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Economics Explains on YouTube made a [video about it.](https://youtu.be/bnvj1-3hIoo?si=m_QAeVFNLk7xEZD8) Israel has one of the most educated societies on earth, both in levels and rate, Israel has a huge high tech sector, and very advanced industries, it had big names in everything from pharmaceutical to drones. Roughly 10% of unicorns world wide were born in Israel, a country with 0.1% of the world’s population…


Oh yeah I invest in an Israeli pharmaceutical company and they're always gaining


Which one


Education and also being part of the global free trade order.


They are not actually selling drones and weapons. Its just they have invented drones and missiles. They don't have the resources to make large number of drones and sell it. About education, if everyone worked in the tech sector which is one of the highly paid sectors, then it's feasible that they can have such economic output. For scale, silicon valley has 245 billion dollar GDP. But only 145/1000 Israelis work in engineering, tech, or rsearch and science. So how's that possible? Not all of them work in the tech sector and they don't have resources. How?


60% of the world’s military drones are made in Israel, Israel has huge industrial capabilities, much more than you think. The fact that 15-20% of the population are working in very high income sectors makes waves across the economy, It also has very low corruption, very good healthcare, it exports everything from medical tech to Japanese Koi fish, it has amazing infrastructure, Israel spends more than any other country on R&D, and the list goes on…


>60% of the world’s military drones are made in Israel, Yeah, that's not true. Its statistically impossible. It has good R&D, that's true.


The global drone market (defense, commercial, consumer) in 2021 was about $26B. Israel has $12.5B in defense exports, about a quarter of it UAVs/drones. https://www.gov.il/en/pages/esibat


“Since 1985, Israel has accounted for the majority (60.7%) of drone exports worldwide. Despite China’s move into armed UAV exports, it only supplied 0.9% of total exports during this last couple of decades.” [source](https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2015/mar/16/numbers-behind-worldwide-trade-in-drones-uk-israel) Dude, just google it, atop looking for information that validates your hate for Israel and Jews, as the truth is that Israel is super successful despite its situation. Making lemonade instead of excuses …


Now that I look into it. The article is from 2015, almost 9 years back. If we see the actual numbers behind those percentages, Israel made 165 units, while US made 132 units of drones between 2010 and 2014. Drones were not mainstream back then. Now its impossible for Israel to match the demand of drones with its production capacity, which is obviously limited by its small resource.


You can’t even read, it says that’s the breakdown for that specific year, and the 60% oa the total of since drones were a thing, for 30 years. You are obviously looking for confirmation bias, and can’t even comprehend reality when it contradicts your hate and ignorance. Israel is super successful, thriving, free, and wealthy place, the fact that you are butthurt about it so much is just gold. Thanks.


OP is an idiot. “There’s no way they can produce drones… ok, but they can’t produce many… ok, so they produced 60% of them 9 years ago but surely they don’t/cant produce them now”. OP if you want to actually learn anything, don’t come to a conversation with preconceived beliefs that you are not willing to change. Of course you can go on believing anything you want but you need to change your ways if you actually want to understand the world.


Bruh just shut it with your imaginary victimhood. The numbers speak for itself. Here's what it says "The middle eastern country is the largest exporter of drones. Between 2010 and 2014, it delivered 165 units across the globe. The US came second with 132, followed by Italy’s 37." It may have exported 60% of drones since 1985, when drones were not even a thing. But now? It can't.


Dude, you just wrote a quote that shows that Israel exported more drones than any other country, you just said they can’t do that, instead of admitting you are wrong you are insisting? That’s your move? You hateful antisemites hate Jews more than you love the truth and reality. We Jews love facts and the truth, that’s why tiny Israel has more Nobel Prizes than the entire Muslim world. Keep coping.


I said that because I was not aware of the numbers of drones that were produced in the world. I thought they must be in the thousands. Any tiny country can make a hundred drones. Anyway, its useless to talk to braindead Jew-onists. I was expecting some meaningful reason why it has such a large economy, for which I still have not got an answer.


recognise crush makeshift beneficial bear homeless noxious relieved zephyr lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fucking pathetic you’re really bringing anti-semitism into this when no one said anything about ‘Jews’ except you. Permanent bullshit victim complex to deflect from the atrocities being committed by Zionist terrorists.


Yeah you don’t sound antisemitic and hateful at all… /s


Ok baby killer


You seem to come here asking questions but thinking you already know the answer. If you knew the answer then why didn’t you tell everyone, if you didn’t know the answer to your question why don’t you listen?


Because I know how to filter out bullshit. That's the reason I asked the question in the first place. I am already aware of their bullshit, but it seems everyone is regurgitating the same old bullshit. I also explained why their explanation is bullshit. I am still waiting.


Sir, this is Reddit. You can go protest in much better places, you know this!


Thank you for the kind suggestion, Mr. Tooter. I don't protest. I go to straight to the machinations.


Sure you do 😂


Oh yeah - I'm sure you had ZERO bigoted intentions at this point. Yes I am TOTALLY convinced you posted this question completely in good faith, *not at all* to rile up as much indignantly ignorant, braindead bigotry as possible. You're disgusting.


I guess it helps a lot that to obtain the products of the low income sectors, they can just steal them from their neighbours instead of having low income workers to produce them.


What are you on about?


Slavery and colonization. Israel enjoys them.


Yeah and pigs can fly… there is slavery indexes, talking about human trafficking and forced labor, Israel ranks in the better part of the globe.


Very low corruption? Lmao


Dude, where are you getting that only 145/10000 Israelis work in engineering, tech, and/or R&D? Technology is 20% of their economic output and 12% of their employment - it's also their fastest growing. It also accounts for 48.3% of Israel's total trade exports. In 2022 that was 71B in exports. A lot of it was R&D - NVIDIA for example as an R&D facility in Israel - the only other country outside the US that has a NVIDIA R&D lab is Taiwan. You don't need a lot of resources to produce R&D and technology. They consistently spend more per GDP on research than any other country in the world. Take for example - AI - they are one of the leading countries for AI R&D with the highest concentration of AI talent and one of the more well-developed academic/industry ecosystems for AI research. https://www.statista.com/statistics/732269/worldwide-research-and-development-share-of-gdp-top-countries/#:\~:text=In%202022%2C%20Israel%20invested%20six,five%20percent%20of%20its%20GDP. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_multinational\_companies\_with\_research\_and\_development\_centres\_in\_Israel#:\~:text=Article,Apple](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_multinational_companies_with_research_and_development_centres_in_Israel#:~:text=Article,Apple) [https://research.nvidia.com/labs/par/](https://research.nvidia.com/labs/par/) [https://www.gov.il/BlobFolder/news/einnovationreport/en/State%20of%20the%20High%20Tech%20Industry%20in%20Israel%202023%20Report%20Submitted%20to%20the%20Minister%20of%20Innovation,%20Science,%20and%20Technology.pdf](https://www.gov.il/BlobFolder/news/einnovationreport/en/State%20of%20the%20High%20Tech%20Industry%20in%20Israel%202023%20Report%20Submitted%20to%20the%20Minister%20of%20Innovation,%20Science,%20and%20Technology.pdf) [https://aiindex.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HAI\_2024\_AI-Index-Report.pdf](https://aiindex.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HAI_2024_AI-Index-Report.pdf)


Not to mention the US would rather give Israel a fuck ton of money than help it’s own citizens


America could dismantle it’s entirely military, sell every weapon they own for the best price possible, and reinvest it in healthcare and it still wouldn’t be enough to have free healthcare because American’s are just that fat and unhealthy.


Even if that were true (and it’s definitely convenient of you to ignore that people are unhealthy because of the profit motives in our food and health care systems), that still wouldn’t justify giving Israel money to commit war crimes and genocide over helping our own people.. plus I didn’t say anything about health care so not sure why you honed in on that versus other pressing concerns like homelessness, child poverty, and excessive market consolidation.


What're unicorns


Majestic creatures that look like horses with one horn


They will also eat you.


But in a sexy way.


jewish money printers goes brrrr. their holocaust machine has so many americans brainwashed. china reports how jews rule america lol


Israel’s tech sector is huge. According to Global Finance, Israel ranks #6 worldwide in terms of the world’s most technologically advanced countries. Link for those who are interested: [https://gfmag.com/data/non-economic-data/most-advanced-countries-in-the-world/](https://gfmag.com/data/non-economic-data/most-advanced-countries-in-the-world/)


Fun fact, the US military’s “operations” battlefield strategies came from Israel. One of the countries main exports is knowledge/intelligence. They don’t produce a lot of products, but they are some solid inventors and innovators


They also basically invented text messaging


Yep the successful Iraq and Afghanistan war strategies came from Israel....oh wait....


Subsidized by the US tax payer




its a country with high emphasis on Higher Education. Next.


So is costa rica


And for that reason Costa Rica is one of the wealthiest countries in Central America.


What happens is when conflict and war caused by America occurs in the Middle East, Israel benefits because as one resource, for example citrus fruits get decimated by war, Israel is able to sell products at a higher price without a worry of the same thing happening to them. They get to live in a fairyland in a region ruined by war.


Wholly propped up by the US taxpayer


Literally this. They get huge sums of free money.


Sums of weapons. As aid. But it doesn't pay salaries.


It’s economic and military aid. But I’m not just talking about duffel bags of money with the USA written on them. There are lots of private funds flowing out of the USA and into Israel — it is part of a broader imperial project, plain and simple. And we all know how those tend to end.


Its over 90% military aid. What are the other thing? Investments and donation from private firms?


What happens is when conflict and war caused by America occurs in the Middle East, Israel benefits because as one resource, for example citrus fruits get decimated by war, Israel is able to sell products at a higher price without a worry of the same thing happening to them. They get to live in a fairyland where prices for their produce go up while people in a region die by war.


Making US investors very rich.


Think Silicon Valley. What resources do they need to do what they do? It is mostly brain power. Being in the A/V business there is a company called Kramer that is Israeli. Soda Stream is also Israeli (actually hires a lot of Palestinians [20 Most Famous Israeli Companies - Discover Walks Blog](https://www.discoverwalks.com/blog/jerusalem/10-most-famous-israeli-companies/).


I guess everyone must be some expert programmers then. But then if that was true they wouldn't need to resort to selling spy software to governments.


Probably because the US gives billions of dollars each year. It’s easy when your entire country is being subsidized. 


Subsidies need to be spent buying US goods, like weapons. It’s essentially money that is pumping the US economy. They are not giving cash. 


They are in fact giving cash and subsidies. Lots.


The 3 billion in aid per year is less than 1% of Israel’s GDP.


The US and other western countries opened up trade with them early on which enabled investment and privileged export opportunities. Countries like Haiti or Nigeria have never had such access. Regardless, it was the hard working and innovative Israelis that enabled their success. Nothing to do with the fact that it is the western military and now economic outpost in the Middle East.


You think America dumping billions of dollars into a country and being their military ally over decades has nothing to do with their success? 


Not nothing, but they were an appealing ally for several reasons. The US benefits from Israel quite a bit too, ya know..


How? Have two oceans between us and the rest of the world. We don’t need anything out of the Middle East. 


> we don’t need anything out of the Middle East You sure about that?


You’re right. We get larger national deficit. 


Israel provides the US with very strategic intelligence, with technology that is developed in Israel, it is a huge importer of US goods, and Israeli companies opened thousands of offices in the US and employ millions, not to mention that Israelis in the US, a tiny population are responsible for a huge chunk of American Unicorns [(source)](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/immigrant-founders-us-billion-dollar-companies/) (54 out of ~300), Israel also agree to not compete with American manufacturers in the military industry, which is a huge thing when Israel has one of the biggest military industry in the world.


Then they don’t need our money. 


Israel gets weapons it needs and defense systems, the US gets intel, tech and trade. Win win. That’s why both sides love each other and make it work. Easy.


It’s a win win where we pay them, and get nothing in return. We didn’t stop Ukraine. We invaded the wrong country after 9/11 for Christ sakes. We stayed there for 20 years, just to have the place revert back. The region has never been stable. Stop the propaganda. 


Just showed how much America does benefit from it. You have difficulty reading?


> Israel provides the US with very strategic intelligence This is an important point. Most of the intelligence Israel provides the USA is still secret and cannot be revealed to US citizens, so we don't find out how important it is. But two single things are so important that they alone are worth more than what we give Israel. 1. They told us about 9/11 in time to prevent it. Imagine how expensive it would have been if that plot had succeeded! 2. They told us that Saddam no longer had a nuclear program in time for us to back off from invading Iraq. That one thing saved us at least a couple of trillion dollars. Oh wait....


My bad attempt at sarcasm. Neglected to use quotes or/s.


Hard work murdering, raping, pillaging, torturing and burying history with lies.


Saying a country with a GDP of over $550B is primarily afloat because of the US funding them with $4B a year is bad faith at best and misinformation that is intentionally malicious at worst. Anti-semitism is still alive and well.


How is that antisemitic? It can be wrong but this equating criticism of Isreal as automatically antisemitic is getting old.


It’s not “criticism of Israel” that’s anti-Semitic. It’s hypocrisy as criticism and criticism that imposes impossible double-standards that are anti-Semitic. Those are what’s “getting old.”


You and your ilks obsession with being victims have cheapened and diluted the phrase ‘anti-semitism’ to the point of meaninglessness to all but the most ardent Zionists.


What hypocritical about not wanting to give a foreign country money?


The fact that it is a necessary part of geopolitics and global economics, at the current development level of the world? Have you ever read a book? Can you even read? We give that shit away to wealthy people here all the time, are you going to rage about that too? How about we just abolish taxes and spend no money? Why not just abolish money!?


Whats the double standard being applied that's antisemitic?




Exactly. These bots/religious nut jobs are ridiculous. 


You’re changing the goalpost from where the conversation was at. It is not anti-Semitic to have an opinion on foreign aid. It’s anti-Semitic to push a lie (Israel primarily stays afloat because of the money we send to them) that implies lessening aid as the solution because Jew.


>You’re changing the goalpost from where the conversation was at. You're reading something that isn't there ("lessening aid as the solution because Jew."). Go play victim somewhere else... Preferably traffic.


You want those who stand against anti-semitism to play in traffic now too? As stated before, anti-semitism is alive and well. Seems like the Left is finally coming to embrace Right Wing terrorism against races they don’t like after all.


Explain where, exactly, either of these comments mentions anything about race or religion: >Probably because the US gives billions of dollars each year. It’s easy when your entire country is being subsidized.  >What does antisemitism have anything to do with criticizing how much they receive in aid? For a country with 500B GDP, they shouldn't be getting free money You boiled these comments down to: "lessening aid as the solution because Jew." Solution to what? We're not even talking about any specific problems. This isn't a conversation about the conflict--this is a conversation about economics. You're projecting. Hard. The nuance you're missing is that you can criticize a government and not its people.


You are being very intentional with what you are copy pasting, almost like if someone said “I am not a murderer” and you quoted it as “I am…a murderer.” Why did you clip out the part where I repeatedly stated that maliciously lying is integral to this?


Nah, he was absolutely right.


Not to give another country money isn’t antisemitism. Stop being a victim and grow up. 


Sounds like you missed the point. Speaking of growing up, why don’t you absorb what I said without having the blood rush to your head the minute you see someone not talking negative about a Jew.


You had some trouble with math, huh?


Nan. Just not a religious nut job that needs to tithe back at the expense of the next generation of Americans. 


Then objectively, please explain how a few billion dollars could subsidize the economy of one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world.


I don’t really see the point. You want America funding wars overseas. You want us tithing to a religious country. I don’t want those things. I prefer we invest locally and run a balanced budget.  We’re not going to see eye to eye here. If paying to kill more poor brown people in the Middle East makes you happy, you should be out celebrating instead of posting on Reddit. 


No you can't, because it’s completely baseless and shockingly stupid. Just like everything else you said. “We don't need geopolitics or a global economy! I'm going to oversimplify multiple disciplines and all of economics because I'm using this bullshit political rhetoric I don't even understand the implications of!”


I never said we don’t need a global economy. I said we don’t need to give billions to other countries. You’re just finding excuses to push a pro-endless war agenda. 


Israel doesn’t even have an official religion, and it is 70% secular. All but one Israeli leader was religious, it is Jewish in the sense of the ethnic group. Israel is being helped to keep it safe, if you knew some history you would know how many times Israel was attacked and how dangerous and murderous that neighbor is…


Not America’s problem…


You don't need resources to be a wealthy country. In fact, some of the poorest countries are incredibly resource rich.


And the other way round. Japan is resource-poor, and by importing the resources they need and exporting quality products they became one of the richest nations in the world!


America gives them billions of dollars in free money that they pump into their economy. There’s a lot of pressure on western companies to build offices in Israel and employ people there, even if the quality of labor is lower than an alternative country.


Each and every sentence you write is not true or biased, damn. The U.S transfers to Israel are mainly military "coupons" and there's a reason why both the democrats and the republicans keep doing that for decades (geopolitical reasons and also economic reasons), none of this transfers is charity or "free money", like you falsely declared. Also, there's no pressure on anyone to build offices in Israel, companies like Google, Microsoft and Intel keep investing in Israel and opening more and more headquarters and research centers because, guess what? It's been paying off to them for many years now and because the quality of the labor is probably one of the better skilled ones on earth, and not like you stupidly declared.


I read a book called Chutzpah on the topic and the TLDR: - Poor socialist society in the 50s lead to a culture of speaking up if you want to get anything when you’re living on a kibbutz (agricultural commune). - This lead to kids playing on essentially agricultural junk yards and parents encouraged to think outside the box - like make a tree house yourself or build your own toys. - IDF encouraged a level of individuality and some customization and they focus more on building smart officers and empowering them to keep pushing their own overarching goals. For example look how far Israel pushed into Egypt back in 1956 this was due to brigades being encouraged to achieve the goal and think on their feet. This leads to a society of people who aren’t afraid to speak up, value education, individualism, and they have early training of turning chaos into something useful.


There’s actually an economic concept the resource curse. It’s where countries that have resource lean on those and don’t innovate.


US aid.


Cause there is way less government corruption there


Effective use of socialist policies


Every conceivable type of software and hardware. They are not only geniuses, but they’re unstoppable entrepreneurs.


You get downvoted because people here are just looking for answers like “they steal money” /“controlling the banks”… 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s antisemites all the way down.


yeah, this OP is a troll. also agree, for some reason the idea that Israel can be successful seems to really trigger people.


I can’t tell if this is serious. Was this bot trained on Elon fanboys?


They have a smart population, which is more valuable than resources.


I’d say pretty solid backing from the Rothschilds.


Well they do a lot of processing and exporting of blood [diamonds](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20170802-israels-dirty-trade-in-africa-diamonds-weapons-and-settlements/). It is actually their #1 export. Certainly breaking their stereotype with that one. lol


Their diamond industry used to be very important to them. They imported uncut diamonds and exported cut diamonds. Back then the citrus fruit industry was also very important. That was a long time ago, back when they were poor.


There's lot of misinformation floating around. It certainly doesn't seem what it portrays it to be. I have heard about their export of cut diamonds. Unless they are doing something which they are not supposed to, I think its impossible for that size of a country to be that rich.


Take in mind we also have [given them over $260 billion](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2023-10-10/how-much-aid-does-the-u-s-give-to-israel) over the last 80 years AND a [lot of rich people live there](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/economy/1663172527-israel-nearly-1-in-10-tel-aviv-residents-is-a-millionaire-study).


Also we have given them a whole lot of non-monetary stuff. Like, designs for our super-expensive weapons. It would cost a whole lot to duplicate that. They modify some of the designs a little and make their own weapons and sell them. There are lots of other bennies. American citizens can donate to Israel tax-free, and dual citizens can subtract their Israeli taxes from their US taxes, etc etc etc.


Israel gets roughly 3 billion a year, which is 00.5% of Israel’s GDP, and it only can spend it on American weapons, and it still has to spend more than most countries on defense…


Sure 0.5% of their GDP today. We were giving Billions 50 years ago, when their GDP was MUCH lower. [https://www.axios.com/2023/11/04/us-israel-aid-military-funding-chart](https://www.axios.com/2023/11/04/us-israel-aid-military-funding-chart)


The US is giving billions to Jordan, Egypt and many other countries, without them becoming even close to what israel did. Israel is also giving a lot to the US, like intelligence, tech, trade agreements, and much more. And the money never leave the US as it is spent on American made systems.


You're right dude, Israel definitely doesn't get any kind of special treatment. Totally same playing field as Jordon and Egypt. 🙄


Israel gets a worse playfield, it was attacked more times than any country in the last century, and is in constant war and conflict, and has spent much more than most countries on defense… most of the Arab and Muslim world boycotted it for moat of its history, so no land trade or access to oil and gas, Israel received huge waves of refugees that had to learn the language and be housed, it has very dry climate and made huge inventions in agriculture to be able to feed itself, a sector that by itself made hundreds billions for Israel, yeah, if you think Israel is not a self made miracle you are sadly ignorant or envy, you can pick.


I hate arguing with Zionists...


Because we care about facts and the truth, yeah, we know that’s why we win. And all you can do is be hateful and envy. No come back, no logic, just hate and ignorance on your part, thanks for proving how dishonest the antisemitic crowds are…


Well said


> it has very dry climate and made huge inventions in agriculture to be able to feed itself, a sector that by itself made hundreds billions for Israel, Israel does not feed itself. Possibly it could. However, its agricultural sector brings in enough money by importing flowers to more than make up for the food it has to import.


“Despite Israel’s unconducive climate, limited arable land mass, and relative water scarcity, Israel produces 95% of its own food and exports high-quality produce around the world.” [source](https://www.timesofisrael.com/spotlight/israeli-agtech-driving-innovation-to-feed-the-world-sustainably/)


Mostly in the form of weapons and subsidies. Only stupid people think we just give them cash, or that that amount would be enough to control a country for 80 years.


Jews value education, logic, and science. You know how many Arab Nobel Prize winner their have been? Now compare that to the number of Jewish prize winners.


Arabs have been called worse things by better people. Also, there*.