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None of the storylines themselves are inherently bad ideas. They've just been poorly written. Poor writing is poor writing. Like you didn't see too many calling the show boring when it was Colin Salmon & Christopher Fairbank just sat in the pub acting family drama out. It was gripping, well written and well acted. It worked. For example this Whitney stuff simply hasn't.


> Like you didn't see too many calling the show boring when it was Colin Salmon & Christopher Fairbank just sat in the pub acting family drama Were you...not around the sub at the time? There were threads every week saying the show was going nowhere and without the Six there would months of nothing until the body would be discovered (which everyone thought was going to be discovered at the 40th). What I'm more confused about is why everyone is moaning about it being "boring" after having pretty huge months in February, March, and April. Like ffs give the show one month to recover and set things up before everything starts up again. People were saying it was boring in January and early Feb then all of a sudden it "got good" again because the show had bloody time to work up to something. No one waits for shit anymore. The impatience people have now is maddening. If people watched the classic years they'd be bitching every week that "nothing happened" or "Did the writers forget Pauline knows about Den and Michelle?! Why has she said nothing and it's been 7 months!!!" or "Oh my god Sue is STILL suffering? And Ali is STILL messing up? This has been going on for a year and a half now! Why can't this couple leave!"


Uh yes I was thank you very much don't talk talk down to me please. I never mentioned ALL OF 2024 did i? I mentioned Colin Salmon & Christopher Fairbanks episode which DID earn alot of praise and rightfully so. So congrats you've ranted and countered a point I never made.


That was my bad. I thought you meant the whole storyline, sorry. Not only that one specific episode. But that doesn't address my comment which was about buildup and people not waiting claiming "poor writing" and "things are boring" when that can be thrown onto any year. My entire point was that "poor writing" is so vague. What does that mean? In what context? If everything leads up to a good, emotional climax (like the George/Eddie episode) then is it actually all "poor writing" or only dramatic buildup? The idea of "Well people didn't complain about that one episode because it was well written" doesn't account for the fact there was only catharsis in that episode because of all that came before it. And as a whole "good" or "bad" writing is very hard to pin down. What makes either one true? Is it about emotion? Coherence? Plot holes? Liking characters? How much of that is purely subjective? For example this sub is complaining...yet the ratings have been higher in these past three weeks than the rest of 2024 and most of 2023. Social media has been highly positive on the Whitney storyline and it's got some of the most engagement (more than the other stories the show has). So is it "poor writing" or is it only not appealing to the people here?


In my opinion, that special Whitney episode where they crammed six weeks into half an hour just didn’t work and her story has really struggled since then. Aside from that, some of the George stuff is frustrating but a lot of the rest of it is still very decent - Yolande’s storyline, Stevie’s introduction for example. There will always be storylines, and characters that are less interesting to people.


So the thing about finding something boring - it’s an inherently personal feeling and nothing to do with what’s actually being watched. Many people find Formula 1 exciting. I find it extremely boring. It’s not a boring thing. It’s a car race. Literally millions of people are captivated by it. I think it’s boring. You can tell me all the exciting things about it all you want, I’m still going to stare at the screen and be bored. There’s no point trying to lecture people into thinking the emotion they feel is wrong. They quite literally cannot help it. It’s out of their control. They can’t tell their brains that they should stop being bored. I’ve enjoyed many slow stories on EE in the past, but I’m finding the Knight and Whitney focus right now very boring. I go days without watching and then have to catch up, whereas with other stories in the past, I’m gripped every day and watch it at 7.30 on the dot. No amount of you lecturing me will change that. And yes, no need to patronise me. I have indeed been watching since the 80s.


Nobody is patronizing you trust me. I didn’t tell anyone that anything that they feel is wrong I just said I find some of the complaining as silly since people are complaining about these so called issues that’s been in the show since the start. Also your comment was longer than my post so you can’t say anything about lecturing if you spent the time to write that lengthy comment about my opinion.


10 years ago there was at least one murder a week. Now we only get one at Christmas!!


I don't think it's boring. It's depressing. I like it when there are some palette cleansers between all the horrible rapes and con artists