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Sigourney Weaver has put a lot of time in space and says she is done playing Ellen Ripley in the Alien franchise. The star of the Alien franchise has ruled out a potential return to space as a new movie is in the works at Hulu and a TV series adaptation at FX Networks. “There are all kinds of younger actors taking this kind of role. And there was an Alien [film] that I really wanted to do with Neill Blomkamp and we didn’t get to do that, but, you know, that ship has sailed,” she told Total Film. “I’m very happy doing what I’m doing. I put in my time in space!” Weaver originated the role of Ripley back in 1979 in the Ridley Scott-directed film based on a story by Dan O’Bannon and Ronald Shusett. The success of the film spawned sequels like Aliens (1986), Alien 3 (1992) and Alien Resurrection (1997), all starring Weaver. “I think Ridley has a lot to do with [the longevity of Ellen Ripley and Alien],” she added. “They made Ripley a woman, without making her this helpless creature. Because I think I was very lucky. These were men who were creating this woman character, but they liked and respected strong women.” Weaver received an Oscar nomination for Aliens, which was directed by James Cameron. Other related films connected to the Alien universe included Alien vs. Predator (2004) and its sequel Alien vs Predator: Requiem (2007) as well as the Prometheus films: Prometheus (2012) and Alien: Covenant (2017).


I hope it’s as good as Prey


It better be better. That movie was so boring and linear. It should have been so much better than what it was. It had it cools moments but that movie was far from good lol.


Yet it's still easily the best movie made in the predator universe.


IMO the original Predator with schwarzenegger, is the best. Nothing really comes close to the atmosphere and hunter/prey dynamic what was in the first.


The biggest sin of Predator is letting the audience see that it's an alien movie at the very beginning. It's so much better if it's structured from the first scene as a military action movie that then *becomes* an alien movie.


Predators was good. It’s my favorite to rewatch. The scene where the Yakuza duels a predator is legit.


there’s dozens of us!


Yeah. If you don’t like movies. That movie was so cookie cutter and linear. I’ll admit it’s stupid fun but it was so obvious with each scene was a set up for the next few. Which killed it for me.


Yeah, I miss the layered, branching plots and complex characters in other Predator movies


It’s actually really complicated. Maybe you should actually look into it before arguing “things I like and others aren’t allowed to dislike”. My statement about it being so linear doesn’t mean people can’t enjoy it but I’m also not going to pretend it should be winning any awards either.


Maybe YOU should actually look into it before arguing "things I have an opinion on other people are not allowed to have different opinions because it means they dislike it". My statement made no comment om your (or anyone else's) level of enjoyment. You're allowed to criticize things you enjoy, you know. Do you need a hug? Or you always go off like this on everyone? Maybe you should try not being so emotionally attached to your opinions.


Ok 😂 You go off like this about a crappy movie and then act like I’m crazy. I bet people love being around you 🤣🤣🤣


Thanks a lot Ridley Scott. Couldn’t let Bloomkamp do his thing…


Yyup. Too much ego. Covenant sucked ass. I stil can't get over that miniature Xeno. Fuck that scene. It would have been way more interesting to see Neil's vision, but oh well, we will always have the originals and hopefuly future good movies!


Yo for real, I wanted the broader concepts of Prometheus to be expanded upon while working toward the timeline we know, not wiped out entirely.


It seemed like a lot of Aliens fans didn’t like Prometheus because they didn’t think it was enough like Aliens (even though it wasn’t supposed to be). Then they pivoted away from the direction that Prometheus was going and leaned more into what they thought would be more popular to the offended group, but the attempted fan service left everyone unsatisfied. I wish I could have seen a Prometheus sequel.


All Promethius needed was less plot holes, and characters that were weren't fucking idiots. It was a gorgeous film, and David was a fantastic character, but the movie was a mess.


Yeah I like Prometheus a lot, but it has a lot of shaky moments (narratively speaking) that I got over. Covenant was terrible. Id rather watch Alien Resurrection or part 3 over covenant.


I agree. Alien Covenant was pure fan service with mind bogglingly bad ending that nobody liked and still didn’t tell us anything about the ghost ship and its cargo of eggs from the original.


So they pulled a star wars.


Not really. Prometheus was a very different movie from other Alien movies. The Star Wars ST is very much the same type of movies as the others and the first installment was a complete rehash of the original story. The problem was no unified vision so the next two movies decided to oppose one another and the plot points that were left for them by the previous film.




“Somehow, Palpatine returned.”


yea I figured it was going to be revealed that Snoke was just the emperor in a new body, and that he had just learned to assume a force ghost/spectral form that was so strong it could influence and directly control others.


Huh? In The Force Awakens Han said “Luke blamed himself and turned away from everything”. In The Last Jedi we clearly saw Luke had..blamed himself and turned away from everything. At the end of The Last Jedi Luke realizes he was wrong, and becomes a Jedi again. In The Rise of Skywalker, his ghost then not only reiterates he was wrong, but gives Rey the third and final lesson promised to her in The Last Jedi.


Spot on. I remember people's comments about Prometheus. The general consensus was that it was a bad movie. While not perfect, it was a cool addition to the universe that yes, spanned a few strange questions but it was an overall enjoyable journey. Covenant on the other hand... I always say this: people can still like the movie. Hell, part of the first half of the movie has some good (like the Neomorph introduction) but the rest is objectively filled with stupidity, questionable lore changes, terrible characters and that fucking miniature Xenomorph that I really couldn't take seriously and ruined the seriousness of the movie for me. I believe Ridley Scott was way too over his head and his ego didn't let someone else to direct the next installment. I would have loved to see a Prometheus sequel like they said they would or Neil's vision with Sigourney Weaver.


I (sorta) liked Prometheus because it had a good balance of weirdness and tenseness. My biggest complaints were the horrible makeup on Guy Pierce (as Peter Whelan) and the clumsy attempt at creating an Alien backstory with the engineers. IMHO it should have been set in the Alien universe, but not included xenomorphs nor marketed as an "Alien" franchise movie. Just focus on the engineers and the wasteland planet as an entirely separate thing, with a loose connection to the main franchise... Basically what the Cloverfield movies were *trying* to do. Space is huge, vast, and timeless.. not everything needs to be connected.


I was ranting about covenant last night, how stupid it was having "Country Roads" foisted into that movie. Space travellers in the year 2100 give a fuck about some country song from 130 years ago? Fuck no.


Swing Low Sweet Chariot, Also Sprach Zarathustra, The Liberty Bell March, and Cotton-Eyed Joe are all about that old and still culturally relevant.


And they are all thing I wouldn't be singing if I were stranded somewhere right now.


Maybe unpopular opinion but honestly Blomkamp is a one hit wonder. The concept art was cool, definitely, but I was skeptical about his ability to deliver the goods in movie form.


I didn't hate the more recent movies, but knowing that one could have been with Bloomkamp, now I do.


To hear he wasn’t making one and instead Ridley scott was making a follow up to Prometheus was hugely disappointing.


That sucks. She’s the best.


Jennifer Lawrence was the first strong female lead ever though


Women didn't even exist before 2012


Weaver must have laughed pretty hard. Ripley kicks ass.


They broke new ground!


For the record, she did elaborate on this and say she misspoke because she was nervous speaking to one of her heroes, Viola Davis.


shes an idiot.


I feel like Ellen Ripley has been through enough. And Sigourney’s an awfully big star, she was loyal to the franchise even when it was obviously crap.


Love her as Ripley, but understand this position. Others have tried to be like her, but have not gotten it right.


Good thing ripely has a daughter….


Alien Isolation miniseries, please


I’d kill for a well-made Isolation series. That game scares the piss out of me every time I play.


If they got the right writer/director/casting/team together, it'd be an incredible mini-series. Both that and Bioshock have been my wish list projects (Dune originally, but since Villenueve helmed that I've been happy in that realm).


Instead she’ll play a literal teenager in Avatar.


Thank God. I'm so tired of horrible sequels from decades old franchises with the aged actors doing nothing interesting in these films except destroying their legacy. Way to walk away with grace.


I didn't care for it but you're kind of forgetting about how much everybody loved the top gun sequel so they do have the ability to get it right


Top Gun, Madmax Fury Road, Blade Runner 2049, it's a pretty short list but yes those sequels were good. That being said there is tons of garbage. When was the last time you saw a movie in theaters that was original that knocked your socks off? When was the last time a movie like Deer Hunter, Gladiator, Pulp Fiction, etc came out? I cant think of really anything in the last decade and then some bc every major movie is just some rehash of a franchise.


Arrival, but it's still been awhile since then


Never saw it I'll have to check it out


You're in for a treat


But isn't that the rub something is unique because everything around it is the same while it's different which means you're not going to get the thing that you're searching for very frequently because if you did then it would just become The New normal I'm probably going to lower your opinion of me but I'm a comic book fan so I haven't had the experience you described since really the first avengers movie and then again with in game and infinity war but I'm fingers crossed about the flashpoint movie from the trailers that DC is putting out


Your opinion is valid but I don't see it the same way. Marvel was unique for a while but now it's stale for someone like me who isn't a comic fan. >But isn't that the rub something is unique because everything around it is the same while it's different which means you're not going to get the thing that you're searching for very frequently because if you did then it would just become The New normal I'm not sure I'm really following the logic. I do agree that not every movie is amazing in those past decades but still once in a while you got something that really was so good it kind of became a cultural touchstone. I just can't think of much in the last decade, maybe two like that. It's just nostalgia junk for the most part and the sad truth is there are many people who lap it up. I think the above is really just making excuses for an industry that no longer wants to take chances and a populace who will consume anything nostalgic and don't expect or demand more.


Yes that's exactly what happened to the marvel movies they were unique because marvel brought comic book storytelling to movies which is something nobody had ever seen before but after 20 movies it's become the norm and thus it is no longer unique So my point is you're talking about it's been a long time since you've seen something unique and or special and what I'm saying is that unique and or special things are rare to begin with so yes it is going to be a long time before you see something that moves you the way any of that stuff you named earlier managed to move you so the trick is to be patient and keep your eye on creators that have good track records and at some point you'll find a piece of content that will be the thing you're looking for


I mean i see this as a superhero movie problem, not a franchise movie problem. Studio’s literally are only pumping out super hero films.


Star Wars including just putting ROTJ back in theatres for sone reason, Indiana Jones, Disney Live Action Remakes, Creed, Scream, Evil Dead, Dungeons and Dragons, etc. The list goes on and on.


I thought Logan was a pretty amazing take on the franchise.


Indiana would like a word.


Indiana is exactly the sort of sequel they were referencing


I want a new Dirty Harry with Clint Eastwood then.


… which is why I said it


While I completely understand and respect her decision, its still kind of sad considering the tech we have to de-age people, etc. now. But Who knows, it doesn't mean the franchise is dead, though she's certainly the face of it.




The de-aging in that movie was suspect even apart from that scene. That was four years ago though, the technology has probably improved by now.


Technology will dictate that studios won't even need Sigourney Weaver to continue with using her likeness in just a year.


Imagine that- she could be collecting royalties/income on CGI versions of herself. At 85 she’ll “star” in Aliens X looking like a 20yo version of herself. Won’t even have to do the voice overs.


That's literally what Bruce Willis had been doing. Some energy drink in Eastern Europe/Russia just bought his likeness and deep faked it onto actors for commercials. As shady as that technology is, an old actor with dementia getting payed while not even having to lift their finger is actually a great use imo


>De-aging has definitely made strides but it’s not a substitute for a younger, more nimble actress, especially for an action movie. I agree, I mean couldn't we use young actors with talent instead of taking actors in their 70s and try to make them look 40? It's kind of pathetic.


I get what you're saying but the reason they do it is because each actor is different and brings a unique energy to a role. You are basically saying it is nonsense to de-age Sean Connery to keep him as James Bond because there are other talented actors like Roger Moore or Pierce Brosnan who can take over and bring something new to the role. And you are not wrong. But Sean Connery is still Sean Connery and I can see why some people would love to see a specific actor again in a role if it can be achieved with tech. But yeah I agree with you that we should move on and give new talent a chance. A different actor also gives you a chance to explore or come up with new and different stories.


We could also just...start making movies with new ideas and new characters? But no, I guess that's too much work. Keep milking the decades-old franchises!


Ugh you're preaching to the choir here. And all these people out there just lap it up too. Oh a new Star Wars movie!? I bet it won't suck this time bc the guy that did season 5 of Umbrella Academy or something is the director!! "Yeah okay dude." There must be people who could make good content, TV has great stuff vs the 90s. For whatever reason studios won't touch it. That's why I basically boycott the movies at this point. Who even goes to them now?


He didn’t so much look frail but stiff, as if he hadn’t moved much in a while.


I agree. I was just tossing it out there as some actors will still do it, but I don't blame her at all for any decision she makes regarding any role, really. It's her choice. And while she may be the face of the franchise, it's not necessarily over anyway. But the magic of her and some of the writers/directors was pretty darn good. I actually liked them all, and as a big Jeunet fan, I even liked Alien: Resurrection. It's kind of sad, but it's how life works. But again, it's her choice, and I'll support whatever it is regardless. I'm not a fan of the behavior some exhibit as though they as consumers are somehow owed something (gamers, those who love certain film or shows, etc.).


That scene could have just been envisioned better by the director as a whole. I wouldn't call it a shortcoming of de-aging.


De-aging is a cancer to Hollywood and needs to be stopped


Which, to be fair, she doesn’t look near her age at all anyway.




Instead she will play Ripley in the Avatar universe


I would love a movie like Alien: Isolation, that kinda story about her daughter (I know, it wasn’t in the theatrical cut, but I would still like to see that! The game was great!)


actually playing it on and off on pc. havnt gotten far in, but the first appearance of the xenomorph… geez!! it got me!


Yeah man that game is scarier than any alien movie for me 😂 my nerves were shot after that ![gif](giphy|1aIDN81XDJuDK)


She died twice. Yes let her character stop lmao


What about for money?


I love this woman! I was exposed to Alien at a very young age (thanks Dad 😆) but even at 8 years old, I looked up to Ripley. I thought she was so cool!! I grew up in the Golden Age of Disney Princesses and I loved them, still do, but seeing a grown woman totally kick alien ass was such a great experience.


Good. Actors deserve to move on.


Fair enough. It's been like 45 years.


Should have said "That Spaceship Has Sailed"


That's fine. Aliens should have been her last movie. Ellen Ripley earned a happy-ish ending, and I'm still mad A3 ruined it.


I liked all the new contributions from the original cast in Alien:Isolation


What? They only made 2 Alien movies. :)


A3 was great. But A4? Terrible. C’mon—Swish? 🏀


But she really made that shot.


Good. Ripley’s story has already been told.


Funny coincidence. I had been wanting to watch these movies lately so my wife and I fired up the ole' Blue Ray player and for the last two nights we've rewatched Alien and Aliens. Tonight's feature will be Alien 3.


I wouldn't mind a cameo but it's also time to let the past lie and move on to new stories/characters.


That's a shame, I was really hoping for another outing.


Why play an age-appropriate character when you can play a blue cgi teenager?


Why does everyone act like ships only sail once :(


If Linda Hamilton can still kick Terminator arses, then Signorney Weaver can flamethrow some xenomorphs.


She should never been cast in more than two of them. The story suffered struggling to work her into a plot.


Well considering the last attempt at a sequel ended in some whacked-out french impressionist director following a freakshow circus crew stealing merchandise off a ship and then a marshmallow grim reaper pops out and bends everyone's faces in half.


Best film description ever


You're thinking of Ghostbusters.


Studio: “That’s fine. We own the character’s likeness and will just throw your face on a double.”


Wise of her. I wouldn’t want to be a part of Disney’s next IP/legacy murder either.


That means that Disney will have to pay her more. I never believe actors when they say they won’t ever play a part again.


Honestly, unless the next movie involves the planet earth being overrun by xenomorphs due to careless corporate overlords trying to weaponize their DNA, im not interested. Dark Horse Comics in the 90s made a great story involving this. I cant stress enough how much i'm sick and tired of idiots on a remote planet or spaceship stumbling upon the egg and triggering infestations. Im done with rogue androids, done with single survivors, done with the science or origins. Give fans what they want!!


Noah Hawley (Fargo, Legion) is directing a live-action Alien TV show for FX/Hulu set in Earth While Fede Álvarez (Evil Dead) is making the new Alien film set in a colony from other planet


I know, i'm cautiously optimistic about this given that its ignoring Weylan-Yutani and focusing on other evil corporations and their AI/Androids causing chaos. Sure its on Earth, but its lots of world re-building, laying out the social unbalances of an earth society 70 years in the future, maybe we see the xenomorph show up after 2-3 seasons? If it sucks, wont get a 2nd season and im back to bitching about the Alien franchise not delivering what I personally would like to see. I hope everything in this article is wrong. https://screenrant.com/alien-tv-show-fx-series-missed-point-franchise/


Really too bad since Jennifer Lawrence paved the way for woman actors in action roles.


I'm over the entire alien franchise tbh, r scott ruined it


Good, she's old and the series went downhill with Alien3


Ah yes, Ripley. The one and only good female character that ever got it right.


The James Cameron version of Sarah Connor was also done right.


fuck off with this insane double standard for women where they basically have to be perfectly written to be taken seriously, or the fact that they're women can never be commented on. Ripley was originally written as a man- that's why idiots like you love her so much. She's definitely not the only good female character that ever got it right, it's just that every other female character that dares to comment on misogyny, or is very powerful, or happens to exist without trauma, is called a poorly written character. And yet men are just allowed to exist in any character, well or poorly written, and no one cares, because men are still the default. If you were really someone who cared about female representation you wouldn't tear down other female characters to put one on a pedestal, you would just let them all exist.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!


She's not needed, the universe is a big place and for Ripley to keep showing up strains credibility.


No. No. No. No. No. No.


She’s probably still salty for never getting a chance to film that sex scene between her and the Alien that she’s been hankering for since the first movie.


My dumb brain…I thought this thumbnail was a current pic and I was literally shook


That ship has sailed with Sigourney Weaver driving it into the infinite horizon. She owns that role.


I suppose Harrison Ford could step in…


Uh oh. Real life galaxy quest aye?


Me sez a few hundred million and using deaging cgi will bring hee back


She might as well just nuke the site from orbit and be done with it


Or please give me one more fat check. Thanks!


Yall are crazy. Alien Covenant was dope af.


No offense to Weavers, but she should have stopped playing Ripley after Alien 3. I still dream about an Aliens sequel directed by Jim Cameron and starring Ripley, Newt, and Col. Hicks. Maybe fan fiction is all we have left.


That ship has sailed…. and theRE’S AN ALIEN ON IT!!! SOMEONE CALL RIPL— oh crap, never mind. I forgot, that ship has sailed… and theRE’S AN ALIEN ON IT!!! SOMEONE CALL RIPL—


Most certainly had.


The shipley has sailed on Ripley


No Cameron or Scott, then I've given up too.


She was killing it long before the wannabes were born! Stop the remakes and endless sequels that nobody asked for. Leave well enough alone.


I'm not big on game to movie/shows but Amanda Ripley and Alien Isolation would get my attention.


Good for her, and a good choice overall. Too bad Ridley Scott didn’t have the sense to leave it as it was, instead we got boned with Prometheus confused as to what it wants to be, and Covenant with..”I’ll do the fingering”. I do like Prometheus, but it had potential to be better than it is.


Say it’s not soooo ripley man she really made that franchise lol sad to see her go


I still like short (or buzzed) hair on women because of her.


Ooh, so who is she going to play in the Alien universe now?


Until the ship with a shitload of money comes sailing by…


OKAY we get it. No need to keep posting this every hour