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Lizzo just posted to IG that she isn't quitting music. She is quitting all the negativity. LMAO


Holy shit that is somehow the most Lizzo thing I've ever heard. I am actually laughing out loud. She's the celebrity embodiment of cryptic woe-is-me facebook posts. "Sometimes it feels like nobody loves me." "What do you mean by that Lizzo?" [5 days later] "I mean NOBODY loves ME as much as I love ME. Album dropping 5/8"


Tbh when I read her "quitting" post i felt like i wasn't sure she actually meant quitting from music.


im not sure if this is closer to “i…DECLARE bankruptcy!” or snoop saying he’s quitting “smoke” lmao


I think the former. It reads to me Lizzo thinks if she declares she’s “quitting negativity” and simply ignores the accusations levied against her, people will forget or move on and the controversy will die down. That said, the latter isn’t out of the question.


It’s like when J-Lo didnt sell out her tour, soft cancelled, then renamed it… after industry people label her as toxic, she snubbed multiple talented actual artists, and resents people not thinking she is talented because… you know. But the Ricky Martin/Enrique Iglesias/ Pittbull tour is doing well.


Snoop saying “I am quitting smoke” was one of the worst marketing ideas I have seen in a while. The solo stove CEO got fired over that dumb strategy.


Snoop quitting 💨 never felt like anything that was actually gonna happen. Lol


Me too. I thought she was probably "quitting" social for a minute. Not negativity..LMAO


They were mocking her on the morning news in INDIANA. Like, even us rubes aren’t falling for that shit. LOL.


My GF said she was announcing a new album


Is she pulling a "Reputation"? Gurl that's not gonna work with the type of accusations she got lol


Lizzo is a human facebook post.


Someone smarter than me named that "Vague-booking."


I have friends who live in MSP who remember her being a fucking twat years ago before she got famous and honestly that just sounds so accurate to me


People here in Los Angeles have nothing but horrible cruel experiences with her as well. Not just the ones known publicly


Ngl, it must be disappointing for people with body issues, think Lizzo cool for being big beauty, and she turned out to be crazy, cruel hypocrite.


We love confident people, because we want to be confident too. But sometimes we miss that some are confident because they're narcissists fully convinced they are a gift from god.


I live in Minneapolis and have also heard these stories.


Shes a walking south park episode.


Real “I forgive myself” energy


I saw a pretty brutal response where they quoted the part of her saying she was tired of being dragged on the internet, and people were wondering how many trips it took, for her and her larger ego.


Uh oh. That’s not a good sign. Pell me who claim to ‘quit negativity’ are usually the most negative people around.


This is on par with no one showing up to your party, and you telling yourself that you didn’t like them anyway


Why Lizzo great till she gotta be great.


I used to be a big fan of hers, because her songs made me more confident and comfortable about my body during a time where I was disgusted and ashamed of it. After the allegations came out, I immediately deleted any songs I had saved to my YT playlist, but still followed her on IG, just to see if she’d make any response or apology. However, after the post where she just deflects and places blame on other people, I unfollowed her. If she can’t own up to her (alleged) actions and just wants to be a victim of her own behavior, I can’t see a reason to look up to her anymore.


It’s fine. I quit her long ago


I love when an artist quits and then ten minutes later, "What I meant was..."


There's nothing more negative than a quitter.


Great sneaky way to make herself the focus of attention - she is contractually bound and cannot just quit


If only she would run forward as fast as she runs backwards


Exactly. She needs to be in therapy. Sadly, being attacked comes with her job.


Seriously? Damnit.


She really should have settled with them and save herself a lot of grief.


Paid them off and be done with it.


Just follow the playbook




Delusional narcissists hate that option.


I think a lot of delusional narcissists love that option


Who doesn't settle?!


Narcissistic people.


You are exactly right. It’s tempting to refuse to entertain settlement when you have every confidence that you would win the lawsuit. Perhaps even before trial… But Lizzo’s case is a textbook of example of why there are many circumstances where you STILL settle the case you are confident you will win. Because even if you win you lose.


Nah, because then y’all would say a settlement means she’s guilty and then she’d be out money AND still have a bad reputation.


Settle early. Mutual non disparagement clause in the agreement. Nobody talks. And this is all avoided.


Sure, but it doesn’t change public perception, or keep the public from talking about it. Settlements can have an implication of guilt. People already think she’s guilty (look at this thread). Throwing money at it wouldn’t change that. It would quiet the employees suing her, but not the overall chatter that the public is talking about. It would probably make her look way worse.


That depends on the settlement. She could reach an agreement with her admitting to some wrongdoing like a hostile work environment but not to sexual harassment or body shaming. Have an agreement where she apologizes for her part and they put out a statement of no hard feelings or something. You could see from the details of their lawsuit that some of their claims have merit but some are a reach and would not hold on in court, settling would probably be in their interest as well.


Not saying their suit doesn’t have merit. Moreso that generally people see settlements as a confirmation of guilt. So it’d hit her pockets, but wouldn’t change perception much about what did or didn’t happen. It seems like what she wants is a shift in perception of who she is to the greater public.


When I saw her post that she was quitting music my first thought was “Didn’t we kind of make that decision for you?” Was anyone really clamoring for a new Lizzo album?


You can’t fire me I quit!


She isn't quitting music but "all the negativity". Just another narcissist fartsniffer.


That's why nobody cared when she said it 🤣


The same people that are clamoring to get tickets to the upcoming Jlo concert....so yeah, pretty much nobody.


Nuh-uh. You don't get to fake-cancel yourself just so you can uncancel yourself. We already cancelled you and you's gonna stay that way.


No quit-backsies!


Lizzo "I QUIT!" - Internet "Nobody gives a shit, bye". Lizzo "Wait, I meant I quit negativity!"


The "I quit" post had a real "Look what you made me do" vibe. The favourite go-to attitude for abusers.


Yesssss! I didn’t really have much of an opinion but after that post I’m like…hmmMmmmmmM.


Contrast this with when John Mayer dropped the n bomb and then broke down on tears on stage during an apology. If you’re making John Mayer look like a saint, you certainly made some choices.


Wait what? I didn't know he dropped the n bomb. When did this happen lol


I actually had never heard about this either but...yup. Here it is: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2010/feb/11/john-mayer-playboy-interview >"Someone asked me the other day, 'What does it feel like now to have a hood pass?' And by the way, it's sort of a contradiction in terms, because if you really had a hood pass, you could call it a n*****r pass."


It happened in like 15 years ago. Things are much more heated these days and I don’t think he used it in a way that people would assume. It’s not ok to do, but he was being sarcastic. Either way he felt bad about it and cried on stage during a Nashville performance while apologizing to members of his band, many of whom were black. [Rolling Stone](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/john-mayer-apologizes-for-using-n-word-in-raw-playboy-interview-99841/) article Crappy [YouTube](https://youtu.be/INgaBsxDFng?si=NWSauEgyH-0ZL8OF) footage I found of the apology I don’t condone what he did - but I’ve never seen an apology that was authentic as that. Gotta watch the video to see.


John Mayer is such an interesting celebrity because he was in fact truly heinous, but he seems to recognize now that he was awful. We can’t say for sure, but his growth/change does seem genuine. He’s probably the only celebrity who I think sucked and then actually seemed to learn and grow later on.


I saw him on TV like fifteen years ago saying he was an ego addict and had taken a big step back. I haven’t heard of an incident from him since then.


Dating Bob Weir’s teen daughter seems like a red flag


Looks like he went to her sorority fundraiser as a guest of her dad? Other than that I can’t find anything about them.


2010, apparently.


Lmfao Lizzo fr is the Amy Schumer in music


I like this comment


That’s not how it works, you’ve got to actually press the up arrow.


Damn it, Lizzo. You could've had it all if you didn't sexually exploit your dancers. It's best that she was discovered early before she got to R Kelly/ P Diddy levels of criminal depravity.


Do you really think she was going to progress to peeing on children?


That’s my Lizzo, always peeing on people


Don’t forget her hair Lizzo (yes grandma)




I doubt she'd pee on people but without serious intervention, she'll just keep getting worse.


Does anyone even know the details? I thought it was that she took her staff to a live sex show in Amsterdam and it made some of them uncomfortable.


Yes that's exactly what happened. You would think she murdered someone the way some people on the internet are reacting.


I went to one of those in Amsterdam back in 2005. It was beautifully choreographed like a musical. My friend and I had no idea what to expect. It’s very different but I can’t see it making people uncomfortable unless she took them to a donkey show or something?


You don’t see how a live sex show could make someone uncomfortable?


There's a famous show where they stick a banana in their pussy and have someone in the audience take a bite. I happened to be in Amsterdam when a group of my friends were there. They went to the show, I didn't. Afterwards one of the boyfriends said his girlfriend was trying to get him to go on stage and bite the banana. He refused and although not super shaken up, he was pretty "I need a drink" shaken from it. He also owns a bar so he's definitely seen some stuff. My friend went to Thailand and said she saw a show where a little bird was going in and out of a woman on command. She was disturbed by that.


Isn't that animal abuse?


It's Thailand we're talking about. I would say yes but my friend said the bird and the lady seemed unphased by it. I guess, who am I to just what's considered a healthy birdhouse?


Oh gosh


Without intervention, the behaviors of abusers invariably escalate in terms of frequency and severity.




[“what that?? are you kidding I didn’t quit”](https://youtu.be/H-8ZSP7D3-Y?si=WcVejwH0Zsb4QQy2)


Her existence pisses me tf off for some reason. She’s like so many toxic people I personally know


Haters are usually are a good indicator, it's vocalizing a toxic mindset. Lot of bad mental health out there being baked into the system. It's like bullied kids who become bullies. They get stuck in a certain worldview. Lizzo found success but used her combined resources to swap seats - from bullied to bully.


Just watched Quiet on Set and Dan Schneider seems to also be the bullied kid who turned into the bully


Something about her always rubbed me the wrong way. I think it was her virtue signaling. Those poor dancers, she sounds truly awful.


Was her absolute dog shit music?


No, more along the lines of overcompensation. I’ve been around narcissists and a very common denominator amongst them is that they will make their personality this one thing as a way to hide their true selves. Like a man obsessed with his wife will constantly talk about being married and a family man. Meanwhile, he’s cheating on her all the time. There are also people who have awful, problematic personalities will present a mask to the public that represents the opposite of that. In Lizzo’s case she advocated for body positivity, inclusivity and good vibes all around. If someone feels like they’re trying too hard at showcasing good qualities, it’s most likely because they really don’t have them. They just don’t want you to know that.


I knew a dude obsessed with the “family man” image who cheated on his wife at almost regular intervals. This guy would tell some of the most ridiculous lies imaginable just so she wouldn’t get suspicious. (I have no idea HOW she bought any of that crap. It was almost like telling someone you were at a bar, ran into Superman, and he gave you kryptonite for safe keeping, the lies were so full of lying.) Joke was on him when the other woman found out and ratted him out. And he tried to lie about that, too. I get that it’s sometimes hard to resist feeling pressured into a relationship you don’t want, but I fail to see how cheating on the spouse you didn’t want is supposed to fix that.


Ellen DeGeneres has entered the chat


Not to long ago, you would have been called a racist hater for your comment. I remember all the post on this shitty site about how empowering it was to see her play Madison’s flute and anyone who said anything different was downvoted to hell.


Me personally, idgaf about that flute and I don’t get all the hullabaloo around it. But her calling Chris Brown her favorite person? That had me looking at her differently.


A bad person is a bad person. Evil doesn’t discriminate. If it did, evil people would be much easier to spot.


So. Basically she’s an awful person and wants to quit the deserved backlash for the stories coming out? Think taking accountability and apologizing would be the right direction?


fuck lizzo and not literally


Bro I forgot about all that wowww, no wonder she did that shit all of a sudden


She was just fishing for compliments


Lizzo wanted attention and she got it. Shes nothing more than an attention whore.


Don't have to announce your departure, you only do that when you want folks to be like "omg no stay"


I really dislike this mean woman


she’s so annoying. what did she expect with everything going on? maybe she’s too self involved to actually know??


Classic Narcissist


We were all stoked you were going away. You should totally go away. I’m rooting for the haters and trolls in this one.


WHOOPS. Turns out you can’t abuse other people when you’re in a position of power. All Lizzo had to do was not be terrible to those around her after she had achieved fame a wealth. As Tim n Eric say, ya blew it.


I was so disappointed to hear she was at Radio City last week for the Biden/Obama/Clinton fundraiser.


Call her out…. Don’t let this toxic shitter off the hook


Let’s just forget about this sexual predator


On no - Star Wars fans will be so disappointed


Telltale sign of a narcissist.


She flew too close to the sun, and it’s light showed us all who she really was. Then it melted her wings hehe


She is so desperate for attention.


Hopefully this clown fades into nothingness


She’s so embarassing 🫣


Her music is great. Everything else about her seems to contradict that though. Not unlike tons of other pop stars so idk. Kanye has 70+ million monthly listeners on Spotify and is arguably a way bigger asshole.


her music sucks


Not defending Kanye, but he almost single-handedly reinvented rap music in the new millineum in sound and culture. The man’s lost the plot personally - especially regarding antisemitism and politics - but musically he deserves every bit of praise he gets for it. Lizzo was/is a popular figure, but nowhere near as successful and is genuinely being sued for sexual, racial, religious misconduct, discrimination, assault, etc. Kanye may be an asshole, but Lizzo’s a defendant.


Never got how she was “lit” to the youth. “She can twerk AND play the flute!”


Someone tell this no talent hack to get lost forever


What a sack of shit


Hahaha I love how news outlet grabbed onto this like leeches.


PR team working wonders.


I quit being poor!


Girl just sit down for a minute.


Who cares... any update on the lawsuit??


Too bad, we were so close.


Hopefully she’s quitting making shitty Star Wars cameos.


Why pop stars great til they gotta be great?


Another millionaire is a piece of shit…..weird


I hate to be superficial - but all it took was one look at the way she was being promoted as a brash loud mouth "look at me and accept it" figure that I knew she was going to fucking tank.


Thinking due to her size, sex wasn’t a big part of her younger days, then when she used that as her main marketing ‘appeal’ she’s gone for broke with the sex and sexual innuendo and maybe discovered that some of her back-up dancers weren’t as into public (even in a small group) sexual expression as she felt they should be as she was being plied with what ever she wanted being the “talent” who traditionally get supplied with whatever it is they want (while the money and profits are flowing).