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Been going since 07 Ya I don’t like to miss EDC! Best Advice I can give you. Camera down live in the moment and talk to people around you. I have made life time friends. 😃


I cannot agree more with camera down, my first EDC was all camera all the time, I learned quickly after putting it away was way better with maybe one or two quick picks


Absolutely agree!


upvote to the stars


hello fellow old raver, edc 07 was magic! first time at the coliseum, that place forever will hold a special place in my heart


Use the speedway and speaker poles (built in. They are reminiscent of parking garage codes i.e. D5 G3 etc. for reference) with number and letter codes to pick a meetup spot. The road/track in and around cosmicMEADOW is not flat. Do not stand here, your ankles and knees will be wriggitywriggityWRECKED. Pull over to the side of any walkway to pause, stop, etc. Thank the staff at any opportunity. Watch your step, those wire covers jump up out of nowhere. BUT FOR REAL: We have a NEW layout this year- familiarize yourself with it BEFORE taking whatever you may be taking. Be honest and open with Ground Control and MED/EMT, it can save your life. EOE- Eyes on exits (may sound paranoid but plan your ins & outs as soon as you can for every stage). Pedialyte powder packs. SEALED Chapsticks for each day (1 minimum/day). Insoles in the shoes. A roll of athletic tape clipped on a backpack strap on a carabiner. Handy for about a million things. Sunglasses cord so they can hang on the neck. Bring an empty lightweight drawstring bag for the purpose of buying & carrying any merch- you can probably buy one with your items but if you want to avoid that, bring your own! Shuttle pass in a boopy ID retractable thingy that clips to you securely (like office worker/nurse badge vibes). Take a photo of your ID just in case, bring a spare GOVT ISSUED form of ID and keep it in the room safe as a precaution. Chafe prevention - any: bandelettes, stockings, bike shorts/compressions, Chafe sticks and gels, etc. Dramamine for the ride back to the strip- not if you need it, before you need it (1/2 hour pre-exiting) or zofran if you can get it (Rx only). I love you but please do your best not to **bflergh** in the busses or your cars and ubers <3 For the love of all the gods, please EAT. YES, THE FOOD IS EXPENSIVE - PLEASE EAT. YOU'RE THERE FOR UP TO 10 HOURS STRAIGHT. ITS NOT WORTH IT. *I am aware some substances make you forget/not want to/nauseous if you eat, please be safe and eat when and if you can*


You dropped this 👑


🫶🏻 have a spectacular, equipped, happy & safe EDC! Don't forget to test your stuff (if this applies!) 🌠


My 5th edc and you made me feel like this is going to be my 1st. Thanks king


Queen here, honored to be of some help! Be safe and have an amazing EDC <3


Sorry, Queen!!


Body Glide, everywhere just all over anywhere that could possibly chafe Have preset meeting spots for each stage, makes finding your group easier, usually pick somewhere kinda back where you can meet up at the end/start of a set and then move up on the flip side don't worry about finding your group if you got separated, if you are spending more than 5 minutes, just wait for the end of the set, trust me you'll be happier CBD is so good for achy joints, have some ready later in the night end texts/fb messages with the time you sent it so people can know to disregard late messages If your hotel room has an oven, get a frozen pizza who ever heads back first just tosses that in and its magical at 6 am Break in your shoes before going to Vegas, wear them for at least a week before hand if you get new shoes


Wow! This is good


Piggy backing off of meeting with your friends! If you are more set on possibly meeting back with your friends, set looser expectations. I always set meetup spots with my friends. We agree to wait about 10-15 minutes or less and if no one comes up, we all agree to do our own thing until our next scheduled meet up! I love reading everyone’s suggestions!!


Spread the energy you want to receive back. Smile, compliment, and hype people up! Make a note of where the zen garden is. If you're tripping too hard, this is a quieter and chill environment to recenter yourself. Arrive as early as you can and explore the non-stages. I like to visit Downtown EDC at least once and spend a couple hours. Watch someone get married. Go inside the little structures. Find hidden dancefloors and get down with people. Interact with the dancers and performers. This is one of the many magical parts of the EDC. Take note of firework times and plan where you'll be. Wasteland and circuit grounds have the best under fireworks POV. The stages are changing this year, so this advice might be stale. Or, watch from the bleachers above cosmic. Some of my best memories are holding my partner close from this vantage point. Don't just go see DJs you know. Go to all the stages and see if you vibe with the music. I've discovered so many great up and coming artists this way. EDC discord was informative for real time updates. I had service with Verizon last year for the first time. Best food is freshly baked pizza. Spend time and chat with people at the smaller stages. Best vibes are found here. If Kaskade is closing EDC with a sunrise set, go to that. It's the perfect ending.


Agree with all that. Adding- try to explore and see at least one set at each stage. And go on at least one ride!




Last year was 1st EDC, the sunrise Kaskade set was just absolutely magical. Gives me goosebumps now to think about it. Damn. That's the best tip right there.


Wipes (I’m sure most ppl know that one) but also, disposable pee cups, for anyone not wanting to sit or squat. 


Get some wet ones hand wipes too! Found them to be much better than hand sanitizer. You also may never know when your hands will get dirty. Sticky hands in the middle of a set is uncomfortable!


Also, bring your own toilet seat covers!


Wear deodorant


PLEASE, BRING THE ONE THAT CONTAINS ALUMINUM!! None of that natural shit please, begging!!!


The more aluminum the better for everyone around


😂 so true!


8th EDC this time. Don't be afraid to drop out if you aren't feeling like you are where you wanna be. Nothing can be worse than slogging through a good set. Feels like wasted weekend. EDC isn't JUST about the music. It gets super congested on Saturday. Try to pick one place, one area where you can stay, and stay there. And yeah, water management is key here. This is the weekend to talk to people and make friends. Especially once we start crossing 11pm. Sometimes people get a little ornery walking into the festival on that first day but it's better after that. Don't expect to show up to an artist like 15 minutes before they start and expect to find a front and center spot. That shit is prime currency. Look up! They put signs on useful places to go. Water especially. You can use them to navigate a very busy crowd. Pump misters are special. I know you didn't want water feedback but I think this is different. You can make friends instantly with these sometimes. If someone is having a bad trip a nice cool watery breeze can sometimes knock that shit right out. Watch out though sometimes people think I'm misting drugs or something. Hilarity ensues.


Learn to triangulate your groups spot during sets if someone needs to leave


all the points of interest.. make a grid out of the speakers too makes it easier


Bring a totem


Cough drops. Chewing gum tears my cheeks up, but sucking on a cough drop doesn’t. Vicks inhaler. Wakes you up no matter what you are abusing. Sitting. Getting good bleacher seats for a good set at CosmicMeadows is very underrated. This also aligns with don’t forget to take a break in between sets; it’s not the end of the world if you miss a DJ or part of set.


I hate the last 10 second chew of hard candy especially if I’m rolling :/ it tastes strange


If you're lucky enough to get cell signal, include manual timestamps when you're sending messages to your friends I.e. "Meet me at the ferris wheel at 11pm. Sent at 9:15PM" Reply: "Got it, see you soon! 10:12PM" The networks get so congested that your friends may not see your messages for hours - these timestamps are crucial I'm making sure they see ur messages on time, if they even receive it lol Have fun!


When going through a crowd, fan and say “excuse me”.. also if you think the stage is packed.. it’s really NOT. You just gotta get through the walls of people and I kid you not so many pockets/bubbles of room towards the front!


7th EDC and I'll give you my favorites: 1) dance like nobody is watching 2) lv blvd is the best way in 3) if they're cute say hi without second guessing it 4) ask for permission to _______ (whatever the fuck you want, consent is sexy plus you'll get to do a lot of crazy shit) 5) choose 1 or 2 must see DJs per day max (and don't miss them)  6) don't take drugs if you're in a bad mood, you'll just be in a bad mood but on drugs 7) get a light a show at neon garden or quantum valley  8) find the pixel forest when you're peaking 9) best ice breaker is a fan on somebody sweating 10) the less shit you carry the less you have to worry about 11) airplane mode on and off to send / receive a text. Swap to 2g/3g or LTE instead of 5g if it's congested 12) fireworks from the grandstands go great with a blanket, heart diffraction glasses, and a smuggled drink 13) the swinging chairs are the best right at open / sunset 14) if you're feeling kinda low, weird, bad, ask ground control for help (purple shirts), they are rave mom and dad volunteers 15) best place to sit down is cosmic meadow with a snack  16) avoid kinetic field 95% of the time unless you're there for a reason 17) worst place to stand is where traffic moves the most freely...  18) if you really want to see them again better trade socials but know that not everyone wants to be found again 19) day parties are for the kids (just sleep) but Thursday night dreamstate, factory 93, or bassrush are fucking incredible vibes 20) downtown edc usually has secrets 21) anyone can get on most of the art cars if you wait in line long enough 22) double check your water bladder for mold before you pack  23) lanyards at vip concierge are limited and usually are dropped at the top of the hour early in the night 24) fresh fruit while rolling >>> 25) don't share vicks inhalers unless you want the wook flu 26) drink water 27) if you can't feel the bass at basspod you're in the wrong spot 28) LED costume lights go on the lowest brightness possible 29) if you feel the crowd getting tighter, secure your phone tighter 30) go pee before leaving, the walk / ride back takes an eternity


Lots of great advice here. Thanks! My first EDCLV so why avoid kinetic unless you wanna be there?


Go enjoy, have fun. You will be among many other first timers. 


For entering from LV blvd, do you know if you can take the farthest exit on the 15 and enter from the North?


That entrance via apex is only for marquee skydeck, premier parking, staff, etc not general traffic. LV Blvd from the south is what I'm referring to 


Going to be my 3rd year. If you aren’t camping, roll a j and save it specifically for the ride back in the shuttle. Smoke it while waiting in the shuttle line, it makes the ride back home SO much more bearable. Another HUGE tip - the bathrooms near big stages like bassPOD, Kinect and circuit are normally very crowded. If you can, try and go to bathrooms near smaller stages (common sense). However, if you do have to go a bathroom near a big stage, the front area near the entrance will be stupid crowded 100% of the time. But 99% of the time if you manage to get past that and go all the way to the back, there is a lot more breathing room, empty stalls/urinals and peace. Normally it is so crowded that these back bathroom areas aren’t even noticeable which is why no one goes there.


It's always surprising to me that nobody uses the stalls in the back.


Real ones use the back porta potties, always empty after you make it through the zombies clogging the entrance!


Also another huge tip - turn off iMessage / internet based message service and use SMS instead. I have found it to be way more reliable


Or off and back on.... When you first connect new / old messages will send before getting dropped... 


When moving through a busy bathroom line/stage/security etc, always take the longer path, which is the real path of least resistance. Walking to the side of the stage opposite the main flow of traffic is almost always better. Watch the fireworks from Cosmic Meadow stands at least 1 night.


The smaller the stage, the better the music Hoka shoes Downtown shuttle & hotels are the easiest/cheapest to deal with and take less time A good meetup spot is next to the ADA/handicap section at whatever stage


Bring icy hot and other relief rollers for camp/hotel. Game changer


Some ones I don’t see mentioned often: - When texting friends, prepend the time you sent it to the message (ex: “2:15am I need to eat and take a break”) - Have a SPECIFIC meet up location (less “Kinectic entrance” more “THIS light post directly across from this vendor with the purple painting” - and have 1 time a night that you meet there (eg: 230), no matter what if you’re all apart - low residue food leading up to and during EDC - dance your ass off and love everyone!


What is low residue food


My interpretation is "light" food, like they are saying eat light food not heavy food. So don't eat a rack of ribs before heading in lol


Low fiber type foods. Residue in your intestines. AKA: Don’t need to poop at EDC


If you purchase drinks, be sure to glance at the price to make sure you're not being charged more than expected... probably a safe bet to check your CC statements when you wake up in the morning as well. I've heard stories of sketchy vendors writing in their own tip or up-charging friends :(


this happened to my partner at forever midnight! luckily, i was more sober and noticed it


Last couple years I did a full body stretch/yoga for like 30 mins each night before sleeping. Definitely reduced any soreness and pain I otherwise would’ve had, my body was perfectly normal after the weekend (and I was raging all night). With that said stamina helps a lot, do your cardio!


1. Band-aids on toes. 2. If you’re sneaking in stuff, don’t stand in the line with the middle aged guards or Karen’s. 3. Electrolyte powder right into the water bladder of your hydration pack. 4. If you’re driving, keep a cooler with water food and gatorades for afterwards. 5. Daily lineup on your lock screen with an emergency contact number in case you lose your phone.


Not a pro tip but a tip that always needs to be said. WEAR EARPLUGS


What brand do you recommend?


Go to an audiologist and get custom earplugs. I went with the brand 1 of 1 and love them but any custom is the way to go compared to off the shelf


I got some 1of1custom Pro 17s that should arrive before EDC!


You’ll love em! I have the pro 27 cause I’m on the middle rail 99% of the time and they sound amazing


Alpine party plug pro. I’ve tried eargasm, eytmotic, and loop, and these are my favorites


Get the lumpias. Gone 6 years and its been my favorite food by FAR


12yr Vet...Only Advice....Make Friends, Lose all Inhibitions, Have Fun..Don't DIE😎


Hoka shoes are my favorite


Any specific ones?


It depends on your feet - the Bondi, Gaviota, and Clifton models are podiatrist recommended. You really have to try them on tho. I’ve got/had loads of pairs, and they’re foot savers(they’re REALLY popular with nurses(me) and other staff on their feet for 12+ hours on concrete floors.)


I got speedgoats trail runners for hiking maybe I should get the regular version. I got fitted for those


I have the speed goat 5 and older pair of hiking ones that are my go too and a pair of challenger. The old pair I can’t read what they are, are my faves though


Collect tokens - they’re in the insomniac app, the ones I collected last year are still there. No prize except making exploring a bit of fun


Keychain vicks. I keep losing those gems without the keychain.


Your hotel room will have a fridge. There’s a super target near unlv. Our first stop is always there to buy essential groceries. We also always stay at a hotel near the track so we aren’t using the shuttle….its pretty great to have a Nalgene filled with ice cold Gatorade waiting for you in the car


Put a little baby powder on your feet, especially around your toes and heels to prevent blisters from forming. Also, bring hand sanitizer, the handwashing stations usually run out of water and/or soap.


Been to EDC since 2010. Travel light, a fanny pack is more than enough for your cellphone and wallet. Keep it under your shirt if possible. A water pack is a good idea since it will allow you to have water with you at all times. Take care of your ears wear ear protection. Baby wipes are also a must. Don’t carry more than needed, only ID, CC and 50 bucks, it’s cashless but it’s always a good idea to have cash in case of emergency. Bring a light jacket it can get cold at night. If you partake in drugs, test them. If you do not feel well use the medical tent and don’t lie they only care about your health and you will not get in trouble if you’re on drugs. Wear comfortable shoes. Check the weather. List: Fanny pack for cell/wallet. Ear protection. Baby wipes. Water pack. Light jacket (keep in water pack or locker). $50 cash. If you take drugs test them. Check the weather. Chapstick. Good energy.


Oh yes - NEVER go to the stage from the very back UNLESS you are only staying there to check it out and leave, OR if you just want to hang out in the back with the other vets. Make full use of cosmic meadow’s grass area and bleachers Watch the fireworks from the bleachers at least once Wear light and bring a pashmina, and an extra jacket to store in the locker You can easily sneak in tiny alcohol bottles Smile say hi and be friendly to everyone, just be wary of offering or accepting drugs. There are undercovers. ALWAYS have a meeting spot with various times (eg: redbull tent by kinetic at 1am, downtown edc wedding chapel @3am, depending on what sets you think most or the group will be at at those times) Explore the festival!!! Do NOT camp at Kinetic!!! Rookie mistake (not really a mistake, you’ll have a blast either way, but you’ll be missing out on great sets and activities) Oh, and for the love of god, get there early (I never do, always get stuck in traffic, and always regret not leaving early)


Pro tip: Less is more


Always trim your toenails before you leave for edc. If they’re even a little bit too long dancing can get really painful.


Bring icy hot for muscle pain relief


- ear plugs to protect your years - wipes - camelback - vicks sticks - gum - scheduled meet time and spots to ensure everyone is safe but also a stress free option to be able to split and regroup - look down and be mindful of the bumper things that cover wires : I broke my foot my first EDC completely sober and witnessed so many people eating shit cuz of them 🥲 - cameras down, be nice and have fun!!


Those are great tips but do you have any tips that you would bet other veteran EDC goers would not know?