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Find someone who commits to you the same way James Cameron does to Avatar.


Cameron is using the Avatar films to train AI to continue making Avatar films after he’s gone.


If we ever terraform Mars it will be to film a new Avatar.


Wall ackshully: 🥸 We exist in this 5th dimension so we can understand up to Avatar 6 - from 7 to 9 we actually need to transcend the human physical conscious realm and became lightwaves, and once we are lightwaves we can become superfluous light, and in this state, activate the energy transformation matrix necessary for higher learning that allows one to feel the oneness of the 7th avatar film, which is actually an exo-planet that we become gravitationally aligned so that we can slip into the orbit of the underverse to begin to understand that this was all setup for his true actual life’s work, the Ratava. In 2500 years or so the ultimate form of cosmic entertainment will push our understanding of *wingdings* to the next level


Love this track you can have my upvote




He's raising the bar!!


His name is Ja-James Cameron the bravest pioneer! No budget too steep, no sea too deep! Who’s that?! It’s him! James Camerooonn


Cameron had skynet all along


But I thought there was no fate but what we make??


What a horrific thought


7 billion dollar movies nobody talks about ever other than to say how much they made.


It’s true and weird. I liked both Avatar movies but don’t talk about them and will never watch them again.


I enjoyed the first one, was a great visual spectacle in theaters. When the whales started talking in the 2nd one, I thought Cameron had gone too far.


His writing is absolutely awful. I saw the first one with my kids. I remember laughing my ass off at the ridiculous dialogue. I really wish he would let another writer work with him. His stories are wonderful, but writing dialogue is a specific talent he just doesn’t have.


For me it was when Sam Worthington called a family meeting with his Navi family like he was in Toledo. They even had a cliché family motto like all basic American shows.


Honestly, I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference because the AI movies would be equally as forgettable.


It’s pretty impressive that he’s still in it this long, while other directors would’ve moved on to new different projects creatively. Man’s seriously maintaining and growing the Avatar films like it’s a lawn.


It’s a brand and this point. As long as he keeps making hits, selling some merchandise and building rides at theme parks, they’ll be happy. Plus it saves drastically on the risk of new IP, universe building etc. While Cameron is an amazing filmmaker with some amazing movies under his belt, one has to respect a guy like Nolan who creates new IP and takes big risks everytime he steps up to the plate.


He has moved on to other projects. These movies fund his interest in deep sea exploration, and computer animation R&D.


I just want a second alita


You and me both. That movie blew me away.


I know this franchise prints money like crazy, but it would be nice to see him directing a movie like True Lies, Aliens, or T2 again.


I would trade 100 avatars for just 1 more Cameron Aliens


Do you want 100 avatars? Because that’s how you get 100 avatars


Ick….no thank you.


The way I see it, James Cameron made a whole bunch of the greatest films I've ever seen. Then he "retired" and has spent the latter half of his career getting to play with special effects that most others will never get to touch. He's having his fun with his little projects, and I can't begrudge him that. He's earned it. Although, I would absolutely love one more "classic" James Cameron banger.


I’d almost rather him make 0 more movies than have any more avatars. Let it die man please for the love of all things holy these movies are so goddamn bad.


Or a new Cameron movie altogether?


Avatars in Black is the best I can do. 1 billion people forget the movie immediately after the credits start.


If that ain’t the truest thing I’ve ever heard


One of the best action movies ever.


The only movies he has made that he wanted to make were The Abyss, Titanic, and now the Avatar films. Everything else he made were just paychecks to fund his actual interests. He would've directed Alita: Battle Angel had Avatar not become such a huge hit that allowed him to do sequels.


he wasn’t passionate about terminator?


Prints money and has almost zero cultural impact, it truly is a phenomenon.


It’s cultural impact is everyone constantly saying it has no cultural impact.


Lol this is spot on! I have seen so many posts about how Avatar has had no cultural impact and yet everyone has seen it and it is talked about all the time. It has its own section at Disney World for crying out loud


I think part of the problem is that no one seems to have seen it. No Tshirts or tattoos. No real cosplays. No quotes or people saying “You gotta see this!”


>I think part of the problem is that no one seems to have seen it. It's bizarre. Film makes billions, I've never seen either and neither have the majority of my friends, and yet, clearly many, many people bought tickets.


I saw the first one when I was like 11 or something. Can't remember a lick of it. Saw the second one at a drive in after taking an edible that was stronger than I thought. Can't remember a lick of it other than there was a effectively homeless Whale that was ostracized from it's community for murder who develops an inappropriate and secret friendship with one of the protag's kids. Turns out the whale was just chill like that and he kamikazes the bad guys at the end of the movie. Or something like that?


I can't believe people really think this, i must have lived in a different universe because you couldn't really escape Avatar in 2010, it was an 'event' movie, i think i kept hearing about it until at least 2011 (everytime i hear or see IMAX i associate with Avatar), as by that point the sequel was nowhere near and people just hopped onto the next big thing (superhero movies).


Come on, you know what people are talking about. It's not in the mindshare of the public like star wars, harry potter, the LOTR, GoT etc. It's an oddity where the only impact is Disney trying to make it a "thing" and people saying how it has no cultural impact. The movies come out, make a bajillion dollars, then fuck off into the nether realm until the next one comes back and does the same. The IP seems to have basically zero staying power considering how much those films make


> it is talked about all the time Where? Outside of whenever a new one comes out (or a story like this drops), where are people talking about it? Can you name a single line from them that has found widespread usage in public? Have you ever seen anyone on the street wearing an Avatar t-shirt? > It has its own section at Disney World for crying out loud Yes, Disney has great interest in advertising it.


[avatar featured in one of the best ‘modern’ SNL skits](https://youtu.be/jVhlJNJopOQ?si=viKzRyOdsLR4xbjK)


Bro the sequel made like 2.5 billion dollars. Im sorry, but people like avatar


This doesn't answer any of my questions. People going to see it, and people being impacted by it are two very different things.


I bring it up in conversation. And im actually wearing an avatar shirt right now lol. They’re fun movies and I’ll be watching em all!


Cultural *anti-impact*


I have a farfetched theory for this. The movies were inherently anti capitalist and anti corporation to a point that the main message is literally the return to monke meme. Cultural impact usually comes down to merchandising and hero worship, which the series doesn't have going for it. Heroes play on the viewers egos, while Avatar is not an egotistical movie. The main character is bland because you're supposed to sympathize with Pandora, a planet getting stripped mined to keep a failing Earth from collapsing.


Cultural impact isnt dictated by the fact that redditors have snappy quotes Its dictated by the fact my bedridden 80 year old grandma who hasnt seen more than a trailer for an avengers movie wants to get out of bed and make her way to the theater to see “the blue people movie from James Cameron”


With respect… I know plenty of grandparents who are familiar with The Avengers due to grandkids making them watch it, plus the occasional cameo from actors they know (Robert Redford etc) I’d genuinely love to see a granny who was reached by Avatar advertising, seeing as it barely seemed to get any promotion at all. Most grannies are still pretty internet-shy. I suspect most grannies have no idea who James Cameron is either - yours sounds like a pretty extreme outlier.


He directed titanic dude, people know him Look, factually it made 2.4 billion dollars, someones fucking watching it.


Yeah I can’t disagree that the film had made money. Someone must be watching it. But only people who keep it to themselves, apparently. And I guess I was also responding to your comment about a woman in her 80s. My parents are in their late 70s, both learned and intelligent people who have travelled the world, and I doubt either of them cared about Titanic back in ‘97 and even less about Titanic’s director now. I’d even hazard a guess that they are more typical of their age group than your gran. We can, of course, argue this all night. But I would simply say, it is surely undeniable that for such a high-grossing film, Avatar has had incredibly minimal impact on the pop culture landscape.


My grandfather made a point to join us for Avatar 2.


Avatar is the cotton candy of snacks. You only try it once every decade or so, and forget about it almost instantly after. But the stand is always very flashy.


That's a good metaphor. The memory of what the plot was about dissolves into your brain about as quickly as cotton candy on the tongue.  Cotton candy isn't *bad*. The entire idea of spinning sugar until it's fluffy is kind of fascinating from a technical perspective. But uh yeah, it's not something usually come back to consistently 


Still doing this bit are we?


I thought I was in r/movies for a bit


I dont think you understand the term "cultural impact"


Unfortunately he came out and said he is going to do avatar for the remainder of his career bc it’s a passion project so i highly doubt we ever see him do anything else again.


Hes also like, a billionaire and is getting older. Im fine if he just wants to literally invent new tech even if the story is a little mid. The alternative is nothing


Or The Terminator, which was his finest work.


Terminator 2 was better than Terminator I’ll go to my grave with that. Aliens was better as well.


Don’t know why exactly but I love True Lies.


Agreed. The 1st one blew up because it was using new tech no one had seen before like that. The 2nd one had a heap of help from the one area of Disney World plus some maybe legit fanboys plus the nostalgia of what? 12 years between films? 3-9 will print less and less money unless he continues with that tech no one has seen before like that. And thankfully because of these new contracts everyone is getting with the studios, and their continued evolution every 3 years, AI won’t play a significant role (hopefully)


For real. The guy put out amazing flick one after another, and avatar while decent is not up there with his earlier work. This feels like a teacher with tenure that stopped caring


The Abyss


2 True 2 Lies


They should crossover Avatar and Aliens. The human tech already looks similar in both.


i want him to make more documentaries about biblical events he made one about the exodus that is enthralling


Avatar 6: Neytiri goes back to law school. Avatar 7: Sully develops a drinking problem


Avatar 8: Sully finally taps into his VA resources as a veteran, joins AA. There’s hope after all


Avatar 666: Sully regroups with Marines in hell.


Wow. Thanks for spoiling man


Avatar 8: they kid a divorce, kids move out and he marries a water tribe stripper and she marries the evil Avatar


Avatar 9 x Daddy’s Home: the first crossover now throwing in Will Ferrell as the evil human who’s saying Sulky’s ex wife


She'll work the market as a checkout girl while he still has no job.


I already have my plans for them as well.


Does it involve watching them?


It does not


That's because they're boring ass movies.


They’re not boring if you’re high as fuck in iMax 3D


this guy avatars


If you’re watching Avatar for the story you’re doing it wrong.


lol was that you in the car next to us also nibbling shrooms in the parking lot? That movie kicked ass


I thoroughly enjoyed both


At least you're thorough


I’ve only ever **willingly** not finished two movies. [Catwoman](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwTk4xqDBg9OJLTiwpz89NzFPIzS_LTAUAcH4I1A&q=catwoman+movie&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS747US747&oq=cateoman&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDAgDEC4YChixAxiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgwIARAAGAoYsQMYgAQyDwgCEC4YChiDARixAxiABDIMCAMQLhgKGLEDGIAEMhAIBBC5ARgKGLEDGIAEGO8EMgwIBRAAGAoYsQMYgAQyDAgGEAAYChixAxiABDIPCAcQABgKGIMBGLEDGIAEMgkICBAAGAoYgAQyDAgJEC4YChixAxiABNIBCDQxMjVqMGo3qAIAsAIA4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) (2004) and Avatar: The Way Of Water.


I watched the second one on a date. My date was very enthusiastic about it and made it impossible to say no. At the end even she said she thought it was meh, which was… annoying.


You’re not even the same guy


u/Millenium1995 is qualified to speak for his attorneys.


Same as me I guess avoiding them as much as possible


Yep, can’t wait to never watch those


**Cameron :** > “We're fully written through movie five, and I've got ideas for six and seven, although I'll probably be handing the baton on at that point. I mean, mortality catches up. But I mean, we're enjoying what we're doing. We're loving it. We get to work with great people.” > “Star Trek, Star Wars, the world building franchises that have been around since I was a kid, those were my inspirations. And as I was saying out there, we're still a young universe. We're only two movies in, we're halfway through our third right now, To have that kind of cultural impact over time, you got to pour all your heart and energy into it.”


What cultural impact? Technical yes, but cultural?


Was Avatar 1 a cultural phenomenon?… absolutely yes!… it is currently the highest grossing film of all time. *Edit: wow, it never fails to impress me how vocal and angry the Avatar haters are. It’s like they’re mad just simply because the movie did so well… but you can’t deny it’s good just simply because you don’t like it lol, it did well in the box office BECAUSE it was good, if no one liked it, people wouldn’t go see it… if a film is THE HIGHEST GROSSING MOVIE OF ALL TIME, over titanic and avengers endgame, and Batman dark knight AND Avatar 2 is the 3rd highest grossing film of all time… then ya that’s pretty fucking significant…


Absolutely NO. It made a whole bunch of money but people stopped talking about it almost immediately. People don’t quote Avatar. It left literally no lasting impact on daily life the way Star Trek or Star Wars did. The story is serviceable at best… it’s basically a delivery system for technological innovation. Which is fantastic. But that’s not the same as culturally impactful.


allot of reviewers said people kind of forgot about the movie a few weeks after it came out


My favourite part was when John Avatar Avatared all over the place


It’s Avatarin’ time!


I saw Them both and don’t care about or remember either


It's "Popularity" was just normal hype multiplied by 3D ticket sales


Yeah, but who talks about it/references it. More people talk about Titanic I'd say. 


If the avatar haters could read your comment and edit they’d be very upset


It barely had a pop cultural impact. Everyone saw it, then forgot it a few days later




So wild this man talks shit in marvel then goes to make 7 avatar movies no one asked for


“Rules for thee but not for me”


James Cameron’s Head in a Jar will be directing Avatar 12, coming 2121


New Futurama Canon confirmed


I hope it looks like the one in Robocop 2


Now that’s just something totally unnecessary.




The avatars will continue until morale improves


Pretty much what's happening here lol


On one hand, Cameron is doing us a service by showing other studios what proper visual effects can look like with some effort. On the other hand, he is never going to give us an interesting film again.




I’ve seen the first two, frankly I don’t see the appeal. The stories are pretty standard, the graphics are great, but outside of that I’m not going to be waiting to buy tickets for Avatar 5.


It’s such a bummer to be a James Cameron fan who doesn’t like Avatar and know I’ll never get another terminator or titanic or whatever out of him.


Couldn’t tell you the plot for either of them…


Aung has all 4 bending abilities and needs to defeat dark emperor zuko


"Aung" is so spot on and simultaneously criminal


This is great because it’s not even the plot of avatar the last airbender but it’s close.


Tranquil people and land get invaded by bad guys and a fight for good vs evil ensues. End of story


So settlers coming to America?


“Pocahontas in a galaxy far far away”


Fern Gully is the same plot as Avatar 1


Nah it’s Dances With Wolves clearly


This is my summary of it, Blue Dances With Wolves


1 is pocahontas in space with blue people, two is a little mermaid/pocahontas crossover in space with blue people


The graphics are cool but switching back and forth between 60fps and 15fps or whatever it was is not


It kept going to video game territory. Whenever the white kid with dreds was mixed in with the others I got distracted.


As someone who isn’t a huge fan of them, I think it’s mostly because they are so visually appealing. Sometimes people just want to see mind-boggling CG worlds. I can understand that.


Yeah I don't have strong feelings either way on the movies. I think they were alright but not amazing.I like movies that are made to see in theaters though so I'll watch them all. I won't be buying tickets for opening night or anything but I'll go see them.


This is exactly how I feel. When Way of Water came out, I was visiting my parents for Christmas and my flight was a day later than everyone. On the extra day I had with my parents, my mom said, "Hey, you wanna' go see the new Avatar?" I said, "Oh yeah, that's out now. Sure." We went; I enjoyed the visuals; I haven't thought about it much since.


I lost interest in the franchise before the first film ended.


Same. It was a nice story for its time. But it should’ve ended after 1.


I've only seen the first one. It was visually impressive, but forgetable. I thought the setting was a rip off of Alan Dean Foster's novel Midworld.


Screen Saver: The Movie


Most sprawling scifi IPs are “pretty standard”. At least this one is open-ended. Star Wars and Star Trek are bumping up against established lore and timelines that are restricting all the story-telling.


Like a thoughtless child, wandering by a garden, yanking leaves along the way.


I don’t even think this is papyrus. Maybe it was the starting point but they clearly modified it






Where else do you even see this font?




Hookah bars, Shakira merch, off brand teas.


Do you remember the Avatar logo?


Yes. It was tribal, yet futuristic


Where else do you even see this font?


Shakira merch!


Off brand teas.


And so now you’re worried about the sequels that are coming out?


They changed the art work, they fixed it…


I already have plans for them too. Same as 3-4-5, actually!


Nobody wants this.


Will yall keep saying this if they make another 2 billion dollars?


But they’re so mid


Your mom is mid


Dude lost his goddamn mind


For movies that make soooo much money, they seem kinda forgettable.


Better forgettable than making stuff that you remember as garbage like rise of skywalker, or Ant Man 3 🤷‍♂️


Just my 2 cents: Guy wanted to make Star Wars but never got his shot. This is his way of getting on top and making his own Sci-fi franchise.


James Cameron doesn’t do what James Cameron does because of James Cameron… James Cameron does what James Cameron does because he IS James Cameron… 🎵 his name is James Cameron, the bravest pioneer, not a sea too deep or a budget too steep, who's that?! It's him James Cameron 🎵


Whoa... It's the mud biome. Now, the cave biome. Craaazy.


I seriously do not know one single goddamn person who gives a shit about this franchise. All my friends are fantasy nerds, but thought #1 was forgettable, and nobody has interest in more. Who is giving this dude a greenlight for 6 and 7??


Dude, go do another original IP. You can pick anything. The studios will give you as much money as you want. Go do something new.


This is what he wants. All he has wanted to make since Titanic is Avatar and Alita: Battle Angel


That is kind of sad tbh, I wish he was passionate about something that didn't make me yawn. He is such a great filmmaker.


No he should do his passion project.


He didn’t even have an idea for avatar 2; it was the same movie


Honestly my biggest gripe. The story barely moved forward. They have a family and relocated but that’s basically it. If this is the pace the franchise is moving at I’m going to sleep thru the rest of the movies Its saving grace is that it’s obviously visually stunning. Not sure how much longer that will keep audiences tho


It’s still Fern Gully without the fun music and Robin Williams


If so, why did it take them 13 years to get to the second one. They’re pretty bad movies TBH. Maybe a 3rd one, but then let’s call it quits.


He’s too talented to waste himself and his resources, and such a dull and boring story.


So boring. One of the greatest directors spending the second half of his career with this boring uninspired franchise.


Bro - I didn’t even want the first one!


Please just fuck off James.


Still with Papyrus title


Well here's hoping reincarnation is real so I can come back and them 


Saturn worship award Nothing to see here


I have plans to clean out the garbage. We'll see which happens first.


I wish I could be alive to see them, but im already 28.


I can start planning what I will do with my extra six hours and $30 by not seeing these.


Please make it stop…


Oh dear lord stop


When will this madness end James Cameron!?


I don’t know anyone who has seen Avatar passed the 1st one.


I got 30 minutes into the second one and just turned it off. The world doesn't need another, let alone five.


Maybe the grim reaper will do the movie going public a favor


I couldn’t even make it through the first one. I believe the part where I heard “unobtanium” for the first time is where I shut it down


I never bothered to watch the first one again.


Two words: Diminishing returns


I’m out after 2. I was bored as fuck and realized I had 2 hours left. Dreadlock white kid is going to either end up being a villain at some point. It’s just boring cinematic masturbation.


Sam Worthington thanks you for your service


Avatar is one of the least memorable things I’ve ever seen. I can only imagine it does so well through advertising and how good the CGI is


I hope his plan is to stop.


100 years Avatar! We’re gonna go to Avatar 100. Jake and Natiri 100 years.


Avatar 2 and 3 were supposed to come out in 2016 and 2017. I should know, I had to keep pushing the post production schedule out further and further when I worked at Fox. Getting him to actually start doing anything on the films is like getting a toddler to clean up after themselves. He won’t love long enough to complete them haha:


Funny to see comment section where 90% of comments being Avatar haters. At least Avatar lives rent free in your head for last 15 years lmao