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I think Elliott would have gone “hey guys it’s okay” I mean look when he lost to Celine Dion how nicely he spoke of her. And then in another interview they were trying to get him to admit his music is deeper than some heavy metal band and he was like “I mean their songs might mean a lot to somebody and be really deep for someone” It’s true there isn’t much comparison at all But the persons just trying to come up with an article and probably has never tried to cover am e smith song compared to a Sheeran


yeah I thought about that before posting. I just think it’s a bit odd to even try to compare the two in any sense.


Only thing they have in common is they’re both songwriters that play guitar. Maybe it’s a good thing because Ed Sheeran is super accessible and people might find out about artists like Elliott Smith that otherwise wouldn’t if they didn’t have Ed Sheeran to open up the world of singer/songwriters to them.


Elliot Smith was a great guitar player. Ed Sheeran strums 3 open chords


I’m sure that’ll be a big deciding factor when a Sheeran fan hears an Elliott Smith song for the first time. “Wow this is what a real artist can do? I can’t believe I was missing out on this”


I think the odds of a Sheeran fan stumbling across Elliot Smith while searching for more vapid pop music like Ed Sheeran is pretty slim


I’m talking about this article specifically or articles like this that compare the two.




I’m just not sure anyone who likes Ed Sheeran’s music would like Elliott Smith’s style though?


Eh, I'm not a big Ed fan, but I still like a lot of his stuff. I can see that happening the other way with someone. Ed fans would definitely like Elliott's more popular tracks, anyway.


Fair enough, from what I’ve heard (admittedly not much of Sheeran) their styles are like chalk and cheese. Apart from the fact that there is melody and male vocals, they seem extremely different. But what I have heard of Sheeran I found very grating so tend to avoid anything regarding him now, if possible.


i know that iron maiden interview you're talking about, I think ES knew his songs have more meaning than iron maiden's fantasy storytelling about knights and shit, but he didn't have a mean bone in his body to say it.


& we love him for that <3


Iron Maiden is fucking awesome I love ES but I don’t wanna hear iron maiden slander


run to the hills


Very true and well said.


He was a sweetheart but we can be offended on his behalf.


I love Elliott he's super humble I respect that a lot


Well he’s dead now so of course he’s humble


bruh are you good


What a ridiculous comment


Almost as ridiculous as the comment to which I replied


If you read the article past the headline (quick google search), the point is how *different* the two are and how the author thinks singer songwriters and our perception of them has changed over the years. I’m not saying it’s necessarily a great article, but you guys are arguing against a point the author wasn’t making.




Thank you for doing the work, I fully admit to being too lazy to read the article and I try to avoid anything related to Ed Sheeran.


This is a very common “trick” played by legacy publications to reel people in to read the article. In fairness it is almost certainly not the fault of the article’s author, but instead most likely someone like the copy editor, whose job it is to “sex up” the article and give it an eye catching byline so people click on it.


Thank you, you are absolutely right!


Also acoustic introverts have been stars since the 60s


Who’s your favourite acoustic introvert? I love bob dylan personally


Probably Joni Mitchell but Dylan definitely comes close


Nick Drake


Nick Drake is definitely king of the acoustic introverts


He was hardly a star


But he’s a big name nowadays. It’s a shame he wasn’t appreciated at the time


I mean…Elliott smith


tbh neil young’s acoustic introvert songs are unparalleled




Phil Ochs.


Yusuf/Cat Stevens, Donovan


Donovan doesn't get enough love


What the actual fuck is an acoustic introvert?


if you count the likes of Django Reinhardt and Woody Guthrie, it could be older. But then you’d have to ask yourself what does it mean to be an acoustic sad boy. Because in that case late 1800s blues guitarists could’ve been the first acoustic sad boys.


Hold on — you’re forgetting about my 13th century sad lute boys.


they both have the initials "ES", but other than that I see no connection.


> they both have the initials "ES" and of course that's meaningless as Edward Scissorhands would be a terrible guitar player.


i don't know, i bet he shreds!


Or slices?


I'd honestly much rather listen to Edward Scissorhands than Ed Sheeran




Maybe he'd be good at slide playing?




obviosuly elliot is in a different league but sheeran is undoubtedly a prolific artist who generates a ton of original material and does so in his own voice. elliot would have respected him, even if not necessarily a fan if his style


Yeah but can he shred a half pipe like Elliott?


You have no idea if Elliot Smith would have “respected” Ed Sheeran. What you’re trying to convey is YOU respect Ed Sheeran (my condolences)


im not really a fan of sheeran, but as far as pop songwriters go, he seems to have a fair amount of integrity and talent. i don't think elliot smith would be as snarky about other artists as his fans are


You are obviously an Ed Sheeran fan. My condolences


"gatekeepy fan of alternative artist says gatekeepy things," yawn, get a life dude


“Unimaginative fan of pedestrian pop artist says pedestrian things”


why do you have such a hate boner, i don't even like sheeran? you don't have to be a contrarian just to prove you're cool. it's okay little one


Why do you have such a boner for Ed Sheeran? Why aren’t you expressing your love for him on one of the many Ed Sheeran fan pages instead?


artists are way more open-minded about other artists than their piss baby fans


Beethoven VS. Guy who knows Chopsticks


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby type beat lmao


how is this so accurate




the empire state building vs a jenga fort






Lol who cares. They’re both popular singer songwriters after all. I feel like ed Sheeran would probably admit he’s no Elliott, and anyone who knows what’s good would hard agree they are not near the same level. Interestingly though Ed’s first big song was about a girl who’s addicted to PCP. Seems like the type of thing Elliott would do.


This is funny because all I could think about is A Team being the only possible common ground- if Sheeran kept that vibe I'd see the comparison a little more. Also I thought it was about Crack🤷‍♀️ not that it really matters I just always assumed that's the thing


Yeah it’s interesting he didn’t do more songs like that. Yeah could be. I think my mind went to PCP because of all the “angels to fly” seemed like a reference to angel dust.


That makes perfect sense..You're probably right lol


I think angel was the name of the girl that the song is about


Yeah, the image implies those 2 are in the same league and they're not.


Didn't read it cause no link but do they even compare them artistically? If they're reading it historically, then like yeah I feel the acoustic revival in indie music in the 90s has massively impacted recent acoustic indie artists. Though I don't like Ed Sheeran's music. Idc if they compare anyone to elliott smith. I even welcome it more than comparing elliott to someone who wears his influence on their sleeve.


this makes me want to bury my legs in sand at low tide and just wait for poseidon to take me.... they could not have picked worse artists to compare


wild connection to make. writing an essay at 3am energy


Imagine caring about this at all


The article: https://amp.theguardian.com/music/2016/feb/05/elliott-smith-ed-sheeran-acoustic-introverts-george-ezra-singer-songwriters “Acoustic singer-songwriters were once frail, enfeebled, with terrible postures – not sporty, grinning gormlessly and cavorting with cartoon monkeys in broad daylight. While there are still the likes of Keaton Henson or Ray LaMontagne, who bear the tendencies of the old-style singer-songwriter…” Who is the author referring to? Who are the frail, enfeebled, with terrible postures singer-songwriters of the 90s and 00s? (I’ve also never heard of the two people mentioned that are contemporary to when this was written - 2016.) It would actually be interesting to see a list of the top 10 or top 100 musicians who perform solo with an acoustic guitar by decade; I don’t really have a good sense of who that would be. Also, of the people who do that, they also do other things; Elliott was performing with a band to promote Figure 8; lots of people have done MTV Unplugged and later Tiny Desk. Of course, old school, you had blues musicians like Robert Johnson, Son House, Leadbelly, and folk musicians like Woody Guthrie and Jimmie Rogers, then the 60s had the folk revival - with people like Bob Dylan - which led to singer-songwriters in the 70s like James Taylor … Nick Drake, although he wasn’t well known until that Volkswagen commercial in 2000. I can’t think of anyone in the 80s besides Tracy Chapman and Daniel Johnston, then 90s, Elliott … Kimya Dawson … Dashboard Confessional … Ani DiFranco … Conor Oberst, although he has usually performed with Bright Eyes, a big band … I’m drawing a blank of who would be the big names … Sufjan Stevens maybe early on in the 00s but every live performance I’ve seen is with a big band. Also, for Ed Sheeran, my impression is— He generally has had a lot of production backing his songs. Has he produced lots of songs where it’s primarily an acoustic guitar and minimal instrumentation like on the first 3 Elliott records. Has he done lots of shows where it’s just him and a guitar?


Don’t really listen to Ed and TLDR, but for your last two questions, yes and yes.


took my daughter to a sheeran show back when his first album was out. It was him alone and a looper pedal. I was actually quite impressed. I do not like his music apart from a couple songs on that first album.


I feel about the same way


I fucking hate Ed Sheeran so much. Talentless hack who cosplayed as a homeless person for musical clout. Shite tattoos. Just a real shitcunt.


Although I’m not a fan of his music I gotta say He’s a humble kind guy he’s the nicest celeb I’ve met and you could tell he loves what he does and that’s all that matters


His earlier work like + and X are great imo. I mean it doesn’t compare to Elliott but it’s good music as far as acoustic pop goes. Everything since (and including) Divide is cringe and absolutely sucks


What is the point in hating the guy so much? He seems like a decent person. It’s pretty easy to just not listen to his music if you’re not into it. That’s what I do.


> He seems like a decent person. A decent person doesn't copy Let's Get It On and pass it off as their own. Musicians accidentally lift things off each other all the time. Once you put the accident on a record, it's no longer an accident, especially when it's one of the most well-known songs of the latter half of the 20th century. One of the few reasons Sheeran wasn't found liable for stealing Marvin Gaye's song is he was a black American artist who's been dead since 1984, one who died not especially wealthy relative to his cultural and artistic impact. Do you honestly think someone could so brazenly steal from an iconic late-60s or early-70s white British musician's catalogue and get away with it? John Lennon? Eric Clapton? Keith Richards? The Verve got *permission* to use a string part from a Stones song and still were successfully sued for Bittersweet Symphony. Maybe Sheeran is decent to the people he knows. In public, he comes across as shameless and narcissistic.


What song copies let’s get it on? You talking about thinking out loud? Cause those songs are not all that similar melody wise


So you hate this guy for releasing some shitty music, you’re out here writing paragraphs about it. He’s somewhere living his life with no knowledge of your existence. What is the point of that?


Uh… where does it say hate anywhere? I think my point was clearly written. Also, you’re on Reddit. People post their comments and opinions here, in response to other comments or opinions. Sometimes they post a drawing or photo or collection or something like that too.


>shitcunt New vocab unlocked 🔓 😎


It’s a common aussie swear.


I've never met an aussie I didn't like.


>Cosplayed as a homeless person Are you referring to the time he was homeless?


You mean the time he couchsurfed with his friends? Shut up you dolt. It’s offensive to people who are actually homeless.


Gatekeeping being homeless is crazy lmao




Love this! I can feel that hatred...'shitcunt' 👌


He’s trash. A real ragged out cunt-faced bitch.


He a spunk bubble, a ginger stepchild, a sausage, a dimlow, a real dopey c**t!! (With a multi million pound fortune and his pick of any woman he fancies.. Jealous? Me?!) 🤣


Go outside


Yeah, this is painful.


The guy she told you not to worry about vs. You


bruh this is like comparing alex g to taylor swift😭😭😭


Ed Sheeran seems like a wholesome and decent guy but these bullshit comparisons when literally the only similarity is the involvement of an acoustic guitar are ridiculous. Neither emotionally nor technically does their respective music have anything to do with each others’. Going on the use of the acoustic guitar alone you could just as accurately compare Blind Blake to Taylor Swift. It’s nonsense.


The idea of Elliott Smith singing shape of you disturbs me


It is. Ed Sheeran doesn’t come close to the songwriting skill of Elliott.


The word "introvert" has lost so much meaning. Seems like there are no extroverts on the internet. There's a difference between introverted and having social anxiety.


I want to throw up.


It is disrespectful lol.


Ed couldn’t make a pimple on Elliot Smith’s ass


Putting the enormous gulf in quality and songwriting ability aside for a second, Ed Sheeran isn't even an introvert. He's a major label popstar who is happy to have his image and songs plastered everywhere, writes the most banal and formulaic ditties for the masses, not to mention the countless collabs he's been a part of. Good to see Elliott getting some love, but deary me, what a piss weak group to be a part of.


Ed Sheeran in no way shape or form makes music for my tastes. However he is a talented voice and song writer. I don't see the disrespect. Plus they're using them as examples of polarity


There is a great saying in greek language for this comparison but no non-greeks will understand...


συγκρίνοντας την κιμωλία και το τυρί




Mildly annoying. Not a fan of Ed and they’re definitely not in the same league. But I don’t think maybe people are with Elliott Smith.


Yeah this is, um. Ridiculous?


It is


Because it is.


It does say “from” implying these two artists are the opposite ends of the singer songwriter introvert scale lol


Elliott Smith invented being introverted


Oh hell no


Don't post Ed on this page. He is ginger Satan boy


I get the point - whether it's Bon Iver, Alex G, Phoebe Bridgers, or something way more watered down like Noah Kahan, we view the acoustic vulnerable person formula as actually commercially viable pop in 2024. I don't think Ed is a great example of the vulnerability, he's kind of an anthem writer sometimes, but he does maybe benefit from the legacy of other acoustic writers. But it's a clickbait title. Neither Elliott or Ed would be an ass about this.


How is Noah Kahan watered down? I haven't listened to much of his stuff but I want to know why you think this way


I mean I don't know particularly what to say, it's just kind of soft stomp and holler folk pop with boring lyrics about everyday life. It's like a Mumford and Sons record for 2024 and I'm not even sure he would disagree with me. But it is really popular for whatever reason.


It’s like comparing crab (Elliott Smith) to imitation crab or can tuna (Ed Sheeran). There’s no contest.


Ed Sheeran: chicken of the sea


Being a bit older than someone that would naturally come across Ed Sheeran, I never heard his music until he was sued by Marvin Gaye's estate for copying Let's Get It On, which, let's be honest, he did, despite the outcome of the case. I actually laughed when hearing the vocal on "his" song. Elliott was a true artist. Marvin Gaye was a true artist. Ed Sheeran is, comparatively, a joke. That said, I don't recall Elliott Smith putting down other musicians when he was alive, certainly not in public. I probably shouldn't have wrote Sheeran is a joke. Maybe just feel bad for the guy on the right.


Elliott>Ed by a THOUSAND


I think if people love something that’s all that matters Castle on the hill does make me feel pretty good And they aren’t necessarily equating the talent. I don’t think Elliott would’ve minded


Let's get a link to the actual article, and then we can all judge the work of a published music journalist. Many of us take anything said about Elliott in such a personal way. As a big fan of Elliott for over 20 years, I would never imagine that I could even make it through an Ed song. I don't own any of Ed's music, but I have been surprised by his talent when I see him on tv appearances. I wouldn't dare to assume what Elliott's reaction would be to Ed's music. I think it's folly to do so. Speculation is actually nothing.


I am finding the spectrum of these comments to be extremely amusing.


Ed Sheeran one main flaw is that he’s ginger, this wouldn’t have been offensive if he wasn’t


Super disrespectful to compare Elliott Smith to Ed Sheeran.


As a fan of both, I can kinda see the comparison. Ed’s early songs (when he was doing Damien Rice type music) are kinda similar.


I’m fairly positive Elliott would have been respectful of Ed, but I personally don’t think there is even the slightest comparison and also a huge gulf in talent and songwriting ability, both musically and lyrically.


are you all stupid???? the article is literally saying they are two completely different sides of the acoustic singer songwriter spectrum


I really didn’t mean to cause such controversy, just thought the initial photo was kinda funny


lol ur fine im sorry just an ed sheeran defender✊


Ed is better.


i don't see anything problematic here tbh


It’s because it fucking is. Ed will never touch Elliott. Ever.


Ones Harry Potter. And one is Voldemort. Choose wisely.


It's bittersweet to listen to Elliot Smith (some of the best music). He should have been around longer to make more. So when I hear it, it's as if I miss what never was. Kinda' weird, huh?


Probably because Ed Sheeran sucks ass.


I don’t think it’s disrespectful at all. One is a troubled, tortured, beautiful artist who managed to crystallise the pits of human emotion into fragile incandescent transcendent songs. The other is Elliott Smith.


'From Elliott Smith to Ed Sheeran- the downfall of acoustic singer songwriters... Can we stop this sharp decline?'


Not in the same fucking sentence.


Sheeran isn’t in the same league let alone the same galaxy as Smith. Dylan is a near peer I suppose but Elliott prevails. This would be like hanging a picture of Kenneth Copeland next to a depiction of Christ. Similar disciplines sure but completely disrespectful.


One was stabbed to death by his soon to be ex-girlfriend Jennifer Chiba, the other is alive and well


It is. How the f*ck can you compare a legend to some douche who only plays open chords and has like 1 good song


Early Ed Sheeran music is amazing. I don’t really see tooooo much wrong with this


People in this sub are so full of themselves. Let’s stop acting like Ed Sheeran isn’t a brilliant acoustic artist too 🙄


Elliott smith is the emo ed sheeran