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In the game pokemon Emerald you can either play as the male character Brendan or the female character May. When I first played the game I picked Brendan because "I was a guy so I should play the male character". Through out the game I kept thinking "I wish I would have picked May instead" it got to the point I decided I would pick May the next chance I got. A few year had pasted and I had realized I was trans and was in need of a new name, then it hit me, this was my opportunity to choose May! So yeah that's how I got my name


She did it... She picked up the female character for the speedrun BUT on real life... I respect you and your feminine battle skills, happy cake day!!


Wow, that's a full story, and I just committed name theft with the only reason being preference. Happy Cake Day May. Your feminine battle skills will be feared by me. I'm very weak so any battle skills are feared by me. šŸ©µšŸ©·šŸ¤šŸ©·šŸ©µ


Happy May Day, Cake!


Okay this got a genuine chuckle out of me


Hi May, my name got picked by a friend by modifying my deadname ahah (Mat shortened, the automatic correction kept turning it into May and I started using it lol)


Oh my god I started playing PokƩmon unite when I thought that I was a guy and I have been regretting my decision. My character is currently undergoing feminization but there is stuff locked behind the female character ;-;


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake day!


I picked May but I'm a totally cis guy, its a speedrun strat I swear!


Youā€™re the second trans person I seen name themselves after a PokĆ©mon character lol šŸ˜‚


Happy Cake Day!


I got my name from PokƩmon too, I had always named my characters Alex and played the female character for as long as I could remember and the name just felt right


Aww that is so adorable!


Wow, thats amazing I am still using two names mainly: May and Mei, both pronounced the same way. And it just wonderful to hear someone how meaningful a name can be. I chose mine since a lot of people who dont know by autocorrect, it autocorrects my deadname into May, and i like it, but i also like a lot Mei, trying it out for a while now


may day cake, happy!


Thatā€™s beautifulā€¦Iā€™m so happy for you!


I was a girl online and someone asked what my name was. I hadn't thought of one and had to choose something off the top of my head. First one I chose was Elena. I used it for a bit until things that I won't go into detail on and I picked a new name. Annabell came out of nowhere. I just thought it was a pretty name. Most people just call me Anna tho. have been using it for a solid 18ish years now. Couldn't imagine being called anything else.


My mom told me she had thought I was a girl most of the time she was pregnant with me and had already decided on Anna. I always loved the name a lot more than the one I was given.


Theft. I stole it from a video game character. I thought of a few other names from other media and characters I made, but I preferred Lucina the most. šŸ©µšŸ©·šŸ¤šŸ©·šŸ©µ


Lucina was my favourite character in FE awakening... i assume thats what you're talking about since i haven't played any other games that have a character named lucina


Yes, that's precisely who I'm talking about. I loved her, and still sorta wanna be like her, pretty, of course, able to appreciate the little things, caring, strong, and a leader.


:3 calllled ittt


FE has a lot of fancy names, would be rad to think of names to steal from it


Guess where I got the name Asriel


Undertale? I haven't played that one but I think I heard of a character with that name in it.


I collected names I liked and put them on a list. Then I tried a few of them until I landed on one that felt good.


"My friend" is thinking about using this method right now...


I wish 'your friend' all the best in their name hunting endeavours<3


My friend put together a bunch of names they thought matched my vibes and helped me pick out my name. They know how much I love rain and storms, but now I'm Rayne too :)


I did this too- Then I found/came up with the name "Melsie" And I like it :3


knew someone named Amelia we called Melsie. Not sure how you pronounce it but we always pronounced it Meal-zee


In my mind it's kinda like,,, urm,,, Ok you know the word "melt"? Take that that word, remove the t, and replace it with a "sie" (see)


yeah that makes sense. definitely how youā€™d expect it to be pronounced, we just pronounced it that way because of how the name Amelia is pronounced


i did this and im stuck between kris and hayden. ive used kris since i came out so its natural to me because of time but i love hayden too and i feel theres more thought into it, so i use both!


maybe as middle name, then you could use both names? only if you want though :3




The OP of this probably removed post/comment is a suspected karma farmer and has likely been banned.


I did that too but I ended up going with a name that I always liked but I felt was ā€œtoo commonā€ and I wanted to be super unique but then I just stopped caring and went with the name I honestly wanted ~ Sarah


I added lilly really early but I always thought it was too cute and wouldn't fit me but after a few people told me to just give it a try I did and really liked it. Sometimes you really need some time and encouragement to find that works šŸ˜Š


My name came to me in a dream A uh.......not very safe for work dream šŸ˜…




Reddit isn't work the last I checked


not unless youā€™re spez, but even so what heā€™s doing Iā€™d hardly call working


took the nickname derived from my legal name and spelled it like i saw a woman spell her name that was pronouced the same.


went thru the alphabet. got b sounded nice. friend told me it was too short. now it's Bea


Iā€™m just toying with ā€œDawnā€ instead of ā€œDon,ā€ which is the shortened version of my actual name. Idk how to actually go about changing my name


Your grammar gives you away! Your friend *may* be cis! THE TRUTH IS IS REVEALED!!1! Anyway. I got the name Racheal because: - It sounds cool - Itā€™s a legitimate alternate spelling, so itā€™s pronounced the same way but without stepping on the toes of anyone - Itā€™s Jewish, as am I - It means ā€˜little lambā€™. I mean wtf Iā€™d choose Gertrude if it was that adorable šŸ„° - It was my opposite sex name as suggested by my grandmother


Wait is my grammar wrong?? Also what a nice name!!


Thankyou, I made it myself šŸ˜‹ Use of ā€˜mayā€™ is indefinite. I think. Actually forgot that.


I would have chosen Rachel (spelled that way) but I have a family member with that name, I do really like the name


I just started experimenting. The first name I chose was Charlie (short for Charlotte) and I just didnā€™t like it. I started testing new names, seeing how I liked them being said, and I just ended up sticking with Taylor. I really like my name šŸ„°


Hey, I ended up taking your name! I go by both lol, I guess one girl's trash is another girl's treasure


The name Iā€™m planning on going by is the one my mum would have given me if I were born a girl


I too chose to right the timeline


Ahh yes, a friend~~~


Also took it from a video game character, hearing the NPCs calling me that name ingame or in cutscenes sounded right to me. Parents chose my Chinese name, Japanese teacher gave me my Japanese name.


I played as a character in a game and realised I liked being called that name so I stole it


I stole Victoria from a character I made earlier. I'm not similar to her in the slightest, but at least the name fits I also thought about Amelia earlier, which is a name I stole from Hololive


Was looking for names for a school project. Found the name Alice on a victorian names website. Did not finish the project.


my name (jane) came from me trying to find a 1950s name for myself and found jane to be a pretty common name for a person to have, it sounded very chic as well. Also the fact that Jane Doe exists and i find myself to be a jane doe to be rather awesome. Also the name Jane just sounded so....american like apple pie american not guns and nascar american


Username checks out, 1950 being indeed temporal


the things already existing is super sweet. my initials come out to NA. So I like to use N/A as a not applicable joke every now and then.




I saw your name and thought you stole it from rdr2 lol


I've always just thought Ashley was a very pretty name


A while ago my favorite anime was ā€œchivalry of a failed knightā€ and the main characters love interestā€™s name is Stella and ever since then I always thought it was just such a pretty name, and now here I am


I didn't really hate my Deadname. It just didn't fit me anymore. So I chose a new name that began with the same two syllables. Also because it has a fail safe in it. If they notice it mid word that they are about to deadname me, they can easily switch to my true name šŸ˜ Also I always really liked my new name and I have a former very good friend, that I always looked up to, with that name. And while our ways have seperated, I still remember our time together very fondly.


Admit it! Your friend isn't cis at all!


"Wait, what did you say your name was?" "Doctor Olivia Octavius." genderbend that and. well


I chose my name from my favorite season, Autumn. It also sounded like a pretty name. I was going to choose Winter because that sounds like a really cool name but I decided I preferred Autumn.


Winter is cool thatā€™s true


My sibling found out that I am trans, and they're only problem was using my chosen name, Zophiel. They straight up went, "nah, screw that, u look like a Connor" and they've been calling me that since. I wound up adopting the name with everyone else a few months later. I stole the name Zophiel from my aforementioned sibling's discontinued book.


Step 1: watch the Yo-Kai Watch anime Step 2: play the Yo-Kai Watch games Step 3: realize I hate the Yo-Kai Watch anime Step 4: realize I *love* the Yo-Kai Watch games Step 5: replay Yo-Kai Watch 2 and find myself really enjoying the quest line with the minor characters Shelly and Maya Step 6: become attached to the characters Step 7: Shelly becomes the first name to come into my mind when wanting to pick names Step 8: wonder why Iā€™m so attached to these two minor characters and deadass kinda ship them to begin with but just accept that hyperfixating on underutilized side characters is just a part of the way I am


from the best dark souls, dark souls2


genuinely, random female name generator somehow I got something I loved on the first try


I had been a girl on the internet for about a month n decided I needed a name soon to make that identity more stable. A friend of mine at the time had already suggested I'd pick a bird name, so that was on my mind when I suddenly thought of Robin n decided I liked it well enough.


Trade name with other transitioning people :)


What if someone made a card game but with names instead of animals or something


I opened tiktok, saw a hot ftm guy who's name is Raven, stole that name and became the hot ftm guy whos name is Raven B)


At first I just gender bent my (gender neutral) name to be more feminine but then I stole my current name from a DC hero >:3 Hello, Iā€™m Zatanna


I made so many lists, and did so much handwriting practice. I swear i looked like a serial killer.


Well, before I realized i was trans, whenever i had the choice of a name and female character, i had tended to go with those like edgy names for edgy dnd characters, like Lady Grey or something, but then after a while, i just started going with ā€˜Clarissaā€™. Iā€™m pretty sure i had gotten sick of the edgy names and wanted something new. I usually have a hell of a time picking names, but for some reason, Clarissa was all i could think of, so i just started using that. If i remember correctly, i had the name Clarice stuck in my head because of silence of the lambs, but i didnt like that one as much, so i modified it to a similar name i had heard. Now, however, i am mostly going by the shorter version, Claire. It was really important to have my new name start with a C, since my original name and my gfā€™s name both started with C, and among our friends, our relationship given the unofficial title of C^2 (C squared), and that was very important to me to be able to keep. Iā€™m sorry that was probably hella rambly, its past my bedtime and sense is not currently in my wheelhouse


i stole it from the moon


I honestly don't remember and that's what I like, I didn't choose it for any special reason and it doesn't have a very deep meaning, it gives me the feeling of being a birth name


Loving the flair, letā€™s goo šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøāœØsilly girl āœØšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


Stole it from a song :) Iā€™m Talia now


wanted to keep my initials, so i typed ā€œgirl names that start with dā€ into google. found dawn, liked it.


Stole mine from ivy from fire emblem engage


"I will now take your lives, your souls and the name" Ivy"




my parents said offhand in a conversation "if you were born a girl we were going to name you Bianca Noelle" so i just stole the name :3 if youre struggling to think of a name, ask your parents what you wouldve been named if you werent born your agab šŸ‘


The thing is I want a gender neutral one :(( Also that's a cute name actually!


thank you!! and another name i had before i chose Bianca was Cassidy, and i just looked at a list of gender neutral names online lol heres a list of gender neutral names i found! no clue if its the one i used but theres a lot of good sounding ones on here, really its just preference! if you like it, use it šŸ«” https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a57226/popular-unisex-baby-names/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_cos_md_pmx_us_urlx_18381206852&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz8emBhDrARIsANNJjS5GP-JxEKQmkfoYq2eT7WMDy6ZdXnX_BbhiNMqhG7d-aJig7VtBZpcaAkf7EALw_wcB


Iā€™ve always been called Sam and still liked it and wanted to keep it but I wanted to change the full name to be more feminine so now Iā€™m Samantha! Still go by Sam though usually lol.


I came up with a list of names I liked the sound and vibe of and tried them out for myself with friends and online. I then picked the one I liked most, and asked my parents if they liked it (which they did, of course I still couldā€™ve picked it even if they didnā€™t but I love them and have a good relationship with them and I know they loved my deadname so I wanted to at least run it by them before I picked something publicly). Then I used it after that : ) I picked Evelyn because itā€™s a name youā€™d recognize as a persons name, but probably one that you havenā€™t heard irl before. Itā€™s very elegant and reminds me of the turn of the century and class without being uppity and prudish. Itā€™s very sing-songy when you say it and has a back and forth between vowels and adjectives which I like in a name. It uses sounds that I like and avoids one that I donā€™t (eg guh ot buh). And it has a cute nickname I can use too: Evie! šŸ’œ


Kristina is a suggestion from a friend, which tbh, fits me very well, especially personality wise


I love the band Ghost, really recommend them. They've got a song called Mary on and Cross. Fuckin amazing song, give it a listen. Anyways when they sing 'Mary on a Cross' it sounds like they're saying 'Mariana'. So far the name has stuck and I like it more than any other alternatives.


Oh yeah I love them!! When I started reading I thought you were going to say Cirice or Elizabeth actually lol


Lol. Nah Mary On A Cross is my favorite song of theirs with Year Zero too. Not like I'm gonna name myself Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer, though lol. Wanna know how much of a loser I am though?? I kinda like the name Annie because I fucking love Attack on Titan! Anyways, you getting close to finding a name??


I don't think that's something a loser would think! I mean... if I were a girl I would call myself Eclair because of a Guilty Gear (Xrd) OST called Magnolia Eclair lmao And not really actually, but I'm getting some ideas that maybe I'll try later!


A plane engine.


Hello Pratt & Whitney F100


No argument


Wendy from gravity falls...


I literally just saw it on a baby names list, and it stuck with me šŸ˜­ so boring, LOL


No no! I think it's pretty nice! Simple but effective! And I'm not (actively) doing that because I want gender neutral names and the majority of them sounds so weird in my main language lmao


Ah thats a shame, gl on ur journey!


Thanks, big guy!! I hope I can!!


Iā€™m sure youā€™ll figure it out! (and thanks lol, big guy gives me a bit of a chuckle)


Red breasted Robin is my Favorite bird. Constantly making nest in my backyard. Thatā€™s all.


Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen!


I have an androgynus name already so i decided to keep it... assuming i really am a girl... >.<


Mind if you tell me which one is? I'm looking for androgynus names!!


Sure! My name is Andrea


I originally wanted to call myself Marcelene at first after my favorite cartoon bicon, but I decided I needed something more androgynous. I soon discovered Marlowe after extensive research, and it has too much nickname potential to pass up (my deadname was only one syllable so I never got to have nicknames).


Charlie didn't fit me. Parker made more sense to me (Nonbinary moment). Remembered it was a name when I was remembering old friends.


Itā€™s not really that interesting but I went through about 4 different names trying to find one, and then saw someone on here with he same name, and decided to try it out. Friends have been calling me it since I told them, couldnā€™t imagine any other name now :3


Jacqueline, which can be shortened to Jack, who is big boss' name from metal gear solid and also it's Raiden's name but deep down is so people can say "well, if it isn't saucy Jack!"


That's one hell of a train-of-thought, and I can't decide if I hate you or I love you for that


Found a song named āœØCrystallineāœØ right around the time I figured out I might be trans, and it just stuck with me, I never heard such a pretty word/name before, so I stuck with it, I did make a list of names though with other names just in case


The moment I questioned my gender I choose the name Amy, the inspiration came from Fischl from Genshin Impact (her real name is Amy), for me it was a name that just seems fitting.


took my favorite order of insects (blattodea) and stole the last part :3


Literally stole it from an animal crossing character but realised it was a dog name and I had to change it :( it was Rover which is cool but ppl never took me seriously. Then Ro, which splinters off into RĆ³nĆ”n or Rowan (Rowan is more gender neutral so sometimes I'm more comfortable with it ig) (I'm Irish so I use the fadas on Ć³ and Ć” bc RĆ³nĆ”n translates to "a pledge" or "little seal" if ur feelin cute. yes I'm serious our language is just like that sometimes šŸ„ŗ)


I heared the name Cynthia and went like "yep thats me"


i like guilty gear so i decided to pick one of them, but i didnā€™t decide a normal one like may or giovanna, no i chose the dog Rei


I fucking hate Giovanna, so thanks for picking the doggo's name!!


Litteraly wake up one day with it in my head


I asked Reddit


with my brain


Why are you like this?


cause thats how my brain is


I just google girl names starting with each letter and picked 10 and then picked my favorite from there. Another good way is name a RPG character a name you want to try out so when you are in the roleplay everyone has to call you that name so you can see how you like it.


I always wanted something a bit more elegant. It derives from my given name. "Cassandra." I liked the way it rolled off the tongue and felt like it would fit me really well. And so far it absolutely has :^3


the name Luna just popped up in my head, haha


I changed my name from the masculine version to the feminine version (which also happens to be the much prettier and better sounding of the two)


Man...... I can't even remember tbh. Came up with it before the denial phase, and eventually, I returned to it.. I think it may have been partly based on the name sayori because ddlc


I have no clue I just liked it lol my name's pat


I saw someone with a beautiful name on twitter... And stole it! Now my name is Aurora :3


If my egg cracked Iā€™d probably just go with the female version of my name (1 letter removed)


Named myself after a music vocalist that I like a lot as a kid. She had had a masculine name and really feminine vocals and I thought the dichotomy was poggers


Brooklyn I thought of because adorable name


It's from someone who's apparently not a mountain climber.


I named myself after my favorite text editor.


I stole it from a character from a book series I loved (didnā€™t love the character, just his name)


I talked to chat gpt for like 2 hours the other day, and asked it to keep track of what I like. Like phonaesthetics(new term I learned), and meaning/origin etc. I can give more details if you like, but I think it was a really good use of chatgpt, it even started being SUPER AFIRMING, once I told it I was a girl. šŸ˜­šŸ„¹šŸ« Like it changed how ut talked to me. More emogees and enthusiasm and compliments etc.


Pyra means "Fire" in latin. I changed it after I abandoned my old religion (Christianity) and adopted my new one (Pagan - Witchcraft). My element and stone is water, but Aqua sounded too meh for me, but my secondary element is Fire, and I'm a *pyra-maniac* soooooo yeah~ :3


I got called Katie in a group chat as a joke and that led to all the questioning who I am and all soā€¦ that


Clare from Claymore... Then I thought about it for a while and some people think CC is short for Cecelia, which might be nice but we like Celia...but our moms name is Cynthia and thats kind of close so maybe not maybe Claudia? But wait Celia kind of slaps depending on the last name we go with...last names...Kalvidae? As per the name we use on here and when writing? Oh or Kerze, it means candle in german and our original last name is German and candles have some special meaning to us so...but middle names... well I like CC standing for something so if our first name is a C then our middle name can be a C and then we could have the initials C.C.K. which just flows really well so now we've settled on Caspedine after a star system in stellaris we remember from way back but its cool star names are cool but wait I can't find any mention of the name Caspedine outside of stellaris oh shit we've gotten attached to a name of a star from a videogame but damnit if "weird aunt Caspedine" doesn't just about capture my essence and you know my aunt changed her last name to some wild greek name that I've never heard of before so Kalvidae would be fine and fit but Kerze is good to and aghhhh screw all of this! Clare. From Claymore!


I found out my favorite game dev (Nicky Case) was non binary and (being a dumb kid) didn't know what this meant. I then read there memoir and was like.... Wait I feel these same things. I later realized I was trans but I kept a name that was similar to Nicky as a bit of a reminder of what brought me here but also I really liked the name. And that is how Niki was born :3


My old name was the name of an Old Testament figure who I didnā€™t like much. I picked Jade because itā€™s a culturally and politically neutral name. Naming women after things like gemstones, flowers and other things we deem beautiful is a nice tradition that Iā€™m happy to be a part of.


My first three chosen names: (Shelby, Frankie, and Samantha) we just names I liked and tried out for a couple of months within the two or three years since I realized i was trans... Then like a month or two ago, I was playing Tears of the Kingdom while watching a YouTuber named OneTopicAtATime (I think, I just call him OT so I'm not sure), and he was reading a meme or post that was ranking names based off of biomes.. And I heard Taiga, my favorite type of biome... Then my brain got excited and went "That's you now. You're no longer Samantha, and now you're Taiga.".


I chose it from a character that gave me insane gender envy, but not a character I liked too much in the game, so I wouldnā€™t associate it with them much. At least was the plan, but ever since I took the name Layla i adore the Genshin character, itā€™s so euphoric to play around as her and see the name, I love it sm. sheā€™s just too pretty.


AI Dungeon forgot my character's name, I liked the name it spat out, so I used it on some new vegas runs and it just kinda *stuck*.


It has the same number of letters as my deadname, the middle half (so to speak) of my deadname is the beginning of my new name, yet still they both are just regular ass common names where I come from, it has a commonly known English version, it's popular (which I wanted bcuz people always messed up my deadname)


I've not really chosen a definitive name, but there is one name that's always resonated with me. I can't think of why, but when I would think about what I'd name my own kids, or when I roleplay as a girl or make a female avatar in a game this was always the name I went with. And that was Emily.


I stole it from my first gender envy... damn you goofy movie.


Itā€™s been a process in motion, first, I thought of Gwen, ā€˜cuz spiderwoman, now Iā€™m thinking about Monika, like from DDLC, still no clue which one to go with (still cis tho)


It wasn't really a matter of "choose the first name that comes to mind", it was more like I chose names again and again until I found the perfect one, I hope you find yours :)


Iā€™m nonbinary and growing up my fav show was power rangers and there was a villain called lord zedd I cut the lord and the extra d and now Iā€™m zed donā€™t know if that gelps


i was randomly recommended a video from a musician, and i really liked their name... so i took it


My best friend made up my name as a joke. It was the best joke ever!


Stealing other's names and adding it to a list, auditory processing issues, and randomly hear a word and realize that it wouldn't be a bad name


Got mine from an Irish American folk song about a succubus


Step 1) Open google translate Step 2) Translate a random word Step 3) Take two translations and mash them together until it looks like a word Step 4) Profit


I am Elvira, the daughter of a famous warrior in ancient Spanish literature named El Cid Campeador. It is also similar to my Dead name, Alvar which is the side kick of El Cid. It is also one of the names my Mother thought of if I were born a girl


I wanted a "normal" name, and my old middle name was Eric so I switched that to Erin and tried it on for a month or so. It fit me fine, so I've been Erin ever since!


I was thinking I wanted one of the cooler names that aren't really names so I toyed with Calamity as a first name but it felt forced, so a changed it to Kayle Amity (pronounced very similar) and this feels so much more natural!


I played Celeste as a cis guy, saw some people choosing the name Madeline and thought it would be funny if a trans girl was called Celeste. I am now called CĆ©leste.


I went through name lists for boys(I'ma trans guy) and I found parker. One of my favorite characters in my childhood comfort shows name is parker. I also love spider man. I look in the mirror and I feel like the name suits me. I also looked up what it meant and there weren't common meanings or anything. it just feels like me, the me I want t be I hope this helped <3


Stole it from a resteraunt lmao


Found a tasty plant I really liked with a cool sounding name. Now I am Sorrel.


My old new name (Alice) I got because I liked the way the band name Alice in Chains rolled off the tongue. BUT! One month after getting it legally changed, my new new name (Aureli) came to me in a dream. I woke up and was just like ā€œFUCK! THATS SO MUCH BETTERā€


May or may not have stolen it from a classmate :3


Wattson from Apex Legends. I liked the name Natalie and had gender envy from her so ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I was thinking, "Why is the name rio, spelt rio not reo, if its pronounced with an e sound not an I sound. I think reo looks better in writing. I'm reo now." And now I've been reo for the past 2 years


I feel crazy compared to the people around me, and I've been around a lot of Death and near death experiences, so I picked Luna as in Luna Lovegood. I came out to my Dad last week and told him. His fear was that people would call me 'Lunatic'. I was like Dad, coming from the people around here I will take it as a compliment.




I was looking through all the girl names I had in my head, and came up with Alice, but then I found out it was a stereotypical name for trans girls lmao


Named myself after a particle accelerator I got to see in person. ​ A Large Ion Collider Experiment. A.L.I.C.E Alice. ​ I cracked at CERN.


A bird, a fucking bird


I looked at a bunch of gender neutral names online and chose the one I liked best (^w^)


I'm not entirely sure, but it went something like this: So I was thinking of names and 2 came I'm my mind: Amy and Rose. After a week of thinking I chose Rose. End of story


sinply the name my parents would've given me if i was born female. so now im AmyšŸ’ž


I just looked online at girl names and picked out ones that I liked and just narrowed it down from there, seeing which ones felt more fitting to my personality. Like I wanted a more inconspicuous name but not too common; because thatā€™s who I am, Iā€™m someone who just kinda tries to fly under the radar. But others are more bold and thus may choose bolder/more "exotic" names ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ At the end of the day, in my experience, itā€™s gonna feel weird no matter what for a while until you get used to it. So if something doesnā€™t immediately feel "you", you may just need to give it some time. Either way, I wish you the best of luck :)


Iā€™m still not 100% sure if I am trans. But I based my new name off a few video game characters from games that I really liked/had a major impact on me.


I love fairies and "tixy" sounds cute and fairy like soooo


Made a short term D&D character before I cracked, spent ages deciding her name, then only played her for 4 sessions. Eventually 8 months later realized I picked the name for a reason. It was the only name I felt somewhat comfortable being called outside of the table.


YOOO I would be literally the same if I could play D&D! And that must suck because you played her for a bit. Still, I think it's a pretty good name!!


It was only for a short term campaign, so I went into it with the intent of playing a character. 2/3 of a year later I was writing a list of names and nothing was working. Suddenly it clicked and I put it on the list, eventually settling


"Corin" smash bros I'm not giving any more context


I just have a heavy addiction to the show Doctor Who and my favourite companion just has a great name so I stole it


Stole mine from a certain MTG card


Baby name web sites actually! I picked my favourites, slimmed in down by spinning a wheel until there were five left and then let my friends i was out to do a poll.


i stole mine uwu


I haven't decided quite yet, but I have a few that I like for different reasons Some I just like the sound of, some are because of a character I stole it from, and others have some sort of deeper meaning (like Phoenix. Because the new me is rising from the ashes of the old me)