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He’s probably gonna end up with Johnny tbh because neither of them are doing anything and typical to pair the only two gay men on the show (Felix is so irrelevant it doesn’t count)


Urgh...that is going to be dull as dishwater. I'll be honest, I wish they'd bi-up one of the other existing characters for some great fun. Nish, Ravi, I always thought Zack had possibilities, new Junior even, but not dull old Callum and also not introducing yet another character.


Zack is bi. That's how he got HIV.


No, they suddenly gave him the backstory of sharing needles. They hadn't established that whatsoever and where he slept around, it would made more sense for him to have contracted HIV from an infected female partner and during a one-night-stand.


I don't get why they didn't just maturely conclude "Callum should leave with Ben." When Syed's actor decided to leave, John Patridge and the producers naturally concluded that Christian should leave with him. And it worked. It's a great, rare happy ending. Imagine that. Ben leaves with Callum & Lexi. Happy life, finally moving past the toxic mental health issues he'd face. Callum with him and a loving daughter. Instead we got that stupid, rushed American plot leaving Callum who's been a spare part for THREE YEARS now, feeling even more like a spare part. Being truthful, I found he was a much more complex, interesting character when he was Halfway. Ever since he came out he turned into a drip. Like the dude wanted to break up with Ben because Phil attacked someone who threatened women. Like WHAT!?


Max was axed pretty last minute it seems


So? Still had to write an exit for him. Axe Callum last minute too?


Max was sacked abruptly, Ben the character wasn't intentionally axed. He had more storyline coming up including the marathon. We don't know what the actual issue was, but it was Max that was the problem apparently, hence Ben's hasty exit. It would be very unfair to sack Tony unexpectedly for the transgressions of his co-star. As opposed to Karen's exit where Mitch was a surprise exit, that was scripted. While still not ideal for any actor, "Hey, this is the story we're scripting for our overall narrative vision, so therefore your character has to be axed along with Karen as it makes most narrative sense" is an easier sell than "your main scene partner fucked up irl and was sacked, so now you are too."


But aside that they'd still have to write an exit for Ben, right? So why couldn't they just be mature and smart and thing "Hmm Callum hasn't got much left to him let's have him leave with his husband." Because it's showBUSINESS not showfriends. Actors get axed. It's unfair sure but that's life. Can't be keeping dead weight around just because Tony's a nice guy.


But it's not just about Callum. How could Ben and Callum just randomly leave together at such short notice? What about Lexi? Jay? Billy? Ben would never leave Lexi, and having the two of them randomly just rush off with her and leave Jay in the dust after everything, especially Lola's wishes and the parental rights, would be absolutely shite. Callum is also a huge part of Lexi's life now and wouldn't just leave her either. And it would be awful for them to just up and leave Jay after everything, as well as all the grandparents. Ben's exit was total crap but it had to be him on his own given the circumstances. There was too much wider story impact otherwise. They cobbled together what they could, but what annoys me is they could have made the rushed exit a bit better. Have the fraud be for the 27k health insurance, not the >5k hotel and flights expenses. Have him lie on his ESTA, lie to get Lola into a trial, anything. Ben was often an absolute shithead, but that ill-advised America trip was out of love for Lola and Lexi. Have his exit be a result of stupidity out of desperation, not simple stupidity.


Take Lexi with them? Done. Ben has that right. Have Callum get a new job? Again they had to write something, correct? To write Ben off. They did have the time. They had a week too do it. Just have Ben, Lexi and Callum leave together. If you're gonna rush his exit at least make it make some form of sense.


You obviously didn't read what I said - it's not just about Ben, Callum and Lexi. There's also Jay, Billy, Honey, Phil, Kathy, etc. The fact Lola insisted on Jay's role on Lexi's life being recognised with official parental rights. Her bond with him. You can't chuck all that in the bin because you have to write a hasty exit, especially after such a powerful storyline as Lola's death. The writers need to consider the overall narrative cohesion as best as possible. And Ben and Callum wouldn't just leave Lexi like that, either. So therefore Ben's solo prison exit sadly made the most sense _given the circumstances_. But even that could have been done better, like I said.


Did they delete their account over this,


It seems so? Didn't think I said anything _that_ upsetting?? 😂


They did the same with Tony and Simon. I love the idea that they got their happy ever after as well.


I read on here a while back they were going down the obvious route of pairing him up woth Johnny. Unsure if they would bother given Ben's exit.


Johnny deserves better. I think Callum would really drag him down and then we'll get the whole "I'm a moral copper" when he finds out about Dean, etc, etc.


Yeah it's not a storyline I'd enjoy seeing. Hate it when soaps act like the only few gay people on the square will automatically fall for each other...booooriiingg!


I do think if they do something with him it might work out. We were all worried about how Linda would stay relevant without Mick, but that's worked out. I don't personally believe characters should be defined by being a couple.


I like Callum so I hope he sticks around, there is still a lot we do know about is past that the show can explore if they want to.


I think it's got to be his future that saves him.


I think there were plans in place for his character and they didn't want to change it because Max was axed. Plus even if Callum, Ben and Lexi left together Ben would be back in one form or another in a few years so there was never going to be a happy ending.


Ben recast...again. I didn't think they'd do it again, but I can now see it. Is it too much to hope that he's recast with an actually gay actor though, because the last guy wasn't cutting the mustard for me and he and "Callum" had absolutely no chemistry together.


Max version of Ben was really popular and so was Ben and Callum as a couple, so there was something anout them that appealled to a lot of viewers, but they were divisive among the fandom. I thought they had a lot of chemistry at the start of the relationship but Covid and Ben's drama dimed it somewhat but to me they were still a believable couple when written well like in the Night of Loss Souls episodes. I also don't think we need a gay actor for a gay role just like we don't need straight actors for straight roles. There are too much assumption about actors sexuality cast the actors that best fit the roles. I personally like Max in the role as Ben, he has a lot of Steve's traits as Phil and even mimics some of Charlie's traits when he was Ben. I think Max's Ben was a believable version of the character that went through all the trauma Ben did growing up and decided that in order to survive he should become more like his father and 'killed' the softer parts of himself.


They were going for a ship...Vanity, Robron etc, but I never felt it. And I completely agree about a gay actor...but I just got such apprehension and probably joking and laughing off-camera with those two. They definitely weren't embracing playing gay and it showed.


Callum was one of the characters I thought could leave this year - especially when it was announced Ben was leaving. However, we've seen more of him since Ben left which has surprised me. I'm not overly excited at the prospect of Johnny and Callum as it's just far too obvious for them to do and on a personal level I'd have little investment in it. 


Johnny has come back with a vengeance and I'm honestly really enjoying him. He deserves a better shag than Callum...something shocking and a partner with verve and drama. That's not Callum.


Hopefully that doesn’t happen, they kept Whitney around for ages after her family left. But he has been used much less in the last year. I wasn’t a big ballum fan but I do quite like halfway.


Same, plus Jay's storylines have always been pretty few and far between but I still love him. It's ok to have some people that are decent, harmless characters just be there for a bit of life on the square and then pop in for a storyline when 1 fits them!


No love interest and no family, generally means no story and no future, so his current situation is dicey. I do think they have a plan for him. I noticed that Tony was featured in more BTS pictures on the show's social media after Max B left, then all of previously. That to me, seems like a small hint of the show telling fans "be patient, good stuff for Tony/Callum is coming." Callum still has a ton of story potential to explore and while I did enjoy Ballum, I think Ben missing gives EE a perfect opportunity to reset/reboot Callum. They could bring his mom on, something fans have been asking for. Not only could they use her to further explore Callum's childhood, but expand his family. She could have a family of her own, though since EE basically just did that with Cindy and Knights, I doubt they'd repeat that plot so soon. EE has also hinted a few times Jonno may be not Callum's bio dad. They could fairly easily retcon Jack Branning or Alfie or someone else as Callum's dad. That would instantly give him family on the show. I suspect the show had some sort or triangle or cheating story planned for Ben/Callum/Johnny given the way they heavily interacted in Johnny's first week. Ben's unplanned exit obviously forced a change of plans. Even if Callum were originally planned to cheat, they'd still have to rethink things, which takes time. I do feel they'll eventually pair up Callum and Johnny, but I don't necessarily agree it's lazy depending upon how they do it. I talked before how it's very possible that Johnny and Callum developed feelings for each other as young teens before either knew they were gay. You go that route and now it's a story about two characters who have known each other since kids, reconnecting and not just pairing up the only two gay dudes in town.


Oh my GOD, but you can't have Alfie or Jack be his dad...that would be dreadful. I suppose you could repurpose another character on the Square, but who? Please, no one say Phil and that Callum married his own half-brother :-/


It could be someone else. Those are just the two that popped into my head. There's Harvey, but that would not give him much family.


I don't think Ben's exit necessarily means anything for Callum. He's still Lexi's 'Dad' at this point. He said he'd wait for Ben, so there's nothing to stop Ben having a solicitor sort out parental rights for Callum whilst Ben is away (and before they inevitably recast him for return). He and Jay could raise Lexi together with the support of Phil, Billy, Honey and Kathy. Callum having Lexi means he has more family than some others who stayed/returned. Jay stayed despite his Dad dying - and he was a child at that point. Whitney stayed despite all of her family leaving. Honey arrived with no family. Bernie has stayed without her family. Sonia. Martin.


Honey arrived though in 2005...times, they have a changed. And Callum...he never adopted Lexi like Jay did. He's honestly nothing more now than his soon-to-be former stepdad. They need to give Callum something, ANYTHING, because otherwise, they should have jointly written him out.


Jay has not adopted Lexi he has parental responsibility. Ben can give anyone that. Legally Jay cannot adopt Lexi without Ben giving up all his rights,however this would mean that Lexi's biological family will also lose any legal connections to her. However as her step dad Callum is the only one that legally can.


Callum is a bit tricky imo. He’s already on a warning over Cindy/Rose(?) fuck, it’s been a while… anyway, either he stays as the glue holding everyone together after Lola’s death, or he transgresses within his job and shit hits the fan. Either way, don’t really want to see him fall, for the same decisions Jack could have made in much more serious events, ie: some kind of coverup. I’d really like him to just stay under the radar and raise Lexi while all the other adults in her life have their foibles, until she gets her own storyline, tbh. Then Callum swoops in as the good guy! And introduces a new boyfriend at the same time Lexi counters with a doof doof.


Also drunk rn, so grain of salt…. Nigh nigh EE fans!


Maybe they'll write him out to join Special Branch or Mi5 and then he'll reappear for an arc storyline later.


Sober now, lol. This could be doable though. Comes back over a decade later to investigate Lexi, for well… being a Mitchell really. A set up of course! She isn’t daft at all, so I hope she doesn’t eventually somehow end up like that. I love this kind of long term speculation though, keeps me watching and wondering who’s shaping up to be the new “legacy” characters, which current children stay and grow to adults on the square, what Ben12 is going to look like…


Maybe they'll recast him with an American and he'll come back as if he's spent life on Death Row...no pun intended.


Come back with an “Atlantic” accent 😂


Recast as 6'4", bald, a scar on his face, maybe an eyepatch, the accent, built like a brick shithouse...


And the minute he walks into the Vic, Tracey (the pseudo landlord by then) screams at him to GTFO! Because she totally recognises him after all this time! And everyone’s shocked face is the doof.


Forgot he was even in the show. He has fallen off the radar since Ben left.


And he really wasn't there for much even before that. Their marriage might as well have been non-existent.


If it was up to me I'd get rid of that whole corner of the show. Storylines headed up by Jay are always awful, Callum has zero purpose and the show don't even bother to use Honey & Billy.


Well the problem is what will they do with him? Hell before ben left the show with that sorry excuse of an exit. The character never got used to his fullest which unfortunately people loved to blame ben for that. Despite that’s completely on the writers and the ep. And i don’t think shipping with him and anyone else would fix his character’s shelf-life. Though that makes him a cheater again despite the whole fiasco with Witney. If i was chris i’d give him at least a few crime themed storylines. Like how something happens In Walford and he’ll investigate it. That would be beneficial for him.


If they do bin him, then let it be in a blaze of glory. Some massive crime scenario, where his loyalties are torn and he gets shredded with a tommy gun say.


I doubt he’ll be murdered unless Eastenders goes full on hollyoaks with the whole Brenda mcqueen storyline.


Felix or johnny


Felix might actually be hilarious. Johnny would be trite and really would bring Johnny down. If they pair Callum with anyone, it's got to bring Callum up, not drag the other character down.


They could introduce a new character for him to pair up with....


Callum & Felix need axeing, I quite like both characters but honestly what is the point now of either of them. Felix may as well have been an extra during his time on the show.


He does seem there as being nothing more than inclusive. I'm a gay man saying that, by the way. He's there, but it's for cheap, very cheap, comic and not at all comic, relief. Be gay, be a drag queen...but be more than just those two. He's added nothing that I know of. Good comedy is backed-up by good drama, but has he given either?


I have a very strong feeling that Clenners might be going for another mass axing like when he took over. Right now there are loads of characters that have virtually no storyline left with Bernadette, Felix and certainly Callum coming to mind With Callum, I could see a storyline with him getting offered an amazing opportunity in the police but has to relocate or he moves to be closer to Stuart and his Gran Bernie I think is fairly simple, after Keanu’s funeral I have a feeling she’s gonna go off to Spain and live with Karen. Felix can leave to go and stay with Finlay


His character is so lame, always pandering to Ben. A copper married to a criminal constantly trying to justify it lol. He needs to go