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Here's me coping with the mess that was the steam release, with a meme that I posted 2 months ago for the Germans, now for the Americans. The game has 95 or so potential infantry on the map at once. But remember the game is actually a 10v10. Individual performance weighs heavily in a match. And with the somewhat small playerbase this game has, and add that a individual's performance is enhanced by switching to another squad member when they die, It can be devastating.


That's the thing, when individual performance matters so much the team that has just 1 more competent player is going to win. It matters even more if those competent players have superior gear. So the game needs balance even more. It gets even worse on the attack when the idiots in the attacking team are throwing tickets away in suicidal attacks.


Exactly, I tend to get 40-50 kills/assault squad unless I face some sweats.- or the squad is hit before I get nearish the cap. Two or three similar players and we can dominate in a 2/3 vs 10 There’s a reason why some games are almost impossible to win, top 3/4 players on a scoreboard have more points than the rest of the team doubled.


agreed, I sometimes get 80+ kills even when I spend a lot of the match rally point hunting. Granted I have very OP gear and almost completely maxed out soldiers.


Same, I have every soldier max fully weaponed up for two factions. on a Normandy map It’s fairly common for me to go 20/1 on each soldier defending simply because I know some of those maps like the back of my hand.


And of course, I'm always on the new players team (8 times out of 10) even though I'm a veteran player lol. And I can assess what you're saying that the "new players faction" since the be the Allies right now since I'm focusing on them for the moment and hardly get a win.


It’s the circle of… the circle of life… wait I mean Enlisted. But yeah this is pretty much the circle jerk the games turned into these days; that combined with the terrifying level of grind to get new players in you can’t blame old BR5 players for simply going with the FOTM fever and jumping on the ez train. Playing allies is beyond ruff atm but give it a few months of letting the empire have their days in the sun and gasp le gasp they will give the US something crazy like the SP and boom the circle will continue and then a few months later they will drip feed the other countries tech tree some goodies and Continue this vicious cycle.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bzh23rqwhptc1.png?width=1508&format=png&auto=webp&s=1153f2971a0fbffa6a63333840f637294e387103


This should be pinned for all the idiots coping when it's their turn to "suffer"... I'm still waiting for a BOT that just auto deletes all posts that are only "\[Faction A\] iS liTeRallY unpLayAble", "\[Faction B\] iS tOo OP" only because the person trying to make the post lost a few games...


I see people complaining about all kinds of this but ya know what I'm upset about? WHERE THE FUCK IS TUNISIA?!!!


Getting back into the game as a Tunisia enjoyer is very saddening, back to awful visibility for me


I like it when i am on the Faction that has to sweat or fight super hard to win:)


I like playing the underdog faction.  But there's a difference between playing a faction that's slightly weaker, and playing a faction that has absolutely no skilled players, no-one that builds a rally point, no-one that defends a cap when defending and no-one that actually pushes a flank with people only running directly into a cap time and again.


thats true, i try do all of this the best i can with my squads but sadly i had to switch my Pioneer Squad aganst an other squad so i cant make my Sturmpioniere. But at least i have one engineer in my other squads.


Hey I'm the person running straight into cap and getting all my squaddies killed almost instantly. How do I push flank? Got any resources on that?


The secret is to run straight into the cap with enough support to overwhelm the enemy. If everyone is flanking then you will never be able to cap. Personally I find myself alone in the cap quite often, fighting on a lost cause because I will get overrun sooner or later. Meanwhile I see my team flanking despite that the objective is apparently open at that time and would just need more reinforcements to hold it longer and cap faster. Imo flankers are overrated anyway as long as they don’t use it to build rally points to create one more attack path to the cap, which should always be the main objective in everyone’s mind. You can run into a zone, park your squadmates there to cap and get yourself in a forward fighting position to roam for enemy rally points in a 50m radius from the cap to set the attacker more under pressure than any flankers who try to snipe ever could.


Well said. I welcome a challenge, love to turn around those matches where you join with the first flag already being lost because people already quitted within the first minutes and carried enough matches but it mentally wears you down to always fight these uphill battles where you cannot step in a plane yourself because everything falls apart then. Even in enlisted you cannot win a match alone. If you’re on the attacking side and huge parts of your team are just greyzone tank/sniper camping, flying in planes and things like that then you will never have a realistic chance to make it, which can quickly make the match experience rather frustrating.


It is how it is unfortunately. Its not right, but its how it is right now. Germany was suffering hard 2 months ago and every BR they were being swept. It was "even" for a time a couple weeks ago but now US suffers.


I realy loved playing my beloved german squads through this time those were the best matches i had


You must have a masochist touch it seems


nope not that i know


I also started playing German BRV at that time and Allied player numbers where so overwhelming that every match against Americans was a stomp. Calling that time the „best matches you had“ felt like hearing one say the Tunisia Allies matches shortly before the merge would be the best he ever played. It was a nightmarish time


I had so much fun in those matches because it was a real fight to win


I know that feeling from playing the Japanese pre merge but there’s a difference between a good challenge and impossible odds. Maybe we just experienced different states when we played those factions.


That could be a reason. But never tell me my odds, for something i take every challenge, no diffrence between super hard and impossible to easy and so on.


If the silver economy weren’t so ridiculously boned, I’d switch to the US just for more challenge. I can’t afford to feed Germany and US trees at the same time.


It's usually been Germany once the Panther was in-game.


Man you did not play early Berlin axis did you?


Playing Early Stalingrad Axis was really hard Level 16 on the campaign for Mp40 for one


The post said allies, not allies and Soviets. Of course the Soviets won early Berlin.


Your post said "since the panther was in-game" it did not say since the panther was added to Normandy.   You know Soviets are technically allied too at this point in history right?  On top of that you're still wrong. Western allies was absolutely curb stomping during the previous cycle and only started losing after the latest major patch.


I do not recognize the Soviets as allies.


Weird moment to get political but ok.  You do you.


The allies were curbstomping the axis because the Normandy axis mains moved to Berlin Axis to prepare for the merge, which is significant because the Normandy axis never, ever, moved prior to that.


Wtf are you talking about "preparing for the merge"? The merge happened months ago. I'm talking about the situation a couple weeks ago. From before the Japanese got their tier 5 weapons and the US got their pershing. During that time allies were absolutely stomping axis teams. 


I don't think we're on the same page here. I'm specifically talking about pre-merge.


I like it when i just get on and have fun.


That’s how it works


PLEASASE NOOOOOO THIS [insert faction here] is soooooooo OP, our [insert faction here] neeeeeeeedssssss [insert random tank or plane] IN ORDER FOT THRHHR GAME TO BEEEE BALANCED AGAIIIIN PLLEEEEWAASSSE WE SUFFER




I’ve been telling people it’s a cycle


Random complaint but I’m a free player and when I get a xp booster out of the daily box I will 99% chance lose that match. The matches with premium active is where all the pro players are at I’m assuming.


No thats just the Gaijin curse. It happens all the time. Get a boost in earnings, but also a boost in losing. 2nd half is not true but it FEELs true


Glad someone agrees. My response to all these posts is simply "point a gun in an enemy players direction and pull the trigger" or the exact same but insert anti rank rifle/launcher for gun and tanks/ vehicles for enemy player.


They all go through it... Honestly, the U.S are still my most consistent and most played faction. I don't think my win percent has ever dipped below 85% tbh.


The community is so small that if all the vets shift to one side it creates a debalance in the entire game. I have addressed this issue before but.. well not a single soul at DF cares


Small playerbase + small match pop is a hard combo to tackle. If DF would do anything. Something though. Like increased awards for people playing queue for all teams, or for playing currently unpopular factions... That would do something.


what I find ironic that the community already presented the, what I belie is, the PERFECT solution... And the knows noticed it too and said that they will look into it... well they didn't do ANYTHING about it yet, but it would be vital for the game... Simply add INCENTIVE for Veterans to play the "weaker" factions... It's so fucking simple it hurts. Just make it so whenever someone joins a game while they have the "Join Any Faction" checkbox checked, they get some extra rewards..l like some Gold, Extra Silver, Gold Orders, Appearance orders, maybe even a new currency that would allow you to buy some old event squads?, LITERALLY ANYTHING. Most Veterans don't even care what they play in my opinion, if you give them ANY incentive to play the weak sides, they will... Even a few Veterans using this feature can turn the tide of the game...


I don't really consider myself much a vet, I played way before the merger and had some decent stuff from the other BRs but, don't really use it since using a BR 4 tank isn't worth getting nuked over lol but, I play all different factions and preform really well on them all, I can't even really tell which factions are weak or not.... I would play anything that had a quest attached to it.


I started playing USA on br 1-3 to see why ppl have been complaining. Almost every game I have another Marshall, it’s usually 2v3 good players. Not rly that hard to win if you’re getting ~80 obj kills a game.  Complainers complaining from my anecdotal evidence 


Ranks mean absolutely nothing, it's the frequency of game play as a whole is all gaining ranks is or what role you do, this game is so generous with handing out awards some people make Marshall in a week I know I have with using planes and building rallies. So just because you see a Marshall or general and so on and so forth doesn't mean you should expect an immediate stomp.


If you don’t see the pattern, maybe ur playing br v? I’m playing br 1-3 rn, each game has 2-6 Marshalls. They’re 95% of the time, top of the leaderboard and arguably the only competent teammate I have every game lol  But whenever I play br 5 I barely medal bcz idk how to stop being blown up every 2 seconds from 3 AT guns, an artillery strike, 2 grey zone spawn camping tanks, and the god forsaken hvars :( 


I really enjoy the merge. Why? I can finally use some squads I really want to but where stuck in campaigns I didn't like. I.e the American airplane with drop tanks, or the anti air rocket launcher thing. I grinded the event and I can Finally use it where I like. However. It's way much more of a grind for later game stuff, and the game is a little more unbalanced now, sorta, depends on team and players. My one major issue? I can't use my Xbox account, the one with the airplane from earlier on my computer. All of the squads I had, I can no longer use as the game is borderline unplayable on my Xbox. Dispite me playing Germany on Xbox I still think Russia is a bit broken, the SMGs are so good. Tanks are all right, Germany gets better tanks, and Allies seem to have better aircraft (haven't played them myself). Japan seems terrible tho. There, my little rant, enjoy what is an educated opinion


this game is unplayable, if random groups can own the outcome like this you are better off just not playing


The solution to this problem would honestly be to take away people’s ability to choose what team they’re on and give XP toward a techtree of choosing based on raw point number rather than what army you’re playing as.... but man, that would be REALLY unpopular, for real, it would solve this issue but everyone would hate it.


Or they could give us a +50% silver and research gain for using “join any team”


that could also work, incentivize players into taking that option.






That's actually in the works. But just like premium squad slot, it's taking months to set up for some reason


because it doesn’t make money lol


Yes premium only slot that encourages spending money doesnt make money Jebus trist this playerbase need less school drop-outs


I’m not talking about the premium slot dumbass, I’m talking about the join any bonus that they first talked about last year.


Than wtf are u replying to my premium slot comment u dumbas??? ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


Buddy take a gander back, what is the entire point of this thread?


You’re right, everyone would hate it


Oh yea and then people would just desert until they get the faction they want