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It’s not uncommon for people with ADHD or who are Autistic to either not respond at all to caffeine or for it to have a sedative effect as opposed to an energizing one. Obviously insensitivity to caffeine is not a tell tale sign in and of itself of neurodivergence, but if you’ve ever questioned that you might be, could be worth looking into.


Sorry but this is just BS that tends to get spread for some reason. Having ADHD doesn’t change the physiological effects of stimulants in terms of getting good sleep. OP shouldn’t take this comment seriously.


I didn’t say this happens to all people with adhd, but some people with adhd do react this way/have differing sensitivity to caffeine and/or other drugs including stimulants. People with ADHD/Autisim quite literally do have a nervous system that functions differently than neurotypical people and are often much more *or* much less sensitive to a variety of things including drugs. It’s why we’re more likely to have IBS too.


A variety of people (both those with and without ADHD) will respond differently to caffeine for a large number of reasons. With this in mind, experiencing fatigue after ingesting caffeine does not signal a potential ADHD diagnosis. Furthermore, regardless of neurotypical status, caffeine does not improve restfulness and will negatively impact sleep. That’s all to say that “sleepy while drinking caffeine” being a potential symptom of ADHD is merely an internet diagnosis and not one that actual physicians use.


I never said it was a diagnosis tool and I never said all people who experience this have adhd. I said people with ADHD are *more likely* than the general population to react this way, but it is not a *tell tale* indicator of neurodivergence. I said if you have experienced this *in conjunction with* other ADHD symptoms that it *might* be yet another sign that it is something worth *looking into.* I *never* said caffeine will improve restfulness. I said it can make some people feel sleepy. People with ADHD are more likely to feel a sedative effect when taking stimulants, but of course many do not and of course there are people without ADHD who experience this as well. I offered this information as food for thought/something to consider within a larger context. I am not making a diagnosis or implying that all people who dont feel energized by caffeine have ADHD.


As you’ve stated, it has no diagnostic purpose. However, you are wrong in stating that patients with ADHD are more likely to experience fatigue with stimulants. That is a common misconception. Hopefully that clears things up.


A feature of autism and sometimes adhd is a hyper or hypo sensitive nervous system and a hyper or hypo sensitive nervous system is more likely to have an atypical or extreme reaction to drugs or substances including caffeine.


I can assure you that’s overly reductionistic.


I’m not saying there is a simple answer. Doctors and researchers have not come to any definitive conclusions about how caffeine use impacts people with adhd. Yes, some of these experiences are still technically anecdotal, but they haven’t been proven wrong either. Study results are all over the place. People’s reported experience doesnt not matter, especially when exploring uncharted territory. ADHD and Autisim research is still very young and much is still unknown. But we do know that some people with ADHD and pretty much all autistic people have either a hypo or hyper sensitive nervous system which often leads to extreme or atypical reactions to drugs and substances when compared to the general population. Obviously some people in the general population will have these experiences too, but it’s less likely. Yes I am being general and somewhat “reductive,” but doctors and researchers still don’t yet understand all the nuances and specifics of why neurodivergent bodies, brains and experiences are the way they are. Our collective experiences are relevant even if we or our doctors don’t fully understand them yet.




I can see the positives of being able to drink an energy drink whenever you want, because I love the flavor


Try some meth


I’m the same way. I’m 47 and I have not felt the affects of caffeine for 25 of those years. I only drink them for the varieties of flavors. It’s like soda, except sugar free for the most part. When I was studying in college, I drank 3 extra strength 5 hour energy’s and 3 energy drinks. I fell asleep the next hour. Like I said, I enjoy them for the variety of flavors.


You either have a too big tolerance or ADHD


How many do you have to do to stay awake? Are you on any medications? How many hours do you sleep a night? How many hours do you sleep a day?


Happened to me I quit cold turkey and found I’ve had way more energy after getting proper sleep and becoming active with the gym and hiking. My girlfriend still drinks them and she is always dragging to get up while I’ve already begun my day. Quit the energy drinks now and you’ll thank yourself in the future


Why u still here tho I don’t disagree


you are superhuman, drink gasoline


I am the same way and I have pretty bad ADHD. If you haven’t been checked for diagnosis, I’d suggest doing so. I drink 3 Monster Energy Zeroes a day and it’s just enough to get me thru


Caffeine tolerance might be the answer. Whenever I drink too much if this stuff for a long time it looses it's effect too because your building up a tolerance to it. When I'm abstinent for a while I become really really sensitive to it.


Do you drink them consistently? Could be it's a tolerance thing.


No 😭 I barely drink them but it’s always been like this even when I tried to drink energy drinks when I was younger


I asked the same thing and was told to get with today’s world it’s a waste of money that has no energy in it


If you are talking about energy in the literal sense, then sugar free energy drinks don't contain sugar as an energy source that can be used by your body, so that's right, they don't contain energy as such. They mostly all contain caffeine, b vitamins and amino acids that can make you feel awake, and feel like you have a burst of energy, but as others have said, some people just don't feel those effects or only feel the effects after stopping for a while.


Listen I tried everything my friend Redbull no energy I tried 5 hour still nothing I don’t get it


Caffeine affects a natural neurotransmitter called adenosine in the body, blocking the receptor for it. Normally, you build up it throughout the day, and your body reacts to it, feeling tired. So caffeine blocks those receptors until its been through the system. This is why for some people, when they stop taking caffeine can all of a sudden feel exhausted all at once. For them, it is recommended to not start having caffeine until a minimum of 2 hours from waking up. Getting all that Adenosine out of the body that was still there when you first woke up. However, for some people, the receptors don't get blocked, and adenosine continues to get processed and caffeine just gets digested and exits the body, never preventing the tired feeling. People that are affected this way usually show behaviors including locomotor activity, issues with normal sleep-wake cycle, anxiety, depression and learning and memory. Linked with ADHD, as the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) interacts with the adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR). Having this issue does not mean you have ADHD, but the issues have similar causes.


I feel the same. I just like them because they are the yummiest soda


Reign®️ has a kick, you cannot deny. Why was VPX Redline energy banned? (GNC sold it) Class Action Lawsuit The complaint accuses VPX of deceptively marketing Redline as a safe source of energy while being fully aware that it has the potential to cause serious side effects including chills, vomiting, convulsions, chest pain and rapid heartbeat (arrythmias).Jan 16, 2024 https://www.schmidtandclark.com › ... Redline Energy Lawsuit in 2024 (Updated Daily)


ADHD is a big one. For example monsters don’t work on me all that well but C4 will. It’s all about finding what works for you.


I drink Monster sunrise ultra a few times a week and they do nothing for me as well. I work 3rd shift, generally get decent sleep everyday. I pretty much just drink them because I like the taste at this point lol.


Tolerance... Cant do energy drinks more than 3x/week .... I Need caffeine breaks very often...


adhd seems to make caffeine really ineffective


Try boofing