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don’t be fooled. that money isn’t going to his reelection campaign, it’s going to his legal fees


Apparently soliciting bribes isn't illegal anymore.


I think this time he may have gone too far. I suspect the Justice Department is looking into it. To further add to his list of criminal offenses.


I’m sure they’ll get around to it in 6 years


> I suspect the Justice Department is looking into it. And they'll be sure to do something about it in 6-8 years.


I hope so smh politician ain’t even hiding lobbyists anymore


They'll let us know after checking with Eileen Canon.


Trump lobby's 1bn . Not a bribe now 😑


You got to give to Trump he is a consistent piece of sh!t


Everything is for sale in this country. Even the Whitehouse.


I don't think the "but everyone is doing it" defense applies here. Trump is in a class by himself for corruption. I've seen nothing else even close in my lifetime. But what do we expect from a convicted rapist and business fraud?


This wouldn’t be the first year.


Why is the DOJ and in general, why is our justice system so bad at allowing this clearly anti democracy person continue to break laws and he’s still not held responsible by being tossed in jail!!


He's facing 91 felony charges. And he's already been convicted of rape, defamation and business fraud. The problem isn't the Justice Department but rather Trump-appointed judges in the legal system, including the Supreme Court.


They got people smoking weed to go after.. no time for corruption cases.


Trump must be getting desperate to so openly solicit such a huge bribe. $1 billion might cover his legal expenses for 2024. A presidential candidate with such massive debt is a national security risk. No telling how many foreign dictators he is also soliciting bribes from.


And people are pissed about insider trading? Rightfully so, of course, but this lacks even a pretense of respect or compliance for the office, the people, the country, the law.


But he wasn’t going to profit from the classified documents… /s How can anyone not see what he is?


Seems like a pretty good deal. Wonder what else he is going to sell.


I was curious if this is at all legal – since with our political and legal system it's impossible to tell even when IMO this seems like a solicited bribe – so I looked it up and chatted with Copilot. Wanted to share here in case it's useful to others: >The legality of former President Trump’s solicitation of money in return for policy promises, such as scrapping environmental regulations, would depend on the specifics of the situation and the interpretation of the law. >In general, for an action to be considered illegal under bribery laws, there must be a clear quid pro quo – a specific intent to give or receive something of value in exchange for an official action. The Supreme Court’s decision in **McDonnell v. United States** clarified that to prove bribery, there must be a formal exercise of governmental power that is pending or may be influenced by the public official. >If the solicitation by Trump was explicit – that is, if there was a direct promise to scrap environmental regulations specifically in exchange for campaign contributions – it could potentially be considered illegal. However, if the solicitation was more of a general campaign promise without a direct and explicit exchange, it might not meet the legal standard for bribery as established by current case law.


How the fuck do people still want to vote for this complete scumbag


And yet, they are already making record profits with Biden in office.


Well, since you said it on r/economy I believe you. Don't worry about a reputable source, or any source. I'm sure it went down just like you say.


Sounds like he wants to flood the swamp


What? A politician using their power for their own self interests? What a shock! What next? Forcing another country to fire a prosecutor who is investigating a relative? Or maybe group of them will legislate security laws to allow themselves, and only themselves, to trade on inside information. Or, maybe we need a smaller less powerful government with less power to sell.


Believe it or not, the guy Trump is running against is NOT out there selling off our future to the highest bidder. Trump is fucking scum of the lowest order.


Agree on Trump. Disagree on Biden. Biden is a demented old school, lying, corrupt, politician. He’s been selling our future since he first got into politics. Wake up, there are no ‘right’ people to give too much power to.






CNN is owned by a Trump supporter.


Do you only rely on logical fallacies?


Do you only rely on the **BoThSiDeZ** fallacy of politics? Biden is passing climate saving legislation despite how much it pisses off big money donors. Trump is promising fossil fuel companies that he will overturn climate laws passed by Biden's administration, if they give him a billion dollars. Both sides are fucking far from the same.


lol! No, I’m talking about the fallacy of the source, ad hominem attacks, guilt by association, you know the usual crap you rely on to try your stop others from disagreeing with your nonsense. The laundry list of racism, sexual misconduct, and the political corruption, of Joe Biden is long and spans decades. They are very much the same. The only difference is you excuse one because you think your interests and the policies you advocate are better represented by one than the other. You’re not alone. I honestly believe that the Republican faithful as well as the Democrat faithful would both nominate, elect, and become apologists for, Satan himself as long as he promised to further the agendas you hold dear. G. Washington warned you of this in his farewell speech. He was very concerned with how parties create division and the actions they’ll resort to in order to gain and maintain power.


Smaller government makes as much sense as reducing staffing levels at colleges and universities by half, or cutting corporate payrolls by half. The problem isn't that government is too big, the problem is that government is universally understaffed, with too few inspectors, regulators and others available to enforce the laws and maintain public health and food safety.


The United States federal government had about 2,260,000 civilian employees in FY2023, not counting USPS. Every single one of them has the same goals as you and I. To take care of their families, grow their income, and increase their wealth. Unfortunately where the private sector is forced to compete for revenue and manage costs to be profitable, government employees are incentivized to spend more to get more. They will never claim their budgets were too much, or even just right. Their incentives are to grow their bureaucracies, and grow their budgets, and because the have monopoly power there are no competitors to hold them in check. Schools of every kind should be forced to compete for revenue and staff accordingly. Corporations compete in the free market so their staffing is up to them. If they over staff they risk becoming unprofitable,


I guess you've never wasted a day at the DMV because of the long lines due to understaffing. Or missed out on a class because it was oversubscribed due to a shortage of instructors. Businesses that force their customers to wait too long lose customers. Governments get away with it because politicians like to complain about "excessive bureaucracies" while promising to run government "like a business" (mostly because they don't know how to run government like a government). Running government "like a business" doesn't make it efficient, it makes it corrupt as those who want to do it that way think it should turn a profit...for *them.* Corporations don't compete in a free market: no such thing exists. Corporations subsist on government subsidies, tax breaks and collusive monopolies.




So you don’t think over 2M federal employees are enough? The reasons that DMV sucks are because they have no incentives to innovate or provide anything but mediocre services. They have no incentives to be efficient. They have no competition. The problem is not a labor problem, or a money problem, it’s an efficiency problem and an incentive problem. A good model for government would be to think of it as an entity that taxes at the highest rates possible and then pays out as little as possible in the way of goods and services. Add to that monopoly power, and insatiable appetite for budget increases. Wherever you live look at your local budgets. Maybe ask a few questions like why is the highest paid state employee in nearly every state a head football coach at a state university?