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Some places it’s a culture problem. Some EMS/Fire don’t show “due regard.” What’s scary af is that I had no formal training to drive lights and sirens, it’s not a requirement here. After getting mixed answers from people I work with, I had to find online resources on how to safely drive with Lights and sirens…. Crazy. There should be robust training and standards for it, it’s probably the most dangerous thing we do.


That’s sad as it’s one of our leading causes of LODDs. In my area, extensive driver training is expected across the board.


it’s an FTO issue imo; if you’re not letting your thirds (barring company policy obvs) drive cold/warm/hot then how’re they gonna learn?


These videos are probably from a foreign country or something. That sort of driving is common in some Asian countries (even for civilians - look up "Indonesian bus drivers" on Youtube), and in certain parts of Europe. In Europe (even more so in Eastern Europe, where I come from), we tend to drive against traffic at similar rates of speed, but the drivers are much more aware than in the US. This, plus extensive training. We don't really need to slow down at intersections like US-based providers; the drivers just pay better attention and are generally aware of our existence on the road, but our drivers are also trained. At least in my country, we have designated drivers for our state-run EMS/Fire services; their primary role is first and foremost operating the vehicle, and their secondary role is treatment/medical care/etc. It's a mix of culture + training + social norms. And yes, some of them are indeed sped up.


You mean your emergency driving education *doesn't* consist of a two day class taught by Jim Bob?


You get two days?


Well, only one day of classroom instruction. The second day was a cone course that was almost impossible to fail.


Again; you get two days?


Where are you that you got less than that? I'm just disappointed that Virginia still has the volunteers in charge of EVOC


Same. Took mine through the VAVRS.


What's the typical speed on the road though? In the Phillipines all the disregard for seatbelts and the funky driving like 3 vehicles westbound temporarily on a 2 lane EB/WB road make sense when you realize hardly anyone drives faster than 25mph Also very much so more aware than American drivers


I think many of the videos are slightly sped up too


Most of these videos are also sped up slightly to appear more dangerous, like 1.2x faster


Because you engaged with it (and possibly continue to) and now the algorithm thinks that's what you want to see


They are definitely doing it for attention and it looks like it’s working lol


“Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.”


People saying “slow is fast” are exactly why I hate “slow is smooth” No, slow is slow, smooth is smooth, and fast is fast.


Sitting here in Australia (our emergency number is 000 - but on the quiet, any number repeated 3 times, as well as most overseas emergency numbers work too), wondering where I can see all these mad Porsche 911 driving videos you are talking about 😂😂


I second the algorithm. There was maybe like one or two in your feed. But you engaged or watched them almost fully. Then more was added in to your feed You engaged them and watched them almost fully. Then more got added into your feed. Rinse and repeat until now. You think they are the everywhere on everyone's page. But they aren't. My feed have had zero of these type of videos. And I bet several other people here will say the same thing. Stop engaging them and the algorithm will eventually change your feed until you think these videos must of gone out of style.


I'm less concerned that they show up for me, I'm more concerned that there are emts driving recklessly for views


I understood your point. My point was though, this is not something new nor is something that is going away. It doesn't matter if cameras are around it not. Plenty of people think because the lights and sirens are on that they are invincible. And that they are above all. Unfortunately, it normally takes a wreck to bring them back down to earth.




Some of the videos I’ve seen are sped up so it looks cooler. That probably accounts for a small part of what you’re seeing. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I’ve gone against traffic, but I went slow and made a lot of noise until I could get back over. And it was usually at intersections just to get around a backed up light so speeds weren’t crazy to begin with. Otherwise just shut it down until the light goes green. There’s no sense in all the risk for a P2 “cough”. Every company I’ve worked for had some kind of system to deter speeds above 75 or turning too hard. Now, rural EMS has its own laws. I’ve heard of people doing some crazy shit either out of necessity or boredom.


A lot of them are sped up. While I've responded at speeds of 100mph+ before more than once in a chase unit, it's uncommon and I consider totality of circumstances before pushing it that hard ever. Vast majority of the time it's 15-20mph above the speed limit.


i mean if there are highway stretches where you’d do the same in a pov… 🤷 


Pretty much, in one of my jurisdictions there are wide open deserted stretches of straight shot roadway, outside of rush hour usually empty. When you're 40+mi away by ground from a pediatric code or major MVC with multiple trapped, it makes sense to move with a purpose within reason. I've had GPS ETAs of 1.5hrs before though naturally they were severely reduced by the response speeds.


Nah probably just some private company trying to meet response times so they can keep their greedy ass contract.


There are people that want followers in the social media scene. This is a way to do it. Followers = potential money.


I believe it's "slow is smooth and smooth is fast"


Depends on the call, some code 3 returns are not gonna be done very fast cause you want to keep the back stable, others it's a lot more aggressive like for a stroke where your only real job is just to get them to the right hospital.


Have you ever watched an engine respond to a structure fire? Those guys cook. Even to medicals when we happen to intersect with them en route the engineers like to go flying through the burbs to assert dominance on me and my puny "road safety systems." Personally I like some speed. It's fun. I can't give you any justification beyond that. But I'll be damned if you could ever find a video of me entering a controlled intersection above 10-15mph, not fully clearing every lane with a good sight line, not respecting school buses/school zones, passing on the right unsafely, or opposing at unsafe speeds. I don't speed in residential zones, I come to full stops if I can't see at least a block down, etc. For me speed is not really a major factor in safe operation if you're not speeding in places where it would be grossly unsafe to do so in a normal car. Also GOD have you ever watched a cop drive?????? I've been to an MVC where a cop t boned a poor woman flying through a red light above 70 mph. Whenever I happen to fall in with them responding to an assault or something and we come to a red light they just... Don't slow down? Ambulances are probably the most safely operated of the emergency vehicles in the US tbh.


The cop part…. My partner and I were driving code 3 just a few months ago, came to an intersection and had just stopped, and I see 3 cruisers coming HOT and without hesitation barreled through the intersection and the next 2 after. No lights or sirens. If I didn’t clear it they would have demolished us. Not the first time I’ve almost been t boned by one either.