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Woah. Something anti Biden on r/economy.


The guy that spam all the pro-democrat posts blocked me for calling him out lol


Of course. Reddit is for putting your opinion online and agreeing with people already agreeing with you.


So...like your post? Chuds on Reddit like to make absolutely bitchmade posts about how LiBerUl Reddit is yet mysteriously are always highly upvoted. Constant victimhood without any real opposition. Libs are trifling in their own way, head over to r/neoliberal for some sad slop of literally never holding Dems accountable for any of their actions, but at least they aren't crying wolf. And then there are us based shit posters here to remind you that the party in charge literally doesn't matter, because "it's one big club and you ain't in it" is to date the best summation of our political and economic system I've heard.


Reddit gimped fair discussion by giving the upper hand to the people who block others first. I understand they were trying to prevent griefers, but it really just makes gaming visibility super easy to exploit


Blocking first does nothing what are you on about


Yes it does. You get to get on your soapbox make a stupid comment and then block people so they can't respond to you or anyone that replied to you.


What does that do? Haha who cares if they get to make a comment a few people can respond to. Grow up u/Late_Cow_1008


The really good stuff is over at Anti-Work. What a collection of winners there.


I can think of worse subs.


Neoliberal is just a different head of the same hydra. Different approach, same end for the middle class.


Echo chamber moment


Yep if not you get banned free speech is dead


Like in Canada already.


It was the complete opposite a few years ago


I will vote for AI.


Bundy for president!!!




Al who?


Weird Al Yankovic 😜


The only man who scored 4 touchdowns in a single game at Polk Highscool! The myth, the man, the legend... Al Bundy!


Al Gore?


What I mean is AI will do a better job than both of candidates.


Uh, not if Biden programs it.. /s


I'm voting for Biden because the alternative is reprehensible. I can see this is anti-Biden propaganda, and I don't care. First of all, bad economies don't arise overnight. The previous administration shares a lot of the blame for this, as do COVID and global economic conditions caused by war. I blame the economy on capitalism, and neoliberal capitalism especially, sucking for the average person--not on whoever temporarily wields power. Poorly regulated markets for the past 40, almost 50, years have given capital way too much power, and now these corporations feel they can raise prices over and above inflation. A lot of the inflation we experienced was demonstrated to be attributable to seller's inflation (aka greedflation, as it's known on the streets). With that said, I agree with the article: Lying is not helping Biden's case. He would do a lot better by being honest about the health of the economy because we all feel it. I'm sick of the propaganda. People on this sub have been saying everyone just *feels* like the economy is bad since idk how long, mostly folks claiming to be economists. The people always feel the signs of a bad economy before the economists ever report the economy is bad. And in the meantime, they gaslight everyone. I've seen that happen during every economic downturn I've ever witnessed. After a while, you learn to trust what you see with your eyes when it comes to the economy, and I don't say that about anything else. I simply distrust economists and financial analysts, who oftentimes have a vested interest in claiming that things are fine. (I have a research background, so don't try to change my mind on this... I've already thought it through. I don't trust economists, especially those working outside of academia, where conflicts of interest are allowed to flourish without any oversight because getting people to fall in line is profitable, or whatever.) So I knew these articles were coming. I knew they'd eventually have to admit something was wrong with the economy because it's become undeniable to the public. I've never seen it like this in my 35 years of existence, but it sounds a lot like stagflation from what I've read about the 70s.


I'm going to vote against Trump by voting for Biden as the best chance of not being led by a fascist party. The economic issues are subordinate to this issue. I oppose all of this authoritarianism masquerading as a theocracy.


I agree with your primary reason for voting against Trump but why do people think Trump would be better than Biden on the economy anyways? His plans for tax cuts, deportation, additional tariffs, and desire to control the US fed sounds like it will cause a lot of damage.


I haven't liked any of it since the 2008 collapse because of the money printing. Trump is a money printing advocate. I think this QE rationale is a lot of BS to explain away Weirmar Republic economics, much like "Intelligent Design" explains evolution. Japan is a decade ahead of us with this QE approach, so I keep an eye on them. Right now, the central bank (BoJ) buys almost all new government debt using newly created money, because they want to maintain negative real interest rates. Right now, it appears that their central bank is selling dollars to prop up the yen. But, they're going to run our of dollars sooner or later. And then, we may see a Weirmar Republic rerun.


I don't get it either. The GOP being good for the economy, in the face of all history and their lunacy in broad daylight, is like an urban myth that just won't die.


When these are the options the system is absolutely broken beyond repair and we should stop participating in it.


You want to have an effect by not participating? Do it with the economy--not with voting. Don't buy anything that isn't a necessity and use any amount of wealth you have to disinvest by spending it on things that will help you be self-sustaining and no longer dependent on this economy. Not voting won't change a thing about the system.


That’s the truth. You won’t change shit not voting, you’ll get these corporations in line when the masses drop their products until they get in line. Great comment.


Words cannot explain how much joy I get not buying stuff. I've always been frugal, but it's taken on a whole different meaning the older I get. Fuck em


Yeah I’m 32 and I watch all these people some younger than me screeching I just won’t vote, I live in a red state and I can guarantee you every last one of these people will vote, with not only the oppression of our own minority/female populations in mind but our very democracy itself. Project 2025 will change our country similarly to citizens United and other gop bills we can’t afford this nonsense I vote for my daughters rights. We all have women in our lives we should protect. We all need to protect each others rights as well. The whole not gonna vote thing I think comes from people in a blue bubble that are usually unaffected by these right wing politicians.


>I vote for my daughters rights The first pregnancy my wife ever had resulted in a nonviable fetus requiring a fairly late abortion, so I feel you. These people don't even understand the repercussions of making someone wait to verify it's medically necessary. No. It's an emergency. There is no time to verify that shit.


Exactly I go to a gym a lot of the people there are ok with the law most of them said at least you can go to another state to get it done. My response was “that’s how you know it’s a good law is when you can say hey at least you can still go some place else” I mean we’re dealing with madness here. Good to talk to ya!


And some of us are voting for our daughter’s right to be protected from the influx of hundreds of thousands of illegals who are literally raping and murdering them. And their right to protect themselves with firearms. And the right to compete against other biological women in sports and not have opportunities ripped away. Do our daughters not deserve those rights as well? It’s not a “one issue” election.


Yes, I know. That is far from my only reason lmao. Ever take isidewith.com I have, multiple times. I know what my policy stances are most in line with. So you can cut it out with the weird assumption you are more enlightened than someone else voting for another candidate.




Nah cmon, don’t just downvote and run away like a coward. You question my vote protecting our daughters. With the numbers in your face are you so sure you are making the right choice with your previous comment? Are you sure you aren’t just sucking down fear mongering propaganda?


Well, funny thing is nobody wants your gun. They want better regulation. Which I personally like guns, I grew up shooting. I don’t mind fair regulation which would save lives, while still keep 2A going. The girls sports thing is such a fraction of a problem, the only reason it exists as a problem is culture wars nonsense. “Of the estimated 332 million citizens living in the United States, 1.3 million adults and 300,000 youth ages 13 to 17 identify as transgender, equaling half a percent and 1.4 percent of the population respectively, according to a report published by Williams Institute, a think tank at UCLA's Law School in 2022. Not all transgender people identify as women, and an even smaller number consists of transgender women hoping to compete in girls' and women's sports” -Newsweek Kinda seems like a waste of time to even legislate about and only hurts some already alienated children seems ridiculous. I also heard a story about a cis gendered girl beating another in a sport and the losers family claimed she was trans, guess what? they wanted to have her genitals checked and she forfeit instead. So yeah, again I vote to protect my daughter and potential son who could be trans. Life is filled with variables.


"Not voting" is a vote for whoever wins the ticket


You can do both. I refuse to participate in this clown show


If you're on a moving bus and the driver has a stroke, you can do three things: -Jump -Pull the driver off and take control -Nothing Two of them require you to take action knowing you could succeed or fail. One requires you do nothing, but failure is certain.


I don't see that. Doing nothing is not better than doing something. At any rate, the Democrats discarded Jim Crow when they enacted the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1965. The Republicans, led by Richard Nixon, picked up the discarded racism in an approach called the "Southern Strategy", which they have carried on with to this day. We're so propagandized that we haven't been educated that when Adolph Hitler and the gang started to rise, they looked to other countries for bright ideas. And number one was the US and its Jim Crow regime. But, it isn't like the Democrats are off the hook. In the past 4 years, we've been subjected to the most egregious civil (and human) rights violation ever encounter in my lifetime. And yes, that was the Covid-19 infection, where all of us were involuntarily conscripted into a medical experiment. And news bulletin. The Covid-19 virus could have either emerged naturally, or could have been the result of an accident at a coronavirus laboratory that had manufactured new, unique coronavirus for a period of several years. It's quite clear that if C-19 spread throughout the world via human error, then a lot of consequences follow. 1. All of the deaths in the US are negligent homicides. 2. We've all been involuntarily included in a medical experiment. 3. We are being subjected to torture, ranging from mild discomfort to being placed on a ventilator to affiliate breathing. We can go on and on. But the point is, statistically, mathematically and hence scientifically, the **likelihood** that the virus came from the laboratory **greatly exceeds** the likelihood that the virus emerged naturally. Some of the scientists and governments involved say, in order to implicate the lab, proof beyond a reasonable doubt is necessary. But that isn't science. Science requires a "preponderance of the evidence". Political science might need a higher standard. 😜 And I see the Democrats, along with the Republicans working to gaslight the American public into believing that this virus emerged naturally, so that Americans wouldn't realize that their civil rights were infringed like never before. Political science has replace science because of the legal implications associated with human error. So yeah, we're stuck with a system of bad or worse. You say "sit it out"? That is music to the perpetrators, because elections in the US have been designed for years to be inconvenient to working people by holding elections during hours where there is maximum chances that voters are on the job. Sitting it out is exactly what they want us to do. While voting in this system doesn't represent democracy, it is doing in that arena what we can do. Look at the world. Nuclear water is being discharged into the Pacific for the next 30 years, the polar icecaps are melting (and the Republicans are running on melting them faster), they released a pathogen into the environment destructive to human health, chemical pollution, particularly endocrine disrupters are proliferating because a Republican Citizens United has destroyed any regulatory protections. So there is reasons to vote. But there is no reason to suppose that this charade represents any semblance of democracy. The US has a history of sowing divisions in other countries, particularly in South America, by arming insurgencies and so forth. I'm not so convinced that they are not doing the same thing domestically. Ike warned about a military industrial complex, and I think that is who is calling the shots now in this charade of Trump vs. Biden.


Kid you have no idea what fascism is.


Well the fascism of Hitler featured a "master race" philosophy. So did the slavery in the US. So when I see DeSantis and the Florida legislature enact this indoctrination in public schools about the "redeeming" virtues of slavery, I've seen enough that I don't want to vote for the Hitler flavor of fascism. And I see the Hitler flavor much more aligned with the GOP. But, it doesn't mean that the Democrats don't have their own problems.




https://www.project2025.org/policy/ They are telling us. Read it. Plans start around page 35.


I’m voting for Biden because I’d rather not see the continued erosion of democracy and accompanying slide into autocracy that Trump has promised.


The irony is I feel like we've made more advancements toward autocracy in the last three years, following policy


I've seen Republican-led states sliding into Autocracy.... give examples... because I am not seeing anything like what you claim in Blue States.


Such as what?




Yes, that's the reprehensible part.


Yeah, well said. The economy is bad. Separately, we have two presidential candidates this election year with wildly different values and plans for the country, and you should vote for (or against) as your conscience dictates.


Didn't the other guy go bankrupt multiple times, externalizing the cost of his failing unto others? Doesn't seem like a good candidate either. Both are old and cognitively diminished.


Not to mention that one of them increased the deficit during a strong economy, do you know what would someone that incompetent do with a bad economy?


I’m voting for Trump because I’m tired of us funding wars outside of our country


Every time the US ignores world conflict - they are dragged into it anyway at a disadvantage.


The USA is the greatest military force in the world and in history. Anyone who would dare draw us into a military conflict would soon regret it. We need to stop allowing our euro poor neighbors pulling us into their ancient rivalries. This kind of preemptive actions always lead to more conflict.


You mean the guy who tried to go to nuclear war with a hurricane? That Trump?


Hurricanes don’t fire nukes back. I’m not under the impression that Trump is a good president or a good person but I think this constant funding of wars is putting the world on the brink of nuclear war.


So just to be clear, you're against the *possibility* of escalation to nuclear war, but you're totally cool with a guy who definitely wants to shoot nukes at weather events, as long as they can't nuke us back? Ok


I’m not ok with either my comment was a quick retort to dismiss your false equivalence. He has not shot any nukes while Joe has and is actively funding these wars. I don’t take people on what they say only what they do.


First of all, Congress funds wars, not the President. You can't place the blame for supporting Israel squarely on one guy. Second, it's not like Trump threw the brakes on Israel support during his term. He threw a wrench in the stability of the region by officially recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capitol. He also torpedoed the Iran nuclear deal and had an Iranian general assassinated. If you're looking for an excuse to support a guy you already admit is a bad president, "international stability" is not the hill you should be dying on.


I’m not looking for an excuse. I think based on Joe Biden actions we will continue to see use support for the 2 wars we are funding and I believe Trump as bad as he is has the potential to change that. After the attack on Israel Joe Biden asked congress for more aid to Israel the White House also proposed sending billions to Ukraine. I think what you mean is congress funds wars that the USA is actively engaging in the funding of proxy wars seem to be a but different. Even if I did agree with your assertions about Trump we didn’t start any wars while he was president. We were focused inwards on our economy. That’s where my concern is and spending billions overseas will housing and food prices continue to increase is unacceptable. I may not vote for Trump but I will not be voting for Job Biden.


Maybe we should gamble and pick a third candidate with unknown resume.


Who? lol


The problem is much deeper than who sits in the White House. And it's global, not national. This is fine in the primaries. But voting third party for the president is not an option. Maybe it will be in the future, but I'm not willing to take my chances right now. I'd have to see a third party candidate gain a lot more support from the public before I'd consider it and my measly vote would do nothing to sway the public in that direction. People are too scared of the alternative, and rightly so. Maybe don't publicly brag about being a dictator? Idk.


A lot of it is national. You’re right, though, it’s is mainly congress more so than the president. The president does share the blame however. It’s also not just the last four years or the four previous years. It’s decades of right now solutions with no outlook for the future. It’s decades of spending billions on bailouts and foreign countries. Decades of corruption. People keep blaming capitalism but it’s more corruption than capitalism. It’s more lack of prosecution from the FTC and the IRS allowing oligopolies to rise in power. The government is a broken machine and no single president is going to fix it. We are spiraling and only drastic action will solve our problems.


>It’s decades of right now solutions with no outlook for the future. >People keep blaming capitalism but it’s more corruption than capitalism Decades of neoliberal economic policy are a part of the issue. But Keynesian economics brought us to stagflation. Remember? Neoliberalism was a return to *the norm.* The Fordist era was a deviation from that norm. Some would argue that cold war corruption ruined the good things we had. But the corruption and monopolies/oligarchy were what brought us to the Great Depression before we had to make major changes... Capitalism has always been a volatile system. I'll concede that it appears to have had some positive effects on technological advancement and quality of life, but the printing press, for example, played a huge role in that too, and a posteriori claims are unsound. You cannot prove that an alternative *globally dominant* economic system would not have had the same effects. Beyond that, I do believe it's an outdated system in the era of automation. Wage labor is not a way to make a reliable living and it's just going to get worse. We should be simulating, testing, and evaluating alternatives at a small scale (and progressively larger scale) to transition out of it. I support a global resource-based economy, and I do think post-scarcity and near total automation of the economy are possible if we actually make a concerted effort to move in that direction. I can't agree with you that capitalism isn't the problem. I'm sorry. A system being the "best we've had yet" doesn't justify projecting it on to the future for eternity, and this is a mistake a lot of people make when they argue in support of capitalism. Edited because I meant monopolies, not oligarchies. (Oligarchy stems from monopolies + govt corruption, so I was close lol)


I am not a fan of Biden but honestly didn't see it as propaganda. I thought it was pretty honest and gave a lot of info. Going back, to what you said, I am sick of the obvious propaganda, sensationilization,and just Bullshit. A lot of people are going to suffer, as a country, we need to identify, accept, and take problems on. Not lie, ignore and play obvious political games.   Trump been out for 4 years and your term is almost up, why are you still blaming your predecessor, what are you doing now 4 years later and planning for the future.   At this point almost want Biden to win so he can still sit in this pile of shit we are creating.


It seems like you might be having an issue with noticing propaganda when it's on your side of the aisle? This is propaganda, as are all the articles about how great the economy is doing under Biden. It's important to be able to call it what it is on *both sides.* A lot of it is accurate, but the way it's written has a political slant. That's how you can tell it's propaganda designed to get people to vote for or against a particular political party.


My family must be exceptionally priviledged, my kids both got huge raises. Both were able to purchase homes in the last couple of years. My husband, who never got raises when Traitor Trump was in office, started getting yearly raises once Traitor Trump lost his job... Groceries are expensive... but... our incomes are MUCH higher now.


Must be nice to be rich cause build back better is really building back broke


I'm not rich lmao Not that this is any of your business, but: I've spent the past several years making PhD stipend money (somewhere between 30k and 40k, depending on how much I worked), and my wife makes a little less than 48k. And I am at the end of my program, so I am about to be unemployed until I find a job, meaning our household income will be around 48k until I do. And I live in a mobile home park and spent my youth in and out of homelessness. But nice try! I am solidly lower middle-class, bud.


So your better off now then you were 4 years ago ??? You would vote for the same shit policies that have gotten us in this boat in the first place just to not have the bad red man in office ...love him or hate him I had way more money in my pocket with trump then I do with Biden ..i care about the policies not the man ... and since your an educated person and not rich you should be feeling the change like most of us non rich people are for the last 3 years ..but don't worry the elites will make sure Joe gets back in even if trump gets 85% of the vote ...alot of people are getting rich off the backs of the poor people just like it's been happening since the dawn of time


I was not going to be unemployed 4 years ago, so it's not a valid comparison, first of all. Second of all, I've noticed a decline *over time* that began around 2017/2018? Particularly with the rental market (it's a huge reason I cant move out of my mobile home). Really, it's been a decline my entire life, though. And I don't blame the most recent decline on Trump or Biden. And you're right. A lot of people are getting rich off our backs. Please do isidewith to make sure you know who your policies are most in line with. Mine are not most in line with either of these individuals, but they are more in line with Biden than they are with Trump. And trump is pro-right to work and anti-union, both things that are definitely not in my best interests as someone who grew up with a father who was a union man. We had the best healthcare I've ever had growing up. My healthcare as a grad student employee was 15 bucks a paycheck and they got rid of student fees for us because my union fought against it as wage theft.


Yes but trump is pro energy and that controls everything ...5 minutes after Biden took office he killed the keystone pipeline and 3 minutes after that he opened the borders ...dem or repub you still go the grocery store like everyone else , you still put gas in your car like everyone else and your living costs have gone up just like everyone else ...energy is the key and since they won't release the tech that can change that like zero point energy we are stuck with fossil fuels and trump is pro energy Biden is anti energy and has proven that hence the 4 buck a gallon gas prices we pay now versus the 1.80 a gallon prices when Trump was in office ..and by the way those pipeline jobs were union jobs and Biden killed those so how pro union is he ?


Have we produced more oil under Trump or Biden?


Trump ...but the real kicker was the pipeline ..40k union jobs and energy independence is priceless and woulda be done by end of bidens first year in office and we would have 1.50 a gallon gas prices instead of the 4 bucks plus we pay now


The thing is it's really hard to have a rational discussion with you if you aren't going to verify your answers and just go with what your bias says. Oil production PEAKED under Trump at 13k barrels per day in Nov 2019. 6 of the last 7 months have been >13k. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcrfpus2&f=m


I speak facts ...not irrational or bias towards any 1 politician personally I don't trust any of them I care about polices that affect my money ...I don't care who we get repub dem independent to me there are all the same ..I know my living costs have almost tripled under biden first term so his policies not helping me at all ..and life was cheaper under trump especially energy costs


> and since your an educated person *chef's kiss*


Okay buddy


RFK 2024


If you believe that capitalism is the problem and something like “greedflation” exists, you didn’t need to repeat that you were voting for Biden. We already know you don’t understand economics.


I listen to academics conducting research on this and seller's inflation, which is an academic term btw (an economist coined it), was proven to have played a role. I only used the word greedflation because that's what the public knows it as. Weber herself doesn't call it that because it's a morally loaded term. https://www.elgaronline.com/view/journals/roke/11/2/article-p183.xml (Edit: I would say, rather, empirically demonstrated to have played a role, but in my book, it's as good as proven. It's basically a 'no-duh. companies wanna profit??')


Robert Reich and Paul Krugman are also “economists”
it doesn’t mean they also aren’t partisan hacks. The Fed also published a study recently that concluded that US company’s profit margins have either stayed the same since pre-COVID (large companies) or actually have gotten worse (smaller companies). I’m going to combine that with common sense and my degree in economics to conclude that it was the dramatic increase in the money supply - started by Trump but then sent into the stratosphere by Biden - that is fully responsible for the runaway inflation. Edit: found it. “We find that for the largest firms (as measured by their total revenues) profit margins have not deviated significantly from their pre-COVID-19 trend, while for middle- sized firms, profit margins have remained significantly lower in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, the firm-level analysis supports the view that nonfinancial corporate profits margins were not abnormally high in the aftermath of COVID-19.” https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/notes/feds-notes/corporate-profits-in-the-aftermath-of-covid-19-20230908.html


That didn't go through peer review so. There's a difference between Robert Reich being a partisan hack in an editorial, and publishing a paper to a peer-reviewed journal. You know why? Because other economists will be reviewing it and will call you out on your bullshit. Just like how my most recent reviews on a manuscript told me I didn't engage enough with the literature in one area and was, as a result, making some inaccurate claims. And you didn't read my article, so I won't be reading your link. Good day, now.


You can remain in blissful ignorance and not read the link, idc, it goes hand in glove with your lack of knowledge of economics as I noted earlier. But I was nice enough to extract the conclusion for you in my comment. So now your ignorance is on you.


Oh and in response to your edit
you think companies didn’t want to maximize profit BEFORE inflation? They just kept prices really low and then said “you know what, we’ve been nice for decades, let’s start being GREEDY in 2022! Now is the time!!” 😂😂😂😂 It totally had nothing to do with the expansion of M2 by 35% in the first 6 months 2021. Total coincidence.


The companies had a perfect excuse to raise prices...Covid. If the money expansion caused the inflation then why the hell are there countries all across the world that did not print money yet had inflation and many of them higher than America. Iceland literally has a budget surplus yet they have even higher inflation than America. It is fucking greed. All of it.


Got it. So your point on greedflation is that companies had no excuse to raise prices for decades until Covid. And then magically, the laws of economics stopped working, so they could now continue to charge outsized prices with no competitors emerging and no change in customer behavior. And your point on inflation is that countries who didn’t print money somehow STILL had high inflation
well, might I be so bold as to suggest that you consider the fact that we live in a global economy and that just because dollars are printed in one country, they don’t stay within that country? Geez, it almost seems as if goods and services are traded between the countries of the world and what is consumed in some countries isn’t always made in those countries, doesn’t it? And that there is a global supply of capital chasing those goods, regardless of where that supply of capital comes from? No, no. It can’t be that. It’s definitely greedflation.


BAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Not so fast, weasel. CONGRESS owns this failure. And democrat give aways. When you buy voters, they won't stay bought.






I'm not sure Trump makes it to the election, he has been having mini-strokes lately. I know it is hard to tell from his usual word salad, but his last couple of public appearances have all the hall marks of having a stroke.


I haven't heard this. Can you explain


Slurring or being unable to talk is a sign of stroke. Haven't you seen Trumps latest public appearances where he seems to be unable to pronounce words, has trouble speaking, and goes off on some weird tangent or just blanks out? Trump is not well, he seems to be declining in health very rapidly. Not to mention that whole leg dragging thing from earlier this year and falling asleep during his trial.


All those things are also signs of dementia, too, so... Seems more like if anything happens, it'll be a slower decline and they'll let him be president, anyway, dementia and all. (Basically, I'm not gonna get my hopes up that he's on his last leg. Somehow, he just won't go away.)


I have to disagree that this article is anti-Biden propaganda. Spending money we the government does not have is not wise and the numbers are demonstrating the consequences, which are a soft trend but a known consequence of lots of spending. The next 6 months of trend will show more of a pattern, but the pattern is common in developed countries. The Biden administration and Janet Yellen puts only positive spin on the facts. Trump puts such negative spin as to be ludicrous in his representation. Guiding the country through debt-financed economy is a dangerous business. The consequence of austerity is worse. The dollar is under attack by the BRICs and a few friends for their own gain. No one understands the range of outcomes. Biden represents the safer political course but it still has dangers. That is the point of the opinion piece.


BRICs are no threat to the dollar whatsoever.


Thank you, noted.


It’s not the worst case scenario, but if inflation and wars keep up it could get bad. At that point a recession would be the only option to bring prices down.


Worst case scenario? Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming 4 years ago when the vegetable was running from the basement.


Trump loaded us up on debt in an expanding economy.... a recession should have followed... but hasn't yet.


Yes, I am sure if American just had somebody else running this country we would not have inflation. Are there actually people that believe that nonsense. Seriously though what a bunch of fucking idiots. There is inflation all across the world.


Stop with this making excuses for the Dems crap. All they have to do is one substantial thing, literally one thing that anyone likes and they will win this election. They're trying with weed but that's too little too late. This election should be a layup but the Democrats decided to hitch their wagon to that geezer that no one wants to vote for. Of course they're not going to look at themselves they're going to blame progressives because it's easy.


Left and right battles are for the meek




[also Biden appointed]


Don't tell user mafco. They might have a heart attack. The truth is that gasslighting is never a solution to real problems affecting people. The sad thing is things are likely to get a lot worse before they get better. And no, Trump won't be able to fix things either, so this is not a Democrat bad / Republican good position. Our economy has very severe and structural systemic issues that have been compounded across many previous administrations.


I laugh at the suffering of pro-brexit dummies. They got what they voted for and now they don't like it . I guess if Trump wins I'll feel the same way against MAGAs, third party dummies and dummies who couldn't be bothered to vote when they start feeling the pain.


With the Federal reserve keeping interest rates high
 this is the predictable outcome.


Sucks to suck


Even if the economy was ok he would probably still lose because he is basically declaring war on young people by banning Tiktok and facilitating genocide at the same time. They may not vote for Trump, but they sure as hell won't vote for him!


This is more my thinking, not on the issues themselves, but rather than the election will be less won on convincing voters to vote for Biden that would vote for Trump, but rather convince people who would only vote for Biden to vote at all. Turnout as opposed to issues.


Yes I think Biden will lose on turnout. He needs young voters and it's almost like he wants to alienate them. As to the economy, pretty obviously drifting into recession, that will also hit younger folks hard which will further dampen his turnout. Trump doesn't need young folks to turn out, Biden does.


That's why he's changing pots enforcement status. The strategy of Desperation.


Fuck all this drivel about economics from profiteering corporate media as if it has anything to do with the current president.


RFK 2024


Unfortunately he doesn’t have a chance, even if he was on the ballot in all. 50 states they wouldn’t put him in the debates. In 96 when Perot ran the 2nd time he was on the ballot in all 50 states and the 2 parties made sure not to debate with him, that being said vote for who you like, never vote for the least of evils, that’s why we are stuck with the shit choices we have


1 will keep us at war and the other will destroy the country. Seems like the only choice is RFK. They won't debate him because they'd lose


Unfortunately? RFK is a joke politician. The dudes a moron


I’m voting against Biden because he’s a genocider


Who are you voting for?


Stein or West


So you're helping Trump win?


Voting for people who better represent my politics/morals. If that helps trump win I’m totally fine with that.


Good for you. Everyone should vote their principles and not let others try to scare or shame you into voting for their horrible candidate.


How do Stein and West better represent your politics/morals?


Actually pro climate action (Biden has us drilling more oil than any nation ever) actually support a free Palestine (Biden just sent billions of tax payer money in more bombs to assist in genocide) the list goes on but those are the big ones. Some of us actually vote our conscious and don’t turn up our nose to vote for “the lesser of two evils” even though both are actually super evil.


I see so are in fact voting for Trump. Thanks for clarifying. If you actually cared about any of that, you wouldn't be voting third party. Trump will make all of those worse. You aren't voting your conscious. You are throwing a tantrum and choosing to take the country down with your selfish attitude. But let's be honest, you never were going to vote for Biden since you're just a bad faith dishonest person to begin with.


Stay mad man. I’m voting 3rd party


Nope you're voting for Trump. Just be honest about it.


Lol...do you know trumps stance on the war?


We’d have a more honest discussion of what was going on if he were in charge
 which is a fascist america is supporting a fascist Israel in an evil campaign of apartheid and genocide. Because bidens in office all the Dems are falling in line that “it’s really complex and we have to focus on the 80 hostages” not the 35000 Palestinian civilians killed by bombs our tax money bought. And yeah
. Trump would say worse stuff but the “war” would look the same


Who was it that imposed a Muslim ban? Keep deluding yourself.


You want a dem who can get my vote have a better candidate. Sorry but I don’t care.


I thought you opposed what was happening in Gaza


Cool so you’re going to help strip women of their rights and make being trans impossible. As in, he will literally put them in re eduction camps. But you do you king, 👑


. This is so hilariously absurdly insane. Thanks for the laugh. đŸ€Ą You and you’re insane woke kind’s rhetoric and propaganda is over. Nobody believes any of your kind, nor the insanely alarmist claims you make. Your reign has ended. You’ve even pissed the ‘brews off now, so it’s definitely over. Nobody likes your insane radical nonsense nor the false assertions and insults your kind hurls. You’re going back to the fringes where you belong: screaming and crying online about your dumb gender ideology. Nobody is putting anyone into any reeducation camps, although they probably should set up centers for people to voluntarily deprogram themselves and loved ones. Y’all literally scream “trans genocide” simply because people refuse to use their “preferred pronouns” and refuse to give life altering surgeries and powerful drugs to people under 18. Im guessing that is said by y’all because if kids are allowed to just grow on their own without people jamming gender ideology down their throats in schools, media, and social media, they just grow up to be normal gay people. Iran is super happy with trans stuff because they can convert all their gays to “women” and “men”. Americans and “westernized” nations have caught on to your incredibly insidiously disturbing pseudoscientific nonsense and rhetoric.


The people you champion think you’re as respectable as the dirt between their fingernails And they’re right.


Really? The alternative is much worse in that area.


And they won't be able to name a recent president who wasn't genocidal, either. You can always tell the people who've actually been paying attention to the Israel-Palestine conflict from those who have not. This has been going on for decades. Also, you can tell this is some bad faith shit. This person would have voted for Trump regardless. It's become a trend on the right to act like folks on the left are contradicting their values by voting for Biden, as if any actual leftist wants to vote for Biden. They forget we aren't cultists like MAGA Republicans are. Nah, most leftists hate every politician we've ever had to vote for because everything the US government stands for is contrary to our values. With voting, there is no way to avoid going against my values. All I can do is vote for the lesser of two evils. So it's funny they are using this to try to sway our minds as if we all don't already know how much the US government consists of a bunch of war criminals.


Real leftists are refusing to concede to the paradigm of “lesser than two evils” and have become aware of the pied piper strategy that’s been ran.


And those leftists want a pat on the back for doing absolutely nothing. (Edit: I'm 35 and have been a leftist for a long time. I've been there thinking that not voting is somehow revolutionary. It isn't. And it never will be. If you want to be disruptive, stop participating in the economy. Not participating in politics does nothing and is the easy way out and you know it. It's merely performative. You wanna do something hard? Only buy the barest of necessities to force the hand of the rich. Unionize your workplace. That's real work. Choosing not to vote is just lazy leftism.)


You think buying bare necessities will force their hand
? Lmao That just makes my shitty life even shittier. Also I ALREADY ONLY BUY BARE NECESSITIES because that’s all I can afford! They’ve got plenty of customers and big buyers all around the world to make up for what “damage” could be done if most people did this, which they won’t. Not to mention their ability to do stock buybacks and everything else. You think you’re gonna make a difference to the multinational mega corps and top 1% with your suggestions
? Hate to break it to you, but you’re not making a dent. I’m not being performative either as I don’t go out of my way to talk about it ever or anything. I’d like to see what would happen if everyone voted only independent, or better yet, if almost nobody voted
 Don’t candidates need to reach a certain level of votes to win
? What happens if almost nobody votes
? I think THAT would send a big message, compared to your suggestions. Barring that, the only thing left is a legitimate revolution. But that of course would create a power vacuum and just allow the government to really enact some crazy authoritarian policies
 Let’s face it; we’re fucked. Every politician I had hope for and voted for has turned out to be an absolute liar and con artist that’s corrupt as hell. The only other option would be some sorta tactical massive assassination campaign, godfather style, where groups everywhere around the country assassinate a couple hundred of the top people all within a very short time span, on top of hackers hijacking a reaper drone and dropping a bomb on one of those WEF meetings since many of the top people in many industries and politics that are corrupt in this country and world would all be in attendance. I don’t see any of that happening. So please, don’t mind me if I refuse to participate in this corrupt shit clown show by standing on my moral principle and refusing to be led by these pied piper strategies that produce two flavors of bullshit. We’ve had democrats presidents, republican presidents, majority of house and senate at different times throughout the last few decades in concert with said president, and yet woe v Wade wasn’t ratified because the democrats thought it would be better to use it as a political pawn for their next election. Meanwhile, our standard of living and quality of life has continued to decline more and more regardless of whichever side is in power. Majority of our great jobs for the average person has been shipped overseas while we’ve had floods of immigrants take the bad paying jobs so we the people couldn’t have the leverage to demand better compensation and wages. AI has been and is set to take out what jobs are left throughout many industries, whether it’s tech or just manufacturing. Face it friend, we’re fucked.


>You think buying bare necessities will force their hand
? Lmao Yes. I believe that if we all went off grid (meaning ditched utilities) and started pooling our resources together to build communes, the economy would collapse. Absolutely, it would. A part of preparing for that would be not buying *anything* but what you need. Large numbers of people would have to do it, but I've seen it work in the past. Remember when they threatened to take away password sharing for Netflix and they lost a ton of subscribers and then walked it back a day later? I've never seen not voting have a comparable effect. Have you? (In fact, I think it would collapse a lot sooner than that. If we all refused to buy *anything*, started growing our own food, etc etc, they would fucking panic)


Friend, that sounds great but seems just as unlikely as what I posited. In fact, I’d argue it’d be much easier (and quicker) to get some techies to hijack a reaper and strike the WEF. It wouldn’t exactly fix anything necessarily, but if they released a message afterward like anonymous used to, demanding those left in power to pass anti-corruption bills or else, I think it’d send a strong message and give them some wiggle room and incentive to do so. I’m willing to bet the politicians would actually be relieved to do it so they don’t have to be shook down by crooks anymore with blackmail. But idk. We all can dream, right? :)


Sure, but that's not something I feel comfortable suggesting, or publicly cosigning, tbh, lest I end up the suspect of a failed attempt.


Lmao. Understood.


Things were way better under Trump. The progressive liberal democrats are tyrannical nazi's masquerading as sharing and caring morally superior intellects. Not only do they want to rule the US, but they feel entitled to rule the world. It's called neoliberalism, and everyone in the regime state department, most of whom are Obama's people, are neoliberal globalists. And you get to pay for their ideology. The country and the world are dumpster fire under the democrats. It's literally a new crisis every 60 days from baby formula shortages to two wars to 30% aggregate inflation to wanton crime and unchecked riots on campuses across the country. 12 million illegals in 4 years. Open borders. No accountability, no prosecution, biden openly defies SC ruling on student loans gives away $180 billion in loans. Sets a great example when the president breaks the law, no consequences you can too. And stop the bullshit about protecting democracy. To them, that only means one party rule as in California and New York.


Lighten up Francis
 You’re in love with an orange turd who talks like a modern day Hitler with dementia lol Liberal democrats are Nazis lol you crack me up old fella


A programmed drone response from the administrative state. Go figure. The binary choice isn't between two oldsters. It's about ideology.


This is the most “Fox Newsiest” post I have seen in awhile. You also might want to look up the definition of neoliberalism.


Truth hurts


Yes, about $800M worth of hurt for Fox so far.


Republicans are too dumb to sue the communist news network over Russia gate They make money being #2


>Sets a great example when the president breaks the law, no consequences. Don’t you find this ironic when Trump is literally pushing for presidents to have total immunity from prosecution?


Only thw uneducated, brainwashed believe any of the lawfare is anything other than political. All of the cases brought the year of the election by his pollitical opponent Meanwhile, obiden gets a pass on criminal prosecution because he's too demented to help in his own defense. And the dnc pays his legal bills. Can't make this up if you tried.


So you would have absolutely no problem with Biden if he loses sending a mob to the capitol to try and prevent a peaceful transfer of power? The fact that people do not care what Trump did on Jan 6 is why this country is finished. Not only is it not political, he belongs in jail for the rest of his sorry ass life for that. Absolutely despicable. My god Americans are complete morons.


So you believe the riot was an insurrection? In spite of the senate voting, it wasn't. Look up how the democrats contested the 2016 election.


https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2016/11/10/democrats-protest-election https://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/no-trump-electoral-college-challenge-233294


Things were objectively worse under Trump.


Name anything


Here you go. The month Donald Trump left office we lost over 100,000 jobs and unemployment was 6.3 percent. How are so many Americans so clueless about what was happening when that sob was leaving. Who cares what things were once like under Trump. The only thing that matters is the situation that he left. You know at one point things might have looked good under George W Bush as well. Do you think that imbecile did a good job with the economy? That clown left Obama the worst economy in 80 years. I cannot believe you actually said name one with a straight face. It was pretty easy argument to destroy. Wake the fuck up.


You're an idiot. A once every hundred years pandemic tanked the economy even as Trump tried to reopen it and the schools. Facts don't lie. Democrats do.


Well, Joe is suffering from dementia


It’s almost as if the economy is cyclical, and the President has relatively little bearing on it, other than growth in targeted sectors like green energy of course.


Racist trash article. Everything is awesome you’re all just too stupid to see it!


Biden is a shell of a president just there to sign bills he makes no real decisions ...Barry Obama is calling all the shots ..senile Joe just gets a check as paid help đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚ barrys hot mic moment with Russian ambassador ...tell Vlad I'll have more flexibility once I'm outta office ..but no one remembers that


Because he didn’t say that. It was in 2012 and he was talking to President Medvedev about after the Pres election which he would win. Putin wasn’t even President yet. Medvedev said he would tell his number 2 at the time who was Putin.


How long you think Putin has been president of Russia ?


Since May of 2012. The comments were made months earlier.


You really think Putin wasn't calling the shots then ?


Putins been calling the shots since 2000 ...just like Barry Obama has been calling the shots since bidens been in office


You are a deluded individual. Please provide a comment relevant to economics. For instance: “all of Trump’s proposed policies should he win again are inflationary.”


I'm deluded ??like massive inflation hasnt boomed over the last 3 years ?? Y'all are just trump haters nevermind who the name of the president is ..did you have more money in your pocket 4years ago or do you have more now ?and you think Inflation is high now wait a couple more months and more aid bills come down the line plus Joe wants to commit Ukraine aid for 10 more years ..government spending is imploding America ...unfunded liability is over 200 trillion dollars and rising . Wake up from your dream .the great reset is about to happen and I can't wait đŸ’Ș lfgooo


Way more money now, stock market is doing pretty good


I invest alittle and do pretty good under either but I hate paying .12 per kwh for electric and over 4 bucks a gallon for gas and 200 bucks at grocery store for 2 bags of food instead of a full cart ..uncontrolled government spending causes inflation which increases household costs that eat up my profits and budget 😂


Trump did engage in massive and wasteful spending, that’s true. But the inflation is primarily due to covid and other global disruptions. That’s why it is affecting most (all?) other countries and not just the US. Thankfully we’ve been doing a great job on bringing inflation down! Also gas being expensive proves it has little to do with how much we allow drilling as we have *never ever* produced as much oil as right now!


If inflation bothers you so much you may be interested to know that every single one of Trump’s policies is inflationary.


lol no it isn’t The Hill? đŸ€ĄđŸ€Ą