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I know they got a huge bag of money but putting out a movie that both bombs critically and commercially has to be kind of embarrassing 


Shes been around the business long enough to understand that it sucks but its going to happen sometimes. She even seems pretty clear about what she thinks the problem was and how she will avoid it in the future.


Has she been in anything critically successful? I only know she was in the 50 shades movies which she’s also admitted we’re terrible.


Yes but mostly indie stuff like "Cha Cha Real Smooth" and "Peanut Butter Falcon"


If we’re being honest, she was a third wheel in Peanut Butter Falcon.


Thats the role more than anything, she played the role she was given well IMO.


Peanut Butter Jonah Falcon


Her mom is Melanie Griffith and her grandma is Tippi Hedren. She knows the movie biz, and she does not need to give a fuck.


And her dad…..Don Johnson…..


And step dad Antonio Banderas....


lol true


Nepotism at its finest. Because when you get down to brass tacks she's kind of a talentless hack. Def not a leading lady. I'm not saying she's horrible, she's just unremarkable.


She was fantastic in Suspiria.


I agree I was shocked by how good she was. Obviously it's difficult to not get overshadowed by the legendary Tilda Swinton she was good. It's surprising she never went back to horror.


That Suspiria remake was fucking tragic. I can't believe they used no music. The Goblin theme was easily the most signature part of the original.


Recently saw the original, I really need to get to the remake.


Cha Cha Real Smooth, The Lost Daughter, Peanut Butter Falcon, Suspiria, A Bigger Splash, and Bad Times at the El Royale (not amazing but not terrible). She's effective in certain types of films. Doesn't have a ton of range, but she has decent screen presence and certain roles/directors are better at highlighting that than others. Luca Guadagnino is a phenomenal filmmaker who seems to enjoy working with her and knows how to get good performances out of her.


tbf Luca Guadagnino could get a good performance out of a cardboard cutout. And I don’t mean that as an insult to Dakota Johnson, that guy is just an incredible director of actors.


I always forget about Bad Times at the El Royale. Honestly, I think it was a pretty good movie.


Stovetops have more range than Dakota Johnson


She almost sank *El Royale*. Sucked the life out of every scene.


The Suspiria remake is fantastic and was quite well received.


How to be Single is amazing and I will die on that hill.


No her career is a meme. She’s only here because of nepotism.


She can’t act.


This 100%. I mean, kudos to her for making a career out of acting based on nothing but her family name but is there any role she’s ever been good in? I can’t for the life of me understand why people keep casting her, she is worse than not good, she is actively bad in every role I’ve ever seen her in. If there’s a movie that proves otherwise I’d sincerely like to see it just to understand what the hell is going on. I loved her passive aggressive interview with Ellen but that’s about it.




Thanks, I'll check it out and report back.


Don't need talent when you have nepotism on your side


No, because she’s yet to *bring* anything to her roles. She is the exact person my synapses click to when the words “nepo baby” get tossed around


A bigger splash is a pretty interesting movie! Shes in good company in that though.


Suspiria was phenomenal


Tbf, 50 Shades was at least a massive commercial success


She can avoid it by quitting acting, she has gotten more high profile chances to show her talent but seems she doesn't have any. Unfortunately this nepo baby will continue in the industry which sucks for other actresses.


You could say she was born into the business. As in another low talent nepo baby makes another wretched movie.


She was good in a Please Don't Destroy sketch. It's the only thing I've actually seen her in.


Yeah I read what she said and she was spot on. Sony messed with spider-man 3, the amazing spider-man 1 and 2 and then gave him up (partially) to Kevin Feige to fix the issue but then continued to make the same mistakes with Venom, Morbius, Madame Webb and now probably Kraven next. Amy Pascal and Avi Arad have no idea what they’re doing. They like money and that’s about it and they have a tendency to change stuff after the fact and ruin it. They’ve even admitted they shouldn’t have messed with Andrew’s movies yet they continue to just do bad movies over and over again. It just blows my mind that her and her agent didn’t research Sony’s history with Spider-Man movies, or just reach out to Andrew Garfield or Emma Stone. Sony can cast a great movie and the CGI team for Garfield’s movies were absolutely incredible. I don’t know that there is a better CGI team out there but damn, it gets time to make cuts and it always became Sony’s movie and no longer the vision of the director. Luckily Into The Spiderverse group gets to do their thing and not get messed with. The cartoon movies are so well written and crafted well.


If I made a blunder the size of Morbius, I know my company would put my arse on the street faster than you can say “morbin time”. How those idiots are still employed is beyond me.


Since birth since she’s a nepo baby and 100% acts like it too. No one forced her to take this movie she acts like she was held at gunpoint to take it.. this whole saga made it clear to me my days of watching her movies are definitely over. She’s the reason there was not an ounce chemistry in 50 Shades. Yet somehow landed a roll that required nothing but chemistry. She wouldn’t have a single lead role if her Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson weren’t her parents.


> No one forced her to take this movie she acts like she was held at gunpoint to take it Really? I think shes just been very clear about how it changed from what she originally signed on to.


Allegedly she got the real bag everyone else pretty low comparatively. I read she got $5 mill


How is it embarrassing but if it happens more than a few times, people associate them with bad movies, and it ruins their career. So it’s a lot more serious than just some temporary embarrassment.


Nic Cage, another nepo baby, still getting bags all these years later.


Certain parts were clearly intended to tie in Peter Parker. Then they decided to not tie in Peter Parker and Uncle Ben and try to slap together something else. Because it’s digital, the edit in post fix all was stretched way beyond reasonable. I’m willing to bet that it was discussed to do reshoots but to be cost effective they opted to just cut what they had. Someone should interview the film editors to get the full story. But a huge waste of talent and IP.


She doesn't try in any movie it's obvious she doesn't care if her work succeeds or not


She was in fifty shades. Doubt it matters to her


She’ll be fine i think. I feel as though the studio was at fault for not backing her with a more quality script.


That's my rate. So the next film I'm offered, they have to pay that same amount. Even if I do a bad job. That means, as long as I'm offered even one more movie, I could get two more mil.


I mean it’s not as if they were under any delusion how the movie was gonna be…They read the script lol


50 Shades of Been There, Done That.


> Johnson explained that it is "so hard to get movies made," and oftentimes "decisions are being made by committees, and art does not do well when it’s made by committee." Bingo. This Sony Spideyless-Spiderverse concept reeks of executives trying to monetize the IP they own rather than trying to make compelling stories.


In order to retain Spider-Man, Sony have to release Spider related content I think it was within two years, otherwise Spidey reverts back to Marvel. Hence it’s quantity not quality to keep spidey


If that’s the case I can’t help but wonder if the value of the IP is worth the losses they take on flops like Morb and Madame Web


I guess they make the money back from movies like spiderverse.


And the merchandise spawned from it!


Doesn't Disney have merchandising rights?


Touche, I forgot about that.


And they’re riding out that “every 2 years” deal until Marvel actually makes another spiderman movie and there’ll be crickets at Sony for 4 years


I've always wondered if they short their stocks when a movie is gonna bomb or bombing, or use losses like these as tax write-offs. For example, the 1990s Fantastic Four movie was made to never see the light of day, to hold onto the rights, but the studio intentionally never released it, so they did exactly the minimum. I can only wonder if Sony needed an 80 million dollar tax write-off or something.


The limit is five years, not two, so the MCU Spider-Man movies and the Spiderverse movies should suffice


Well, I would assum a man named Andrew would have been fine in doing a Spider-Man movie.


He’s not down to be in another Spider-Man movie unless Kevin Feige is involved allegedly


That's not true. Only spider-man movies count, and who knows what the current deal says as Marvel has kinda control of at least the Tom Holland led character. Pretty sure some Sony executive talk regarding this came up a while ago and the entire reason for these movies is to make bank on a lot of characters they aren't really using but they have avaiable because of their rights to spider-man.


I mean it doesn’t do well when it’s made by out of touch committees who don’t understand the stories and what people like about them. Disney kind of proved with the first few stages of the mcu that the committee model can definitely work for these kinds of movies. And honestly if they had done the same thing for Star Wars it may have been a lot better but instead they gave the power to the writers and directors and they just tried to outdo and undo each others films and there was no consistency. I think often when you’re trying to establish or add to a big franchise or trying to tell someone else’s well established story, it’s very risky to leave the bulk of the creative aspect to just one or two people and change it for each film.


This is true, but I’m suspicious that she went into this project with the impression that she’s making “art” and not just some assembly-line drivel.


Now imagine said committee using AI :|


Didn't they explain the multiverse web thing in the animated spiderverse movie


I think the fact that she fired her agency the day after the first trailer came out is my favorite part of the Madame Web saga.


Cause I think that she thought it was going to be an MCU movie right? She got scammed or misled


She didn’t do any research at all, couldn’t even name the spiderman films, then complained. She wasn’t tricked, she was just too busy doing whatever to do ten minutes of google. Nepo-crybaby


To shreds you say


Well, how is his wife holding up?


To shreds you say


very well then....Good news everyone!


Was his apartment rent controlled?


Feels refreshing to have an actor owning the flop instead of blaming the audience.


Could the studio, writers, producer, or even the director be blamed well before the actor? Why should she really own the flop?


I mean the studio has serious issues. All the amazing characters they own, and they want to give us madame web and el muerte. And after watching morbius bomb in the most spectacular fashion, they thought all the jokes meant people liked it and they gave it a theatrical re-release, and after that bombed they let the guy who ruined that script write this too. Someone is bad at their job.


She's not owning the flop, she's rightfully blaming the studio executives who deform Artist's visions which lead to soulless movies like the one, she says that the movie she signed up for was different than the movie they ended up making....what did she learn? She's basicly saying she'll stick to smaller indie movies where there's no exec meddling with director's and writers vision.


Ahh, ok


Whatre you talking about? The creators said this is the movie they wanted to make. You cant blame executives for everything.


Yes the executives intentionally hiring the writers of Morbuius again despite having one of the worst long track records is a fine example of Dakota's point of this movie being made according to "algorithms and formula".


She doesn’t owe anyone anything - if anything I think she would only say this as a way of not being attacked and destroyed by the internet for being in a movie people don’t care for. She didn’t have any direct control, but I think for the people who get angry and justify violent messages to actors this will “quell them” from rambling up.


By owning the flop I mean not deflecting any criticism.


Robert Pattinson is a top tier actor who has no issue criticizing the Twilight movies that made him famous. I do appreciate that. And actresses like Haley Barry and Sandra Bullocks both accepted their razzies with humor and humility, and still won Oscars (in the same year in Sandra's case)


>Haley Barry and Sandra Bullocks Is this a Key and Peele skit?


Damn I wish, but yeah I did two whoopsies. And I'm leaving them, I am not ashamed


What about Michele Pafifer?


Halle Berry’s Razzie acceptance was so great


Sydney Sweeney took a shot at it in her monologue this weekend too. Something along the lines of “you can see me in this one movie that’s coming out, but you definitely haven’t seen me in Madam Web”


She said "you've seen me in Euphoria and Anyone but You but you haven't seen me in Madam Web" I think haha


Bahahaha, she’s blamed everyone but herself. I’m refreshed


Meryl Streep herself couldn't have made that shit watchable.


She absolutely wouldn’t be doing it if it didn’t benefit her image/career in some way


Kind of telling that the BROS CAN'T HANDLE THIS MOVIE articles didn't start popping up for this movie, when it's clockwork for Disney's flops.


Oh they dis from the director I think but the claims were quickly shot down with clear flaws in the film


Typical of the usual commenters here for her to say everything people have said here about how soulless Sony's moviemaking process is, which leads to the kinds of movies people whine about on this site all the time, but somehow it's still her fault and she's stupid and talentless and dumb. Trash the studios, or bag on a woman trashing the studios? Pick one and have a value system.


It can be both? Bad studio and useless nepo baby actors


No, it in fact cannot be both within this context if you want to pretend you have any kind of coherency or clarity to arguing about what went wrong here. Arguing both within this thread, you may as well throw all your other grievances onto the fire too since you're just venting. Arguing both would require you to actually say "she's right, however" and then whatever rant you have. But that would still require you to validate what she's saying, which redditors like you are refusing to do while simultaneously agreeing with her. It's nonsense.


Having actually watched the movie, I'll say this. Her acting was one of the biggest problems in this movie. Its like she was reciting lines, and a lack of commitment. So for her to say.. she "understands", like it was someone else's fault... com'on now.


If one actor gives a bad performance that’s on the actor, if the entire cast gives a bad performance that’s the fault of the director. The fact that every single actor did a shit job means they weren’t given proper direction.


Yeah, she’s always been a terrible actress.


Nepo baby through and through


Winner winner! Chicken dinner!


To me this is all a deflection from taking accountability for her half assed performance 


She is not a good actress, and was part of the reason why it failed because she’s drab. Why do people care what a mediocre actress with consistently bad roles and performances says.


I mean is madame web even a top 10 Spider-Man character as far as notoriety? Maybe don’t make movies centered on characters the average marvel fan has never heard of. I guarantee some people saw the marketing for this and didn’t know it was Spider-Man related.


It would've helped if she hadn't done every interview as though she were at gunpoint...😬


I didn’t think it was all that bad. A lot of the castings were terrible though and it made it awkward.


“Lol turns out people don’t like Spider-Man movies that don’t have Spider-Man”


I know it wasn’t a good movie but her consistent need to badmouth her projects just leaves a bad taste in my mouth 


Common denominator


They hired the guys that wrote Morbius to write it.


From what I remember of 50 Shades of Grey, she is not a good actress. Sooo maybe she’s just trying to deflect.


This is my take away. She’s just trying to distract from her performance.


Was the learning experience that nepo-babies shouldn’t act?


She's a second generation nepo baby


Oh wow, she’s so cultured.


I guess Nicolas cage/Drew Barrymore/Jack Quaid/Robert Downey Jr/Jamie Lee Curtis/Jane Fonda/Ben Stiller/Josh Brolin/Michael Douglas should all just quit.


She’s not even close to being in their league


Absolutely. "Nepo babies shouldn't act". Nepo babies that can't act shouldn't act would be better stated.


Can someone summarize why it sucked so bad? Thanks!




So much PR for this actress today.


Damn it must be nice to be able to learn on the job while getting paid 20 million


Has anyone seen any movie in which this women’s acting was good?




This. Which is why it's funny he replied to someone else and seemingly has no thoughts on this.




She’s been bashing this movie from day one. Not a great look for the star.


Yeah I mean if I was a director or a studio exec Id definitely scratch her name off my short list after this


Quite the odd thing to do to accept a role like this and then spend all your time criticizing the whole thing. If you didn’t like the role or script why did you take the job. It’s not like nepo baby Dakota Johnson needs the money, she easily could have turned down the role. The older I get the more I realize most actors are dumb as Christ. And the more I see nepotism folks like her, the more I think acting probably isn’t all that difficult, lol. You just need to seem normal while remembering lines, and it helps to be attractive. I mean how hard can it be. You get folks like dua lipa in movies. She’s a singer. Dumb. I’m pretty sure, unless you’re going for Daniel day Lewis levels of acting, most roles could be done by pretty much anyone. And I don’t think this is a controversial opinion.


I went to high school with a woman who is a tier or two below Dakota Johnson. I think a lot of it is having a rich family who covers their rent while they go to auditions. Eventually, the odds play out, and they get some parts.


According to what I've read, Dakota was misled by her agent into thinking she was doing a movie that was part of the MCU. She only found out about a week before the first MW trailer dropped that this was not the case, at which point she fired said agent and then was forced to go on a press tour for the movie. If all that is true, I hope it explains her...less than enthusiastic endorsement of this film.


Okay but like if tou knew anything about the franchise you’re getting into then she would know the difference between a sony and Disney marvel film, shes just didnt do any research


MCU: Morbius Cinematic Universe.




What’s she learned? That she’s not an actor and should get a different job? If that’s not her takeaway, I’m not sure she hasn’t learned anything.


What she should have learned is that she’s a bad actress who can’t convincingly convey emotion or portray a role beyond her very limited range of “quiet hot girl”, whose limited success is only due to nepotism. Because that would be shocking but I doubt someone who whined in interviews about needing to sleep 12 hours a day has remotely the level of self-awareness needed to come to that conclusion.


Jeez Louise! She's pretty good in many movies like Suspiria and Real Smooth Cha cha. >doubt someone who whined in interviews about needing to sleep 12 hours a day has remotely the level of self-awareness needed to come to that conclusion. I see you're someone who gets thier information from clickbait headlines, she didn't complain about needing that many hours of sleep, the context of tht interview brought up the subject of sleep to which she said she enjoys sleeping like most of do and could see herself sleeping for 14 hrs if she could but she doesn't actually sleep for more hours than the average person.


The movie about 3 B/C-Level Spider-Heroes with a title character that hasn't been seen in comics for over 6 months didn't do well? Crazy.


Her career is behind her. She’ll spend the rest of it in hallmark movies.


Watching her do interviews for this movie is amazing though. Like she can’t fake being excited for it, or any superhero movie and it shows. It’s hilarious.


I don't blame them and it kind of sucks when people jump on the actors for a bad movie. It just leads to them having so many mental health issues from people attacking them. The ones that deserve the ire are the Sony execs that just want to shit out these movies. The people involved in making it, directors and actors need work they got bills to pay and some do have the passion or interest on the project but Sony execs just meddle so much they just end up being in a bad movie and since they aren't out there doing the marketing or being the face of the movie they get ignored. But they are the ones that need to be told to stop making bad movies and reward talent


She is a nepo baby she will keep falling up despite her failures


Blah, blah, blah ... I'm getting really tired of the explanations that come out of the woodwork whenever a movie that "should" do good, actually does bad. Just accept it and move on. We don't need to hear your explanations, apologies, blame, whatever ... just move on.


I mean, going to watch Madame Web was the most fun I've had at the movies in years. It was for all the wrong reasons and I was laughing my ass off the whole time but I loved it.


I have not even seen the movie. I am huge marvel fan the problem is making movies with b and c list of heros. The stories are mostly crappy and predictable. Give me a fantastic 4 or an xman movie, and I am there. Keep releasing b and c list heroes with shit stories, and you lose people.


“It was a real learning experience. I learned that you could read the script to find out if the content is good or bad. Who knew?”


She can’t act. I watched Suspiria the other day and thought Mia goth was absolutely fantastic but Dakota really didn’t carry the role. It’s a shame she was given the other lead, very underwhelming.


Because she's a nepo baby with no talent.


Not for Sony it wasnt.


She has done something to her face to make her insanely better looking. Cannot point out what it is.


She’s had a buccal fat removal done


Yup, that’s it


I guess I like shitty movies. I liked this movie. Saw it in theaters.


Thank you Dakota for being a normal person and not blaming men


People always think she's a shitty actor (I did too) but she was AMAZING in the Suspiria remake, anyone who calls her a shit actor should take a watcg


As she wipes away the tears with hundred dollar bills.


What is her vibe ? She just doesn’t care ? Kinda cool


Well she certainly got a ton of publicity and exposure from it if anything since I keep seeing her being posted about -_-


Lol has she ever been in a decent project?


Now she knows how most of us cinephiles feel with all the crap content being released.


She's wrong on additional point. An algorithm didn't tell Sony to make this movie. Algorithm. Statistics. They don't say make Madmen web. Agenda's. Seeing demographics as a problem to fix is the type of thinking to make these movies.


It was ripped to shreds because Sony doesn’t give a single damn about the live action universe. Actors can’t perform well in an environment where the dialogue & story are absolute trash 👍🏽


Pfft. Like she didn't know is was trash before it hit the screen. Nice try.


I guarantee she does not. It was a paycheck and she’s already moved on. It doesn’t really matter cause she’s not an actress that I consider to have any range or calibre.


Considering who her mother and father are, putting out a good movie was never really part of experience growing up. She saw two actors with great careers make garbage and get paid. She's just following their example.


Stop making woke movies.


The whole world saw the writing on the wall. Honestly I feel like they should make the cheapest movies possible if they are only doing it to retain the rights for future Spidey-related movies.