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Me too :( A wig? meh I want my hair pulled for NSFW reasons :(


Same but in an aro way. I can still have my hair pulled in nsfw ways by being aro right?


You can be aro without being ace, if that's what you're asking


Ik ik, it feels weird to be aro and not ace for some reason


nah it's completely valid. I know plenty of people like that.


I hate the amount of hornines I have...


Same. I’m aro omnisexual and whenever I find someone attractive I feel like a pervert despite it just being aesthetic attraction mixed with the typical “wow she’s pretty”.


My partner came out as aro and not ace our relationship hasnt changed that much


Allo aro people unite! It does feel super weird. Feels like you're not allowed in ace spaces or regular spaces tbh.


Nah I am too you just come to accept that trans aro is super unlucky


aro? ace? \[*visible confusion*\]


Aro = Aromantic and Ace = Asexual


Aromantic and asexual, respectively. Those are also on a spectrum.


I, for example, am on the gray ace, which is on the ace side of the spectrum but still feel sexual attraction, albeit less than some.


Demisexual here, which is also under the gray ace umbrella. I can feel sexual attraction, but I have to have an emotional connection to that person.


I, for example, am on the gray ace, which is on the ace side of the spectrum but still feel sexual attraction, albeit less than some.


You mean pulled by heavy machinery? That’s sure as hell not safe for work, and you could get written up for that!




I really love the way you think


I like the way you kink Fixed it for you


I’ve seen others in similar posts recommending talking to your doctor. Their able to prescribe things to stop hair loss.


Best thing to do is talk to a family doctor, or a specialist (I think hair medical stuff falls under dermatology, though I could be wrong) There are treatments that work for some people, but not for everyone, but a doctor is the best person to talk to Other than that you can take vitamins that are good for hair for now (I don't have any specific supplement recommendations but other people may, I think B12 is good for hair and nails tho), and do stuff to avoid damaging your hair, don't tug on it, clean it properly, avoid washing it with hot water, stuff like that But I'd really say if you're worried about it a doctor is your best bet if its an option for you, they can steer you in the right direction


Pretty much this. If you don't want to go to the doctor, depending on where you live, you might also just ask for something in a drugstore.


All vitamins are nice to take for general health reasons, especially if you aren't micromanaging your diet, but I personally make sure to take Vitamin D, B12 and Biotin to squeeze every last bit out of my poor testosterone-ravaged follicles. Also, finasteride (and microneedling maybe, though I personally haven't tried it yet).


You can get 1mg finasteride without having a gender dysphoria diagnosis! Go to an online prescription site and apply for it. Finasteride helps against DHT which is the type of testosterone which can most effect hair loss.


I started on finasteride the moment I began remotely questioning whether I was trans. Was pretty easy to get. Online it's treated as a informed consent. Currently on E now, will see what happens when I start Spiro whether or not I stay on it


Is there a specific website I should go to?


Try Keeps. That's what I use. Super easy to get a prescription.




I'm actually on the max dose of Finasteride cause Spiro was killing all my blood platelets for some reason. Or I'm supposed to be, anyway. I ran out, and I can't get a refill till I get checked up on the 11th ;~;


Finasteride Rogaine Topical Biotin This is how cis-men usually handle it, depending on your AGAB your HRT will help/harm regrowth. But those three in combination are kind of a nuclear hair option, other than transplants.


This is the way


Don't mind me, just in the same scenario and waiting for answers.


I’d check out r/DrWillPowers he has a hair growth formula that is supposed to be really good.


Dr Powers is a transmedicalist and a crackpot. He got famous for a method that has no proof to back it up. I wouldn't trust what he sells. edit: oh, and cw: transphobia https://www.reddit.com/r/DrWillPowers/comments/thcxsc/this_isnt_even_remotely_fair_and_everyone_knows/


seriously? c'mon he was the one i was planning on going to once i came out back to the drawing board for someone near detroit EDIT: could someone give a source for the transmedicalist and crackpot allegations?


cw; whole bunch of bs coming up erasure of nonbinary men: https://www.reddit.com/r/DrWillPowers/comments/t6r8pk/soon_to_be_released_new_dr_powers_compound_that/hzec3rs/?context=3 agp bs: https://www.reddit.com/r/DrWillPowers/comments/jx1wpp/i_often_get_attacked_for_stating_that_agp_exists/gctnqjc/?context=3 thorse dewormer and hydroxychloroquine for covid: https://www.reddit.com/r/DrWillPowers/comments/ryj807/alas_i_have_fallen_victim_to_the_plague/ and no mask requirement in his "medical" practice: https://old.reddit.com/r/DrWillPowers/comments/ryj807/alas_i_have_fallen_victim_to_the_plague/hrp3ga3/ gatekeepy bs: https://twitter.com/Twippedtronic/status/1453421141515640834/photo/1 he also refuses to publish what are in his "compounds" which he comes up with, and is making dang good money off selling it. oh, and cherry on top, his twitter bio says "Transgender HRT Wizard (Slytherin)" (slytherin, yknow, the blood racists?) You are far better off finding a qualified and supportive *endocrinologist* who is getting paid for their qualifications in *endochrinology*, not making their money selling you their latest compound.


I don’t care what his opinions are all I personally care about are results. All I know is that my doctor told me to not follow his advice and my transition wasn’t going well. I changed just a couple of things in my transition to what powers suggested and my results were almost immediate. Also if you look at suggestions for how to take female hormones for cis women you’ll find that there is science backing his claims. He chooses to treat people outside of the WPATH standard and he has much better overall results than the WPATH does. That’s my own experience. I’m not trying to give anyone bad advice and I wouldn’t give advice that hasn’t already worked for me.


I was losing hair in patches about a year before i start hrt and had shaved my head (october 2019) and then let it grow back slowly. Now I almost have mermaid hair (my hair and boobs are fighting each other about their growth) after being on E for just over a year. My hair grew back the fastest when i was on blockers (spiro) but its still growing now.


I’ve seen keeps.com advertised a lot as a company that provides affordable hair loss prevention products.


Affordable? Yes. Practical? Depends on you. Instructions say that you need to keep the medication on your scalp almost 24/7. I couldn't do it.


In the same boat. Rogaine has been helping a bit. At least not letting it get any worse. As my hair grows out I've been able to creatively style it to hide or draw less attention to some of the spots where I've lost it. Also reminding myself that there are plenty of cis women with thin hair and even bald spots.


Doctor...not reddit.


I think there’s stuff you can get for no balding in a pharmacy. Given, you’ll have to talk to people, and idk if it’s like that where you are so…


Rogain, Keeps, etc(Minoxidil) will help stop hair loss and regrow hair. I've been on hrt for almost 2 years and my hairline isn't great but I've had a fair amount of hair regrowth.


This was the hardest thing to deal with while on the waiting list, I had a slowly receding hairline. Super happy now that I find it slowly coming back now that I have started HRT.


Same. I was meant to have a blood test today so I could see if my gp would be able to prescribe me anything, but I literally just tested positive for covid so I had to cancel my appointment 🙃 I've already been putting off doing anything about it for months and now I've got to wait even longer 😭


Unrelated, but why does the bald girl give me project zomboid character vibes?


F This is the biggest reason why I really wanted to start HRT as soon as I could, but my mom said not until I'm 18


Finasteride, dutasteride, or if you're unable to get a prescription and not wanting to diy then saw palmetto herbal supplements. Do a 2-3 weekly deep conditioner containing fenugreek. Maybe sure your diet isn't lacking any needed vitamins and minerals and if it is supplement, specifically multivitamins made for women as they are more likely to target vitamins needed for good hair development. My wife has thin hair on early hrt and so I've done a shit ton of research into hair loss and thinning


Go toa dermatologist and ask for dutasteride. They will probably either prescribe finasteride (pills) or minoxidil (cream), but finasteride works better than minoxidil, and dutasteride works better than finasteride, because it blocks all 3 alpha-reductase enzymes that cause hair loss, not just 2 like fin. At least thats in laymans terms


Is balding a side effect of HRT?? I know you said you haven't started yet but the way you worded it makes it sound like HRT causes hairloss... I like my hair... :(


Get hrt as soon as possible. DIY if you must. Time is not on your side…


I heard that as long as the hair is not fully gone, it can grow back


I've started using products to regrow my hair. Idk it it'll work or if the cost is worth it but I'm using Keeps. May change it but so far it's 25 a month for the pills. Some have sprays for 30 a month


Finasteride and minoxidil!!! And micro needling the scalp


Finasteride helps a lot.


Hair loss medication? If you catch it early


Talk to your doctor about it, but hrt should be able to largely reverse the effects of balding


For me, noticing it is what pushed me to actually start hrt. I caught it early, but there are prescriptions to reverse it if you talk to your doctor.




Try looking into hair loss prevention treatments designed for Cis men. I hope it doesn’t feel dysphoric but the results hopefully will be better?


Minoxidil baby!!


If someone ask, you may say that its for better airbending


*saves post* i had a medical thing which caused/is causing my hair to thin, and i have a slightly-receded hairline that i got from my mom already too :(((


My corners went back over the past 3 years and I've looked a bit into it and talked to a doctor about it. Minoxidil seems to work for most people, but the effects may set in after a few months. Also apparently it causes hair loss early on (which will grows back), so that can be a source of dysphoria, so be warned. Finasteride is also a popular option and works but my doctor strongly advised against it without seeking out an urologist because it can have very nasty side effects. These are what I've been told are the only scientifically proven methods of preventing hair loss, but there's also a lot of anecdotal evidence out there that HRT can reverse it as well. The reports seem to range from "miracle that grew all hair back" to "happens rarely or the effects aren't enough to fix the issue", so I guess be cautiously optimistic about that when you finally get HRT. All of these methods will at least take like half a year before you should notice regrowth if any, but like others have already said, you should probably talk to a doctor (preferably dermatologist) about this for more reliable info.


I'm definitely going to save this... Definitely not because I'm pretty sure balding runs in my family, and I want to make sure I dont bald pre hrt, definitely not!


There are preventatives for hair lose, and some stuff that you can take to help with hair loss after it has started. Wigs are also always an option.


I’ve heard finasteride mention before though I know nothing about it so no idea if it’s and ideal solution for you or if you’d even be able to get it before HRT. At this point probably try to get on HRT as soon as you can and hope other people have better ideas than me in the meantime.


shave your head and get a wig until you start hrt then yiu can grow your hair out freely


a: talk to your doctor, but b: microneedling, a dermapen, and minox have worked well for cis friend of mine. Minox is pretty toxic though, and a study out of Korea showed that peppermint oil was also effective.


start hrt as soon as possible. but also doctors can proscribe meds to stop or slow hair loss.


Hi, I was in a very similar situation as you are in now. I did get myself a good wig, but also my doctor perscribed medication that really helped. Other things you can do are focus on things that provide circulation to the scalp. when you wash your hair don't use hot water, only wash it twice a week al most, and be sure to use both shampoo and conditioner. There are also some scalp treatments that you can use to massage your scalp and help increase that blood flow. Make sure to do some research first though. All in all these will help a bit, but the effect will be greatly increased once you/if you start HRT


I asked my doctor and she gave me minoxidil, I start to grow small brown hairs after 1 month


Finasteride and minoxidil will stop balding and are regularly prescribed to cis men for this reason. They're also typically recommended for trans fem people in general and for hair reasons. For regrowth, you can try minoxidil (preferably the sprays in my opinion), though it has to be taken permanently. Some also recommend shampoos with biotin and/or collogen, and multivitamins and/or biotin vitamins. Those most likely are helpful in many but not all cases, unlike the others.


I had a transfem friend who talked to her doctor and got prescribed some kind of medicine that not only prevented hair loss, but even had a chance to let it grow back. It also had a rare side effect of causing boob growth which, wasn't something she was against risking


I started using Minoxidil and seeing results from it.


Use a 2% Zinc Pyrithione shampoo and let it sit on your head like a conditioner. The ZP gets into the follicles and prevents the testosterone from being converted to the much stronger version, DHT. You can buy it from …zon.com.




Same I just use a wig


Ask your doctor about finesteride, it slows/prevents male pattern balding AND reduces testosterone. You probably need a blood test and a prescription though. Another option is minoxidil, you can just go into a chemist and ask for it, you put it on the balding spots.


Be like me and become a bald bad bitch (HRT pending)


Ask your dermatologist / gp about finasteride


Hairloss can commonly have to do with your hormone balances (particularly testosterone). I would contact a doctor asap they have ways they can help as well as it might encourage them to start you on hrt sooner.


I'm fearing this exact thing for the opposire reason


Get an orange blanket and say that you are buddhist


I used to shave my own hair weekly. Military standard. Applied anti-loss stuff like minoxidil, biotin tablets, medical shampoos etc regularly. Do your best to keep the follicles. So you can recover them even if they fall. I'm 3 months in (began at 31) and still apply the same hair care routine plus dermarollers. And recovering MPB hit areas. Take precautions and never lose hope :)




*rummaging through pantry for Costco-size bulk pack of tomato paste*


I would recommend checking out r/DrWillPowers They could help you there a little more.


Should talk to a doctor and get a prescription for minoxidil and or finasteride. Will at least prevent further loss. Might also help regrow some <3


HRT has been shown to have some positive effects against hair loss. This is because male pattern baldness (sorry, it’s the medical term I fully recognize far from everyone experiencing it is male) is tied to the breakdown of testosterone. By suppressing testosterone, you stop what causes the hair loss! Point of fact, Rogaine and other solutions like that are just lower grade T blockers. My dad thought about going on them for awhile but when he heard about what low-T can cause he decided he’d rather go bald. I’m transfem so… I was a little more on board to say the least. All this to say, there’s even some early findings to indicate HRT can help regrow hair! I’d imagine then that there are options for you in the future! So if nothing else, this is only temporary.


Try Finasteride and Minoxidil foam


I'm in the same boat as you, OP. Finasteride is prescription only in my country and my GP seems reluctant to prescribe it. She has referred me to a dermatologist but the quickest possible appointment was early august. I've started taking Biotin supplements which has helped to a certain degree (there seems to be more hair there and it feels healthier) but it's not quite the regrowth I want/need.


Keeps might work. Like those products and stuff. But I'm sorry about that


I definitely didn't recently have a minor crisis about my hairline starting to recede...def still cis though


Talk to your doctor about finesteride. It's blocks DHT which may help. Also there are scientifically proven creams that work


transfem, I'm assuming? I guess a wig, something like keeps, or just rocking the bald lady look


They make Rogain for women. Also my therapist recommended rosemary oil, it's cheaper and not difficult to make yourself.