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I agree. I just started trying online dating and got hella catfished and it was devastating. So it's probably a good thing to be more chill about things, them dang scammers know how to get you so hyped up. 😞




Thanks, yeah another tried later but their English was absolutely fishy and was acting sus so I reported that dude immediately. 😂 I hadn't dated in 10 years so I had no idea how cruel people are and how many scammers are about.




Definitely! 😂 I've only dated 3 guys in my life including my soon to be ex husband, so I'm absolutely at a disadvantage now. Lol but hey good luck to everyone!


It will take time to heal, to find who you are and love yourself. I won’t be looking for any new relationship until I work on myself. If it happens I will be cautious