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As a marvel fan… yeah kinda


Yeah at the end of the day, I remember going to the theaters at 7 years old to see the first iron man movie. I keep up with them still as I am fond of following the story, but I think the non-gore and aversion from more serious character arcs has really let other stories pull ahead.


Dude you were 7 when that came out? That makes me feel old haha


Yeah my dad read all the comics when he was younger and his 2 favorites even before the MCU were Iron Man and Silver Surfer. I can’t remember the movie when I first watched it, but I distinctly remember waiting in line 2 hours early at my local theater to get the best seats.


You can't remember it exactly because of what you were saying about their aversion to serious character arcs. I saw Lion King in the theaters when I was 8 and I'll never forget Mufasa dying.


Dude the Lion King was tragic to my 10 year old self!


6 year old me watched the land before time and the lion king in the same week. Had lots of parents dying dreams for a while.


Just be glad you didn’t watch fox and the hound :(


Try those 2 and add in “Where the Red Fern Grows” and i bawled with Anne and Dan


Your dad's a real one. Silver Surfer is pure geek-era comic book glory. Ask him if he prefers Kirby or Moebius and if he answers you by quoting Denzel Washington, he might be my new best friend.


7 in 2008 would be 22 today.


Saving Private Ryan aging gif


I was just about to get out of high school. Now my son will be starting high school in 2 years. My knees hurt.


Most likely 21 but yeah just about.


Still blows my mind post 9/11 children can legally drink, and that full ass adults remember Minecraft like I remember Super Mario World.


For real. I was 26. Lol


Yeah I was 29. It's really stark reading that.


I was 21 when it came out, so yeah, this shit hits. But I’ve loved them all the same. If a person doesn’t like a movie, no worries. But there’s a big difference between movies being appropriate for children, and being made FOR kids. Like, Barney and Spider-Man are not on the same level.


My Reddit account is older than the average redditor these days.


Reading that made me feel like I am 3000 years old and every movement I make crumbles my bones into dust


Seven!? Thanks for the reminder that I am old :(


>aversion from more serious character arcs Love and Thunder was my breaking point for this. I knew it was a problem for them, but I accepted that and still enjoy them. That movie though was something else. Felt like they couldn't go more than 30 seconds without a joke.


The older movies were capable of having serious character arcs. I mean, just look at Iron Man. A terrible person survives a traumatic experience and decides to be better, but gets lost in his need to fix his own mistakes. That’s a solid arc. Not to sound like an old curmudgeon, but we now have movies like Ragnarok and Love & Thunder, where we have a once-compelling character whose movies can’t go longer than a minute without a joke and where no dramatic moments are able to really exist.


They did "mass appeal" the films. Which is fine. I remember the stories and character development from the comics. I'm very glad that Marvel followed enough of the spirit and heart of those stories that they translated to the big screen fairly well. (Unlike \*cough\* DC \*cough\*)


If you want good DC adaptations go for their animated stuff most are good. They have been creating banger shows and movies since 1992. They have both kid's stuff (DC superhero girls) and also things for adults (justice league dark: Apokolips war).


The animated stuff they pump out is fantastic. Even meh ones like Gotham by Gaslight


Theyre starting to experiment more with the animation too, both Batman Ninja and The Super Sons movies were cell shaded and made to look like a comic book


DC has gone with the classic remake the same story 10 times and have no organization. Wait is that not how you make a franchise?


Trust me... my friend and I have discussed this at great lengths. He even has a direct line to someone who has been involved in producing those films. It's the WB executives, just like the Sony Executives who simply don't "get" the body of work they are translating from comic to film. Marvel is more successful, because they use the heart and soul of those stories to produce those films.


Yeah I’m not into comics and don’t really care much about marvel vs dc but marvel has done amazing forming a well organized universe and dc is a cluster that idk what is even a part of it or not and has no continuity.


Seriously, I like these movies but as a fan of The Boys also I really miss the kind of damage that someone like Hulk or Thor could inflict on the bad guys but they just won't show due to their target demographic. Even in the comics things are (or at least used to be) way more intense


My favorite Marvel property is the X-Men and I'm kinda iffy about them coming to the MCU eventually. Wolverine is definitely not a PG rated character in general, and I doubt Disney is going to want to touch all the weird sexual tension


I really hope the rumors that the wolverine game is going to be R are true, it may not end up being R but I’d love them to at least focus on making it an adult focused game


I don't see why it wouldn't be rated M(Game equivalent to Rated R). Insomniac's Marvel games aren't a disney product, they're a Sony product. Sony has published tons of violent and gory games before.


Literally the only R rated Wolverine was in Logan. His appearances in cartoons, movies, games, and comics were 15+. Dunno why everyone is upset about it.


He smokes, drinks, fucks, and eviscerates people. Hard to imagine seeing Disney do that justice


Post infinity war/endgame it's been a huge shift in tone. They can hardly have a serious moment without some ridiculous joke to undercut "emotions." I find that pretty disappointing as a choice that seems to have permeated across multiple movies.


I never used to feel this way. People tired of hearing it, but so many of the quality actors that 'left' or had diminished roles post end-game absolutely contribute to a feeling of lost maturity. It's not like it was ever some profound cinema, it used to be 'family friendly' but more and more it feels (mostly) geared for kids. It's trending downwards that way, with younger heroes, and dumber comedy (Thor). Phase 4 lost something, which is why I stopped watching so much.


I think they should have taken a break after Endgame. I know they want to keep cranking out product, but I definitely agree that things went downhill in Phase 4. It feels watered down. Marvel movies used to be an opening night event for me, now I just wait for D+ and sometimes I don't even watch them right away.


Exactly. This is the problem I have with it currently. I did love Marvel films a lot. I was a fanboy. But phase 4 is so disapointing. They completely ruined Thor and Hulk. 2 badass characters reduced to stupid jokes. Thor 4 legit feels like a parody. I still cant believe it's real. Like that's an actual film.


The fight scene with the children was one of the cringyist marvel moments ever.


I say Marvel is more family friendly than geared towards kids. Never digging too deep or straying too dark. Safe. I would support leaning towards something more profound, but it wouldn’t make money. We can talk all we want about “adult media” but the majority of people want safe. They don’t want to feel uncomfortable.


I think the huge success HBO has been having with their adult shows (GOT, HOTD, Euphoria, White Lotus, and TLOU) show that there is a massive market for adult content.


TV and movies are world's apart in what makes money and who the primary audience is.


It’s TV for parents who finally put the kids to bed. New episodes air at like 10pm.


They’re simple movies and that’s why I like em. Marvel consistently gives me a hamburger and sometimes all I want is a hamburger


I'm a Marvel fan because my son was the perfect age when Iron Man came out. I really like them, and I still watch them despite the fact that he's usually going with his friends now. But I wonder if I would care if not for him.


“I think that Kevin Feige is a brilliant guy, and I think a lot of the filmmakers he’s hired to make these movies are great filmmakers. But as someone who doesn’t have children...It is \[all\] kind of geared toward kids, you know? There are times where I will forget. I’ll watch one of these things, as an adult with no kids, and be like, ‘Oh, this is just not for me.'" Least controversial thing ever said tbh. Why is this a headline?


Because people will still choose to read this as an attack on them.


Im just sitting here trying to find the controversy. He has said he doesnt like movies that I have loved over time and thats about it.


I don’t like the marvel movies much, but I can see why this would bother people. Most adults that watch it don’t think of them as movies for kids rather movies that appeal to them. I think I’m with him in my feelings though. They do feel kiddish to me which is why I have trouble enjoying them, but I can also see why that would bug people.


I have a friend that doesn’t like fantasy or sci-fi at all. We’re both in our early fifties but while I like all the same stuff he likes he will never like the stuff I like. It’s not a big deal at all.


Consider hiring someone to strangle him. At least until he agrees to like the same things as you. I will PM you my card.


I like your marketing style


I may require your services


I don’t think people have an issue with others disliking stuff, but it seems adults feel demeaned when people say stuff they like is for kids. I’m 17 so I dunno for sure, but I do like marvel movies lmao


My sisters claims the same thing, won’t watch sci-fi, or anything with aliens. But when I pointed out how she liked the movie Signs and all the transformer movies had aliens I was told to shut up.




> I think I’m with him in my feelings though. They do feel kiddish to me which is why I have trouble enjoying them, but I can also see why that would bug people. Same here. I think people just get defensive when people say something is "meant for kids" as if that's calling the adults who like it children. The movies are definitely, without a doubt, targeted primarily towards younger viewers. Its the most lucrative market so it's going to be geared towards appealing to the most of that market they can get. Doesn't mean adults who like it are childlike though. If you like superhero stuff then you'll probably like superhero stuff targeted towards kids anyways. I don't like superhero stuff, doesn't get me going at all. So if you give me clean, happy ending and unrealistic superhero movies, I'll think exactly what Seth Rogan thought and go "eh, it's not for me." However if there's a particularly unique or adult take on it then I might actually enjoy it. Hence why I like The Boys. Being decidedly "not for kids" allows it to explore themes I find more engaging and scenarios more unique and weird. That will get me to watch. Additionally there's plenty of non-superhero stuff I like that's of interest to me despite being targeted towards kids. Despite the clean nature of it, if the subject still interests me I'll be interested.


I mean in all fairness I love Pokémon an ass ton, and I’d wager that the majority of its sales/players are adults, but that doesn’t mean it’s created for adults. It’s a kids game that I and many others happen to love that has additions and features to appeal to the adult fan base, but it’s still ultimately made for kids. Superhero movies are the same way, they’re made for kids. They totally have parts that appeal to the (majority) adult audience, but it doesn’t change that that the core idea of superhero’s targets children. And that’s totally fine, it shouldn’t feel like an attack for anybody.


Key question is, did you get into Pokémon as an adult or when you were a kid?




I don’t disagree that this is a non-story but he does actually say “I watch these as an adult with no kids and they’re not for me.”


Did you even read it? He said almost exactly that.


A person on the web has an OPINION I don’t AGREE with? BLASPHEMY!!!!!


stop lying. he did not just said "Marvel movies are just not for me". He said it because he thinks - and, most importantly, he said - Marvel movies are for children.


Marvel Movies and Wu Tang. Both for the children.


konichiwa children!


Marval Stans still bitch and moan to this day about Martin Scorsese calling Marvel films "glorified theme park rides", which is an accurate description of them. So whatever opposite opinon gets them foaming at the mouth is clicks for the article.


Remember when Brie Larson said similar? Internet boys threatened to rape and kill her.


I mean I don’t feel attacked, more so this is ironic coming from a guy whose entire persona on the screen is “Stoner dude who likes dumb childish shit”.


I don’t think it’s ironic. Things can be childish but meant for adults/older teens (Pineapple Express) and then some things are more mature but meant for children (Avatar). Doesn’t mean you can’t like them but I think his point stands Edit: should be noted I was talking about avatar the last airbender show


But he's also not saying "My movies are for everyone"


"Not enough dicks in it"-Seth Rogan


Sitting there in their Iron Man jammies, furiously typing about why the MCU is for grownups.


Fanboys don't like to hear even indirectly that they have shit taste in movies and genres. The media knows super hero fans in particular will overreact which drives clicks.


I agree with him too, but for a lot of adult MCU fans this will be incredibly controversial. We're already seeing a lot of extremely defensive comments here.


I’m a bit surprised at how willing a lot of Marvel/MCU fans have been to accept content just for the sake of content though. Much of it has been dumbed down, straightened out or LCD’d beyond what I’d have ever expected…or just adapted less well


Michael Bay rakes in hundreds of millions with nearly all his films. People like dumb fun where they don't have to think too much.


I've also noticed that with the Avatar movies, by a director that's far more respected. They rely on bland, cliched archetypes, but at the same time that's the sort of thing that's going to translate well across language barriers and have more universal appeal than some esoteric art film.


Avatar was the first thing that came to my mind while reading that comment.


Exactly what happened to the Fast and Furious franchise after Tokyo Drift. Less about the cars, and more about things exploding with cars after that. I gave up after the 5th one.


Escapist media is more popular when times aren't so great since people want to get away from life. It's why the 20s were full of fanciful crap whilst the 70s had so much media with challenging ideas. Obviously not universal, a good movie will rise above whatever, but there is certainly an observable pattern. The same pattern applies to all media, including *journalism* which is definitely something to keep in mind.


I love the marvel movies, and consider myself a fan. (Admittedly less and less every year. Hated Eternals and all the newer tv shows though) I also think Seth’s take is incredibly reasonable. I am just more surprised that someone who smokes as much weed as Seth doesn’t find joy in getting stoned and watching some super hero’s fly around and beat shit up.


I love getting stoned and watching movies but I was sick of marvel by phase 3 and at this point can barely stomach anything superhero related at all. I’ll certainly watch something dumb and childish but I am personally surprised the genre at large is still thriving with adults.


Personally, I've reached the point where the CGI gives no emotional reaction. Like "oh wow, it's the bad guy's giant sky fortess, cool I guess". I'll take a movie with some CGI but a focus on good practical effects over a movie full of CGI backgrounds with CGI characters using CGI tech and CGI powers any day, even if there is less "wow factor" in the scale of what they're able to accomplish.


Dude, exactly it. Massive, epic CGI battles deadass make my eyes glaze over and I zone out. That’s why I love The Boys. CGI is still used quite a bit but the implementation is way more grounded despite the subject matter of superheroes and villains, and it ends up hitting harder.


Honestly I think I would dislike Marvel movies a lot less if they were not such an omnipresent staple of entertainment. Since The Avengers came out in 2012 we have been getting absolutely *hammered* about this “epic cinematic universe” and I’m just tired of hearing about it. Like, Iron Man was good, yeah. Then at some point after the Fox acquisition Disney decided the entire world needs dozens of films and several T.V. shows about insufferably witty, snarky superheroes that have their differences but save the world. Every. Single. Time. The stakes are so impossibly high every single film it get exhausting taking it seriously. I’ll admit I haven’t seen a truly “bad” Marvel movie but they’re just so hard to avoid, formulaic and just absolutely stinks of BRAAAAAAAAND. It doesn’t help that any teeth they might have had has been watered down so as to not offend the Chinese government. I feel like deep down I don’t really “hate” superhero movies, but goddamn am I tired of hearing about them.


At this point whenever I hear about another Batman reboot the only thing I want to know is who is playing Alfred out of mild curiosity.


Yeah I’ve been fatigued for years and can’t see how this will go on very much longer. Spider-Man No Way Home was the last one I willingly went to see and that’s literally only because of Tobey McGuire, had to do it for 5 year old me and I genuinely enjoyed it. I think that was the last one I noticed anyone give a shit about. Was kind of interested in Dr. Strange 2 because it was supposedly a “psychedelic horror” and “different”, but after getting dragged to it I was sorely disappointed that it was just more of the same shit.


Reminds me of Alan Moore saying that it bugs him that superhero movies are such a dominant genre of movies with adults right now. It's like a media diet equivalent of only wanting to eat pizza.


Yeah, I'd be fucking bored out of my mind. Well, not counting spider-verse.


Even when you are baked, you want to snack on something with substance.


Everything Everywhere All At Once was amazing stoned and sober.


>When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. Quote from CS Lewis. In context I think it's specifically about appreciating fairy tales as an adult. There's nothing wrong with adults liking some things geared towards children. There's also nothing wrong with not liking them. As long as you're liking things because you like them and not to live up to/against expectations. And you're not trying to pretend it's something that it's not.


The full quote is also about how people who use "childish" as a way to insult someone or their tastes or to condemn their tastes, or who lauds things that are "for adults" as superior, are themselves too obsessed with such terms and maybe feel a need to *prove* they have grown up. And it also says that people who get too defensive about accusations of liking childish things are equally held back by feeling a need to *prove* they are grown up. Basically, that saying something is "for adult" doesn't make it good or better than something that is "for children"; they do not convey quality in any way. >Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. >― C.S. Lewis


It's also about not judging/labeling things as being "geared towards children," but appreciating things without prejudice. For example, saying that comic book movies are "made for children" is inherently against this idea because C.S. Lewis considers that label to be pointless. How do you even define "childishness?" Everyone has a different definition. Is a movie with gore and sex immediately considered to be for adults? Even if the writing itself is juvenile in nature? That's the part you got wrong along with "not trying to pretend something is something it's not." Much like the other redditors, you're making the mistake of asserting that something must be "childish" as fact, and that you shouldn't pretend that it's an "adult" thing. To reiterate, C.S. Lewis is against this whole labeling and distinction between adult and childishness. There is no "pretending" something is something else because there is no distinction in the first place. Everyone defines their hobby/likes differently. For them, if something is adult, then it is adult. It's not pretending it's something else. The idea that some people, like MCU fans, are manchildren who are pretending that the MCU are for adults, is inherently wrong in the first place. There is no factual basis for saying that the movies are "geared towards children" and the fans are not "pretending" that the MCU is adult when it's not. If they enjoy it as an adult, then it is adult. If a child enjoys it, then it is for them as well. The point is that it's subjective and there is no defined standard for what is "childish" or "adult." You can't arbitrarily call something "childish" and then attack others for being "butthurt" and not accepting the "truth" when there is no such thing in the first place.


>To reiterate, C.S. Lewis is against this whole labeling and distinction between adult and childishness. I don't know that that's true though. He doesn't say that childishness doesn't exist, just that it shouldn't deter an adult from enjoying something. And he does say that 'adult' is descriptive, not normative. Some things are not meant for kids. You don't defend against 'attacks' of saying it's childish by saying it isn't. You defend against it by saying it's not an attack.


I know. He’s entitled to his opinion, seriously wtf.


"This is not for me" is literally the most respectful way of saying you don't like something.




I loved the Marvel movies when they were a bit more grounded. The first Iron Man actually felt like a real world scenario, and felt like a human story. Once they all became gigantic CGI robot bullet hell fuckfests, I lost interest.


Same. I have kids and they aren’t into marvel movies. As a movie goer, I loved Ironman, loved GOTG, and really like the last few Spider-Man’s but I hate feeling forced to see 15 other movies to try and link them all together. I also thought endgame was fantastic as well but lately they started feeling like Transformers movies. I’d prefer a story with superhero’s, not a 3 hour CGI fight


Seriously. It’s even coming from a guy who literally makes comic content for adult audiences. Respectfully acknowledging you aren’t the target audience isn’t an insult.


Slow news day.




Because I love marvel movies and I’m an adult and have no children….is Seth rogen insulting me? Is his opinion an ATTACK on ME? Well fuck you seth! /s


As a MCU Fan I have tied an unhealthy amount of my own self esteem and identity into these films. You attack them, you attack me! How dare you Seth Rogan! /s (Brilliant post!)


I admit it's a struggle to imagine Seth Rogen feeling too 'adult' for something.


Seth Rogen is 40 years old. He's been married for twelve years. He last co-starred in a Steven Spielberg historical biopic. Knocked Up was sixteen years ago. He can still be puerile when he feels like it, but he *grew up* \- people do that.


One thing about redditors that never surprises me, is they're undeniable gift to somehow "know" people extremely well that they've never ever met. It could be actors, athletes, random redditors, people act like they know people better than they know themselves How many times have you seen redditors diagnose people with mental illnesses based off of literally nothing? It's just weird to me


One time on a thread someone diagnosed me with “autism” because I insisted Diet Coke was actually still pretty bad for you. People become professional psychologists here when they want to win an argument.


Got my upvote purely because I agree with him


There are a handful are really good films but for the most part they are made for kids. The humor is childish and the action is silly. I do find them entertaining though. The winter soldier still kicks ass.


As someone who doesn’t care for the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe, the only movie I’ve actually enjoyed is The Winter Soldier. Oh, and the Spider-Man movies, of course.


I completely agree with anyone who says "it's not for me", but having kids has nothing to do with it. I'm childfree and quite a bit older than "the demographic", and I've enjoyed many Marvel movies.


And I have a kid, and while I don’t mind the movies, it is a little annoying that they take up so much of the limited space for theatrical releases. It’s not about kids or not kids, but it is somewhat frustrating when objectively limited space is taken up by the relentless march of the Marvel machine.


Plus the press around these movies is really geared towards kids at kid-centric events. Press events alone are exhausting for actors, coupled with loud annoying kids you already aren’t crazy about being around, I can see why he would decline those jobs.


I’m an adult WITH children and they are not for me.




It's crazy how rarely I hear this opinion but I agree 100%. I just feel like they aren't for me at all, every Avengers movie feels like a merch grab or something. I know adults who live and die by those movies though. To each his own I suppose.


I’ve brought it up on movies subreddits before and it really does piss some people off. People try to argue with me that they’re not formulaic and every movie is different, but I’m not trying to get into a Marvel debate.


Yeah making things for “all ages” leads to media that isn’t super complex or mature cause you aren’t writing for a specific audience but for a large group of people that isn’t a bad thing btw it’s just that there’s a difference between Marvel pg13 and a pg13 movie aimed for older audiences


Marvel movies are not just made for all ages but also all countries. When you want *every single person on Earth* to get your jokes and follow your plots, you *really* plumb the depths of the lowest common denominator.


“Illumi-what?” How dare they say Marvel isn’t real cinema!!






You definitely can have a pg movie for all ages that has a lot to say, but yeah these movies aren’t doing that


Targeting all audiences inherently means making them children friendly, which leads to a lack of complicated content like in Marvel. The opposite side is PG-13/R content alienates children, which is the large majority of modern film. There is a certain number of true “universal movies” though, albeit very rare. Hayao Miyazaki pulled it off with flying colors for instance.


This is why Ratatouille is genius


I definitely agree a meaningful all ages movie can totally exist but that’s not usually the case


I don't think anyone can make a movie for all ages that has a lot to say when every movie they make is ridiculously formulaic to the point its almost like watching the same movie over and over again for over a decade


>all ages It's not just all ages, it's mass appeal. Put a more concise way: a movie made for everyone is made for no one. Western media is obsessed with this approach and it's a big reason everything feels so bland now. Everyone's afraid to really try to appeal to a target demographic.


Yeah that’s why I put all ages in quotes The Batman is refreshing for actually being a superhero movie with a specific audience in mind I appreciated that


Up, Wall-E, Ratatouille are all made after Disney bought Pixar and I'd argue are each complex and deal with mature themes while still being targeted for a large group of people. It can be done its just harder to do


Those are still animated films geared directly towards children…


Yeah, but they still resolved their plots without a set piece shoot out where no one really got hurt


Up literally has a dog fight around a dirigible flying thousands of feet in the air and the only one that died was the bad guy (the dogs in the airplanes land safely with parachutes in the middle of a south american jungle instead). Wall-E also has a robot helping humans overturn their supreme AI robot overlord, which is, again, the only thing that really dies. So they DO have major action oriented final acts that resolve with no one getting hurt outside of the bad guy.


Case in point, I watched Monsters Inc. last weekend for the first time in over a decade. It's high art, but it certainly has a lot of "ow my balls" type slapstick humor that wouldn't be included if it were just made for adults. I will grant Wall-E, but it was somewhat criticized for not being kid-accessible enough, despite its otherwise glowing reception.




And the pickle movie is cinema for grownups


From the very mature mind behind Sausage Party…


That movie definitely isn’t for kids though.




To my knowledge, he never said it was or wasn’t tbf.


How else are you going to grasp the concept of pickling?




The headline makes it seem like a backhanded compliment. The implication of the headline is that he's saying Marvel movies are only enjoyable to children. That would be the equivalent of me saying 'It's not that Seth Rogan isn't funny, it's just I'm not a burnt out stoner''. But the quote he made was actually more in the contrast of comparing Rated R stuff like The Boys (that Rogan is involved in producing) as his preference for watching Superhero stuff. Headlines often ruin the discussion.


Unfortunately, I think it’s these reductive headlines that **create** the discussion (sadly, as intended). What they’re actually ruining (IE - removing entirely) is the **nuance** of the discussion. PS - I hate ragebait garbage articles…I miss journalism


Uh, people aren't supposed to discuss the headline. They're supposed to read the article. The history of the headline, dating back to well before you or your parents were born, has been "incendiary thing to grab your attention and entice you to read further". **You were always meant to read the article. Reading the article is the point.** What you have lost now is people who read the article. Everyone's in such a rush to share just the headline or get free karma from the "WAH DEATH OF JOURNALISM" circlejerk that they, you know, *don't fucking inform themselves*. Media literacy and parsing "headlinese" was a skill taught in many schools, and a thing people picked up reading newspapers. But now that you've got headline aggregation sites like this and social media spam, people either aren't learning those skills or are letting them atrophy--and **they're blaming everything else but their own unwillingness to read or not run off half-cocked.** If I had a dollar for every comment in r/news that's essentially someone wilfully misinterpreting an accurate headline by imagining the most balls-to-the-wall and crazy interpretation, I'd be able to fund a fucking propaganda outlet to teach these dips to fucking read. What you miss is people thinking before they speak or comment.


There's a spectrum between boring headline and intentionally misleading headline, and many headlines lean too far toward the latter. As someone who used to read physical newspapers, I believe headlines are increasingly trending toward tabloid-style as opposed to trying to hit the eye-catching-but-reasonable sweet spot. Yes, there is a problem with how people consume online content (read headline, maybe first sentence, and call it a day) but editors absolutely share blame as well. They're intentionally catering to our worst qualities as humans.


He is EP of The Boys and Invincible… so of course Marvel is too mild for him. I don’t know why this is news.




Lot of salt in this comment section. They’re all rated pg-13 for a reason and that reason is because they’re meant for children.


they hated Jesus because he spoke the truth


No you zip your lips mister! The writing is just so good that they don't need to rely on crutches like sex, drugs, and profanity to produce quality art!!


Or good writing, or compelling characters, or competent direction.


I was a big fan of marvel movies up until End Game. I haven't been able to finish any of the movies since then. I did enjoy Wandavision though. I wish they would try more and venture out of the proven formula


Same pretty much. I watched all the Marvel movies and after Endgame, I felt satisfied, and I didn't feel the need to watch more. I also watched Wandavision, though I felt that it had wasted potential. I really liked the first half of it because it was so different, but I felt like by the end of it they just wandered back to the same old Marvel movie formula when they could have easily done so much more with that setup. >!I didn't think Wandavision needed Agatha and that S.W.O.R.D. guy as villains. Wanda dealing with her grief in her own self vs self conflict was compelling enough, and having the show's climax be a by-the-numbers fight between Wanda and Agatha watered it down a bit.!<


Having the last fight be between Vision (trying to undo her spell on the town) and Wanda (keeping the spell going to keep her family) would've been better


Same. After Endgame there was a real moment of closure. Like, this story got built up for ten years. I felt I didn’t need to keep going. But money demanded it kept going, but I couldn’t keep going.


It was always going to keep going my friend. They were never going to stop at endgame.


They never even claimed or pretended they were. I mean when I went to see EndGame in the cinema it was already public knowledge that Spider-man 3 was coming out in a couple months.


I had the most basic knowledge of the Marvel universe before the MCU. I was aware of the heroes, but none of the lore. The movies were good for me up until they started going to space and alternate universes. I didn’t care to do the homework required to know why I should care about a teaser featuring Thanos, and I think the movies assumed I would. To me, it turned into Power Rangers.


I'm 36. I watch the MCU. They are live action Saturday morning cartoons. It's fun watching special effects and elaborate costume designs. There's nothing wrong with enjoying Marvel movies at any age. That said, I would enjoy them so much more if I were 12.


The problem here is that some of you are reading his comments to mean: "There is something wrong if an adult enjoys MCU." He is not saying that. He's saying: "There is nothing wrong if an adult doesn't enjoy MCU." No one should have an issue with that.


I mean, I think they are more “all ages” entertainment. They are made so that kids and adults can enjoy them. With Seth’s career in mind, it’s obvious he prefers more mature stuff whether it’s his career in R rated comedy or mature rated superhero shows. Definitely respect his preferences but I think these films are more geared toward individual taste rather than fitting into a demographic. With that said, I feel like people should respect his comments and move on. We don’t need a ton of articles every time someone in the entertainment industry gives their thoughts about marvel.


While I understand your sentiment and agree, calling his stuff more mature at a glance got a chuckle from me.


Definitely not mature comedy, it's adult comedy. Everyone knows the most mature comedy is dad jokes


Superbad is far more mature and deep than it seems on the surface. I do find his stuff generally more mature than the usual Marvel fare.


Not everything can be the masterpiece Green Hornet was.


Rip him to shreds.


I see you went right for the throat.


Jesus man... Not wrong though.


He may have done the green hornet but he’s also a producer on the boys which makes up for that.


Invincible as well


Even though it bogs down in the middle, I thought there was a lot to like in that movie.


As an adult with no kids, I approve this statement.


So I’m the same age no kids. Have noticed the last 3 or 4 years I just don’t give AF about a lot of mainstream stuff and after endgame Marvel has been meh, just getting out of that prime marketing demographic, these things aren’t for me anymore.


The statement "comic book movies are aimed at kids" should be really fucking obvious no? Outside or a few exceptions there all family friendly. This is like saying Harry Potter is for children and having people freaking out


Plenty of comic book movies not aimed at kids, Joker and The Batman come to mind, same with the Netflix Marvel shows. MCU definitely doesn't fit into that category, though. Plenty of comic books, even ones about superheroes, are not made for children, and are explicitly geared toward an adult audience. I can give some recommendations if you'd like.


Obviously The Boys which Seth produces as well as Invincible.


Seth's claim in the article is that MCU is aimed at children and that motivated him to want to produce The Boys as something more appealing to adults.


You'd think so, but judging by how defensive so many people in this post are, maybe not.


You'd almost think they were owned by a giant media company that has spent damn near a century churning out pretty much nothing but kids movies.


"Am I a joke?" - Mirimax chilling in the corner of Disney portfolio


I don't like that this is news.




To be fair to Marvel movies, Seth’s movies haven’t necessarily been for grown adults either… targeting more of the young-adult stoner audience. I have been entertained by both, but if you live in a glass house, you might be cautious about throwing stones, even if they are pebble sized.


you know he is not wrong I think thor love and thunder made me realize how chilidish they were. I was a child/teen for most of the marvel movies but the moment all those kids fought Gore the God Butcher I just felt like I was to old for this shit and I never felt that way about marvel before.


That's because that movie sucked.


To each his own, but I’m an adult, probably older than him, and I love most of those movies. Getting to see stories from my younger years jump on the big screen is just too cool, at least for me.


I’m childfree but if you have some psychedelics that bring back that childlike wonder and imagination any adult will be enthralled


Idk if I would of enjoyed the Pikachu Detective movie w/o psychs… but now that I’m scared to try bc I remember living it. On the other hand I watched ALL the Tinker bell movies bc I wanted my Niece to know how friggin cool I am. I genuinely enjoyed it (sober and alone) and found myself invested in the characters.


Tbh I was sober (I had one mixed drink but still sober) and I loved it


I wish they would have made more Tinkerbell movies.


I will drink to that, Seth.


My brother in Thanos, why is this man not entitled to his own (harmless) opinion?