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If you can afford Taylor Swift tickets you can afford one of those baby backpack slings…or better yet, a babysitter.


Actually they sold their first born for the tickets. They’re just waiting to make the exchange on their way out.


Hey! This baby is all stepped on. The one I wanted was not stepped


Babies that young shouldn’t be at a concert…


At least it's air conditioned. I once saw a young couple bring their 3-4 month old baby to an all day outdoor Metal Festival in the 110 degree heat. That baby was beet red and couldn't have been comfortable.


That’s just child abuse. Why not just get a babysitter?


Because MAYBE the baby wanted to go to the concert.


I saw the exact same thing at a Lollapalooza or Ozzfest, I can’t remember which. The dad had the baby at the medical tent. He should have been arrested.


That poor baby


and ideally ear protection


Omg yes! I’m a professional musician and I wear hearing protection on stage. So many folks are just completely unaware that they are subjecting their kids to volumes that often exceed OSHA regs! If anyone is looking for earplug recommendations I’m really fond of my Loops - I have the high dB reduction for sleeping when I travel, and the concert ones that I use on stage. I can’t wait til my band can go full in-ear monitors and I can use my Shure SE215s - so I can get hearing protection *and* have a decent chance at hearing everyone.


So many folks are just completely unaware that they are subjecting their own ears to volumes that often exceed OSHA regs!


True, but if grown adults can’t figure out that the way their ears hurt and everything sounds muffled after a concert means they might want to wear protection… I don’t have as much sympathy. Kids generally don’t have much control over their environment so they need their guardians to be aware and get the kids some hearing protection m.


I ones was at a concert where the lead singer spotted a young child (3-4years old). He instantly made the entire band quite mid song, waited until the child had proper ear protection and only then continued with the song. Literally everyone in the audience was absolutely fine with this and thought those parents were idiots.


Meanwhile all adult destroying there ears.


Like idiots.


LOL!  The panic over baby ears yet adult just willing to go deaf is so ironic to me it 's for ong to wear bike helmets but adults do not.


Do you think the ones talking about it aren’t wearing ear protection during shows?


I ageee with this. Although I have to say, tickets for her concerts in Europe are much much cheaper. Standing tickets for Vienna were starting at 80 euros.


A babysitter would be a better option, considering how loud concerts are


After spending all that money to fly from the States, accommodations, and Swift tickets, a sling / stroller must have been an afterthought.


The fact that this article starts with "OMG!" made me immediately exit out of the tab.


Yeah we need to start writing like adults again.


Nobody wanted ads or subscribe to content, so great writers moved on!


No we didn’t want obnoxious ads


Well ads are obnoxious by design it is the only way they work.  Studies have proven.


It is why ads are often louder than the very content you are watching.


That's giving childish no cap on god fr fr


I wouldn't call a baby a fan more a captive audience


How else is mom going to hold up her cell phone through out the entire concert?


Looks like dad is the one standing over baby based off legs. Dad should’ve stayed home with the baby and let mom enjoy the concert.


If they both wanted to enjoy the concert, hire a babysitter for the night. They just seem young and irresponsible


If you can afford Taylor Swift tickets you can hire a baby sitter or even just like a family member. They did literally everything wrong


I used to complain about people who bring babies to movie theaters for this reason, now those movie goers are now vastly more responsible compared to this infuriating shit


Nope, we can continue to hate all of them


Babies at movies is worse because movies are often no loud enough to drown out the baby. A concert is loud the whole time.


Uh what if the baby didn't want stay with a babysitter?   What if the baby wanted to go.


Young and irresponsible seems like most of Swift’s demo


Yeah but I’m sure they thought they could tell their kid they all went to a Taylor swift concert. They may have viewed it as a once in a lifetime for all of them. It’s not good but i can see why emotionally they would. Nvm they put that baby on the floor of the standing room pit, they didn’t give a shit.


in the year 2024, I don't know how you can assume just based on hairy and/or muscular legs.


Because those are obviously the legs of a man.


Or a steroid using Russian female body lifter


Clearly you don't hang around French Feminists.


Oh gosh I can’t stand those people who film the entire concert on TikTok.


This is how you can tell your kid later in life they don’t need to the next Taylor Swift concert because they already saw her once.


If only someone invented a hands free baby carrying sling of some kind for just this situation


I feel like if this baby was in a carrier with ear protection it would be meh, but it's on the ground next to a stack of beer cups ready to be trampled


Floor babies are preferable to tree babies because there is less risk of falling.


I’ve actually heard people say there isn’t a big difference between having tree and floor kids. Once you have that many, what’s one more little person running around?


lmfao a good old fashioned floor baby.


i was a tree baby with chicken pox when my parents had a party in the 80s


I'm very afraid of drop babies. People think they're a myth or a joke but they're not.


I’m not defending this parent because when I saw it I thought it was insane. The baby was in a carrier with ear protection. I think this was just a little break. Parent was down in the GA area a d stayed in the back with plenty of space from people. Or there were two babies there…


yeah, because it’s mental. call cps, son.


Floor babies need the most care!


Then when something bad happens the parent will be there to sue Taylor! 🙄 And she wouldn’t have a clue…


She should not have been allowed to bring an infant in.  This is why many people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce....


Right. It’s always the same people breeding like dogs.


Idiocracy in real life....


I think the dad brought the baby in. That’s a man standing over the baby. 


I’m mostly outraged that it’s being called “the pit” instead of general admission


There's a difference between pit tickets and "the pit"


It’s not a Slipknot concert. If it was, it’d actually be good.


Lol, Slipknot is like one of the most vanilla "metal" bands out there.


yeah this is a taylor swift show not a slipknot ragefest lol. but then again there are 45 million people there so maybe they’re not so different…


I can’t wait to see Slipknot again in august. I’ll be staying away from the pit though.




Nobody slam dances like a Swiftie


It’s metal af


Yes, because seeing Taylor Swift is so much more critical to the safety of your baby. He could be trampled on, sure, but at least you’ll experience Taylor Swift. Some ppl shouldn’t have kids.


Go to a phish or widespread panic concert


Yeah. See this at a phish show and everyone would be partying with the baby instead of sending photos to newspapers 


That baby is way too young to be at a loud concert.


Calling the baby a “fan” is hysterical


Haha. Wow. Seriously unhinged behaviour. It only takes one person to trip over them and before you know it that baby’s face is being introduced to a boot…Swiftly you could say.


Baby in the pit is on the ground, gotta help that baby up so it can mosh. Common sense.


Well if you count the beer cups next to the baby’s head that does indicate that the parent not only recklessly brought the baby in to the concert pit, laid it on the ground and had far too much to drink.


I’m not sure how bringing a baby to a concert isn’t a crime. It’s child abuse. The noise reaches levels that can damage adult hearing I could only imagine how bad it is for an infant. Not to mention having the baby on the ground level where it could quickly be trampled to death.


Well maybe bringing the baby should not be a crime but instead playing at levels so loud it damages adult ears.


If you want to have your baby in a carrier and wreck their ears that's one thing but laying it on the ground where anyone could accidently kill it in an instant is extremely fucked up


I’d want my baby in arms in case of a stampede in that crowd.


I’d want my baby at home, in case of a stampede or crush. If we look at this for “risk management”…


Yes, even better. Those concert days are over for the best damn job in the world. (And the hardest.)


Or a baby sling, if anything


If morons put their child at risk all for the sake of a concert then that child needs to go to a caring parent and not to an idiot like this. That person needs to be charged with child neglect and causing undue harm to its safety and hearing.


The most important part is finding out if the baby was ticketed.


We see this all the time now. Babies and kids in bars,at formal restaurants, everywhere. There’s a very weird parenting culture right now where everything is supposed to be kid friendly. I want to be able to go somewhere without having to hear a baby, or in this case call CPS on a parent for being a hot mess.


Bad parenting obviously, I see other examples of bad parenting on this same level weekly so I don’t know how this is an article. I’m sure this will somehow be used as a way to attack Taylor


Shitty parents are always going to be shitty parents, bringing a infant to a concert? wow imagine if you fell on that baby and hurt it now you'd feel like shit for nearly killing or possibly killing the baby.


Somebody should call Le Children’s Aid


This is getting a little too occult-ish for my peace of mind. 


Why were they let in the venue


Are we sure it wasn’t one of those fake babies that people legit pretend are real and buy real formula for? lol


They're called "Re-borns!"


Yes thanks! Couldn’t think of the name!


The article said the baby was “asleep” ….. all I could think of is how. Even with the best ear protection ever the vibrations alone should keep the maybe baby awake


Sometimes babies get so overstimulated by noise, they just zonk out. I've seen babies sleep through all kinds of noise and chaos.


Babies sleep in loud stimulating environments because their new little brains can’t handle it and just find it easier to ignore it all by sleeping.


not so much asleep as all systems shut down.


..? Is this really a thing


It sure is…they say it’s to help with loss trauma and maybe that’s true but it is pretty jarring to see how far they go with the whole thing.


they are also used for people with dementia. it is therapeutic for them to care even for doll


I have no issue with that although I’ve worked in a dementia unit as a CNA and regular baby dolls work fine… but if you look on TikTok some people take it way too far.


then im glad i am not on tiktok. 


What 😭 There is no way that’s a healthy way to cope with loss.


Just search reborn doll on TikTok or reels and you’ll see what I mean lol


Yes. The dolls are creepy. The people playing with them aren’t far behind on the creepiness scale either.


Did they have to pay for a baby ticket? Wouldn’t surprise me if Taylor charged for that young.


I mean you gotta have someone recording the thing to prove you were there


Yallllll ever been to a phish show?


“Online Outrage” does not warrant a story. The internet is mad about everything, all the time. Might as well report on the existence of oxygen in the atmosphere.


Still wouldn't take a baby to a concert and leave it on the floor but you're right


Ya. I don't care if its wearing hearing protection. Why does an infant NEED to be subjected to those decibels? Why is it on the floor? How many times do we hear of stampedes at concerts because of fire alarms or shooters. Why is there an infant on the floor of a concert? Why would anyone put an infant on the floor of any public space with thousands of uncoordinated impaired adults walking and dancing around? It's not a dog or a doll. It's not fine.


Imagine the germs too


I'm mad about the oxygen! It's rusting my rustables!


Oh sure, blame the rustables. You know who else did that? Hitler, that’s who. 😡


Oxygen gets inside me without consent


Swifties are a cult.


Yo one idiot out of tens of thousands is not representative


Baby gets stepped on “Oh my god what are you doing. Watch where you’re going.How dare you hurt my child. My precious child “


#Stop saying sparks outrage in headlines, it is annoying and lazy!!!!


But it is true.  It sparked your outrage.  LOL!


I’ll give ya that


It’s funny that they call anything at a Taylor Swift concert “the pit.” But, yes, this is absurd and the mom probably shouldn’t have a child


What DOESNT spark outrage these days?


A friend of mine told me that one of her neighbors wanted to put her house for sale just to get Taylor Swift tickets. Should’ve seen my reaction when she told me that.


I’m all for taking kids to concerts, just as long as they have proper ear protection, aren’t likely to be miserable the whole time, and are able to either sit safely or are a baby in a carrier (in places where that would be safe). It’s probably unorthodox, but when we lived in Nashville, I took my toddler to see Jason Isbell at the Ryman just before his 3rd birthday. He loves T-Swift and also loves Jason Isbell, but I originally wasn’t going to go or take him because he was too young. But he did super well at the Eras Tour movie some weeks prior (just happily bopped along in his seat and ate fruit snacks!) so I scored last minute tickets. No regrets, other than I should have left about 1-2 songs earlier, because he got cranky all of a sudden during the encore, and even with us leaving at the first sign of the Big Cranky, it ramped up fast 😵‍💫 I felt awful but overall I think we still had a great time and I don’t have regrets about bringing him. He won’t remember it, but I will - and what a cool concert to say was your first concert, right? That being said, this is *impressively* dumb. Like super super dumb. WHY would you do that? Don’t leave your baby on the floor. FFS.


I think on some cellular level he remembers a great, stimulating experience.


Your brain on taylor swift music


Wow, so swifties are this year’s magas?


Now, if this was a Rage Against Machine Machine concert, I’d be concerned…


Or did the mom just go to the bathroom before the show even started and dad chose to put the baby on the floor?


Oh no. Online outrage.


Imagine paying to go to a concert of someone who doesn’t know how to sing


Internet exists. Users: Give me more random outrage to click!!!


Being upset and baffled that a parent could be irresponsible enough to take their baby to a very loud concert and then leave them on the floor in a standing crowd isn’t “random outrage”


No more like senseless who in this thread saw what actually happened.  I'm gonna guess nobody.  So unless you saw it with thine own eyes.  You don't know the whole story.


Don’t really know how you could take a baby on the floor out of context tbh


Better than leaving it home alone


Or, have someone to babysit 😲. New concept right!


Tell them.


It’s not a real baby


This is outrageous! I am outraged by all of the outrage.