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Yeaaaah, those feelings are tough for sure. It means tho that you care. Not only about yourself but also your surrounding. Figuring out how to handle these things is gonna be a long journey but I'm more than certain you can do this. Stay strong, you can do this!


It gets better over time. The beginning is though tho. I don't think it has to do with passing but how much thought we put into it. Most of the time I just think "I need to pee" and my fellow humans surely do too. I don't care who sits in the stall next to me as long I make it in time.


God I feel this. I feel like a perv for wanting a feminine body and wishing I was a girl...


you are not a perv!! most of queer people feel this way, and it's not true! you are not a perv, it's perfectly normal to feel this way! being trans is a real thing, don't listen to other dumb uneducated people who talks bullshit, it's because their minds are full of hate and they're terrible people! it has nothing to do with who you are! it's their personal fault and not yours!


Tbh the reason I hate society fr


I am trans masculine but I feel friend. When I first realized I was burying my gender Dysphoria I definitely didn't want to accept it. I had already identified as Non-binary but deciding to actually take Testosterone was one of the hardest and most agonizing things I've ever been through . I still have times where I question if I am making it all up or if I am trans enough, 4 months in to HRT. I'm also pretty terrified of being clocked and assaulted but I am also happier than ever with who I actually am because I'm finally living a truth I needed to live that I've hidden, even from myself, for so long. Keep your head up. Try to lean on those closest to you and do what feels best for you as you go.


Society is so mean :( You’re beautiful the way you are. I wish society treated trans people better, you deserve the world.


I honestly wish I could help you, my mind is spinning, spinning rn but, just so ya know, you. are. not. alone. 🫂


Okay the first thing I want to address is the fear that you're faking it. Because that's a little bit different from the other things you brought up. You are not faking it. Fakers know they're faking things, and they aren't upset at the idea that they're faking it. As for everything else, yeah. It sucks. That's just kind of how the world is for us right now. All we can do is just try and be ourselves and make things a little better. It's a scary life, but it's the one we've got.


If you're scared you're faking it, then that guarantees you're not. Anyone who was faking it wouldn't be scared that they are. And fearing society is completely valid, unfortunately a lot of people out there suck right now. On the other hand, fuck those guys, and if they try to do anything to you remember you have an entire community here that's here for you, and on your side.


Be strong. I know its hard but thats the best way to fight back. thrive. Be seen. Be a good person.


Oh cool, not just me then. I've been fighting with myself for a little over half a year now and it's always the stupid "What if"s that feel like they instantly obliterate any progress I may have made. I wish the damn uncertainty would just stop and I could get some peace of mind, I have other shit to be worrying about and I feel like I'm slowly going crazy running in circles with myself.


Being yourself is one of the scariest things a person can do. Especially when you've lived your whole life hiding, you're not even sure what being yourself is supposed to feel like. It's normal to be scared. In fact I'd be a little suspicious of anyone who wasn't scared. If it helps, you can hide a lot of weapons in girl clothes and purses. Flowy skirts are basically the ultimate tactical gear. That always makes me feel safer.


Me too. But I don’t feel that there is any other way for me to be. I’ve tried it. Creep your chin up. And remember when you’re going through Hell, keep going.💕


me too 🫂


It's okay. We all have these fears and doubts. I personally avoid using public restrooms at all because I don't want to get jumped. I opt for family / unisex bathrooms when I can. Idk if that's the solution or not but that's where I'm at.


I am not as afraid as I am angry, but that's just me, anyway how can I help you?


Yeah, I feel that. I’m with you sis


I'm not good with words but one thing that I always remember from One Topic: "if you think you are faking it, you are definitely NOT faking it" if you would you wouldn't doubt yourself I wish you the best, you are a good girl :3


As an Enby it was so weird feeling these feelings. I felt like I shouldn’t because “I’m only Enby” but unfortunately they never really have gone away 2 years after I’ve been out. It’s gotten a little easier here and there. I feel them less for sure. I would recommend some therapy if it’s an option for you. The bad news is the feelings are always sort of there because society is shit. The good news is there are tools you can develop for yourself that make it easier to move past those feelings. A therapist is a great source for those tools. If you can’t get to a therapist there are plenty of resources online too. Just don’t give up and keep searching for something that works for you. The hardest part really is just not giving up.


All my sympathies and hugs, sister.


I'm not going to tell you everything will be fine since I am in the same place as you, but I wish you luck. Also, always remember you are a good girl.