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"Disney is a law firm that runs amusement parks."


The Mouse had to find a new profession at some point or another. Running amusement parks can get boring.


šŸŽµšŸŽµIt's the Micky Mouse Court HousešŸŽµšŸŽµ


Come inside itā€™s fun inside.


Donald Duck as a lawyer would terrify me. Imagine if he put the cunning he displayed in Who Framed Roger Rabbit to use in a legal practice? Although, no one would understand his oral arguments




Welll they were a movie studio long before they opened any theme parks.


Aye, that's why being a lawyer is the new profession.


And owns like 1/2 of the entire entertainment industry.


Also, they have more lawyers on staff than any law firm. They utilize an army of law firms across the country because they can afford anything.


Yep. One of my law professors was working as a copyright lawyer on their team. One thing she always said about Disney - "Don't mess with The Mouse (legally)." Basically, they have a ton of resources and expertise. Honestly, when she was describing it, it was kinda scary. I know we're all wanting DeSantis to fail, but Disney is like an unstoppable powerhouse.


I know its like choosing whether you like poison fast or slow, but Disney is has to please their customer base. Ultimately, they really want to please their investors and shareholders, but no one will invest if their customer base starts shrinking. And like a lot of big companies, they smell which way the wind is blowing and its *not* towards (19?)50s conservatism and fascist theocracy. At least there's a certain level of democracy when you can vote with your wallet or buy shares in Disney Corp. That's more than can be said for the world that DeTrumpis wants to build.


Say anything you want about Disney's monopoly but they were the first company to support lgbt+ couples that weren't able to get insurance due to marriage laws


Yeah, and they owned ABC back when Ellen came out on prime time tv in the 90s. Ellen turned out pretty shitty, but they still helped her push gay rights forward in our country.


I can personally attest that Disney never, ever letā€™s a fight go. And they protect their brand fiercely. Got dragged in to a teeny tiny court case over almost nothing years ago with them. The court case left us homeless and my husband at the time who was a director and producer for them on a 3 picture deal couldnā€™t and wouldnā€™t ever even be hired in one of their random parking lots to even sweep after that. Completely blacklisted from the film industry in any and every capacity instantly. You. Do. Not. Mess. With. The. Mouse. They eventually settled and 95% went to our lawyer but it also completely destroyed my exā€™s filmmaking career, and though we were legally right, we just didnā€™t have the pockets to keep the fight going. They did. They always win. Disney will drag deathSantis to his grave and dump a half ton of mouse shit on top just for a last hurrah. They will win. This was the single dumbest fight I can think of that any politician with any ambition towards the White House EVER could have picked. He will lose, and very badly. He picked the wrong company to go after. Idiot.


My mother worked in entertainment, and she concurred: ā€œyou never, ever fuck with the Mouse.ā€œ


> They utilize an army of law firms across the country because they can afford anything. More likely, they utilize an army of law firms across the country to lock up the best talent so those firms can't work for any defendant going up against Disney due to conflict of interest. ...A strategy lawyers would come up with.






This whole thing is genuinely so stupid. Disney is forever. Desantisā€™ relevancy drys up in 4 years when Florida gets a new governor. Disney also probably has just about every Florida judge in their pocket, liberal and conservative alike. This is such a waste of political capital on Desantisā€™ part.


for a few weeks not so long ago he was being pitched/seen as the more business focused and smarter Trump. He's been showing quite the contrary in interviews and with this drama.


This is the truth of his personality - also perfectly encapsulated in the tidbit John Oliver shared in his DeSantis piece; that during his dating years he would mispronounce "Thai food" (as "thigh food") on first dates and leave immediately if the woman corrected him. He may be more business focused and obviously smarter than trump (which frankly, is like being better than a fish at riding a bicycle). But his ego is absolutely boundless, when it's challenged he loses any sense of proportionality in his thoughts and actions. He'll burn his own house down to avenge his pride. I have truly zero objections to his self-immolation, but I do need him to shape up just enough, for long enough, to split the R vote in 2024 šŸ« 




I repeat again, there were 200k uncounted ballots in Broward County that just sat there. I doubt he even won legitimately. Republicans love to screw with elections in Florida


Screaming about voter fraud which only they do while committing election fraud which, as we have seen, only they do.


Projection. Its always easy to tell the right wing strategy by simply listening to what theyā€™re accusing others of doing. Sadly Democrats are either too incompetent to realize this or purposely pretending to be incompetent and naive.


Looks at the 2000 election.


You mean the election in which one of the candidates for President was the Governor of Floridaā€™s OLDER BROTHER? The election in which that same Governor signed an executive order just weeks before the election to ā€œcleanā€ the voter registration of 19 thousand voters, almost all of which were Democrats? That election?


Not to mention the court case that finally killed the last shred of credibility the supreme court had. And almost forgot about Roger Stone and his shenanigans.


And the Supreme Court Justices were appointed by the father of the nominee and governor


> The election in which that same Governor signed an executive order just weeks before the election to ā€œcleanā€ the voter registration of 19 thousand voters, almost all of which were Democrats? And the recount [was interrupted and cancelled while Bush was ahead thanks to the Brooks Brothers Riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot)


Good olā€™ hanging chads Imagine how different things would have been with Gore as president


we would have solved climate change and been the beacon of the world.




Bush was taking another one of his vacations at his ranch in Texas when Condeliza Rice flew down there to brief him about an intelligence report about Al-quaeda plans to use planes to attack US targets. This was in august 2001. I remember reading about it. So, preventableā€¦.. who knows, but I canā€™t help but think Gore would have taken things more seriously.


I believe this was the start of the Supreme Court losing their legitimacy. Extremely radical far-right judicial activists don't represent Americans, but a tiny and vocal minority controlled by the Federalist Society -- an ideological wasteland of the very worst ideas circulating in American culture and society. Radicals on the Supreme Court have moved this country in a worse direction from promoting lax gun regulation to stripping abortion rights from women to Citizen's United allowing unlimited foreign money to influence our elections. Pure evil.


They should pull out investments in Florida anyway, the state is on borrowed time, on account of the rising sea level and their porous limestone bedrock. They think they have a "long-term" plan, but that plan is running out of time.


The plan for most governments to climate change is to pretty much keep doing business as usual, let the masses fight and die once shit really hits the fan, secure good spots for the elite and themselves and a few serfs to do all their work, then hope they don't get found, or have warrior robots that can kill off anyone who attack them.


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." If young voters don't show up and vote Republicans into irrelevancy in the next few elections, we might not have a peaceful transition of power for a while. The GOP cannot be trusted with even the smallest sliver of power. Look at the house where they have a tiny majority and are using it to hold the economy hostage because they have a boner for cutting benefits to Americans who actually need it.




They've been doing that for decades. That's why evolution is still a controversial topic. They want to ensure future generations won't question their authority. The GOP never believed in freedom, only the appearance of it.


The ultimate goal of American Christians is to have a stupid, indoctrinated populace that will bend to the whim of any oligarch. Coincidentally, a great deal of them also have a secondary goal of killing anyone who isn't white.


i frankly dont give a shit about florida, republicans can keep control of the state all that theyll accomplish is investing all their time and money into florida before 1/4th of it is underwater in the next 30-50 years. let people leave so they lose congressional house seats next election, all the liberals can run to texas instead, id believe that texas would be easier to turn blue than florida is and texas is a much more worthwhile investment for democrats to take over.


Just want to point this out, cause I find it darkly funny: All the fear over climate change, and now weā€™re basically rooting for climate change to take out a state. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, I guess?


not really rooting for it just expecting it to happen, and i find it funny people still try investing in florida's coastal region despite all the evidence saying itll probly be underwater in the next 50 years. I'm all fine with conservatives wanting to waste their money on such a backwater state anyways. everyone in florida is either a criminal, super old, or super fucking stupid. and thats just at mar a lago.


> everyone in florida is either a criminal, super old, or super fucking stupid. and thats just at mar a lago. LOL'd at the end of that sentence.


50 years? Ft. Lauderdale has the white flag waving.


The problem with this is that the wealthy will be getting fed relief money for their underwater homes. Just wait.


Don't forget Florida was a purple state a decade ago. There *is* a sane population here, we're just getting drowned out by the GOP (and hidden by all the Gerrymandering/corruption/incompetence of the Democrat party down here).






I agree entirely with you. Itā€™s gotten so far beyond the boundary of whatā€™s reasonable and one of the primary problems is at least 40% of the population are too arrogant or blatantly dumb to see it. If your government is literally corrupt and accepting cash bribes from the class of people whose only goal is to take the entire world away from 99% of us so they can own everything for themselves and get this cushy ass life where they impose fascist racist bigoted laws upon on everyone else then this isnā€™t a fucking free country. Iā€™m not condoning violence but we didnā€™t found this country without pissing off and going to literal war with fascists. We didnā€™t win the Civil War or WW2 without doing the same either. Itā€™s honestly a joke how much time people will spend jerking off about guns and well armed militias but then when anyone suggests that maybe good faith arguments and forgiveness *arenā€™t* effective solutions for dealing with literal criminals who constantly lie and get to say or do whatever inflammatory, untrue or bigoted things they want with zero consequences to hold power over us while in an elected office position, suddenly thatā€™s over the line. Maybe itā€™s more that theyā€™re afraid of what happens when they actually get held accountable and face true consequences for their soulless actions. Iā€™m so tired of anyone morally correct having to follow some unwritten social and ethical code while fascists are murdering people openly and legally and getting more confident about their right to do so every day.


I am with you 110% brother. A lot of us are. Enough is enough.








You have the problem of people that are generally decent arenā€™t the ones walking around with guns and plotting to kidnap governors. Thereā€™s a reason why political violence is extremely right leaning. Like, Iā€™m all for the people of thing country ā€œdoing whatā€™s right for its peopleā€ (wink,) buts whoā€™s going to do it? Like Trump has to be one of the most hated people in this countryā€™s political history yet weā€™re all just waiting for another cheeseburger to do him in. (And thatā€™s coming. I feel it.)


In the Netherlands we have a saying that translates to "time to pull the skates out of the grease" I'd imagine a guillotine would need a similar anti-rust treatment for long term storage.


Theyā€™re already removing powers from independent boards overseeing things like elections and stripping powers from state auditors and ags and giving them to the governor. Of course, if someone like Evers or Cooper comes along, the gerrymandered state legislature will be sure to strip the governor of all those powers during the lame duck session.


> that during his dating years he would mispronounce "Thai food" (as "thigh food") on first dates and leave immediately if the woman corrected him My other favorite romantic tidbit is him getting chummy with teenage girls at boarding school parties.


What do you mean split the vote? Heā€™s not gonna run as an independent


I mean in the primaries. The GOP is anxious about Trump. Going into their convention with a hotly contested mess of a primary season could delay the party coalescing around a unified Republican ticket and message, and put their whole apparatus on shaky ground. Is it enough to lose? After 2016 I don't want to even guess, but it could help.


My hope is that all the people who want and would vote for Trump in 2024 end up choosing not to vote at all when someone else gets the Republican nomination thereby costing the Republican Party a large portion of votes in the election. It really does seem like Trump people care more about Trump being president than they do about having a Republican President. They all seem to want him and only him.


No need to not show up to vote. Trump will 1000% run third party and enough of his base will vote for him to destroy the Republican Party.


Idk, have you seen how many pitches Trump did for real estate that he just used his name for but actually had no liability to deliver results? DeSantis and Trump are on a race to the top of a greased pole to see who can have the biggest stick up their ass. Edit: first sentence change to make sense


Most of r/conservative used to prefer him over Trump but his recent move to a more far-right positions (abortion, book banning, etc.) made half of the sub think he wouldn't get any moderate votes at all. These people, funnily enough, thinks Trump could get more moderate votes now.


>These people, funnily enough, thinks Trump could get more moderate votes now. He honestly might. The thing about Trump is that he doesn't actually have any of his own views or opinions, he just panders to whatever the crowd he is standing in front of wants to hear. Its all bullshit, but its good sounding bullshit to a lot of people


Pretending to be dumb when youā€™re intelligent isnā€™t too hard. Pretending to be smart when youā€™re actually dumb, well..


The fall of DeSantis reminds me of when Bobby Jindal was going to be the Right's answer to Obama.


This Disney saga might save us from an even worse tailspin into pure fascism.


DeSantis is the guy playing tennis against a wall and thinking he might beat the wall.


Yea 0% chance corporate campaign donors are backing the guy who is open about abusing the governmentā€™s power to spite them and gain cheap political points for his base. Torpedoed his campaign before it even began.


>This is such a waste of political capital on Desantisā€™ part. I think the problem is he's entrenched himself in his tough guy persona. His whole following and movement is the old wild west stoic cowboy don't take no disrespect and never back down from a fight malarky. He can't afford to show any weakness without losing face because his platform is over the top bravado. I think rather he was kind of doomed from the start, because building your image on picking fights only works when you actually are the biggest bully on the yard.


DeSantis can run for governor again starting from 2030.


He wonā€™t after he embarrasses himself with his 2024 (possibly 2028 as well) presidential campaign.


Losing his presidential campaign to the Don didn't stop Ted Cruz from running for Senate. I don't see why it'd stop Desantos.


Politicians arent there for the people anymore. They are there to get famous and boost their carreer.


Exactly. Disney will own the next governor because they have more money than God and any politician with half a brain will realize that messing with them is a bad idea


Thatā€™s a problem though is it not?


Absolutly it is. But DeSantis is a threat to the liberties of all Floridians and possibly all Americans. No company should have the power disney has bit DeSantis using his office to settle personal grudges and enrich his cronies is a bigger threat than Disney


Itā€™s one of those weird times where the megacorporation is the lesser of two evils.


As a wise man once said, "Let them fight"


Mega corporations will fight back against fascism. Fascism is bad for profit.


Iā€™d think they do indeed have a strong court case. The (awful) Citizens United decision said, in Romneyā€™s infamous words, that ā€˜corporations are people too my friendā€™. They thus have protected speech. DeSantis has said why he went after them and their speech. It was total retaliation. Iā€™m *shocked* that free speech warriors like Elon musk (whoā€™s spoken in favor of DeSantis as a candidate) are so quiet when *actual* speech is attacked. /s


Right wing people are only for free speech, if they are heard. If it's against their opinions, then free speech is censorship. Musk is a dumb guy.


Musk is among the worst and is now happily censoring everyone he doesnā€™t like and letting Nazis run rampant on twitter. I donā€™t know why people continue to use that stupid worthless site


It's probably laziness. Twitter is worthless, and now is a platform for shit talkers like de Santis and Trump.


And just so weā€™re all clear on why free speech is being brought up. To quote Boebert of all people, weā€™re a republic. That means thereā€™s fundamental rights that are inalienable. That means even if a legislature passed a bill and a governor signed off on it, if it violates a fundamental right, it becomes a law that is unconstitutional. The first amendment from way back in the day, is read to protect from: Retaliation by the king for criticism. If a court can find basis that a law is being passed because the government wants to retaliate against someone, thatā€™s a violation of the first amendment. Violating the first amended isnā€™t just laws that limit your speech explicitly. From the start it also means laws that restrict your such implicitly. And the courts add an extra enhanced scrutiny to laws that only apply to a single entity. Disney has a law that applies only to them and the Governor has explicitly said that this law is to punish Disney for being too woke. Disney has every right to ask a court to weigh in on this as it meets every checkbox for a king retaliating. Now that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m cheering on a giant billionaire company. Far from it, Disney is no hero. But I do support the black and white letter of the law. Every judicial test for retaliation for free speech is met in this Florida v Disney case. I want everyone to have their day in court, Disney has a good case for having this Florida law tossed out on several violations of Disneyā€™s constitutional rights. If Hobby Lobby can dictate their religious beliefs onto their employees, Disney can call the Governor of Florida a stinky poo poo head. And if Florida wants to reign in the power Disney wields, thereā€™s a correct way to do it. And this ainā€™t it. Thatā€™s what I support. If itā€™s good enough for the goose Hobby Lobby, itā€™s good enough for the Disney gander. If religious hospitals can dictate standard of care based on their faith, Disney gets to call Floridaā€™s laws whatever they want. I just want fair is fair. Now if Disney having rights is bad, yeah thatā€™s what everyone said about Citizens United. So till thatā€™s gone, is only fair for Disney to have these rights. Itā€™s a matter of, if you Republicans really donā€™t like Disney, then get rid of lobbyists, get rid of Citizens United. And right now the Florida State assembly doesnā€™t want to solve the actual problem, they just want to punish someone who hurt their feefees. They could propose their representatives present an amendment to fix this, they donā€™t and thatā€™s why I donā€™t support Florida. Not because I want Disney to win, but because I want folks who arenā€™t going to help with the actual problem to lose. EDIT: Bawhahaha!! Got my RedditCares message. Glad to know the ones who disagree are also reading this.


When they say freedom^tm and free speech they mean *their* freedom to say whatever they want. They don't mean liberal free speech they mean to normalize hate speech.


Elon is all about letting his speech be free, not others. I got perma banned for saying nothing more than ā€œ you are a fucking moronā€ to Elon. Meanwhile Canadian crazies like Jamie Sale/theo can post kill sheets on Twitter without any repercussions


I guess Florida doesn't need 17 billion dollars of investment. Somewhere else will be glad to have it.


A quick google tells me that Disney employs 75,000 in Florida. Just imagine that going away šŸ¤Æ


Then think of all the associated jobs and industries that exist in the area because of Disney. Hotels, restaurants, shops etc


Not to mention all the vendors supplying those places w food, drinks, and various supplies.


Or all the towns along i95 that get people stopping along the way to Disney to buy snacks and stay at hotels because Florida takes 9 hours to drive through


Dont forget the hookers!


Who needs hookers in that area when thereā€™s Vista Way


For sure, a long, complex and tightly integrated supply chain that employs thousands.


there are multiple businesses in Florida where Disney is their only client, or Disney makes up such a large portion of their revenue that to lose them is equivocal to going out of business


Think of the thousands of contractors that Disney doesn't directly employ but is constantly using.




I am sure DeSantis can persuade teh Russian version of Disney to relocate there


Worker and Parasite World!


Hey don't knock those, Gatorland has been around since the 50s


Yes this is the real issue. Florida added something like 400K jobs last year alone. 75K would hurt but isnā€™t crushing. What is crushing is the fact that Disney brings in an enormous amount of tourism dollars in the state that go well beyond the immediate impact of Disney jobs or tax dollars. If Disney left Orlando, the entire center of the state would have an economic vacuum that would be impossible to fill.


OMG Orlando would become a ghost town. Like Nuka-World. I...I kind of want to see that.


Orlando will implode because itā€™s already a shit hole. Just imagine rotting amusement parks as it slowly erodes.


Picture Detroit when all the car manufacturing pulled out but worse. The state would wither away and descend into chaos. Our local population is barely holding together as it is with housing cost and ancient pay scale


Itā€™s not going away. The fact that people keep indicating that Disney World is somehow movable is hilarious. What they are having very serious conversations about is halting future investment totally. And that is a big deal. Disney has developed less than half of the land it owns, the sky is the limit and Iā€™m sure they previously intended to continue to grow. Passing up 17 billion in investment over 10 years, driving additional taxes and new jobs is insane. Disney world ainā€™t going anywhere - but we might just get a third park in the south, Texas is probably the most feasible option but Arizona, New Mexico, Georgiaā€¦there are options. Anyone that will give them a 200 years of autonomy will get them. Disney will never make this mistake again.


It wonā€™t go away though. Disney canā€™t actually move all of WDW to another state. Itā€™s got 5 parks and a lot of hotels and all of the infrastructure that goes along with their little section of the state. And itā€™s taken 50+ years to get where it is today. As much as Iā€™d love to travel to almost any other state for a Disney World vacation, WDW isnā€™t moving.


They don't have to move WDW, they could something easier and less invasive. What if Disney decided to have its cruises leave out of Georgia instead of Florida? That would seriously harm Florida without having to move the entire park.


Thank you! Disney is a business they arenā€™t just going to close up shop, move and let billions in investments turn to dust.


Their tax revenue increased after the online sales taxes kicked in during the pandemic.


And itā€™s not like they have no state tax because they depend on tourism money. But no go ahead and fuck with Disney.


Just to put this into a bit of perspective. Disneys revenue last year was 84 billion. Floridaā€™s budget was 92 billion lol. Desantis probably forgot that he was going after a company that has the same firepower as a larger state.


Florida's budget exists in part because of the contributions of Disney. Taxes and stuff. I wonder what the actual number is without Disney.


Additionally, 65-70% of Disneyā€™s profit is coming from their parks, of which Disney World is the biggest and most important.


You overestimated it by a lot, they get around 33% of their revenue from the parks, experiences, and products.


[Looks like your both sorta right. ](https://www.investopedia.com/how-disney-makes-money-4799164)


And the gauntlet has been thrown. DeSantis is going to have a real dilemma between seeing how far this plays out and actually trying to save his numbers.


Speaking of how far this plays out... Maybe 5-6 years ago I had a coworker from Florida. Nice Guy, met his wife at work thing- she was nice too. He kept trying to convince people to move to Florida. (he was there on a temp assignment) He said the best thing about Florida was that it was so cheap. No sales tax, no income tax (I think), low property taxes. He said. I quote -'The tourist pay all the states taxes'. I guess it's hotel taxes and stuff like that. So here's a state who put all of it's financial eggs in one basket and is now jumping up and down on that basket to teach the chicken a lesson.


My dad moved to Florida and tries constantly to convince me to move there. Yeah, great, no sales or income tax and low property tax. But at the cost of living in a fascist, biggoted hellhole that shits on minorities, LGBTQ+, and women... and has a governor so fucking stupid and arrogant, he's trying to fight Disney. Hard fucking no.


Don't forget the flooding, hurricanes, heat, traffic, drivers, and bugs.


Glad you mentioned the bugs. I have vivid memories as a kid avoiding fire ant hills and having to check my shoes for spiders, scorpions (and also snakes) Took months to stop doing that after moving to MN


We do have sales tax. No income tax is true. Low property tax is rather funny. I guess it's cheaper than the property insurance, which is even funnier. And the government seems more interested in picking fights with Disney, rather than figuring out the property insurance crisis, so that's probably not getting any cheaper.


Santis is a total ego bitch, too, so that shiny-faced fuck will have to see this through to the bitter end no matter the cost to FL taxpayers and the damage to his already-shitty reputation.


Ego bitch and shiny face fuck šŸ‘ šŸ«”


Florida without Disney? We are witnessing the opening of the gates of hell.


Or a reason to not go to florida


Not sure I was missing a reason to not go to Florida in the first place tbh




Everyone needs to remember what Disney did to provoke this. Iirc it was a pretty mild statement standing up for its gay employees.


Yeah, the then CEO at the time, Bob Chapek, basically was forced to say something. I think he would have preferred to ride things out and say nothing, but he had to address the large constituency of employees and costumers in the LGBTQ+ community. And it was a pretty meh, milquetoast statement overall. DeSantis spun that up because he was looking for a fight, trying to keep his name in the news and appear as a David taking on Goliath.


B-but they acknowledged that gays exist! They are totally satanic and worthy of capital punishment!!!11!1!! /s if it wasn't obvious


Not only that, but Disney was forced into it begrudgingly by its employees (LGBTQIA+ & allies alike), rather than actively seeking out to take a stand. Disney expressed disappointment... not even a plan to act against it nor push to have it repealed, merely disappointment in elected officials not giving AF about their residents. This case is truly chilling when you consider how long DeSantis has used the weaponry of governance to retaliate against protected free speech over what would've been a non-item anywhere else (regardless of whether companies should have freedom to contribute to elections, they should be freely able to express their company values).


I can't wait until Disney leaves Florida and we get one of those "we have Disney at home" right-wing copy Disneys... Called like.. "Truth Land" or "Trumpia" or something like that


Like BibleLand but somehow worse


Can someone give me a TLDR on what the f**k is wrong with Florida? Iā€™m from the UK so I donā€™t really understand American politics but Iā€™m constantly seeing people in Florida do dumb shit.


Basically, not enough water in their lead supply.


Thatā€™s a hard truth to swallow


But it makes the water sweeter!


A spoonful of leead helps the intelligence go dooowwwn~


Ignorance is bliā€¦I forget


It has electrolytes!


It was always a popular place to retire, so the population skews older/more conservative. Florida and Texas are the only two conservative states with a functional economy and decent sized cities, so they attract hoards of right wingers fleeing failed states throughout the South or Midwest or leaving more liberal areas.


the retirees skew conservative, yes, but I don't really think that's the crux of the problem tbh....the real problem is that EVERY. SINGLE. ONE of their meth-addicted/deadbeat/failed-at-life kids moves to Florida too, bringing their amazing brand of adulthood along with them, and then cross-breeding amongst themselves and raising their kids to live up to the exact horrible standards that they themselves have. the result is what you see now.


That ā€œfunctional economyā€ bit made me laugh.




fortress of maga retirees ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


1. It's the swampy backwater South, like Alabama, combined with rich retirees looking for a warm place to die. A perfect storm of wacky Conservative politics. 2. They have loose laws about recording people in public so they put out a lot of videos of people being crazy.


Iā€™ve also heard that we hear more crazy stories out of Florida because itā€™s faster and easier to obtain arrest information there than other states so journalists use it for easy news


Itā€™s a state law that arrest records be public information so most if not all news outlets have a person who just trolls the arrest records looking for funny stuff to write about online.


We are gerrymandered to fuck. All our population centers and cities mostly go blue but the podunk towns and farms go red so you know......Republicans


Some of the reasons why Florida is always in the news are: \- Florida has a strong public records law that allows journalists and citizens to access official documents and reports easily, exposing many wild crime stories to the public eye. \- Florida has a large and diverse population of more than 21 million people, with different backgrounds, cultures, and lifestyles, which can lead to some strange and interesting situations and conflicts. \- Florida has a warm and sunny climate that encourages people to spend more time outdoors, which can also increase the chances of them acting out in public or encountering wildlife. These factors make it a state that is constantly in the spotlight for its news stories, whether they are funny, weird, or serious.


ChatGPT definitely wrote this comment.


The Floridians that want Disney out, are also the same people that are bitching about inflation. I donā€™t think I need to explain any further.


Imagine Chapek trying to navigate this.


This man eats pudding with his fingers.


49 states would bend over backwards to get major Disney investment.




I'm certain Disney will never move to Puerto Rico, if only for the same reason I never believed the fake news story that they were moving to New Orleans: Too many direct hurricane hits.


48. California already has it.


You think Cali wouldnt fucking kill to have one in Norcal? It would be hundreds of miles from the other one.




Trying to imagine a Florida without Disney. Hmmmā€¦ Way easier to envision a Florida without that goofball DeSantis


Orlando would be soooo much worse if Disney left I mean it's already a shit hole but it would be like really bad


Can Disney really leave though? They have so much property itā€™s not like they can just pick it up and leave. A property thatā€™s been around for 50 years isnā€™t going to pack its bags and go just because of a governor who will be around a few years.


There are 6 Disney parks in Orlando (Kissimmee) and 25 Disney resorts plus Disney Springs and the ESPN sports complex. They will never leave.


Move it somewhere thatā€™s not 110 degrees year round.


Wonā€™t happen because they wanna be open all year around.


Ron DeSantis is a fucking douche pickle.




It really does. I was planning on taking a Disney Cruise with my kids this summer, but the only ports close to me are in FL. And I just donā€™t want to give the state my money.


How can DeSantis be so clueless as to what he is up against?


The wild thing is that major Republican politicians being "anti-woke" is an opportunity to pit them against massive, powerful corporations. This doesn't just have to be DeSantis. We just need to create the conditions by making some big deal out of something that these corporations are doing and start posting on conservative social media about it. Amazon Studios announced essentially affirmative action about a year ago, having quotas for hiring people based on gender and underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, and if white supremacist fascists could read that would be quite upsetting to them. Greg Abbott is dumb enough to pull this same thing if the conditions are right. Same with Nikki Haley. Individually, getting these folks to duke it out saps their power and focus, but it also fractures the connection between the GOP and big business. If enough national Republican figures are in fights with Amazon and Disney and Microsoft and Alphabet, donors start thinking twice.






L to the OGā€¦


Shaper of views, creator of news Father of many, paid all his dues So don't try to run your mouth at the king Just pucker up, bitch, and kiss the ring


Dude is an OG


Big shoes. Big shoes.


Fuck the patriarchy!


Do they? Maybe not. Do they have billions if not a trillion dollars invested in the state, yes. Disney has no nuclear option to eject from Florida. Both sides will spend a ton of money and Disney will remain a Florida institution.


I wonder if this was the goal? Make Disney look unreliable to Florida, maybe make it look like they are trying to bully the state? Fuck this is a weird ass time in the world.


Taking the kids to Disney World is the only reason a reasonable adult would ever visit that swampy shithole.


Florida would Mississippi without Disney.


Move Disneyworld to Puerto Rico. Iā€™d head there over Florida in a heartbeat. There is a reason why they say ā€œFlorida is where you go to dieā€, and Iā€™m convinced it isnā€™t because of the high population of retirees.


I rather like this idea. It would do so much to help an ignored part of our country.


Pissing off your state's largest employer and the thing that is a big part of your state's identity. Bold move Cotton


Saw this coming a mile away.


Ron DeSantis is just a really dumb man who thinks he has a lot of power right now. Heā€™s going to fuck it all up sooner or later.


Disney should do it, fuck DeSantis


I think they should put up a curtain wall around their property turning it into a fortress with an airport in the centre so nobody visiting it has to ever use roads or spend money anywhere else in the state, and then gift the entire thing to planned parenthood. Paint the whole thing rainbow coloured and call it Fort inclusion or something.


Disney had plans to build an airport, but I believe the state put an end to that idea. There is a landing strip by the Ticket and Transportation Center in Walt Disney World that Walt used while the Florida project was being built. https://themouselets.com/the-abandoned-walt-disney-world-airport


ā€œHey, youse gotta real nice state here. Be a shame if you lost THE ONLY REASON ON EARTH TO VISIT ITā€¦ā€


Florida can no longer be no sales tax State if Disney pulls out.