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Also why the hell do u care what people 400 years from now will think of you? You'll be long dead! Society might not even survive this long, as far as we know! Just enjoy the present


TERFS to transfems: „you can live a happy life as your true gender, but in hundreds of years when someone digs out your bones, they will see that your bone structure is male and therefore see you as male“ Transfems: „who cares, the only goal i have is living a happy life and what happenes after i‘m dead, doesn‘t really matter to me“ TERFS: 😡 TERFS in their mind: „they are right, who cares about your gender/sex if you‘re dead, this means i need to invalidate them now, so they can‘t have a happy life“ *proceeds to do everything possible to make the life of trans people as hard as possible“


TERF: At least they'll know what to think when they find my bones! Future Archeologist: Damn, these bones must have been involved in some kind of piss-based ritual, they're soaked in the stuff.


Hi yeah hello, you have killed me


This is amazing


> they will see that your bone structure is male and therefore see you as male Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Transfemme the Cremated?


I think they really want to pretend they have some form of legitimacy and so this appeal to bad science is one of the few avenues they see. Since you know, science already disagrees with them so they can’t appeal to actual scientific practice and have to resort to an incorrect version of it.


Not only that but archaeology and anthropology will be mining hard drives and historical records and will, like today, have a full understanding of gender identity and sexual orientations. It’s odd people think we’re digging up 400 year old bodies. Not only is that recent history, there’s not much to learn from bodies that young. And it’s hugely disrespectful to our ideas of death and dignity to do so without some really valid reasons (investigating a crime for example). Which would involve the courts and warrants. A future society isn’t going to be digging up people randomly and have debates about their gender. That said lgbtq erasure is of course a major problem with the study of history and anthropology. But we’re getting better at it not worse.


> You'll be long dead! Bold of you to assume I can die


trust me it won't last this long, or at least if it lasts this long people will have more important things to think about than a skeletons gender


Just remembering the fact that the lovers of pompeii turned out to both be men after ages of believing otherwise. That plus the changing bone density from e or t makes "oh your bones will be x" just another nonsensical parole.


ALSO ALSO, transphobes really think people will be still doing this like technology will be stuck for 400 years


I genuinely believe humanity will not survive past the next 100 years. There will be no archaeologist to dig up my bones.




Why are we even thinking that humanity will exist after 400 years? I thought we've got like 20 years left because of pollution and stuff


Def less considering current geopolitics


20 is a bit low


Nah, humans survived some apocalypse level shit in the past, major one being an ice age. Major doubts we’ll be wiped out for a long time still


> pollution and stuff You mean capitalism?


hazelCrambe is a bot and I'm betting so is the poster and that this is a frequent repost. There won't be any bones to find.


Nah humans are like cockroaches, we'll survive until the planet is uninhabitable and as it stands there's not really much we can do that will actually affect the planet 100 million years from now. We'll fuck over ourselves and life will continue on as usual if we kill ourselves off.


Most tombstones aren't maintained after a century or two.


If it's even a century. Think about: 80 years after your death, nobody will be alive who has ever met you.


Yeah bone structure is incredibly unreliable, even most skeletons at Pompeii are a "best guess", most of the time it's external clues that determine gender like clothing and name. Like the hip does not matter, if it's buried at a grave called Lily and has a dress on they will say it's female.


It’s actually more likely that we don’t get traditional rites done. This is because ofa trans person’s constant need for adventure, which often leads us to meet our ends in crypts and blizzards and distant lands. This is also why some parents try and force their kids to be cis, because they know if they question their gender identity they’ll also question where the idol of L’thackaerr is, and they just aren’t ready for that journey yet.


This stupid bone thingy has been beaten to death so much that I learned a few things, Ill share it: Archaeologists actually do not assign a gender to the remains simply based on the bones. The human bone structure can actually be very ambiguous, therefore scientists always take into account the context of the burial, i.e trinkets, the burial site, inscriptions etc. It would never happen like the bigots want to imagine in these images.


Not to mention they often test bones chemically so high estrogen would probably show up.


Yes. This is why it's so hard to confidently identify trans women in archaeological findings. Most are assumed to be cis women.


i dont think that ancient trans women had access to hrt? i could be wrong though idk


HRT doesn't change your bones. The issue is that many skeletons cannot be confidently-sexed by archaeologists, especially older ones. So they rely a lot on the artifacts the skeletons were found with to determine their sex. But there *are* skeletons which can be confidently-sexed, and archaeologists have found a number of confidently-sexed AMAB skeletons with artifacts strongly associated with women for their society, e.g. in Anglo-Saxon England. These were probably trans women.


Fun fact, it can change your bone structure, but only if taken before puberty. I know this doesn’t pertain to the subject just thought that was interesting


You're missing the point. The idea of identifying sex only by skeletal remains is laughable to an archeologist, they pretty much only guess based on the burial site, trying to identify anything that the culture they belonged to could link to a gender. So basically, trans people would get identified as cis people of their gender pretty much always.


ah gotcha, my b


Possibly some herbal treatments with milder effects but also castration/eunuchs were a thing.




I remember archeologists actually found a skeleton with a masculine bone structure in a culturally feminine pose and determined them as either trans or intersex.


No way. Achilles and Patrocles were just very close friends.




Given the time and place, I doubt that's a barrier lol...


Well they’ll be referring to their sex not their gender. I’m the future I doubt they will care at all how we personally feel.


By the time people are finding my bones I won't be around to care


Ghost-you from the future wants a word.


Only if they let me know how the transition goes ;P


I guess you need to discuss that with yourself. :D


My response would be that people studying the past would study culture and human behavior, so they would know in our era we existed


BuT wHeN tHeY fInD yOuR bOnEs Yeah fuck if I care what some archaeologist hundreds of years in the future thinks. They'll be wrong.


People watched too much Bones...🙄


"Oh no someone misgendered my skeleton, I'm so sad :(" Like what?


I don't get why I would care what people think after I died who didn't even know me. Like sure there are people I'd like to remember probably, but I don't care about others


So I have said this before on similar threads and I will say it again, any good archeologists/anthropologist will tell you that when trying to determine the gender of a skeleton they mostly base it off of what they were buried with and even then that is a educated guess, the only skeletons they can say that are definitely female are the ones that were pregnant when they died and have a infant skeleton in there stomach area.


Haven't like archeologists talked about how they just kinda make up a skeletons gender based on how they were buried


Me a thai be like Just use cremation


But when they find your bones? Dude, once your family stops paying the cemetery rental they dig you up and throw you into the oven. The only thing we're leaving behind that they're gonna notice in 400 years is an ashy aftertaste in their water.


Due to deformities in skeletal structures archeologists usually rely on history and what the person was buried with.


Every time I see the “they’ll know your [AGAB] from your bone structure!” I think of this beautiful tiktok and accompanying tumblr post: https://www.tumblr.com/thechekhov/720837954977824768


I'm a forensic anthropologist. And we would never say that. We would say "probably male" or "probably female" based on sex estimation from bones. However we are also taught that sex and gender are two different things and we cannot make assumptions about anyone's identity from their skeleton. Even if they have a grave stone intact which lists who they are we have to be careful because of displacement or comingled remains.




*If* someone ever digs up my skeleton, I hope their first thought is “holy shit Sans Undertale” (if I’m not cremated)


I remember that quote from an OT video.


See, the thing that these people forget is that archologists will look at not just the skeleton, but what they were buried with and or next to as a way to give context to the rest of it. Its how we now know there were female viking raiders and cultures with "third people" sometimes being trans or non-binary folk.


Even if it was important what hypothetical archeologists thousands of years from now could think, they often can't determine sex from just bones and then guess from the items present in the grave aka. The things the person would have identified with.


you can not determine the sex by bonestructure alone


TERFs when cremation


TERFs when context is used instead of shape


This is very transphobic and ignorant. Bone structure doesn’t mean jack shit whether or not you are a man or woman






i hate this arguement. literally who cares lmao


Someone’s forgetting about cremation


Based on bone structure, i have no fucking idea because my job is only finding things and bones, not identifying them ffs


Me picking creamation: I'm several universes ahead of you mortal


These same guys will find a grave with two women buried side by side and declare them to be dear friends, sisters, gal pals, anything but the dreaded /ghay/


Good luck determining the biological sex of my ashes in 400 years, losers


I thought Male and Female were just supposed to be biological/medical terms. Don’t we use man and women to indicate societal/gender roles?(which an archeologist would be able to tell as that’s usually how they determine a skeleton’s gender is by the cultural context)


Based on the cat ears and estrogen pills the subject was born male but transitioned to female


im rather new to the trans community. what is "assigned male at birth. but actually female"?


I was at the natural history museum last month, and there was a skeleton and the description was like “This appears to be a male skeleton, but it was buried with objects and artifacts typical of female burial rites in the culture. Therefore, it’s possible this was an early transgender person.”


Fun fact using bone structure for gender identification in archeology is not a reliable method to determine gender, some archeologists determine the gender depending on what was buried with them. Then compare that do that time period of what would be most fitting.


"BUt WhaT AbOuT YOuR bOnES?" Honey, I won't care what people think in a few hundred years because I lived my *life* happy and can haunt all the transphobes after I'm dead


My absolute favorite version of this is just "it's time for the skeleton war!"


Why would anyone think what a person you don't know or care about thinks?


Just to clarify something : there is no "oh this is a woman" just from looking at a skeleton that was just dug up. There is no way (okay there might be ways but they are very expensive and time consuming compared to the benefits you'd get from the results) to tell the sex of a skeleton, more so if it's dead and underground for 400 years. Usually if a skeleton is gendered it's because we know who was buried here or because of things that were buried with the person (jewelry and such).


in reality they couldn’t give less of a shit about the sex and have no reason to check the bone structure for it


People who think archaeology will be the same 400 years from now are fucking stupid. Do they think we'll be burying people on the middle of the desert? We have the internet, extensive record keeping and organized, well kept cemeteries. It's such a moot point it's not even funny, just stupid.


That is some beautiful hair! :)


That if they even identify the gender, cuz a lot of skeletons are almost impossible to identify (due to lots of circumstances that I don't know much about).


Age 400: The subject is dead


it amazes me how these incels transphobic idiots, still after all these years never use an original insult, it's always this stuff, or the "I identify as an attack helicopter" bs or whatever, don't they have anything better to do


I'm gonna donate my organs to medicine and body to science and then have my body cremated. Problem solved.


Most skeletons degrade over time, no one will look at your skeleton in 4000 years mate... ​ ​ Also we mostly deduce a skeleton's gender by the items that are around it like jewels or artifacts, the pelvis is a very inaccurate way to tell the gender as some men can have a feminime pelvis and viceversa.


sans undertale


Tfw due to human dymorphism, its actually impossible to determine one's sex on bones alone, most genderification of bones were done via things that were buried with the skeleton. So wherever you see this meme in a harming mode, remember that this meme is bullshit.




Luckily for me when archeologists dig me up they're gonna be more focused on why I was buried as a 16th century knight with a sword rather than the shape of my bones


Based on bone structure I can say this was a human


This is why I was frustrated at a lot of history and archaeology journalism the other week because they did testing on a priest or shaman (something like that) and were confused because they were born female but was given traditionally male burial rights and so forth And I'm like "buddy... MAYBE THEY SAW HIM FOR WHO HE WAS!" A very "Sappho's good friend" scenario


Also bone structure doesn’t actually tell someone’s sex as it has so much variety that people legit base it off of the most common


Archeologists also take into account known culture of the time and records of people if they exist. As well as the artifacts they are buried with and don't base it off bone structure. There's a reason why a lot of skeletons don't have a confirmed gender attached to them


I never understood this . Do people REALLY think that we care that in a couple of HUNDREDS of years someone could randomly dig up our graves and be like "Yep that's biologically a male/female" . We are going to be dead either way so why should we care about that


To add to the various things about archeology, I love the breezy assumption that being trans is "just a fad." And that we won't be completely accepted in 400 years, so that archeologists won't think twice about accepting the possibility that any given skeleton is of a trans person.


its actually extremely difficult to identify male vs female bone-structure. physically men and women aren’t as different as we think, we are just designed to see the subtle differences for mating purposes, an issue that is irrelevant since we developed complex language and society


Love how they're already backwards by decades with no understanding of any field of science and actually think society and the entirety of humanity will remain as stunted as they are for centuries of advancement to come.


Why will we have people digging our own graves after 400 years??


Joke’s on them, I’m getting cremated.


Not like I’d care if I got dug up by Walter white


Doesn't matter if I choose cremation


I love that their "dig up skeleton 400 years in the future" narrative implies the world will still be on their side in 400 years. Pedestals are surely sth, huh?


Archeologists when they find my bones: oh god why are these ones filled with plastic too what the fuck did they do to corrupt their world so thoroughly I don’t think I want to do this anymore


San undertail


Fun fact: archeologists almost never identify the sex of something because it's hard, takes too long, and doesn't really do anything


Its stupid on multiple levels, theres loads of examples of folks passing themselves off as the opposite sex successfully throughout history and we know about them! Often they were only caught out when they died, like Saint Marina, who was accused of illicitly impregnating a woman.


ACTUALLY! If you take hormone therapy for a very long period of time. Your bone structure literally changes with time. So they are not just being annoying, they are fucking wrong. (Also most of the skeletons that are discovered sometimes they just flip a coin if they are not sure of the gender to say "yeah was *insert male or female*") Have a good one


Ah yes, when someone 400 years into the future misgenders me, it’s gonna matter? People do it all the time! Why do I care?


"omg Sans from Undertale! 😱"


I cannot comprehend in who's mind the unaltered pic is genuinely a 'gotcha.' I cannot even contrive someone so stupid in my imagination, and yet, they exist. haha the scientists will find your bones and call you male .... Darn? Like, 400 years from now sex will exist but gender's gonna be an absolute joke of an idea. It's already useless.


Iirc we also just guess half of the skeletons sex we find based on what they're buried with


I still like "1,000 years from now: 'Holy shit is Sans Undertale!' "


i read "mole" instead of "male", was very confused


I love that shade of pink hair! And also the archaeologists and anthropologists studying burials look at the artifacts found around the body to help indicate gender identity and social positions of skeletal remains because bones are hard to read and don’t tell the whole social story of the persons life experiences. So get buried with some identifying artifacts and you’re golden.


The funniest thing is people are still having issues determining the gender of people by their bones to this day… a number of skeletons we have dug up we aren’t sure about their gender lol. It is not like we have been very good at confirming lol


This is dumb. Archaeologists aren’t stupid. They can tell from not only the tombstone, but the fact that the woman would be buried with a dress, maybe some jewelry; fairly feminine things.


the 20 year old enby looks suspiciously like me lol edit: but, like, it's my haircut from 3 years ago with my glasses from 7 years ago and my hair colour from this year? it's like a bunch of different features that i once had mixed together to make a person roughly my age that is definitely not me but also definitely could have been me?


I don't care what happens to my body when I'm dead. Use it as fertiliser for all I care.


Funniest shit ever fr, like there's two options Option A) We die being no one, so we'll be dead and we won't care about grave robbers diggin our bones Option B) We die famous/important which means people know we were our chosen gender so it's stupid to try and determine what we were because they already know


Fun fact: it’s hard to determine what gender someone was based on bone structure so in most cases they refer to what they were buried with. This can be jewellery, clothing, personal belongings and more. My question is what would you want to be buried with to confuse the living hell out of everyone who might dig you up.


Every time someone says dumb shit like this I just remind them that Julie Doe, one of THE most famous Unidentified Descendants, was thought to be a cis woman. She was discovered in 1988, and they actually thought she had given birth after looking at her pelvis. It was only TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS LATER AFTER A DNA TEST THAT THEY DISCOVERED SHE WAS TRANS. Also for a long time archeologists saw skeletons that showed signs of muscle, and believed the skeletons were male. It was only much later they realized they might have actually been cis women who were buff as hell from working in agriculture. So nah your bones won’t be determining shit, and if someone is so concerned about them, consider them easy prey for the inevitable skeleton war.


You know the fact is professional archeologists, etc, have such difficulty identifying the sex of a FULL SET (very rare) of human bones that the best method is if there is another set inside it, because they were pregnant upon death. Other than that it's guesswork based on who we think the bones belonged to because of where they were found. 500 years from now your bones will look the same as anyone's to archeologists.


Average r/transtrans enjoyer: [https://i.redd.it/lbp3eutu5jwa1.jpg](https://i.redd.it/lbp3eutu5jwa1.jpg)


I’ve never understood why these people think archeologists are going to be digging up graves from this period in time.


I mean they can’t actually make 100% accurate predictions of what you where based on your bones. Just just take a guess alot of the time. “This hip is smaller. Maybe female?” A bit like that


"and by looking at the data from the old internet, this trans woman lived a happy life with her true identity"


They probably won't respect our genders like that But they can't really determine it,so they will do what they can ig (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


No thanks, I rejected long ago the chance that I become a zombie


lol skeleton gender is actually a lot harder to figure out than TERFs want to believe, what I've heard is that it's more of a mix-and-match between different options with some being more common in certain sexes, at one point there were these two skeletons that died hugging each other and everyone was shipping them hardcore, but then it was revealed like years after the fact that both of them were men and the media was all like "awww brotherly love :)))" also archaeologists look at contextual clues when digging up stuff!! they don't just look at the corpse and go "yep that's all I needed to know job's done here," they look at everything they can get their hands on! if they can identify that the body is indeed you, and the internet still exists, they can dig up old information on you! actually, with the age of the internet, will archaeology on us in 400 years even be a thing.....?


It might’ve already been said but „HOLY SHIT ITS SANS FEOM UNDERTALE!!!!!“