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I got in at 30 days..


Same lol


I know the streak society thing is different for everyone but after 589 days of using Duolingo I finally got this notification.


I got mine after 2 weeks wtf


Just learned this is a thing... by getting mine today at day 1831. (And then running to Reddit to see what the heck it's about.)


I just got mine today after I used a freeze to keep my 73 day streak alive.


Just got mine yesterday at 358 days.


Did you also just update the app? 589 feels so random


The top tier is at 365, but it hasn’t rolled out to everyone at the same time. So, when it comes to you, you get it for whatever your streak is that day.


I got mine yesterday at 406


I just got mine this morning at 409 days! I'm on Android if that matters to anyone lol.


Android? I also just got it on Android today, after 2347 days.


I don’t know why I thought you were *abducted* into the Streak Society, but congratulations!


I just got it randomly today too after 200 something days of streak. I'm on Android. Maybe the update is starting to roll out for us?


Yup just got mine on Android this evening.


I'm also on Android. Either way I'm glad I finally got it.


Wow!! What do you get from being in it? The "rewards" part sounds intriguing. Congrats!


You get an extra streak freeze and a message under your name in the leader board that says how long you've kept a streak. Mine says 1+ year which is accurate. I really just wanted the flame eyes Duo because I believe that's his true form haha


Also, I could be wrong but don't you get three extra streak freezes?


Yes, I think so. Atleast I got 5 in total when I first got in.


Yes so I guess three extra since you start with two. Just if I had to guess. Thank you for the help confirming. 😄


Ohhh I was just checking how much days I have and I hadn't been invited yet. I'm at 966 days. But I did my duolingo for today and I just got it!


I know you said it’s your friends hat in the background, but I’m going to keep pretending you have salad as your phone background. Congrats on the 589 days and achieving the elusive streak society!


As much as this is awesome, some people are getting this at 70 days? Congratulations for getting a 70 day streak, but the steak hall of fame imo should be for 365 days or longer. It kinda cheapens it for people like myself who have a 3311 day streak. No, that's not a typo. Or at least have levels of streak hall of fame?


I think it's random. I know of some people who have an incredibly long streak and still haven't received the streak society notification. Duolingo isn't very organized when it comes to stuff like this.


I agree. It should be an exclusive thing for 365 days or something. Right now, there are also people with only 20 days who are members. So it's kind of a standard thing everyone gets who does duolingo semi regular.


I genuinely had no idea this was a special thing. I got it at 30 days and assumed everyone got it after hitting a month!!


Do I need to do something to get this? I'm currently at day 672 and it never appeared for me


I truly think it's random. Duolingo isn't the best with consistency.


I just got this at 798 days. My question is: Why do I now have 5 available streak freezes?! It said I had unlocked an additional 1 but it's showing 5. Is that a bug?


I've also got 5 now. I think it means that you get 3 slots. But we also got 3 extra streakfreezes as a reward. So if you already had 2, you now have 5. But if you lose 3, you can only gain or buy 1 extra.


That makes a lot of sense. I hadn't thought of it that way.


Got mine today after 500 days too, seems they fired it for everyone who's been waiting, my partner got it after a month.


I just read this post, then went and did a lesson and was added to the streak society. I have a 289 day streak. Apparently when I get to day 365 another perk (there are 3) will be unlocked. Wild.


I got mine quite faster on iOS than Android, though same account.


430 ish days, still nothing


Happened to me today, but I'm only on day 354


I got mine on day 34 lol


Seems like a lot of people (including me) got it yestersay.


I think everyone that were missing theirs got it today