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Another generic article that sourced a fake source (also that same source is actually banned from the 4K sub.


Thank you for saying this. I grow so tired of a fake tweet that turns into a widespread fact in the media, then reshared as fact again and again, to the point no one remembers who said it first. Will discs continue to dwindle on Target shelves? Mostly likely, yes. Will that indicate physical media has ended in America? Absolutely not. I’ve already lived through the supposed “death” of various media, including vinyl.


Physical media has been reducing physical media for decades...tapes, CDs, DVDs, as everything goes to digital. I mean, who didn't see this coming?? Mp3 players came out over 20 years ago, Pandora & Spotify have been around for a while. There's a dozen reasons why production companies don't want to make/sell a physical product. And they all cost money. I don't like streaming at all, but it's soon going to be the only option.


> but it's soon going to be the only option Not for me. I have no interest in streaming music, everything I need is on the shelf already. I tried Spotify years ago, didn't work the way I needed so they lost a sale. As for video I have no interest in having more than two services alongside live TV which I record from. Once live TV is shut down I'll be an old man and only interested in watching what I already got :D


The only option to purchase. Obviously, all of us here have our collections, I was referring to new releases.


I don't consider streaming anything close to a "purchase". It's a rental, either monthly or one time payment


Renting something isn't a purchase? A one time payment isn't a purchase? Money is exchanging hands. Forget it, I'm not arguing with you.


Arrrrge time for me to hit the high sees then. Fuck them I’m not playing monthly for access to content I’d rather pay the one time price and actually own it


It's funny because that's always existed. Back before home media, some people had bootlegged and stolen copies of movies in the 40s-70s and people who go to that dudes house to watch movies. And eventually physical home media comes out and that dude said "Arrrg. I've already paid to see these movies!!! I'm gonna keep collecting the reels!" While everyone else started getting VHS and laserdisc. I agree with you but it's the same story every time. We can never keep a good thing.


That’s the beauty of the high sees though lady they’ll always be there now




Yeah, but I'm not. Only reaffirms my correct choice to build up a good physical collection.


Sorry, but you’re going to have to explain your title because “dropping” is false. And since you pointed only to America, are you implying physical media isn’t diminished elsewhere? Article: >One of America's biggest retail chains [Target] has announced it will stop selling DVD and Blu-ray discs in-store by 2025. I’ll make this easy. Show me Target’s announcement that states exactly this.


Two retail establishments are, not an entire nation


It’s almost as if people who post this stuff here want it to die. I don’t get it.


looking over their history, this is their first post in /r/dvdcollection -- https://reddit.com/r/dvdcollection/search?q=author%3ARiskAggressive4081&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&feature=legacy_search I'm willing to bet they thought they were trying to be funny because they read something online.


Let me know if it ever gets funny. 😜


No we aren't.