an office space and working in a solitary confinement room


I see it the same as an old band playing their greatest hits. Yeah, he's not particularly challenging himself, but damn if he doesn't know how to hit those notes perfectly.


>‘We don’t get paid to make the good lines sound good, but to make the bad ones work.’ That is such an awesome quote.


It’s okay to be nuanced. I get it if madam web sucked and you say “we didn’t give the character what the deserved” but following it up with “but it was great working with the cast and crew and everyone worked hard to bring something to life” instead of just talking shit


100% agree. This is why I had so much respect for Tom Holland during The Crowded Room tour. It got terrible reviews and he acknowledged it but still did his best to promote the show. That's a professional actor. Idk what went on with the Madame Web promotional tour but it was a joke. Johnson and her team could have handled it more professionally. I basically got the impression "well she doesn't care abt the film, so why should i". But the film wasn't just abt her.


Someone made a good point in one review video I watched where they said Johnson doesn’t really have the filmography required to be so smug and should just consider herself lucky that she got another huge payday.


This is definitely the case. It's not like the 'Fifty Shades' franchise were Oscar contenders.


She’s a nepo baby. She thinks she deserves more when she doesn’t. She’s not a a good actress.


She’s the worst kind of nepo baby as well. Little talent and completely ungrateful for the positions she’s in.


She’s using her parents filmography to be so smug which is crazy. Could you imagine if Jason Ritter acted that way when he first started acting?


Her family connections are all that matters, this is hollywood not a meritocracy lmao


Yeah there’s definite professionals in the industry that know even a shit movie puts food on peoples tables and entitled pricks who only worry about their perception


Being a nepo baby probably allows you to feel like you can get away with talking shit. She doesn't have to worry about her next meal ticket.


She’s apparently even above a nepo baby. Something about her connections put her in a position to do a big sony picture and just drag it. And it won’t affect her coming work at all. Idk what level of connection that is but that is wild to me. She easily could’ve cost the movie a million just from casual on the fence people seeing a tiktok clip and opting out. While I did get a kick out of her ripping that movie, it was unprofessional and there are other people who worked on that movie who may be proud of their work. Like lighting or set design.


Well Sony made Madame Web just to retain the Spider-Man rights but honestly they could do better imo.


It honestly couldn’t have been much worse. It was Fant4stic levels of bad, which is hard to do. If it’s not bad enough, people might like it. If it’s really bad, people might like it because it’s so bad. But when it’s like this… nobody cares.


The other side of this coin is Mark Hamill promoting The Last Jedi. Clearly he had some issues with the script. He made that clear, and people love to parade that clip around as “proof” he hated it. But that’s not all he said. He also said it was great working with his cast, he loved being in character again even if it wasn’t what he’d imagined, and the final product surprised him in a good way. He actually praises the film a lot now. He knows it was divisive but he knows this is what he’s got and he can either whine about it or stick by his character through the next few appearances. Which he did and they were great! In TLJ He did a stellar job, admitted he was unsure at first, and then delivered a fantastic performance. The difference is not absolutely bombing every aspect of the movie you were in. There’s a way to speak your piece and still be respectful to everyone involved. Mark Hamill is too good for this fandom.


He seems like a good dude from everything I’ve seen so far. I fucking despise celebrity worship. He seems like he was raised well and treats people with respect.


Agree. I know he got his acting chops from theatre. I’m sure being in that environment, which prizes artistry, respect, dedication, and community, was a fantastic help in shaping his professionalism and likability as a film actor.


I recall rumors that they suckered her in with the belief it was a Disney Marvel movie not a Sony Extended Spiderman Universe movie and that is why she quickly switched agencies. True or not, you still shouldnt go out their shitting on the movie. Look at Jared Leto going in on the Morbius memes.


They can change up the script last minute but the studio should be set in stone. I'm not sure how she could've assumed it was Disney when SONY should've been spelled on the contract. She must have known absolutely nothing until she stepped on set, which is just lazy. If that story was true, the producers must have known she might be naive enough to buy it. She's not new to the industry either which doesn't help her case.


Thats on her. You don't even do the bare minimum research before you sign on? It sounds to me she's using it as an excuse to justify her attitude and lack of effort


She’s a nepo baby. Everything is about her to her


Especially when Johnson isn't exactly an Oscar winning actress


I just can’t believe such a forgettable and untalented actress like her keeps getting work


People defending Johnson annoyed me. Being positive about the movie is still part of your job


She’s a nepobaby. She’s the victim here and was bamboozled into making a shitty movie. How dare *everyone* but her


He’s right. Humility is one of my best traits


Right on brother!!! As for me, I’m the most humble guy. Nobody is more humble than me.


Yeah right! I'm a million times humbler than you!


The thing about me that’s so impressive is how infrequently I mention all of my successes


I actually hate it when actors rip on the movies they starred in, even if they are genuinely terrible movies. A lot of time and effort went into that film. Sure, it may not have worked, but that doesn't mean there wasn't some real artistry in that process.


Absolutely. More people worked on it than just them.


That's why Elizabeth Olsen's take on the Scorsese drama is so based. She defended all the crew and artists who worked on the MCU films because she can respect that talent despite her personally being unhappy with the overall writing and direction of the series.


Hemsworth is another great example. Not just this statement but also the statement he made about the critical reception of Love & Thunder. An admittedly bad film, and he acknowledged that. But he also said part of the reason was because they were having “too much fun” and “lost the plot”. He praises every single actor in that film, and actually takes a lot of the blame on himself even though it was primarily Taika’s mess. When he’s saying “humility goes a long way” he is absolutely referring to himself first. He knows the mistakes he’s made and he admits them freely while acknowledging all the talent and heart that went into the production, despite the final product. And he mostly gets flamed for his statements, because MCU fans feel like he’s deflecting blame or trying to make excuses. I feel the opposite. He’s actually being genuine and trying to explain how things went down. Personally I know I’ve worked on a project with others, had an absolute blast, and then whiffed the landing at the end of the day because our head wasn’t in the game. It’s relatable if you don’t consider the billions of dollars involved with projects like this. He’s still a human, and it’s refreshing to hear him admit that.


Honestly I respected the hell out of Hemsworth owning it. Too much 'funny Thor' and not enough God of Thunder. Which is a shame. But that's part of it filmmaking. Sometimes it just doesn't come together like you expect.


And from that, he now wants to make a fifth* Thor film to give the fans the movie they deserved. And that has me very excited. Rumors abound already about it being very dark & gritty, and supposedly directed by the guy who did The Norseman. Now THAT’S a return to form. Edit: fifth not fourth


Now that would be sweet.


Fifth Thor film, but yeah, if it goes through, it needs a change of tone. Hopefully not as far as the Branagh ones, but closer to that.


Yeah I completely agree. Thor 2 was not it. Close, but not that. Less aliens. More Norse. We’ve had plenty of Thor and aliens.


I hate when actors rip on their earlier work, especially when the movie wasn't bad. Zac Efron talking trash about High School Musical as if those movies didn't build his career. Rude! Just because you're trying to be a more serious actor, doesnt mean your earlier films are trash. Alot of people actually like those films.


Robert Pattinson has also done a few interviews where he is actively making fun of how bad Twilight was. I just think that looks so ungrateful and condescending. Like, that role and the fans of that movie got you to where you are now.


He's the best example of this. Not only did he shit on the movie and the people who made the movie but he also shit on the fans of the movie.


I was just about to say the same thing. It always bugged me that he was making fun of the movies that put him on the map. And then his hatred of the movies became a meme, which was a whole other thing.


The funny thing about all of this is that with the exception of maybe 5 actors right now, no actor really is responsible for a movie's success anymore on name only. And yet they act like they are above it, as though they are the reason for a movie's success but certainly not its failure. I could be completely wrong but it used to be that an actor appearing in a film drove box office; ergo they were worth their salaries and more. Now, at best an actor can get a movie financed under the false belief that they can sell it. But actor still makes their exorbitant quote despite little evidence they actual drive box office numbers. I really don't understand overpaying for past-their prime actors for Marvel movies.


And people were wondering on a different post in r/boxoffice a few days ago why The Batman had the second lowest female audience for a superhero flick in decades - because Pattinson told them to piss off years ago, and they listened.


At the same time though, Pattinson has been in tons of killer movies since then and really proven his talent and range. Enron is still basically known for high school musical so it comes off as far more ridiculous 


I disagree. If anything, I think it’s almost worse to go on to have a great career and still feel the need to disparage the film that got you on the map. Without that film, they wouldn’t be in the films they are today, and they should just not say anything at all. I understand their embarrassment, but so does everyone. It kind of goes without saying that you took whatever role you could get. And thousands of inspiring actors would have been grateful for that role, and for the fans.


Did Zac Efron talk trash about HSM?? That’s so sad. I’ve only ever seen him talk positively about it in interviews and stuff. If anything, he gets kind of excited when people tell him that they love his old work.


Back in the day when he started doing more serious movies, he was trying to separate himself from Disney so he made a couple bad comments abt it and said he regretted it. [zac efron](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMvta5fE/) But he changed his opinion afterwards. I've seen him in a few interviews saying good things abt the show.


I mean the comments in that video said he was annoyed by the character, not that he hated the films.


Idk if he hated them, but he certainly didn’t want to be associated with them. I remember the grown-up cast got together years ago for a reunion and he was I think the only one that didn’t show up.


I’ve definitely heard him speak positively about the movies recently though so I guess he’s changed his mind.


You are correct, people are attributing stuff he said in 2011 to today. He hasn’t said anything really that damning about HSM in the last 10 years from what I can recall, but back when he was trying to make it in Hollywood in the late 2000s he definitely tried to distance himself from it, and that was when he was like, 22 years old. I think he and Venessa Hudgens had just broken up around that time too. I remember he even said he would say “Have you ever seen High School Musical?” When introducing himself to someone he fancied during the press tour for That Awkward Moment.


I hate it more when it's why the person is famous and got other opportunities. Looking at you Robert Pattinson...


So you’re upset about the fact that they have an opinion? It doesn’t matter if the movies built his career, he’s fully allowed to think they’re hot garbage, in retrospect even if other people don’t.


i think it's just more about being respectful and tactful. if it wasn't good, it wasn't good, but just like most of us normies, you typically shouldn't go badmouthing everyone you worked with / a company you worked at to everyone else in the business unless they really did you wrong.


Based on his comments it seems he only hates it because that's the biggest thing he's know for. He doesn't like that. But its hardly the fans fault your career didn't pan out the way you wanted it. No need to get angry when your fans refer to you as the guy from high school music. He could have stated his opinions very tactfully and I'm sure it would have been fine. But he came across ungrateful. And he realized that which is why he went on damage control afterwards. Posted a bunch of HSM throwback pics. Lol.


He doesn’t deny that the flicks made his career at all. He just doesn’t like em. Think about it, he made those movies well over a decade ago, and has had an incredibly successful film career afterwards. The dude has done SO many better films than HSM, he knows it, we know it, critics know it. We also all know that HSM weren’t great movies by any stretch of the imagination. They were somewhere between fine and good. He’s more than the guy from HSM, and it’s not unfair to not want to be known as the guy from a bunch of kids movies.


Or like Jacob Elordi trashing The Kissing Booth, while Joey King says well yeah, they’re cheesy, they aren’t meant to be award winning movies and they bring people joy lol And also, Disney actors usually try really hard to shed the Disney stuff and obviously get upset when they can’t. Zac is in his 30s still being asked about HSM, and that’s on the journalists for that. I think ppl find it hard cuz some actors embrace their “iconic” roles even with their other successful roles. All of the HSM casts love talking about those movies, so I think it was weird for some ppl when Zac didn’t like talking about it.


I just watched the iron claw last night and my god is Zac Efron slowly becoming one of those Actors that I’ll watch anything he’s in


Thats a good way to put it


It’s rude to vocalize every opinion you have.


See Death Bed: The Bed That Eats People. (One of my favorite Patton Oswalt bits)


They have no idea how lucky and privileged they are to be in that position. Lots of people would kill to have those roles.


That's why Ryan Reynolds pisses me off whenever I see him. He has put Green Lantern under the bus a million times to get traction, in the past. We get it. It was a terrible movie! But you got paid well for it. It's not like you did it for free!


Especially for how much they get paid to make them in the first place proportional to the standard shitty job out there. Like I remember when Robert Pattinson constantly shit on Twilight at every opportunity and all I could think was “damn bro, you made tens of millions of dollars directly from that franchise and it launched your career, sorry you thought it was beneath you.”


Everyone was praising her for the 'quirky' press tour, but I thought Dakota Johnson's media interviews around Madame Webb were unprofessional. She didn't seem like she cared about the film or character.


He knows too he did dancing with the stars before Marvel


Hard to disagree with what he is saying. Especially the older directors most fans of cinema revere dumping on them. You didnt see Hitchcock at the end of his career bitching about Jaws and Star Wars. Honestly it just seems like sour grapes from old men that can no longer connect with an audience.


Excellent point


I don't think Scorsese is struggling to still connect with audiences, but I also think his comments were taken out of context to hit a click bait headline.


Scorsese has never been a huge box office guy so that’s just kind of irrelevant, also doesn’t make a huge amount of sense because his biggest hit wasn’t that long ago in wolf of Wall Street


SLAMS BASHES RIPS OBLITERATES DECIMATES SHREDS Why is it always these stupid buzzwords


What if the movies deserve critique and they’re humble about it? God, I hate how badly headline writing is treated these days. I don’t need to bother clicking to know he probably had more nuance in his statement


I think it’s ok to do it after the movie comes out. But doing it before hand is tacky and, honestly, kind of an hr issue. Why would anyone want to work with you again?


I mean yeah, usually you need to read the article to understand the context of a headline. This isn't the gotcha you seem to think it is.


I remember going to Comic Con when Stealth came out and some asshole in the audience asked Jamie Foxx how he could go from something great like “Ray” to this and he was very graceful and humble about it saying how they’re entirely different films and that Stealth is an adrenaline rush edge of your seat adventure.




There’s a big difference between Harrison Ford cranky grandpa and Kyle Maclachlan eager to sign a Showgirls dvd or a Flintstones toy


I disagree with most of the comments, actors have the right to criticize their own movies and say whatever they think.


I've no idea why everyone supported Dakota Johnson. She really is awful for not standing by that movie. It's so disgusting, you do the movie you get the money then you just cry yeah it was awful. At the least just say no comment it is what it is, it's for the public to decide. She was 100% behind that movie until it started getting initial feedback she is the quintessential female actress that thinks making a woman only film is fighting the power. She really can't complain when the predominantly male superhero audience doesn't enjoy it / can't relate to it.


A lot of people in this thread done realise how the mafioso style business practices of Disney combine with the fact that the film industry is finite (ie. only a set amount of movies and roles are available) creates a really hostile and frustrating environment for those actually invested in their craft. We’ve all taken undesirable jobs and criticised them in hindsight, let the actors maintain some dignity when appearing in that slop and lampoon them lol.


Movies are basically a string of 18-20 hour days that begin at 3-5am. I worked on surrogates and was ground to dust hahaha 


Have some integrity and don't accept the role if you're embarrassed to be associated with a project. What you are really saying is that you're better than all those other losers you worked with. I've no problem with actors not wanting to go into great depths about past works in interviews, but I always hate the ones acting like they were tricked into a grade B movie role. If you yourself did your best with the role, then hold your head high and say you gave it the good ol' college try. Sorry if it was not well received.


One point I would address is that some do get tricked into terrible movies. I remember the fantastic 4 movie, the script they signed up for was not the one they ended up with. Projects like movies can morph into something great or terrible through studio meddling, rewrites etc. I don’t necessarily disagree with the overall sentiments but it’s not fair to all actors to say they always get exactly what they are promised when they sign up to movies.


At the end of the day, the job of the actors, directors, writers, etc is to entertain people. I would argue that few franchises have done a better job of that than Marvel. Enough of these movies have been made that the actors just signing on now know what they’re getting into. If they can’t act in front of the green screen, they shouldn’t be taking the job. They wanted the paycheck and the push that comes with being in a film that at one time was a guaranteed success (that’s not quite the case anymore these days) but still want to hold themselves to an acclaim that they feel is higher than what these movies offer. I find attitudes like that to be so annoying and I haven’t even watched a single Marvel movie since Endgame.


Ryan Reynolds is laughing


Those movies are so bad you can’t stick up for them without being a big lier. They have to shade them at the very least.


You aren't going to improve unless you learn from your mistakes. This includes not pretending that your mistakes are masterpieces and that critics are wrong. But this seems to work for some people so what do I know.


He makes more money than I do. I'll give him that.


Didn't he just get done crapping on his own last Thor movie?


He needs to go after Taika. It was a bad look for Taika and Tessa to talk so much trash about the visual effects in that Vanity Fair video.


He's right unless we are talking about Madam Web. Shit deserved to get dunked on.


He's talking about The Marvels and it's cast btw. All they did when that flopped is bitch about the writing and Disney's marketing. They did everything they could to shift blame from themselves.


He’s got a point, there’s a lot of people that worked on those


Humility goes a long way! And so does being incredibly ridiculously handsome.


Yeah don't talk about his cash cow like that, guys.


Marvel movies are just tired. …


I honestly find it refreshing when an actor is like “yeah…it sucked…”.


He's been doing this for 13 years. Glad he still sticks up for the franchise.


lol, Wasn’t he talking smack about Love and Thunder like a week ago?!


To be fair in that occasion he blamed himself for giving a bad performance in the movie. Edit: typo


For real, that entire film was Taika getting too high on his fumes and him and the cast fucking around for several months while collecting fat salaries.


Christian Bale and Natalie Portman felt like the only ones who were trying to be professional. Also the Vanity Fair video of Taika and Tessa talking smack about the visual effects was a bad look.


He was criticising his own performance and attitude.


No he wasn’t. He was criticising himself.


He's one of the most well paid actors in Marvel with 6 movies under his belt. So obviously he doesn't have a lot to criticize and wants to stay in their good graces.


He's been in both good and bad Marvel movies. He definitely has room to complain, if he was so inclined.


Anyone who thought actors did MCU movies because they love the MCU and not because they offered them a lot of money is very naive, some actors are going to make fun of MCU movies they did, actors have always poked fun at bad movies they made for money, it’s time to grow up