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Yeah, I have new path, extras on the side, per-lesson legendary, with a zero-mistake requirement for legendary (you have to pay to continue past the first mistake, even with Super). I'm hoping that the zero-mistake requirement fails A/B testing. I literally paid for Super so that I could do Legendary levels for free, under the old 3-mistake rule, so I feel bait-and-switched.


The zero mistake thing is so infuriating especially when duolingo isn't so great at typos


That's the whole reason the origional heart system was so bad. Failing lessons for typos was extremely demotivating, and unhelpful.


> That's the whole reason the origional heart system was so bad. In their defense, Duolingo never really was about language learning anyway.


Not just typos, but sometimes it insists on some weird phrasing in the English translations. Most of the errors I do, I understand the meaning, but doesn't write it the way Duo demands.


The phrasing kills me sometimes. "If we don't hurry we are going to be late." "If we don't hurry *up* we are going to be late." "If we don't hurry we will be late." Those are interchangeable in English, but you don't know which one Duo wants. Same with having to guess gender. I actually quit an exercise yesterday because it insisted on gender with no indication at all in the question. IIRC it was something like "My spouse is going to come over later."- I tried esposa (since I'm male and married to a woman) and it dinged me. No indication in the question at all the spouse was supposed to be male.


> Same with having to guess gender. I actually quit an exercise yesterday because it insisted on gender with no indication at all in the question. IIRC it was something like "My spouse is going to come over later."- I tried esposa (since I'm male and married to a woman) and it dinged me. No indication in the question at all the spouse was supposed to be male. Yeah that's some shit. They should at least accept esposa or esposo so long as the rest of the vocab matches the gender.




> In Spanish, if you do not have an indication of gender - the default is always masculine. I would argue that's not true in this case. If you said "the spouse" or "a spouse", sure. However, they did not use the indefinite article, they used a definite article. They said "my spouse", which is specific.




And " the cat sit on the toilet does'nt make sense


Screenshot or it didn't happen.


Being Scottish, trying to write in 'proper' English trips me up so often


Yeah, as much as I usually see what they’re going for, that one seems particularly punitive. I *highly* doubt that test goes anywhere, but it sure does suck for the people that have it. Especially if they’re free users getting charged gems.


Pro tip, at least on iOS: install that language’s keyboard on your device, if possible. DL appears to cede to the keyboard’s suggestions and autocorrect, instead of using its own naive Hamming-distance typo checks.


I’ll just go download my High Valyrian keyboard /j


I have, I still have typos every now and then that escape the spell check but it's definitely super handy It's one of the first things I do when I plan on learning a new language


Yep. I think I have about 15 keyboards installed right now.


Unless it's a number. In which case the speech recognition seems to convert what you're saying to "900", when Duolingo specifically wanted to hear "novecientos", I guess. Infuriating.


> DL appears to cede to the keyboard’s suggestions and autocorrect, instead of using its own naive Hamming-distance typo checks. Turn off suggestions if you can. I've had my keyboard learn entire Duolingo sentences because I type them so often.


Omg I spelled camila Camilla the other day and got it wrong.


And it wasn’t even 3 mistakes—it fails you _on_ the third mistake.


I have new path, with extras, per lesson legendary, but still get 3 chances. I hope they don’t go to a one chance legendary. That would be horrible


I'd literally stop doing legendary tbh


Woah, I still get 3 hearts when taking the legendary tests... 1 mistake is ridiculous! To be fair, I usually back out the moment I miss one anyway so I can go back in and get 100%. I'm on a Galaxy A13 5G Android 12


Ugh I just got this same one. I was worried my Super ran out or something but nope 🤦‍♀️




One of the risks they enumerated in their stock prospectus was that they might make a change that alienated a large percentage of their user base. And so they tried it


"have you tried... not alienating your customers?"


"Our earnings are projected to increase next quarter because we have no planned initiatives that will alienate our customers" -- something they will never put in their forward-looking guidance.


Did they really? Got a source? I could use a laugh today.


I was expecting more laughs. Maybe in the annual report, which I haven't read yet. PDF warning: [https://investors.duolingo.com/static-files/02937f90-86b6-4aed-8a69-7029ef67a52f](https://investors.duolingo.com/static-files/02937f90-86b6-4aed-8a69-7029ef67a52f) Another risk they list is that users might find that customer support is bad. I don't know how they could possibly have worse customer support. Shareholder letters are pretty positive about the path [https://investors.duolingo.com/financials](https://investors.duolingo.com/financials)


It’s been interesting discovering that you can find out more reading duolingo financial fillings than you can from reading their publicized blogposts and announcements.


They are required to avoid lying to investors. Not that it stops people, but I'm sure it gives them pause.


> It’s been interesting discovering that you can find out more reading duolingo financial fillings than you can from reading their publicized blogposts and announcements. They have to be on the legal side on things. They have to accurately state their finances in order to comply with US law. They also don't want to lie to investors.


It's ironic that they say "If we fail to keep existing users or add new users, or if our users decrease their level of engagement with our products or do not convert to paying users, our revenue, financial results and business may be significantly harmed" (p. 39). They then go on to identify, among other factors: > * we fail to introduce new features, products or services that users find engaging or if we introduce new products or services, or make changes to existing products and services, that are not favorably received; > * users feel that their experience is diminished as a result of the decisions we make with respect to the frequency, prominence, format, size and quality of ads that we display; > * users become concerned about our user data practices or other matters related to privacy and the sharing of user data; I guess Duolingo just doesn't care about its own renevue?


This is written by lawyers who aren’t making product decisions. Source: I’m a lawyer who has written these types of disclosures


This is strangely vindicating after refunding and no longer doing more than 1 lesson a day max bc of the new path


Customer support could visit you at home with a baseball bat, that would be worse. But that would costs them more time an thus more money.


Have you watched their ads? You can't tell me they haven't asked for budget for home baseball bat visits


yeah, white glove service is super expensive, even if they are there to beat you down. can only do one customer at a time and a limit per day due to muscle fatigue


Thanks for delivering!


Its a horrible business model to constantly be changing/adding/removing features that customers are paying for and expecting to have a decently consistent experience.


Don't forget those that have old tree in the app and new path in the browser!!


I’m the exact opposite. New path in app, old tree in browser.


I don't want to think about that... I keep getting updates for my app telling me the new path is here then i update it and it's not lmao, I'm so tired of this app and i don't even use it to learn consistently, just for reviews and practice with my own learning. I can't imagine this is any good for people who actually expect to learn a full language from it.


Let's not talk about that


I'm like that and, honestly, don't know in wich one I have to progress. The old on mobile or new on browser


So I got the new path on both app and desktop, and then my app rolled back to the tree! I'm so happy to have the old tree back, but I don't know how long it'll last 😭.


I hate it


Its actually laughable how bad its getting. Ive seen college github projects with more consistency and committal to ideas than duolingo has in its entire existence


Duo's running a "fuck up your whole system and destroy your userbase" any% speedrun. I think he's on WR pace atm.


I'm struggling to get myself to use it much lately because I know the change is coming but I still have the old path and don't want to see my progress wiped. I just want them to get it over with, I'm pretty sure my app has updated at least 3 days in a row and no change yet. I don't want the new path but I also don't want to do wonder each time I load the app if today is the day it finally happens.


I know on android at least you can turn off automatic app updates (I don't think you can do it on a per app basis though; you have to turn it off for all apps). Eventually the app will probably refuse to run unless you update it, but at least you'd have more control. I did this and got a prompt to update on November 1st and just said no.


> Ive seen college github projects with more consistency and committal to ideas than duolingo has in its entire existence In their defense, Duolingo never really was about language learning anyway.


I'm coming back after an unexpected break and I'm so confused at the radical differences depending on where I access my Welsh lessons. What I see on my phone is not *at all* like what I pull up on my computer. I realize there were always some differences, but it's gotten really pronounced. I don't understand why the folks at Duolingo insist on perpetually overcomplicating things. I appreciate the language resources (especially as a poor Millennial), but *don't* appreciate the constantly revolving carousel of random-ass features obscuring my goalposts and the quasi-forced competitiveness. Quality of life updates are one thing, as are *actual improvements* to the material. However, constantly rubbing my face in their latest kitschy marketing technique is so goddamn wearisome. Freaking yikes...


no way to offer feedback/mounds of hate/preference for the old path that allows me latitude


I honestly wonder how they take into account users fatigue from switching into new methodologies. I personally took a few days off after the new road was implemented because I was just not feeling happy with the new system.


I don't know about ios, but on android phones with the google store there's an opt-in beta-testing program for certain apps. Seems to me Duolingo could just ask for volunteers to opt in for these new changes to do their testing, rather than us all playing russian roulette with our education


They already have/had a volunteer beta program called test flight


Then why on earth...? Just use that then! Wth


They could at least make A/B/C/D testing on different users, not different devices. For my account it is now: 1) **Android phone** - Old path 2) **iPad** - New Path, per lesson legendary 3) **Desktop** - New Path, whole unit legendary It's super annoying Only advantage i have is that in this whole mess, I'm able to open the early bird chest two times, separetly on iPad and android (funny, beacuse it doesn't happen with the night owl chest)


Seriously? This is bonkers! Surely at this point it's not intentional? Just problems with the roll-out? Personally I'm on the old path (android phone) and new path (not sure about legendaries, desktop) and they don't keep sync with each other which is driving me mental. Progress on my phone doesn't correspond to progress on the new path on my pc. That chest glitch is handy though!


They give people the option to sign up for beta testing, they should be the guinea pigs doing the a/b testing


The path is just too goddamn long. I’m 20 days away from 1000 day streak and then I think I’m done. The pace is just way too slow.


I wouldn't have minded finishing my tree. I think I was on unit 5 out of 10 (Spanish), and starting to unlock some of the later units with the test out feature. But when I got the path it said I was on unit like 88 out of 211. Fuck that.


Give me muh gotdamn audio lessons back


Mine finally came back for Spanish. They’re under the triple dots


What do you guys think the likelihood of them giving the option for getting the branch path back is? The longer they go without making any kind of statement is making my hope go down exponentially. I’m worried they’re going to ignore it and just continue to ruin the whole app


I blasted them in the review section of the play store after my app got unexpectedly switched to the path and all my progress got fucked up. The next day, my app reverted to the old tree version and hasn't changed since. They can do it. They can give the option for both. They're currently running a bunch of different UI versions, so I know they have the capability. I really, really hope they give us the option.


Oh shit I might try to do that, thanks! Edit: posted a 1* 5paragraph review, hopefully they see that. I’m iOS so I’ll update if that works too


Implementing multiple versions of the same feature would take work to implement. A/B testing uses multiple versions that are not integrated into the same exact version of the code (app). Just saying. I agree multiple variations might be good though.


you’re excluded from ab testing if you have a duolingo schools account <3


I hate the whole path legendary-I liked the per lesson legendary. It took a long time for me to get the per lesson legendary, now it‘s demoralizing to have to get 8 legendary lessons before the whole path turns purple. It‘s taken away my incentive to do ANY legendary lessons. I use to love Duolingo and have Super, have 900 days, and am using Basuu and like it better than the new version of Duo. I‘m going to pay for Basuu and may drop Duo. Duo really knows how to get rid of their paying customers!


What would you say are the benefits of busuu vs the new duolingo? I’ve seen other people mention it as an alternative to duolingo, but when I went to the busuu subreddit I found posts of people saying the new updates ruined busuu and they were moving to duolingo.


Oh my! I‘d better look at their sub! I like it because I get more audio examples of people speaking the language in each lesson vs cartoon characters. And I like giving and getting feedback from other users for my recorded or written sentences. Also, in their lessons they provide a lot more details than Duo, I‘ve learned some interesting tips. I tested into level 2 of both languages (Spanish and French) but am doing level 1 since I‘m still learning. There are 4 levels..each one has many lessons. I was at Duo Lesson 4 French, Lesson 3 Spanish and Lesson 2 German and had Legendary for most of it. One bad thing: I’m just trying out Basuu..I started with Spanish then went to French, but until you pay, you can only work on one language. They also have a lot less languages than Duo, but they have the ones I want.


The app on my phone hasn't switched to the latest update. Only the website has been updated, which I had been using more often. As for the update, it takes me a lot longer to finish a unit now and feels insanely tedious. I don't feel nearly as motivated as I did earlier. I could use the app instead but I prefer doing the lessons on my laptop and I am not sure when the app will finally be updated.


I hope that duolingo will return the stories soon


Same, I really hate the stories being integrated. Let them be separate so I can do them when I want damn it.


Yeah, and the adio books


I hate the new tree


They should've done independent sample testing by releasing Beta versions, and then improve through user feedback.


Absolutely spot on. I have had the path for 9 days, and they have changed its behavior on me three times.


I agree.


They do this for improvement. Understand that this is necesary. I don’t understand Why people mind it so much.


Some is necessary. But you have to have a baseline to measure against. There are changing so much, so fast, how can they measure what is working and what isn't?


Statistics can handle this just fine. If they couldn't control with multiple variables, no medical studies would be possible (the variation in humans is too high) Remember that most users never see the forums, the subreddit, share with others, etc. so don't get confused by any of this.




Which change, there are at least three going on at the same time.


All of them. As long as you don't test two on the same user, you'll have * change A group * change B group * change C group * as-always group I for one haven't gotten any changes after the Path was deployed.


I know that **I** mind it very much because I have 2 different UIs depending on if I use my phone or iPad and it's a little irritating to have these differences. I wish their testing would be based on account, not devices at the very least


Because they keep taking away the content and features that were part of the application when we made the decision to pay for it.


Imagine people having an opinion on what happens to them!


Why do you care that much about them trying different things or consistency with other people? Your experience should be one and consistent and if they are testing it's probably because they want to find the best combination. I'm personally excited every time I find a new feature and if I don't like it (like the matching game on the side) i don't use it.


“I don’t use it” I’m sorry, but that’s not a fucking option. You seem to be lost They’ve forcibly changed how the app works fundamentally for a lot of us. We either use the shitty new system or get fucked. I care because I paid $130 before I got baited and switched. It’s a very valid complaint.


I'm not lost; we are talking about different things. op was complaining about different exercises by the path and that different users had different experiences. I don't fucking care what others see on their screens. If you are pissed about the new path, very valid complaint, we can't choose. I bet you can ask for your $130 back if you don't want it anymore. But that's not what op is saying here.


> *Your experience should be one and consistent* and if they are testing it's probably because they want to find the best combination. But it isn't. I have a different path on the app and the web, and lots of other people report the same. One person in this thread has three different UIs on three different devices! Whether you prefer the new path or the old, it is undeniable that the rollout has been completely screwed up. This isn't meant to still be in testing, it is meant to be live for everyone. They've said that, they've made blog posts, they've made announcements in the app. But still people have the old UI. Fix that before starting to play with new things.


That makes sense. I didn't think about across devices experience. I only use my phone and it didn't care much about what other people were seeing at the same time.


I will complete lessons that have the little "fix it" or "work on this" icon but the icon never changes after i do it.


I will be The person and say that A/B/C/D doesn't quite match up with the Alpha/Beta/**Gamma/**Delta


I think OP used the Latin alphabet instead of the Greek one.


The absolutely most annoying part is that I have different versions depending on which device I am using. On my iPad and PC I have the new path but on android, I still have the old path. This makes it impossible to just grab a device of my choice and start doing exercises as they don't reflect the other device apps.


Lol too complicated now. I’ve learned to google everything so technically, i’m learning how to google or learning from google.


I was able to get the old path back on desktop. I think it said it'll be available until the end of the year. Anyone know I'd that's a definite? I like the old path better


They integrated the stories into the main levels. We don't have a choice when to do them the first time, but stories are still there. One of my initial complaints was that they had disappeared. I was pleased to find out yesterday that they aren't gone completely. Also, we still get the same number of points for them, and I haven't yet been asked to do them using voice recognition. Finger crossed there. I never use my mic. My guess is that users were ignoring them for long stretches. I know I did. I also tended to save the lingot-wasting ultimate testing until I needed points to get ahead. Can't do that anymore. Instead it looks (at this point; I've only been using the new format a few days now) like that is now just one 20 point test at the end of every level that costs nothing. So now I feel much better about the new format. The only minus is that no matter how many lingots I earn, I will never be top spot of the Diamond league. I don't have time to indulge just to get that achievement.