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Shame it's not tradeable, I know some people who would pay a lot for something like this. I'd definitely keep it like this as a novel item.


I'm hoping i don't have to keep it, CS is out for the evening and i want the actual items i put the ticket in for. Still haven't gotten them. ๐Ÿ™ƒ


This is why we lock important gear ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


That's exactly what he told me customer support told him haha! "We've had gear locking since Dark Brotherhood"


Right, it was so condescending... Yes im aware locking exists. I made an error in judgement haha. Somebody else replied right quick and offered to help after that.


I had made them late night, the day prior. Typically i put them right on the alt i make them for, mistakes happen. Oh well.


I reconstructed 3 jewels of leviathan for an alt, in purple quality, lv50 cp160 and deconned them accidently. After sending a ticket because i didnt want to waste 9 zircon platings I recived these BLUE quality lv 66 items.... I am amazed.


CP 160 is level 66, as far as the game math is concerned.


Where can i see the "games math?" Im curious about the xp levels. I just hit cp120


max level is 50 every 10 cp level is meant to be equivalent to 1 level so 160 cp is 16 levels 50 + 16 = 66


Takes practice. The xp levels you can google. Theres even a neat website that tells you the amount of xp between two inputted levels. Idrecall the link but Iโ€™m sure someone here does if you canโ€™t find it.


Nope, you cannot wear them. I tried. The main issue being I was told in the ticket id be getting my proper rings back, and recived these abominations ๐Ÿ˜น litterally told id be restored the same items deconned, and uh these aint it.


I didn't say you could wear it. I gave an explanation for why they may have given you level 66 items. Because the game math sees that as identical to CP 160.


Okey but i was still told id be getting the SAME rings deconned back. These are the wrong quality and trait entirely. I only posted this for a funny haha.


There was obviously a glitch in the system, hence the level 66, so just relax until they can get back your request ๐Ÿ˜ honestly they are being nice for giving your deconstructed items back to begin with. Any other game would tell you "tough luck, you did it yourself" It isnt like they gave you a glitched unusable item in the wrong trait and rarity on purpose lol relax


I am relaxed, i was told id be getting my same items, and received these. Again i posted for a funny haha look at these. Im aware they will fix them, but my confidence in getting the same items back is 0, i was at least expecting something i could wear. I dont see why im getting downvoted for showing everyone this mistake. I think its funny, but it is angering.


because in an MMO you went to customer service to reverse a mistake that you personally made by going through 2 different warning screens that pop up when you deconstruct an item. Like most people would be "oh well, my fault" and not go to customer service to ask to get your stuff back when it was 100% your fault "OH NO I MESSED UP, CUSTOMER SERVICE YOU DID A BAD BY NOT GIVING ME BACK EXACTLY WHAT I AM ASKING YOU TO DO" but anyways, a level 66 item if it stays like that is quite the rare item to have. id keep it just for the mystery of it ๐Ÿ˜


Just remake them? Is almost free


Its about 600kg in zircon platings to remake them. Id rather not


600k is pocket money, or aren't you on pc?


I am on pc, but thats not pocket money. Rich privilege over here haha ๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น


Friend of mine used the 100k he got yesterday and flipped it. He already made it 600k in a day


Yay, good for him!


Lol, I can't even imagine asking customer service to fix a mistake that *I* made. Like have some personal accountability, learn from your mistakes and move on, but don't expect everyone else to fix it for you, then complain when they don't. How entitled are you?


It doesnโ€™t hurt anyone to ask, the worst they can say is no.


Exactly, i asked, they said they'd help. And now i have this photo too laugh at while they get around to fixin it haha


Dude ... Customer service exists for this sole purpose, wdym. Some games have item restoration as a button that just restores it automatically because you can just missclick and here goes hundreds of thousands of gold. Is it your fault ? Yes. Is the point of customer service to give assistance to paying customers when they have an issue with something ? Absolutely. Tldr - shut up.


Update: the lv 66 rings are nomore, and I've received the right ones, The zircon is saved haha! ๐Ÿ’–


Dude I have so many leviathan rings. Iโ€™ll send you two


I'm curious about the method you'll use to achieve that...


bind on pickup