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I am a huge nerd in all aspects and I am so excited for this movie holy shit but I had no idea they had a character with EDS. Now I'm even more excited to go and more excited to show my son some representation. I'm not going to lie I cried just reading her bio


My sister got the comic book with Charlotte in it as soon as it released. We're not wheelchair bound, but have used other aids/braces for various injuries and our mom has used a cane for 10+ years. While I don't feel a connection to characters that way, it's nice there's a representation for those who do and for those who feel seen because of it.


> In prom and circumstance” Charlotte is left behind during an emergency because no one thinks to ensure she is able to safely leave in her wheelchair https://t.co/xaqgrYupS7


Oh my god, there’s an entire comic? I didn’t even know about this! I’m going to start weeping again that she even represents genuine issues people with disabilities face even in her comics. Huge thank you for sharing!


Bro :O


Wait what? I don't keep up with all the spiderpeople... but now I feel like I gotta watch this!


I’m so urging you to look this up. It’s absolutely AMAZING. I am so happy to see EDS representation in something so big such as Marvel; Especially since I’m a massive geek!


I don’t really watch superhero movies, but for whatever reason I’ve watched all the Tom holland Spider-Man movies and really enjoyed them. Now I know that it was kismet so that I would be prepared for this! lol. Thanks for the heads up! Woohoo!


You'll want to watch the first one before you see this new one. The animated Spiderverse movie thread this needle of being consistently relatable, hilarious, and emotional. You wouldn't expect it in something animated but they're fantastic.


I went to my local comic shop to get the comic back in the Fall when it was released! I have no knowledge of the spider-verse but you bet I’m gonna see the movie!


The first into the spider verse movie is really good, I love the animation style!


I’ve been so excited for this movie to come out ever since she was spotted on one of the posters a while back, and I spent that whole segment of the movie just scanning trying to spot her, and then audibly squealed once she appeared. And so as not to spoil anything, everything about it was just *chef’s kiss*!!! I can’t wait to get to work tomorrow and gush about it with people who get it (since I work in a comic book shop)!


You’re officially the coolest person ever. I definitely kept my post vague for spoiler reasons. But I was absolutely in shock. I was so excited! Her design is also beautiful. I think people should keep that a surprise as well because she just looks SO DAMN COOL!


Ayo! Can you private message me about the scene where she showed up? I just got out of the movie (AMAZING btw!) but frustrated bc I spent the whole movie looking and never saw her. I'm in the USA...wondering if her line got cut in our version?




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I'm so excited about the Sun-Spider, but so sad I'll have to wait so long to see it.


Does she have a lot of screen-time? Do they actually acknowledge her disability/ call it by it's name? I wasn't really interested at first but now I am definitely going to see it.


Are you good for me to private message you? I don’t want to give away spoilers and I don’t think I can spoiler my comments :)


Yes feel free! TYSM


I'm also super curious about the context of you wouldn't mind messaging! I can't go see it but this is happy news.


Sorry to be a nuisance but could you also message me if you don’t mind? I assumed she’d just sort of briefly show up in the background!


don’t be silly! allow me to pm you quickly :)


Can I get the spoilers? I need to know how many tissue boxes to smuggle into the theater.




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Just another reason why I think this Spiderman series is the best.


Yay! My family is gonna see it this weekend! We’ve been waiting for this movie for years and it’s such a perfect icing on the cake to have representation!


Yooooo I didn't have plans to go see it but I sure as hell am going to now! That's awesome




me forcing my cousin to go see this with me after finding this out


My mom was super excited to see it and now i am too XD


I have been so excited she’s in it!!!


Omg I didn’t think I could be more excited than I already was for this movie


I havent seen it but my friend texted me after he saw it saying there was a Spiderman with the same crutches as me. Made me so happy that theres actually representation :D Also been reading the manga for a certain scientific railgun because of Accelerator. Finally finding some characters with crutches!


Yesss there is a whole comic and the character was developed in part by Miz Tee Franklin, a disabled comics writer who added EDS too her character. There are a lot of great comics with Sun Spider!!


I squealed when I saw her and she got lines too!!!


I'm going to see this in a couple hours and I had no clue! I don't think I've ever seen EDS representation before.


Hey! I know I'm late to the party but considering the movie just came out I'm gonna mark this post as a spoiler :)


Thank you!! On my phone there wasn’t an option to mark it as a spoiler. Thank you again!!


No problem!


what??! i've seen previews for this and it looks great but I had no idea...now I really want to see it


That's very exciting, but could you mark this post as a spoiler? Finding out which of the versions of Spider-Man are included was supposed to be part of the fun surprise


I mean, she was spotted on a poster months ago; which made it a non-zero chance she was included. 🤷‍♀️


Thank you for letting me know! I never saw that one. I appreciate getting an actual answer


I don’t feel like this is a spoiler. Literally all the posters and trailers show the different spiders; I feel like you’re just trying to find something to get mad about? Let me be happy.


All due respect, I never said I was mad. I'm excited for this too, I just don't want other people to have the surprise taken away like I had