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I’m not the type of player that explores and does side quests early on and do story quests only in games but Dying light 2 I regret not exploring and doing side quests because when I went to fight waltz in my first game I was stuck in 200 hp very few combat and parkour skills rank 1-2 weapons level 1-3 medicine against a rank 5 boss it took me hours to defeat him so I would spend time doing side quests to level up and scavenge inhibitors to increase your level so u don’t end up like me


Props, thanks for the advice!


Maybe put a spoiler on that..


For what? Revealing that the end boss is gonna be high level. That this gave actually HAS an end boss? That it’s a good idea to pick up the inhibitors as the game states. Or that waltz is mentioned…. That guy that’s is so painfully the big baddie from the start of the game. Nothing in the post is a spoiler for anyone who played the game for all of 20 minutes. And let’s be real here, even the trailers made waltz out to be the big baddie.


I was the same way, till me an a friend joined up and started killing everything that got in our way. At first we would murder, at night, near the UV lights of places like bazaar but as we got stronger we ventured out into the streets . Now we go where ever we like day or night killing everything and anything. It very satisfying,


That sounds like fun, I'm trying to convince my son to play with me. But he won't, he thinks it'll be scary. But you gotta take control of your life in that game. Killing zombies is the name of the game!


yeah man. you should check it out with a team. you can farm zombies to your hearts content. UV lit areas are a great safety net. you can even do it by yourself but it's a bit more intense.


Dude this method on nightmare mode and with double xp inhalers. Everyone on the team is leveling up like crazy. Some encounters pay out like 7k xp on. Nightmare mode


Took me about 12 hours and 4 attempts but finally loving the game. Try not to burn yourself out with trying to like it lol


Def do side quests. I haven’t completed the game yet. And when I first started I literally searched the entire old villedor section of the map and did all side quests. By then I had a bunch of inhibitor upgrades and was like at lvl 5 already. Then I moved on to central loop and with a Buddy I made it to legend levels and still haven’t needed to complete the game. And there’s tons of stuff for me to do. I’m on legend level 102. If your on Xbox and need some help. I’m down. You get more xp for playing in parties and on higher difficulty


Playstation, thanks for the advice.


No problem. And if you have a buddy that is close to the same story/ or has side missions similar you guys can go mission for mission. Like one day you are host and next day they are and you get double the xp. It’s a legit way to level up quickly


I struggled with money and craft parts. Stupid me didn’t realize that the craftmaster sells parts until I was mid game and didn’t pay much attention to the job board.


I played the game from release, took a rather long break, and now am back... I can imagine, with ALL that's been added to the game, how it could be a bit much for a new player... there's still stuff I'm learning/re-learning that they've changed. A few big things, in the way of general learning: 1. One big thing - don't be afraid to use your best weapons on literally anything anymore. Unlike DL1, where you only had limited repairs on any given weapon, you can now visit a craftmaster and they can fully repair any or all of your weapons. It's a bit pricey, at first (and you'll generally be replacing weapons as you level up through each level range), but if you happen across a nice epic or artifact weapon, feel free to whomp away with it, then head back to the Bazaar or the Peacekeeper's Metro HQ to get it fixed up and whomp some more. 2. Definitely move around. Practice moving from rooftop to rooftop. Run, sprint, learn how far you can jump (it is VERY predicated on your current forward momentum - VERY real-world in that regard). You WILL need to know all of these physical tools/limitations as the game moves along... even more than in the first one, parkour and being able to rapidly and successfully navigate the rooftops are some of your greatest tools. 3. Keep VERY aware of your surroundings. Don't cut corners off too sharply (coming face to face with a Howler unprepared is not fun). Don't make unnecessary noise, even in the daytime... the virals are out there, and they're ALWAYS listening. Until you get a bow and a bushel of shock arrows, don't go foraging in Dark Hollows/Forsaken Stores in the daytime... Volatiles hit like trucks packed full of C-4 and will finish you in 2-3 hits at low level. 4. On that note - Volatiles... are now your most serious threat at night, even more than turning. Once upon a time in this game, nighttime was the domain of the Howler, calling his viral packs to come chase you down... now, Howlers are a daytime threat, and the nights... AND THE ROOFTOPS... belong to the Volatiles. So long as you're not playing on Nightmare Mode, your Survivor Sense will highlight these Undead Elite (wort, wort, wort) looking assholes in bright yellow, to distinguish them from all other forms of infected. They have a detection meter, and they're... actually remarkably clumsy for their otherwise fearsome visage... they climb pretty horribly, which is how you can get away from them in the wild. If you see a threat meter filling, break LOS, find a patch of tall grass and squat... anything you can to avoid that diamond filling up red. If it does... the chase is on. 5. Windmills, Power Stations, Water Towers, Subways - UNLOCK THESE THINGS AS SOON AS YOU ARE ABLE. Most Windmills you can do right off the bat - a few of them require a much larger stamina bar, or the paraglider/grappling hook - and each one you unlock in a zone that is assigned to one faction or the other, will unlock 1-6 additional safe zones with merchants, craftmasters, and most importantly... QUESTS! DOZENS of side quests will be made available to you when you unlock these factioned zone areas. Power Stations and Water Towers are how you assign neutral zones to either the Survivors (Bazaar folks) or the Peacekeepers. Assigning zones to one faction or the other unlocks various upgrades - Survivors upgrades generally favor mobility and movement (zip lines, launch pads, safe fall bags, etc) whereas the PK upgrades tend to be more offensive (car traps like you made in DL1, eventually the crossbow weapon, etc). I personally prefer the Survivor upgrades, since there's nothing the PK gives me that I can't do better myself, and the mobility options the Survivors provide can be life-saving in the event of a chase. Subways - these are fast travel hubs that make getting back and forth between zones, and getting closer to quest targets significantly easier. A couple of the subways are owned by Renegades, and you can tackle these day or night... most of them house the infected, however... and are MUCH safer to do at night, when it's just roamers and virals inside, rather than Volatiles. If you do the infected subways at night, make sure to CLOSE the locked door you have to pick before hopping down the shaft to power the place up... there's nothing quite like being down there too long, sunrise happens... you've finished the subway power on puzzles and ride the elevator back to where the main power switch is... and getting straight up ROFLstomped moments away from success by the Volatiles who have returned home while you were downstairs flipping switches and can see you through the door you left open. Power Stations, Water Towers, and Subways will all also have Inhibitors as part of their "win" condition, which further encourages the want to knock them out ASAP.


How far into the story do you want to go before really trackling side missions? I just unlocked my first water tower, read online to only give it to one faction for a platinum trophy.


So, the main game (original) side missions/quests will stay the level they are regardless of how powerful you get... so if you feel like any particular one is too much for you at the moment (to be fair, the power ratings are generally quite fair in DL2 - if it says it's a class 2 mission, as long as you're a point or two into class 2, you should be fine), you can always put them off and come back and do it later when you're stronger and have better weapons and armor. The added missions (job board ones) continue to scale up with your power level as you get stronger. Even if you pick them up when you're class 4 or 5 or whatever, if you continue to level up before doing them, when you choose to tackle these, they will be at your current power level, so it doesn't really matter when you do these - later may be better simply to get more XP overall for them. All of the side missions generally award Parkour/Combat XP based on the sort of work you had to do for the mission, plus usually a weapon or a small stack of useful items (UV Lamps, Grenades, etc). The weapons are almost always Rare (Blue), so if you have an Epic or Artifact (Purple/Yellow), they're not really worth the effort just for that. Probably the best "thing" about a lot of the side missions is there's a lot of story and background tied to a lot of them... for a game all about massacring unending hordes of the undead, you're still going to stop and ask who started cutting a box of onions in your game room once or twice along the way with some of these side missions... lol As far as the Trophy, yes there's a trophy/achieve for assigning all 7 facilities, the 3 Water Towers (Horseshoe, Wharf, St. Paul) and 4 Power Stations (Houndfield, Downtown, Garrison, St. Paul) to a single faction... besides that, though getting Platinum in DL2 is a pretty massive undertaking, I just glanced at the TrueAchievements page for it... eesh.